Gender Reveal parties

I sometimes feel like it all goes back to the participation trophy generation. Everything had to be celebrated even if it was nothing special. There isn’t anything wrong with simply sharing the news with friends and family informally, or through the items you might place on a gift registry. It’s not really something that requires a party, and certainly not those dangerous stunt parties. If the parents-to-be want to give a reveal party, fine, but I probably won’t attend.
I sometimes feel like it all goes back to the participation trophy generation. Everything had to be celebrated even if it was nothing special. There isn’t anything wrong with simply sharing the news with friends and family informally, or through the items you might place on a gift registry. It’s not really something that requires a party, and certainly not those dangerous stunt parties. If the parents-to-be want to give a reveal party, fine, but I probably won’t attend.
EXACTLY what I was coming to post!!! Add the instagram generations, posing through life taking pictures looking for likes. Weddings that all start to look alike because they are all copying the same photos. All the houses that are decorated alike, just like the photos. I yearn for unique and creative souls living their life and not the cookie cutter instagram life.

That said never been invited to one, never going to one. Thankful DD decided to not tell anyone they were pregnant until they knew the sex and could just tell people at the same time. She doesn't like them either.

Same with showers. I don't do those either except in certain cases. DD had one baby shower and one wedding shower. Previously last baby shower went to was 28 years ago and wedding .... 33 years ago (for my sister). They have no purpose anymore since most couples don't move from their parents into marriage without the small items that are needed. I didn't even have a wedding shower 44 years ago.

Gifts expected at every turn, it just gets really old. :rolleyes:
I didn't find out with either of my kids before they were born. It just didn't matter at all. We chose a girls name and a boys name, packed 2 going home outfits, and waited to see which one we needed.

It was interesting how upset some people got over that. Some were borderline angry we didn't find out. And not just grandparents either. Some friends of ours were angry. I have no idea why.
Never been invited to one, and I have never been more happy to say I haven't been. I find the whole thing a bunch of nonsense, especially when property and people have come out injured or dead.

But alas, dh and I were one of the very few who did NOT want to know the gender of our child. We waited the 9 months and lived. We decorated the room with a stars and moon theme using gender neutral pale yellow. It was great!

I think friends and family were more exited to know the gender because it was a true reveal with you know, the actual birth. lol. Just my 2 cents.
I didn't find out with either of my kids before they were born. It just didn't matter at all. We chose a girls name and a boys name, packed 2 going home outfits, and waited to see which one we needed.

It was interesting how upset some people got over that. Some were borderline angry we didn't find out. And not just grandparents either. Some friends of ours were angry. I have no idea why.
Yay, another wait it out. :cool1:

I had a few people stunned I didn't want to know, but no one was out right mad. Just shocked and kept saying no way could they wait. That is very odd. If you wanted to know for a gift, then just wait until the baby is born. Geesh.
I didn't find out with either of my kids before they were born.
Same here. Due to being an "older" mother I had amniocentesis with all my pregnancies which also can tell what the sex is of the child, but told the doctor I didn't want to know.

I was thoroughly convinced with my first it was a boy (mostly because I really wanted a girl), that I used "he" in referring to her for a while after she was born.
EXACTLY what I was coming to post!!! Add the instagram generations, posing through life taking pictures looking for likes. Weddings that all start to look alike because they are all copying the same photos. All the houses that are decorated alike, just like the photos. I yearn for unique and creative souls living their life and not the cookie cutter instagram life.

That said never been invited to one, never going to one. Thankful DD decided to not tell anyone they were pregnant until they knew the sex and could just tell people at the same time. She doesn't like them either.

Same with showers. I don't do those either except in certain cases. DD had one baby shower and one wedding shower. Previously last baby shower went to was 28 years ago and wedding .... 33 years ago (for my sister). They have no purpose anymore since most couples don't move from their parents into marriage without the small items that are needed. I didn't even have a wedding shower 44 years ago.

Gifts expected at every turn, it just gets really old. :rolleyes:
I’ll spring for a gift for One baby shower one wedding shower per mom/bride that’s it …zero gender reveal gifts will be proffered
EXACTLY what I was coming to post!!! Add the instagram generations, posing through life taking pictures looking for likes. Weddings that all start to look alike because they are all copying the same photos. All the houses that are decorated alike, just like the photos. I yearn for unique and creative souls living their life and not the cookie cutter instagram life.

