From Pop to the Top - Funtastic Adventures in the Summer Sun!

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Hope your day was fantastic! I have enjoyed seeing all the has helped find my happy place after a horrible week at school. Luckily, my children at home have been rather pleasant this week. Could be the 2 visiting elves....:santa:

Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!
I hope your long day went well and all your car troubles are almost behind you.
Hi, MeMom! I'm Bailey. Looooooong time lurker here! I decided you need some youngins' around here. I just turned fifteen last month. And I live in Tennessee! Knoxville, to be exact. I have to say, I love your family! I wish I had brothers and sisters. And time off of school to go to Disney! I had to skip basically this whole report to catch up, but I was wondering if you have a trip in the plan for the week after New Years in 2012? That's when I'm going next, so I'd love to meet your crazy family!

Anyways, I just thought I'd give you my life story there as an introduction. I should become a regular! :goodvibes
Happy Thursday! (Is this week ever going to end?)

Yes, John should know better than to make a silly face, but I needed the laugh this morning.

It was long one, for sure! I spent what felt like a hundred hours at school this week and had to work out all the car issues. I am so happy to be home with nowhere to go. :goodvibes

That last picture is fantastic; a keeper for sure.

We'll have to get others in the group to add crazy faces to pictures next time.

Happy Thursday everyone! I have been listening to Christmas music on the way to work. I am so excited to leave in 8 days!!!!!!!!!! I think we will focus mainly on holiday stuff this time. My little one, Blake, really wants to eat breakfast with Pooh.
It cracks me up that your family on that side has all boys. It is like that in my family. My mom has 7 grandsons! My husband's family is mostly boys too. I really do not know what to do with a little girl.
I am so glad you got the check and can get a car soon!!
I hope you survive today!

I told Dawn (Brandy's mom) that maybe Jill will have three girls. Jill keeps reminding me that two are giving her her money's worth for right now. Hopefully, she'll change her mind in about a year. ;)

First I am very sorry to hear about Drew and your car, but I am glad that Drew and his passenger were not hurt.

I was so far behind because it looked like for a little bit we would have to cancel our trip and then it all worked out we just had to postpone it for a couple of months. During that time I stayed away from the Dis because it was just to depressing to read about other people trips when I didn't think I was going to be able to go on my own trip.

I hear people say it's depressing to come here when there is no trip planned. So far, I have not felt that way, and I hope I never do. I am very glad you will get to go on your trip after all. :cool1:

Have a great day, all!! The weekend is nearly here!

I need to make some decisions on my hotel for my May solo trip - any suggestions, anyone?

Have a fabulous day!!

It arrived - Hallelujah!!! :dance3:

I guess your resort depends on your budget. What did you have in mind?

Ahh yes.. The "Ball". We used to call it that too! Little Guy calls Epcot, "Apricot". So that's what we called it the rest of the trip. :

Hey! Is that a 'hidden' MeMom picture I see?! I see you!

Yes, I did the floating head.
See what it got me, though? I'm driving backwards! :scared1:

We love Spaceship Earth! The perfect family ride.

I've been meaning to ask you if you ever go see the Nutcracker? I have an ex-coworker whos daughter is going to be Clara. I text her today and she said they are there now and will be until Christmas Day.:scared1: Payton is only 11 and she's a fabulous dancer.

One of Jill's high school friends has a daughter in it, I believe.
We don't plan to go, though.

Good news about the cheque arriving on time!

Looks like you are having a busy day today, sounds like my life lately.

Only 23 more shopping days left til Christmas and the madness will end!

Funny, I had a craving for Chinese food tonight...must have been thinking of your cultural day (subconsciously)

I came home to chili instead.

Sweet Disney dreams!

We had egg rolls, rice dishes, spanakopita (sp?), and just all sorts of stuff last night. Trouble was, we didn't have enough. I left before the last sample plates were gone, because I was afraid there could be a mob scene! :laughing:

Hope your culture day went well. Yay for getting the check and good luck gettting the car. Happy almost friday!!

