

Earning My Ears
Dec 29, 1999
Cast of Characters:

DH 50-something
DW 40-something (and author of this report)
Trip: October 17-26 (9 nights)
Hotel: Shades of Green

Arrival Day
Tuesday, October 17
Woke up around 4 a.m. to get ready to drive to airport. Too excited to sleep. We’re on our way to see Mickey! LOL Flew Southwest. Flight was fine.

Took Bonine for airsickness before flight. Had a bad reaction and will never take it again. I was depressed and out of it for two days. I was really nervous that I had become jaded or that the Disney magic had worn off because we have been to WDW so many times. Nasty thought!

Tony from Tiffany Towncar met us at the airport. He was friendly and professional. During our conversation we learned that he also worked as a cast member at the Caribbean Beach Hotel at WDW. This is the second time we used Tiffany and were very pleased with their service. It’s worth the extra price to get us there quickly and directly. Made a quick stop at a Publix for Pepsi and spring water. That’s the one thing we don’t like about Disney World…no Pepsi! Oh well, it’s a small price to pay.

Finally, we’re on our way to Shades of Green Hotel (for retired, active duty, and department of defense employees). Requested a room in the same general area as before but it wasn’t ready yet. So we stored the luggage and headed for the Magic Kingdom. We just have to go there on our first day or it wouldn’t seem like we had really arrived yet.

Rather than use the Shades busses we would walk over to the Polynesian and use the monorails or busses from there. I let my husband decide where we should eat our first meal (lunch) and he chose Kona Café in the Polynesian.

On our walk from Shades to the Poly we pass a pond and usually look for alligators. We weren’t disappointed on our first day. We saw four alligators at the same time in the water today. Later in the trip on one of our walks spotted five alligators! The biggest looked to be about 5 feet long. We understand that when they get too big they are removed.

I brought my Polynesian refillable mug I purchased this past May and made my first refill at Captain Cooks Snack Bar before lunch. (It still says 2000 on it so I didn’t see a problem. Let’s not get that debate going again!)

Got a table for lunch right away at Kona. I was exhausted and didn’t want much to eat so had black bean soup which was good. Husband ordered crab cakes and an orange smoothie. They served 2 small (too small) cakes but they were very good. The smoothie tasted somewhat like apricots and was delicious!

Finally got to Magic Kingdom. Usually I’m thrilled to be walking up Main Street and get a first glimpse at the castle. The Bonine made me feel so awful. I told my husband even the castle wasn’t doing anything for me. It was scary. Took it easy the first day. Took a few pictures of shops on Main Streets to complete a set we had a home that somehow was missing a few buildings. Now we can take a “walk” down Main Street while sitting in our living room. Not the same, I know.

Did a few of the least crowded rides. Always love TTA (Wedway) because it’s so relaxing. We were just happy to finally be there.

Ate supper at Tony’s Town Square. Husband ordered a special but can’t remember what. I had antipasto, which was very good.

Found a great 2001 wall calendar in Emporium. I’m using the 2000 version at home this year. Very colorful and was pleased to find it.

Returned to hotel early evening to finally get our room. We were anxious to get some rest for tomorrow and fill out a few postcards for our friends and coworkers at home.

Day 2
Wednesday, October 18
Woke up around 6-6:30 to get started on our first full day. Who wants to sleep? There’s just too much magic to experience but I still feel slightly out of it from the Bonine medication the day before.

Took a chilly walk to the Polynesian to have a quick breakfast at Captain Cooks. We ate there most days and find it very convenient. Shades offers a sit-down breakfast but we’re not impressed with it for some reason. We enjoy walking over to the Poly. Had the usual fruit, juice and cereal then on to the Magic Kingdom again.

I spotted a new hidden Mickey this trip. Actually, it was very much out in the open. On the ground floor lobby of the Polynesian there is a large Mickey-head shape in the slate tile. It’s near the front door where the macaws roost. Never noticed it before.

For some reason this trip we spent a lot of time looking in the stores and just browsing. I love seeing what’s new and am always amazed at the new Disney logos on clothing, etc.

Let me just say that WDW sells more pins than imaginable. There are so many beautiful ones. It’s hard to not spend a fortune. I did purchase some really nice ones. They have limited editions pins for the different modes of transportation on property. We bought one for the busses and one for the railroad. And also a Mickey MGM pin.

Can’t remember all we did today because I didn’t take any notes this trip. I wasn’t going to do a trip report but then felt badly afterward that I didn’t. So I’m using my food and purchase receipts to jog my memory.

Still in the Magic Kingdom. Can you tell this is our favorite park? We’re just a couple of kids. Pathetic really.

Had some good burgers at Pecos Bill Café. The inside has a great Spanish style courtyard feel with low lighting.

The McDonalds fries kiosk in Frontier Land was closed the whole time we were there. We used to sometimes get fries to snack on but were disappointed that it was closed.

Got a really cool license plate frame for my car. It’s royal blue with Disney characters and on the bottom in says “Been There, Done That, Going Back.” I love it! Even my mom liked it and she’s not into Disney at all.

