Gay-friendly Thread!

Belle23 said:
We are planning a trip May 13-May 21 of 2006 and are planning on staying at POP Century. :cheer2:

Awwww! Looks like we'll be missing each other by a day :earboy2:
We're leaving POP on May 12th! This will be our first time there-this time we're doing value for 10 days instead of moderate for 5. I'm requesting to be in a room near the Big wheel. Sigh...And I thought my tomboy days were firmly behind me...
Belle23 said:
Hi Everyone! :wave2: I just wanted to say that you all are so funny and I have enjoyed reading this thread. Just the other day my partner and I were leaving our apartment and our nosy neighbor came out and asked my partner Amy if I was her daughter. :confused3 Now this made us roll over laughing because I am almost 24 and she is a young looking 32. :

LOL! Except I can't laugh TOO loudly because when people try to make sense of Gwen and I, I always end up being the MOTHER!!!
:maleficen :maleficen :maleficen

BTW, OK is where our two friends are flying in for their ONE trip to WDW.
:sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
This is our first time at WDW together we have both been when we were younger she on a band trip and I lived in Kissimmee for awhile in high school and my mom worked for WDW so we got in free!!! She was definetly not thrilled by her being made out to be the mother, but I just told her that woman is insane because she does not look very old at all. I am really excited about staying at POP it looks really fun I think we aren't going to do a room request I don't really care where we sleep! I am just so excited this is our very first vacation together and I am talking we have never even gone on a weekend getaway (Except if you count going to a small town in Texas to visit her family, which I do not!) and we have been together for almost 5 years. :earboy2:
Have a great trip, Belle, and tell us how you like POP!
:sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
OMG, 5 years without a trip together!!
You will love WDW, just make sure you read everything on the boards to make it an even better experience.
And always remember the Fast Passes!! :wave:
lynn71092 said:
OMG, 5 years without a trip together!!
You will love WDW, just make sure you read everything on the boards to make it an even better experience.
And always remember the Fast Passes!! :wave:

Oh believe me I am like obsessed with this board and planning I think my partner is getting a little sick of me asking how should I do my hair, what should I wear, what restaurants do we want to eat at, etc when we don't even go until next spring!! She is the type where she is excited, but at the same time we aren't going until next Spring so she can wait till May 1 to start planning. Not me I am completly opposite, but she loves my just the way that I am insanity and all!!! :rotfl2: I will definetly let you all know how our trip went!!! :earboy2:

here, here! planningness is godliness 'round these here parts! pirate:

feel free to pm if you have any questions regarding dining or parks!
joanjett1976 said:

here, here! planningness is godliness 'round these here parts! pirate:

feel free to pm if you have any questions regarding dining or parks!

Thank you so much. I think planning is almost just as fun as going. :earboy2:
RickinNYC said:
Let me clarify that it's Joe's mission to eat ice cream AND when he's eating it, he always takes a big scoop and puts it in his mouth, scrapes some off and leaves the rest on his spoon. Which, in my humble opinion, is incredibly disgusting. But it's a great deterrent from my ever asking if I can have some.


LOL! I'm sorry you guys are cracking me up...
Sorry Joe.. that IS kinda gross. Nobody wants to see what your mouth forgot to finish...

On another note, I live in cleveland with several predominantly gay communities around and I *love* it. Love the openness and tolerance tho many of the burbs aren't quite so "nice"... I notice lesbians are 'tolerated' more than gay men as far as being open but... what is WITH men who think oooh 2 women.. hot... maybe they'll want me..

um.. NO!

I'd love to join the gathering! I'm not gay... I am equal opportunity for boys AND girls;)

Cin (8 more days till dizzy world!)
I've been checking this thread periodically to see if Viki heard anything back from the Phillies.

Anyway, I've had a good chuckle with some of these posts. Sad to say, Rick, but I eat my icecream like Joe. I never even realized that. It is gross, my son does that too.

Valentine---You picked an awesome time to come here. The crowds have been low. We went to AK on Thursday after we dropped ds off at school. At the bottom is a link of pics of the emptiness.

Joanjett and Belle---Pop is a fun resort, but the rooms are noisy. We were in 1st floor of the rubix cube bld. room #9134. It was an awesome location. We were close to the parking lot, food court, computer pool. But being close like that meant that there was alot of foot traffic outside our room. We could hear everyone's conversations and everytime someone flushed a toilet, it sounded like it was in our room. To stay there again I think I'd request a top floor. Our baby woke up everytime he heard a toilet flush during the night. Besides that, our stay was great! Be sure to find the twister game. DS and I had so much fun playing it. Keep an eye out for dancing CMs at the food court.

