Genealogy thread

So your tree isn't that large.
It’s pretty big but I do each branch at a slow pace. It isn’t in a race to be done. A family bible is a special thing meant to passed down and added to. For things that I’m not sure about I have in parentheses with a question mark.
What is everyone using for software? I've been on Ancestry for years with over 5,000 in my tree. But let my subscription lapse and not sure I want to renew it. I want to start cleaning up my tree and researching to write a book.
I have my tree saved on a USB to GEDCOM format but when I tried to upload it to FamilySearch got too many errors to continue. That was couple years ago so don't recall exactly but it didn't work well.

Also any good message boards for genealogy that people are on? I need to really start thinking about my organization and structure of the research I have done.
I've been using Family Tree Maker which syncs with Ancestry for years.
Buzz Rules,
Thank you for starting this thread and for all your information. You've generated many interesting conversations.

My question: I did the Ancestry DNA test to learn more about my Mother's origins as she was adopted. There have been many hits through Ancestry for cousins, 2nd cousins, 3rd cousins, etc. on the maternal line. I can differentiate the maternal and paternal lines because my father's family are rabid crazy genealogist LDS members and have research going back many generations.

I don't know how to use the maternal information I get on Ancestry. I thought I'd start with my mom's adoption records: I know my Mother's birthdate, year and location. How ought I proceed?
Buzz Rules,
Thank you for starting this thread and for all your information. You've generated many interesting conversations.

My question: I did the Ancestry DNA test to learn more about my Mother's origins as she was adopted. There have been many hits through Ancestry for cousins, 2nd cousins, 3rd cousins, etc. on the maternal line. I can differentiate the maternal and paternal lines because my father's family are rabid crazy genealogist LDS members and have research going back many generations.

I don't know how to use the maternal information I get on Ancestry. I thought I'd start with my mom's adoption records: I know my Mother's birthdate, year and location. How ought I proceed?
Buzz Rules,
Thank you for starting this thread and for all your information. You've generated many interesting conversations.

My question: I did the Ancestry DNA test to learn more about my Mother's origins as she was adopted. There have been many hits through Ancestry for cousins, 2nd cousins, 3rd cousins, etc. on the maternal line. I can differentiate the maternal and paternal lines because my father's family are rabid crazy genealogist LDS members and have research going back many generations.

I don't know how to use the maternal information I get on Ancestry. I thought I'd start with my mom's adoption records: I know my Mother's birthdate, year and location. How ought I proceed?
Do you have her birth parents names? Getting her birth certificate would be a great start. If you know where she was born, you could call the local hospitals to find out about her birth records if you are legally allowed to (I’m not an attorney so I don’t know the legal rules when it comes to adoption). You could maybe check with the adoption agency that handled her adoption as well. You could also check local and state laws that are about adoption and what legal rights your mom has in regards to finding out about her birth parents. You can also ask Ancestry’s experts for guidance as well.
Buzz Rules,
Thank you for starting this thread and for all your information. You've generated many interesting conversations.

My question: I did the Ancestry DNA test to learn more about my Mother's origins as she was adopted. There have been many hits through Ancestry for cousins, 2nd cousins, 3rd cousins, etc. on the maternal line. I can differentiate the maternal and paternal lines because my father's family are rabid crazy genealogist LDS members and have research going back many generations.

I don't know how to use the maternal information I get on Ancestry. I thought I'd start with my mom's adoption records: I know my Mother's birthdate, year and location. How ought I proceed?
Double post?
Any tricks on translating scanned handwritten public records in a foreign language short of trying to transcribe them?
My wife is deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep into my family tree right now and everything is in Czech.
Have you tried Google Translate? It's an app for your phone - you point your camera at a sign, or page, or whatever, and it translates it.
Have you tried Google Translate? It's an app for your phone - you point your camera at a sign, or page, or whatever, and it translates it.
Thanks. I try to avoid apps, but may give it a try since it's my wife's phone, not mine, LOL.
Any tricks on translating scanned handwritten public records in a foreign language short of trying to transcribe them?
My wife is deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep into my family tree right now and everything is in Czech.
Thanks. I try to avoid apps, but may give it a try since it's my wife's phone, not mine, LOL.
If you just type google translate into a web browser it should come up. If she speaks Czech and you have a voice to self writing program like Dragon, it may save time when transcribing the translation.
If you just type google translate into a web browser it should come up. If she speaks Czech and you have a voice to self writing program like Dragon, it may save time when transcribing the translation.
Well, it's my family that is Czech not hers. I don't speak Czech, and none of my 16 cousins speaks it. Like a lot of immigrant families, my Grandparents felt their children would be better served in the country they were living in (Canada) by speaking only English.
Well, it's my family that is Czech not hers. I don't speak Czech, and none of my 16 cousins speaks it. Like a lot of immigrant families, my Grandparents felt their children would be better served in the country they were living in (Canada) by speaking only English.
Then your best free option is google translate at the moment. You could ask Ancestry’s experts to translate them for you as well. You could email them to find out what services they can offer you.
I traced mother's side back to 1654 arrival in Virginia from London - pretty sure he was an indentured servant because ship's captain was given 50 acres of land per person transported (the headright system). Family hung around Virginia wilderness for a couple of generations then moved south to NC, SC, GA and finally AR. Not sure if they were following frontier or what. Very sketchy records -a little military, some land records, one church minutes book. Like putting together a puzzle with missing pieces.

My dad's arrival is a bit more documented - French Huguenots who fled France in late 1600s. Went to Holland, eventually fought with William of Orange to defeat King James then were rewarded by King William in 1700-1701 with land outside of Richmond, VA. Again, sketchy records for a few years but they made their way down Virginia to western Tennessee where most settled.

I've tried half-heartedly to go further back on both but haven't found records in London, Holland or France. I need to get serious about it. Would also love to discover some of the missing pieces once they arrived but a lot of records were burned during wars.
I traced mother's side back to 1654 arrival in Virginia from London - pretty sure he was an indentured servant because ship's captain was given 50 acres of land per person transported (the headright system). Family hung around Virginia wilderness for a couple of generations then moved south to NC, SC, GA and finally AR. Not sure if they were following frontier or what. Very sketchy records -a little military, some land records, one church minutes book. Like putting together a puzzle with missing pieces.

My dad's arrival is a bit more documented - French Huguenots who fled France in late 1600s. Went to Holland, eventually fought with William of Orange to defeat King James then were rewarded by King William in 1700-1701 with land outside of Richmond, VA. Again, sketchy records for a few years but they made their way down Virginia to western Tennessee where most settled.

I've tried half-heartedly to go further back on both but haven't found records in London, Holland or France. I need to get serious about it. Would also love to discover some of the missing pieces once they arrived but a lot of records were burned during wars.
You can ask each state’s archives on advice where to check next to find information where possible on subjects where you said details are sketchy. Some states have compiled backup records/sources that may have the missing data you’re looking for from colonial times.


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