That said never been invited to one, never going to one. Thankful DD decided to not tell anyone they were pregnant until they knew the sex and could just tell people at the same time. She doesn't like them either.

Same with showers. I don't do those either except in certain cases. DD had one baby shower and one wedding shower. Previously last baby shower went to was 28 years ago and wedding .... 33 years ago (for my sister). They have no purpose anymore since most couples don't move from their parents into marriage without the small items that are needed. I didn't even have a wedding shower 44 years ago.

Gifts expected at every turn, it just gets really old. :rolleyes:
My husband and I moved out of our parents homes after college graduation, bought a house almost 10 years later. When most 20somethings live on their own (or with roommates) the are usually furnished bu dead aunts. I actually appreciated bring gifted somewhat decent stuff, especially since gifts aren’t given for the actual wedding.
Never been invited to one, and I have never been more happy to say I haven't been. I find the whole thing a bunch of nonsense, especially when property and people have come out injured or dead.

But alas, dh and I were one of the very few who did NOT want to know the gender of our child. We waited the 9 months and lived. We decorated the room with a stars and moon theme using gender neutral pale yellow. It was great!

I think friends and family were more exited to know the gender because it was a true reveal with you know, the actual birth. lol. Just my 2 cents.
I waited until delivery for my first 3 (I guessed and was wrong every time).Had 2 names, but I just did a gender neutral nursery and clothes, I knew I wanted 3 kids so it was practical. Found out with my twins because needed to know future roommate situations.
I don't see the point but it's a great excuse to celebrate and get together with people I care about. There is so much that is scary or alarming going on in the world that this would be welcome, even if I was not able to attend.
I'm of an age where this was never a thing. Honestly, I've always wondered: WHY? Even making a video of it seems too much to me.

AS a side note, someone in my husband's family (no reveal, no party, no video) had an ultrasound for #2, posted on FB what the sex was ( this would had made 1x and 1 y) and then delivered another X. She was so devasted, never really got over it and there was a divorce. No one will ever know if that was the cause, but the whole thing was sad !!
I was definitely supposed to be XX. My mom didn't even have a XY name picked out, lol
Yay, another wait it out. :cool1:

I had a few people stunned I didn't want to know, but no one was out right mad. Just shocked and kept saying no way could they wait. That is very odd. If you wanted to know for a gift, then just wait until the baby is born. Geesh.

Right!?!?! "Oh I couldn't stand not knowing. How do you plan?" Plan what? The baby does not care what color it's bedroom walls are or what it wears the first few months. Just get some gender neutral outfits and onesies, paint the walls yellow or green or white, and pick out 2 names and you're set. It's really not that difficult.

I had to have a super late ultrasound as I was borderline high risk and it was fun to see the babies profile at 32 some odd weeks. We told the tech that we didn't know the gender and didn't want to know so to tell us if we should look away from the screen at any point. She did warn us to look away if we wanted but because the baby was so big at that point we could only see bits and pieces at a time on the screen so other than the head in profile we couldn't tell what we were looking at anyway.

Granted, my first was a girl and my youngest is a boy and I will say that all the old wives tales were totally true for me so if I have another (totally not happening, we're a blended family with 3 kids from about to turn 18 to about to turn 6 and we are NOT starting over again) I have a sneaking suspicion I would know which it was before the baby was born even without the doctor telling me. My pregnancies were quite different.
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Just got invited to another gender reveal. (For my niece, the dad is my husband’s brother, who he is medium-close to.)

I do not understand the point of these parties. Yes, I am excited that my niece and her husband are expecting. My daughter and I cannot wait until her registries are online, so we can start shopping! But I also feel like for any gender reveal, the people who care the most are the new parents. I really do not care if it is a boy or girl.

So-do others feel this way? Or am I just a party-pooper?

To be honest, there is only a 50% chance we will be there, my husband starts a 6 week pretty intense medical treatment tomorrow, so we will only attend if he is feeling ok.
You asked so I’ll answer…you’re being a party pooper.

If they are excited, bearing the cost of hosting, and inviting friends and family to share their excitement, what do you have to complain about? Go if you want, don’t if not, but don’t rain on their parade.
Thankfully, my son and daughter in law had no interest in a gender reveal party. They both thought it was a stupid thing to do. Although, our daughter in law wanted to know the gender (son didn’t), as she is a planner and wanted gender specific clothes, as opposed to gender neutral. They are having a boy in May! My son would have preferred to find out in the delivery room but wanted to make his wife happy. None of their friends have done gender reveal parties.


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