I drove it home today. it's a lot bigger than I am used to, but I imagine I will like all the space within a few days. :goodvibes

Hope your day was fantastic! I have enjoyed seeing all the has helped find my happy place after a horrible week at school. Luckily, my children at home have been rather pleasant this week. Could be the 2 visiting elves

Have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Sorry you had a horrible school week. What is the answer to all of our school troubles?

I hope your long day went well and all your car troubles are almost behind you.

It's looking good.

Hi, MeMom! I'm Bailey. Looooooong time lurker here! I decided you need some youngins' around here. I just turned fifteen last month. And I live in Tennessee! Knoxville, to be exact. I have to say, I love your family! I wish I had brothers and sisters. And time off of school to go to Disney! I had to skip basically this whole report to catch up, but I was wondering if you have a trip in the plan for the week after New Years in 2012? That's when I'm going next, so I'd love to meet your crazy family!

Anyways, I just thought I'd give you my life story there as an introduction. I should become a regular!

Your side of Tennessee got to keep your Disney Store!
Do you ever go to Dollywood?

Not sure what 2012 holds yet. We'll need to look at and compare all of our work schedules.
I hear people say it's depressing to come here when there is no trip planned. So far, I have not felt that way, and I hope I never do. I am very glad you will get to go on your trip after all. :cool1:

I still missed the people and thought about my Dis friends very often. I was also just down in the dumps for about a month and now I am coming out of it. I am so very glad to be back.
Your side of Tennessee got to keep your Disney Store!
Do you ever go to Dollywood?

Not sure what 2012 holds yet. We'll need to look at and compare all of our work schedules.

The mall that the Disney Store is in is fifteen minutes from my house :laughing:

Funny you ask that, we were supposed to go tomorrow, but I think it's supposed to rain. So my mom had a hissy fit about it. I'll get over it.
I still missed the people and thought about my Dis friends very often. I was also just down in the dumps for about a month and now I am coming out of it. I am so very glad to be back.

Good to hear. Too bad we're not living in Distown yet. We'd have a big gathering hall like Wilderness Lodge, and we could sit around in rocking chairs in front of a big fire and talk Disney any time. :)

The mall that the Disney Store is in is fifteen minutes from my house

Funny you ask that, we were supposed to go tomorrow, but I think it's supposed to rain. So my mom had a hissy fit about it. I'll get over it.

The nearest Disney Store to me is now 150 miles. :sad2:

I want my family to go to Dollywood to see the Christmas stuff one of these days, but it seems like every December is just so packed.


After Spaceship Earth, I took an alphabet picture.


There is so much to see in here.
One could spend much money. ::yes::


I tried for the thousandth time to get a good fountain picture.
Nothing I take does it justice, as I can never capture the sounds that are so much a part of being at that fountain.


I'm guessing I hung out with Bella while the others rode:



I always think of Drew when I am here. When he was little, I got him so many car toys.










Now he would love bigger toys, like these.





Waiting area.



Designs for some innovative vehicles.



Do commuter trains have workout places? If not, that would be my innovative idea.
You could get your workout done on the way home, so there would be no running out to the gym after work. When you got home, you'd be ready to just be at home.
that remote control test track car is cool! hopefully we can get back down there sometime before Caleb is too old for that!
Happy Saturday!

Charles would like one of those Camaros, too!

Drew had a rough time memorizing things for tests in school, but he could rattle off every part of a car - engine type, tires sizes, rim styles, etc. :upsidedow

that remote control test track car is cool! hopefully we can get back down there sometime before Caleb is too old for that!

I got Brooklynn the remote control Dinosaur car, I believe it was.
She had fun with that, but I don't know if she still has it or if it was tiptoed away in the massive garage cleaning. :laughing:

Yea we leave on thursday night!! Anyone want any pictures ?

