Galactic Starcruiser - what is next for this space?

I personally believe Hugh Jackman in a 1990s X-men suit is right in the wheelhouse of what the fans want. I have been wrong before though. I thought Wish was going to be a return to form and a big win for Disney…..but I was wrong about that.

Deadpool has a smaller, but very dedicated fan base in my opinion. I have a good friend who was not really a MCU guy, but loves Deadpool.

Oh, Deadpool has fans no doubt, but I am just not sure they are the same fans. The rating makes all the difference. Persoanlly, I wish the Deadpool films had been rated PG-13, but it is what it is.
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Deadpool is a cool character and Ryan Reynolds is perfectly cast in the role. Sometimes the role is just perfect for the actor. Gal Godot as WW and Michael J Fox as Marty McFly are two incredible matches in my opinion.
Oh, Deadpool has fans no doubt, but I am jsu tnot sure they are the same fans. The rating makes all the difference. Persoanlly, I wish the Deadpool films had been rated PG-13, but it is what it is.
I have heard they are considering releasing a PG13 version along with the R rated original version. No idea if that is true or not though, but a novel idea for sure.

Joker did great as a R rated comic book interpretation. Probably my favorite comic book movie of all time other than the original Michael Keaton Batman.
I have heard they are considering releasing a PG13 version along with the R rated original version. No idea if that is true or not though, but a novel idea for sure.

Joker did great as a R rated comic book interpretation. Probably my favorite comic book movie of all time other than the original Michael Keaton Batman.

Eh, I think they missed the mark though. Deadpool was never so hard R rated int eh comic books. Sure, Ryan is great for the character and all, but he's also not really playing the character. I know movies tend to make some changes, but that was one thing that was generally good about the MCU vs. some of the other superhero attempts out there - they kept the core of the characters in place. DC never seems to get that right!
I feel like the R rating made Deadpool (the first one, anyway) stand out from other superhero movies at the time. I'm not sure if I would go see a PG-13 version but I would be okay with there being a PG-13 cut and an R rated cut so consumers could choose.
I feel like the R rating made Deadpool (the first one, anyway) stand out from other superhero movies at the time. I'm not sure if I would go see a PG-13 version but I would be okay with there being a PG-13 cut and an R rated cut so consumers could choose.
Smugpugmug gets it, and I feel the exact same way.

Me and Smugpug agreeing on things makes for a weird day though!
Escape rooms would be cool!

Or maybe a kind of new-style DisneyQuest with all Star Wars theming. They already had a few "games" right? They could add some stuff and just let that be part of a Waterparks Fun & More admission. Not a bad idea.
They have been doing lengthy over the phone surveys of some of the recent guests. Josh D’Amaro said they would do something with it. I don’t know how long it has to sit idle to get the write-off. I don’t have hope that they will do anything good with it, having done a cruise with them. Nothing can compare😭
Seems like they should be doing phone interviews with folks that didn't go. DVC members, DCL customers, deluxe hotel guests, frequent park guests, frequent dining guests... etc etc... They focused on such a niche of a niche, it was destined to fail.
Seems like they should be doing phone interviews with folks that didn't go. DVC members, DCL customers, deluxe hotel guests, frequent park guests, frequent dining guests... etc etc... They focused on such a niche of a niche, it was destined to fail.
A 2 night cruise doesn't float most DCL customer's boats so to speak..... we're definitely nowhere in their target demo! ;)
What does "respected" even mean in this context? It doesn't make any sense to use that term. They're fictional characters. It would have been a terrible idea to have them preserved in amber, frozen in their early twenties with no character development in response to the thirty years of hard life they've lived since the original trilogy. That's just not how good storytelling works, and telling a good story is the number one priority when you're making a movie. You have to have a good story and something to say. Otherwise you're just playing with action figures. You need to be a filmmaker first and a fan second.
Not sure the complete destruction of who Han, Luke, and Leia were at the end of The Return of the Jedi into who they were at the end of The Rise of Palpatine was "character development."

I am not a person who "gate keeps" what constitutes a fan and what doesn't.

I love Star Wars so much one of my children is named after Obi Wan.

But I don't like any of the animated stuff which annoys my Star Wars fan husband to no end.

I don't get why Ahsoka is so awesome and Ezra Bridger drives me nuts.

That's just to give you an idea where I'm at on the "fandom" scale.

That said, IMO, this was absolutely TERRIBLE story telling if one is considering all of the movies as a complete body of work.

And for more perspective, I don't hate everything Disney has done with Star Wars the way some do. Rogue One is my favorite Star Wars movie and I'm the rare oddball that LIKES Solo. Huge fan of The Mandalorian Seasons 1 and 2, The Book of Boba Fett, and Kenobi.
Ding ding ding, couldn’t agree more. Except for BoB and Obi Wan series. Wasn’t too impressed with those.

You summed up my thoughts pretty darn well.
And for more perspective, I don't hate everything Disney has done with Star Wars the way some do. Rogue One is my favorite Star Wars movie and I'm the rare oddball that LIKES Solo. Huge fan of The Mandalorian Seasons 1 and 2, The Book of Boba Fett, and Kenobi.
i truly dont understand the hate so many have for Solo...i liked it too.

the standalone movies were great, Rouge One is a freakin great movie.
Solos single biggest issues were some didn’t like the recasting decision, but by far and away it got caught up in a the backlash from TLJ. There were tons of ticked off fans that strongly disliked the direction Rian Johnson took TLJ and were walking away from Star Wars. Unfortunately I feel like Solo paid the price for Kennedy’s decision to hire a director whose MO is to “subvert expectations”.

I personally didn’t think Solo was terrible, it just wasn’t great either.

The issue with all Star Wars is it has been built up as a pinnacle of film, so if it’s not great many people are very disappointed. People expect a ton out of the Star Wars brand and they just haven’t really delivered much in recent years that was heralded by all as great. With Mando 1-2 being the lone exception in my opinion.
i truly dont understand the hate so many have for Solo...i liked it too.

the standalone movies were great, Rouge One is a freakin great movie.

People only hate Solo because it came out after The Last Jedi. For fans who decided that TLJ "killed Star Wars," everything in the new era became dead to them. This is ironic because Solo is very much the kind of movie that those fans would probably like - it would give them everything they want, including fan service that aggrandizes OT characters as the best ever. However, because of TLJ it was determined that anything done in the Dinsey era was bad and could no longer be afforded respect.
i truly dont understand the hate so many have for Solo...i liked it too.

the standalone movies were great, Rouge One is a freakin great movie.
110% agree. Rouge One was awesome and I thought Solo was great.

I've been rewatching everything Star Wars for the last few months. Solo was last week. I've probably seen it 4-5 times at this point and I think I like it better each time I watch it.


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