After lunch we were still dragging so walked back to the room for a nap. We must be getting old because we needed a nap almost every day. What the heck, we’re on vacation!

After our nap we decided to try the supper buffet at Shades of Green. It’s about $13 for the buffet and soft drinks aren’t included. They offered fish, pork roast, chicken, flavored rice, salad, sweet potatoes, other vegetables, etc. Nothing special. Probably won't try it again.

Went back to room to relax and never went out again tonight.

Day 3
Thursday, October 19
Up bright and early again and walked to Polynesian to catch the monorail to Contemporary for Chef Mickeys Character Breakfast. We couldn’t get a priority seating before our trip but decided to arrive at opening time (around 7 a.m.) and didn’t have any problem getting a table.

I really like the breakfast buffet here. There’s so much variety and the food is always good. Had a rice krispie square for dessert and it was delicious. Pluto, Minnie, Chip and Dale came to our table briefly. Didn’t take any pictures. They interacted very well with the two little boys one table over. We usually try not to hog the characters so it doesn’t take time away from the families with children. Finally the Bonine has worn off and I’m back to my normal self thrilled to be in WDW.

Found a neat pin at the pin cart in the middle of the Contemporary shops. It was guitar shaped for the Rock ‘n Roller Coaster and the ride car actually could be moved to slide back and forth. I’d never seen one like it before so bought it. They are beginning to offer several slide pins. I also found one for the Wedding Pavilion that had a mini Cinderella Coach attached that also slid. It’s very cool. I only wished I had bought two so I could trade one. I never saw that pin on any rack again. Drats. I later learned from another guest that the Wedding Pavilion pin will eventually become a rack pin. I’m not a serious trader and only brought about five or six pins from home to trade. I hate to part with the pins I purchase.

After breakfast we headed to MGM by bus from the Contemporary. Checked out the line for Tower of Terror and it was very short, so I had to ride. My husband won’t ride it. I wish he would. It’s my favorite ride. I just love it. While he was waiting for me on the ride, he discovered the gift shop and secretly bought me a Hollywood Tower Hotel towel that he surprised me with back at the hotel that night. Just hung it on the towel rack in the hotel room and waited for me to find it. That was so sweet. It should go with most bathroom decors. White towel with a monogram of burgundy letters (HTH) trimmed with gold on a silver background. A green wreath surrounds the logo.

Then we rode the Great Movie Ride and did the Backstage Pass and saw the Home Improvement set. We also walked by the empty Xena Princess Warrior (?) set. Then continued on with the animation tour. Actually saw several artists working. The next big Disney film to be released is about the city of Atlantis. Doesn’t sound very interesting to me. The tour guide also said he wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually released a sequel to A Bug’s Life.

Had lunch at one of our favorite places, Mama Melrose’s. We had a terrific waitress named Debbie. Very friendly and pleasant. DH had salmon, which was very good. I ordered a small salad and Minestrone soup that were both very good. I love the oil and vinegar they use throughout WDW. I tried so hard not to overeat this trip, but that went out the window after day two. I gained four pounds this trip. By the time I lose the weight, it’s time to go back again!

Returned to Shades for a much-needed nap. But not before checking the pin cart! Found the cutest pin of Mickey proposing to Minnie with a ring behind his back. Never saw it again after I purchased mine so it must have been popular.

Back to Magic Kingdom again for supper. Went to The Plaza Restaurant on Main Street, which was just about to close, but they let us in anyway. DH had a great big burger and a vanilla milk shake served by the very friendly Nalini who actually remembered us from a previous trip. I had the Rueben sandwich, which was absolutely delicious. Couldn’t believe how much meat was on it.

The park was closed and people were leaving but we went up to the railroad station and people watched. Went in a few more shops then headed out by 8 p.m.
Something told me to log on today and check trip reports, and I'm glad I did. DH and I (both 50)are headed to WDW in 14 days and are also staying at Shades of Green. Was finally glad to hear someone being honest about the food there--it's pretty so-so, and I thank you for mentioning the Poly for breakfast. We'll probably do that, too. Did you get a chance to use the hot tub?
Thanks for all the wonderful descriptions of the new pins. The new slide pins sound like so much fun! We leave Dec. 19 and I can't wait to check out those pins.
Mama Melrose's has always been a place I've wanted to try.
I'm glad you started to feel better. There's nothing worse than feeling lousy in the happiest place on earth!
Thanks for the report. Looking forward to the rest.

"Everybody neat and pretty? Then on with the show!"

TO Floundering Crab,

Thanks for reading my trip report. I didn't actually see the hot tub at Shades, but seem to remember they were putting one in last May.
I'm so excited for you. Have a wonderful trip. I hope you'll do a trip report when you return.
Thanks for the wonderful trip report. :)


<center><img width="174"height="184"src=""></center>
<center><font color=brown><font size=5>A TIME FOR SHARING</center></font></font>
Sounds like you two were just plain having fun. Thanks for posting!
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for sharing.


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