I DO! :dance3:

That fountain picture is just beautiful MeMom!

I am happy that it doesn't have people in it, but I wish I would have gotten a lot more of the palm trees.


The last few from the Test Track gift shop.

Antenna toppers.






The sad thing is, it'll be no time before she really is driving.
Time does zoom by!

This was an easy alphabet picture.


I have one picture of food. Very strange. I guess it means we ate, and I surprisingly took only one picture.


Walking toward International Gateway.



We happened upon Baylor's and declansdad's buddy, Donald.



Where to now?

We walked past some fancy something going on on the beach.





We were off to visit friends.







Fun lamp in the room of our pals Mr. Marc and Miss Anita Wigd.

My sweet girls in the resort Jill would like to stay at.


The goal for this evening was to let the girls swim in the kiddie pool for a little while and then meet Trent a little later.

That crazy clown!






One of the nicest things about the Pop Century kiddie pool is that there is no climbing to get into it. It's just a zero entry circle all the way around.


It kind of looked like Mr. Clown was wearing a Japanese rice field hat from where I sat. ;)


Semi-naked child doing one of her favorite things - climbing.





We only got to stay with our Disney friends a short time. We've visited them at at least three different resorts now, so that has been a lot of fun. I can't remember what was on their agenda for the evening. Wigd, what did you guys do that night? I think they had dinner reservations somewhere.

We really wanted to go inside the Swan and the Dolphin, but we were pressed for time, so we didn't get to. That was one of my small disappointments of the trip, because I have wanted to check out those two resorts for a while.



From the boat launch.


Maybe this coming summer, I can put it higher on my list and get that accomplished.

We hooked up with Trent and Tanya here.



Maybe they were hoping to get lucky on the wait time?
I can't remember.
Anyway, we ended up here at The Great Movie Ride.

Trent being less than thrilled at the camera.


The gangster, naturally.







Brooklynn's opinion of things.


Okay, it's coming back to me now.
I think all the others went to Toy Story Midway Mania, and Bella and I went to see Little Mermaid.

We were a little way in the back, as she was about to fall asleep.




We were there mostly just to have a place to sit while we waited for the others. That's my recollection of the evening, anyway.

Out of pictures again, Jill, so whenever you are ready, go ahead with more.

Jill's family went with friends to Princess Disney on Ice today, so maybe she'll have pictures of that later. :)

If you want a Disney World shopping trip right here and right now, click on this:

If I did that right, you will be both excited and jealous here in a few minutes!
I have no idea what our plans were for that evening. What I do remember was that Bella wanted nothing to do with her stroller and wanted me to rescue her from going into it! Poor child with her up-stretched arms...
I suppose IF I would finish my trip report from last summer I could figure it all out.

I really enjoyed the Disney Christmas shopping video! A few of those items made their way home with us a few weeks ago, the Christmas Minnie and Mickey pook-a-looz are on my December bulletin board right now!
I love that you guys visit many of the different resorts when going to the world...Chris and I love to do that too! It's so neat to check out just how different all of the resorts are from one another! :goodvibes

Brooklynn's opinion of things.


Oh no...poor Brooklynn! :scared1:

I love the pics you took of the antenna toppers...there were some in there that I've never seen before. I really like the chocolate Mickey bar with a bite out of the ear...too cute! :laughing: Kind of makes me want the REAL thing!
The night of the 8th? I only know what you didn't do. :upsidedow

I remember trying to spend lots of time with Trent and it being really hot. Everyone was very tired.
Sweet, you guys had the kiddie pool all to yourselves :thumbsup2

Bella sure scrambled up that slide pretty quickly! :laughing:

I enjoyed the Christmas shopping video! I went to visit the new Disney store that opened on Times Square and it was just okay. I didn't see holiday items or anything like that. I miss the old store that was on 5th Avenue near Rockefeller Center but I'm glad we finally have a Disney store back in NYC again. It's been over a year.
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