Belle---with the humidity here, I've found it pointless to worry about my hair during the daytime. I also skip the make up, because it seems to melt off my face...yuck. If you are planning to go to popular restaurants, it is very important to get your AR's made as soon as you are permitted. Be sure to check out the menus at Allears.

Cinrell---my husband was born and raised in Parma.

Here are pics from AK on Thursday. I was so pleased it was empty!
lovethattink said:
I've been checking this thread periodically to see if Viki heard anything back from the Phillies.

Anyway, I've had a good chuckle with some of these posts. Sad to say, Rick, but I eat my icecream like Joe. I never even realized that. It is gross, my son does that too.

Valentine---You picked an awesome time to come here. The crowds have been low. We went to AK on Thursday after we dropped ds off at school. At the bottom is a link of pics of the emptiness.

Joanjett and Belle---Pop is a fun resort, but the rooms are noisy. We were in 1st floor of the rubix cube bld. room #9134. It was an awesome location. We were close to the parking lot, food court, computer pool. But being close like that meant that there was alot of foot traffic outside our room. We could hear everyone's conversations and everytime someone flushed a toilet, it sounded like it was in our room. To stay there again I think I'd request a top floor. Our baby woke up everytime he heard a toilet flush during the night. Besides that, our stay was great! Be sure to find the twister game. DS and I had so much fun playing it. Keep an eye out for dancing CMs at the food court.

Belle---with the humidity here, I've found it pointless to worry about my hair during the daytime. I also skip the make up, because it seems to melt off my face...yuck. If you are planning to go to popular restaurants, it is very important to get your AR's made as soon as you are permitted. Be sure to check out the menus at Allears.

Cinrell---my husband was born and raised in Parma.

Here are pics from AK on Thursday. I was so pleased it was empty!

Thank you I will definetly do the AR's early. Thank you for the info on POP!! :sunny:
RickinNYC said:
Joe and I go to Disney not to "be gay" but to enjoy ourselves and each other's company, enjoy the magic, meet new people, eat great food, check out all the attractions, sit by the resort pool, take naps in the afternoons, have cocktails at PI, shop all over the place and, most especially, relive our childhoods. If I had to add gay in there somewhere, it'd be pretty low on the totem pole of priorities.

As for meeting any gay DIS'ers, either when in WDW or here in NYC, I'd be all for it! We'll be in the World 10/26-11/5!

I loved this thread, what great reading!

Congrats on your upcoming 20th anniversary. We are celebrating our 20th!

RickinNYC & Billysotherdad
I loved what you said. We also will NOT be going to gay days!

We are just two Disney guests there to have a good time like everybody else. We are there to relax and enjoy each other, to spend time together enjoying every minute. We are there to have fun and enjoy all that Disney has to offer. The parks, the rides, the attractions, the food (Casey's hot dogs), the drinks and yes the ICE CREAM! We do nothing to draw attention ourselves just as we don't want to see it from someone else - someone said GET A ROOM - I agree!

We always get the same question too! Are you sisters? Sometimes it is just easier to say YES - nice to see you - thanks for asking - Goodbye!

We are going to do something that we never do though. We will be at Disney late October, this is a present to each other for our 20th anniversary. We did make a reservation for dinner and ordered a special cake with Happy Anniversary on it. We do not want a huge thing made out of it and we will explain that when we arrive. We dont want people looking at us but at the same time we are very proud of our anniversary and do want to celebrate it at Disney.

Again, great thread! ::MickeyMo
I don't know specifically about the gay aspect, but I will say that the Adventurers Club is just theneatest, most fun place!!!!
I got to this very funny thread late as well (not being a regular reader although I will be checking more as we have an upcoming trip to DLR). Husbear & I have idly talked about going to gaydays some year, but after having been to the World last june for the first time during the summer (I was one of 20,000 librarians there), I think it will be the first (and last) time that we go during the summer (gaydays or not). Between the weather (we are all weather wimps in Seattle) and the crowds, it was just *so* not enjoyable. I don't think it will matter to me whether the crowds around me are gay or straight, I will be miserably hot and surrounded by too many strangers in close quarters (I think we have a larger sense of personal space here on the left coast). We've also talked about going to the DL gayday as it's a much smaller, low-key event in October (when we typically go on vacation).

Rick -- You know if you guys are going to air your laundry in public, you're going to have to expect a response. Get off Billy's case! I eat ice cream just like he does and no one has ever told me it's gross (but maybe they're just being polite).

We also get the "Are you guys brothers?" question *all* the time (even though we don't look a thing alike, we're both roughly the same size and age). And like most couples, we've been picking up each others characteristics, mannerisms and jokes over the years so eventually we'll morph into a single person by the name of Steve&Rick.

So Viki -- Have you heard anything back from the Phillies GM? I would probably react similarly to you (be in such a state of shock that I wouldn't know what to do). Unfortunately, these days that kind of gay-bashing can (and does) still happen anywhere. Take care of yourself and let us know what happens. You've got a bunch of supporters here!
Thanks, guys, for continuing to ask after whether there has been any response from the Phillies front office. There hasn't been and I think if I don't hear anything by the end of the week I'm going to resend the letter to David Montgomery, the rep for the team owners. Whenever I hear anything I will absolutely let you all know. You've been great support.

On a lighter note, I, too love this thread and am glad people are jumping on (and back) to keep it going. It's a friendly place to visit each morning as I flip my laptop open!

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
lovesmickey said:
I loved this thread, what great reading!

Congrats on your upcoming 20th anniversary. We are celebrating our 20th!

Welcome to the DIS boards, good to have you and congratulations on your 20th!!! You all made it before us!

Because I am still in the thick of planning our Dec trip, I haven't been able to yet appropriately obsess about next year's anniversary trip, but here are a few fleeting thoughts I've entertained:

1. Stay 4 nights AKL standard Savannah room (that's booked as of yesterday)
2. Stay 4 nights AKL concierge (our very first time staying concierge anywhere, which will be booked next week)
3. Doing both of the special safaris offered to concierge guests
4. An Illuminations cruise
5. Dinner at Victoria and Alberts, with one of those special cakes from the GF bakery!
6. Parasailing (at the Cont)
7. A carriage ride (at OKW?)
8. I recently learned I can order special flower deliveries to the room
9. An inroom dining experience for two on the balcony of our Savannah room
10. If we get bored we might visit the parks

(And I think I'm kidding aboutt the parasailing, but you never know...)

What are you guys gonna do?

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
SeattleRedBear said:
We also get the "Are you guys brothers?" question *all* the time (even though we don't look a thing alike, we're both roughly the same size and age). And like most couples, we've been picking up each others characteristics, mannerisms and jokes over the years so eventually we'll morph into a single person by the name of Steve&Rick.

We get the brother's question about every time we go out. To make our life easier, the answer is usually "Yes."

And as you can see, we have morphed into one person. :banana:


Viki said:
Because I am still in the thick of planning our Dec trip, I haven't been able to yet appropriately obsess about next year's anniversary trip, but here are a few fleeting thoughts I've entertained:

7. A carriage ride (at OKW?)

I am not aware of OKW offering carriage rides. I do know that Port Orleans and Fort Wilderness do. We have not done a carriage ride, but it does sound romantic.

We love to go to FW and sit on the porch at Trail's End and watch the people go by. That isn't particularly romantic, but you can get some beverages at the Trading Post across the way and have a few cocktails. People watching is as close to a sporting event as I will ever come to.

The dinner at Trail's End is very good, and quite reasonable.


SeattleRedBear said:
Rick -- You know if you guys are going to air your laundry in public, you're going to have to expect a response. Get off Billy's case! I eat ice cream just like he does and no one has ever told me it's gross (but maybe they're just being polite).

We also get the "Are you guys brothers?" question *all* the time (even though we don't look a thing alike, we're both roughly the same size and age). And like most couples, we've been picking up each others characteristics, mannerisms and jokes over the years so eventually we'll morph into a single person by the name of Steve&Rick.

Hey there! Welcome to the board! And welcome to lovesmickey and steveandrandall as well!

As for getting on Joe's case (Billy is the dog not the partner!) about his ice cream eating habits, I just gotta. It's one of those "things" I have with eating. Grosses me out. There's a list of things somewhere around here (looks under a pile of papers).

As for the brother thing, never happen to us. If it ever did, I think I'd either pee or fall down, both from laughing. I'm half Japanese and stand 6'4". Joe is italian and irish and is 5'8". Think salt shaker and pepper mill. That's us.

Actually, Joe and I look like the two dad's who just successfully ditched their wives and children to catch a round of golf.

Lovesmickey, congrats on 20 years! Joe and I will be celebrating our 15th anniversary this October at the Wilderness Lodge. We'll be there from 10/26-11/5. :banana:
Hi steve&randall, isn't it the truth? All of our best friend couples are really one word, "danny&john," "bob&neil," and exactly in that order, never the reverse; that would have to be another couple.

In any event, welcome and Trail's end sounds divine. We saw the dinner show at FW a few years back on a long weekend spent at WL and it was a hoot.

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny:


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