Geriatric mm warriors (12/30/09)

Jocelyn: My Mac snob son says he has great virus protection. "It's called a Mac right out of the box." LOL He's right, huh?

Diane: I have 3 treatments total scheduled. It's really dark reddish brown now and peeling. I can't wait to have the dead skin off! I look so scary! I had enlarged pores and some scaring from my youth so that is my main reason for treating myself to this. Things that have bothered me for many years. I have oily skin, so I don't age too quickly. That's one good thing about my kind of skin, but it came with its share of troubles. I have J-P on good skincare already.

We had tacos for Cindo de Mayo tonight. Tom read the grill book so maybe we will finally grill tomorrow. We sat outside in the arbor and admired how our wisteria is almost fully covering it now. We'll be married 32 years on June 3 and we built the arbor for our 25th. I love my porch swing that hangs from the beams. We have a round table and chairs and Tom has a big rocker - Adirondack style. It's my favorite place in our yard. We went out there after the sun left tonight to help me over my cabin fever.

I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow. My eyes are less swollen so I am trying to get some work done.

Love to all!:grouphug:
I have my new computer back with most of the things transferred from my old one. The names in my address book are on it, but not the addresses!!! I am going to a class in the morning so hope to get that problem solved. If not I will be doing a lot of typing to get it up to speed. It could probably use some cleaning up anyhow!!

We had taco salads for dinner and I had a sugar free margarita. Not too bad, but not the real thing!! We used to always go to a Mexican restaurant for Cinco de Mayo and enjoy the margaritas too!!!!

Having company for dinner tomorrow and not as organized as I would like to be so will not be on until later tomorrow after everyone leaves.

Have a great day.

Good morning everyone! Kind of tired today. Mike's cousin is in the hospital dying from cancer. So got to bed around 10:30 and a storm came through around 4:30. Once I'm up, I can't fall back asleep. Not the best situation with AF, but I'll deal with it. I am glad we went to the hospital. We didn't know he was that bad off. Just found out 2 weeks ago he had cancer of the liver. He had quite a few tumors on it :( Please say a prayer for his family for me.

Diane, have you heard anything about that job you were talking about? Saying prayers for you about it.

Mike got a call last week that the funding came in for him to go to CDL classes. He goes today for his testing. Another prayer if you all don't mind.

I had dreams all night about this testing, him doing the CDL and his cousin. Just a really sucky night to say the least.

Lisa, hope your face is looking better each day!! The tacos and taco salads sound really good!! I had a lasagna in the freezer that I thawed out yesterday, so that will be tonight's supper. Not low carb, I know :( I don't really eat a lot of stuff that has tomato base in it. Love tomatoes but not spaghetti sauce or ketchup LOL.

Well, off to get ready for work. Have a great day everyone!!
Kathy - I'm so sorry for Mike's cousin and his family. They will be in my prayers. I will also pray for Mike and testing. I really hope it works out. I know how frustrating this is. I smiled because I love ketchup & spaghetti sauce, but don't like tomatoes! :)
I haven't heard anything on any of the jobs yet. I keep praying and my favorite saying now is 'something's gotta give!'. I really appreciate your prayers.

Jocelyn & Lisa - I'm glad you enjoyed your Mexican dinners!

I made sauteed spinach with garlic & olive oil last night with dinner and really went a little crazy with the salt. I don't know what I was thinking (or not thinking at all). It was so salty, we didn't eat it! It's Owen's favorite, so I promised to make it again tonight.

It's cloudy out today. I'm going to try to get a walk in before it rains.
Hi Ladies, just got to work, so thought I would post quick and check in.

Kathy - prayers for Mike's CDL and for his cousin...seems like cancer is everywhere I turn again...a co-workers young daughter was just diagnosed, and another good friend's cousin is in stage 4 too...Geez, you would think with all the research they could do more for this disease...I know they have come a long way, but not far enough!

Lisa - sounds like the results from the treatments are worth the "scary" immediate aftermath! So nice that you can treat yourself to this...and wow sounds like a major anniversary coming up for you guys...that is so inspiring and amazing to me that you have made it 32 years together! :thumbsup2

Diane and Kathy - we must be weird, maybe its an MM thing...I love fresh tomatoes, like spaghetti sauce and hate ketchup! LOL

Jocelyn - Im sort of in between plans too...I agree with the low carb plan, it definitely makes me feel better, but by all accounts super low carb like step 1 MM is just not healthy long term, not enough fiber, and step 2 does seems to have too much sugar for us type 2 diabetics. So I am trying to watch the carbs, but still keep the good carbs in the range Jorge suggests in order to get enough watching overall calories too, as I do think I was eating far too much on MM...all the nuts and snacks and stuff! If I really total up all the calories, I think it was too much. But I still want to look into Kathy's adrenal fatigue information and see an endo if I can afford it...Im pretty convinced my thyroid is on vacation! Must have left with my Liver and pancreas and never came back! lol

Diane - still praying for a job for you!

Lisa - lol, we have always been "connected" You and I!! Too funny that you thought I was seeing somebody and just not talking about it!

Pam - lol, so you had a feeling I was dating again too? Geez you guys know me too well!

Better get to working here, so I will chat with you guys later on!
Robin: Are you still a gym rat? I'm feeling low today with the sore face and can't see very well so just glad to have managed to get a few days off to recover. I miss being out in the Spring weather although it's windy today. I'll say prayers for all of the ill and those that need some extra boosts this week. My Dad's best friend just died from liver cancer and it was very quick. He did not abuse anything so I guess it does not only happen to those who don't take care of themselves. My Dad is speaking at the service on Friday. I feel so sorry for him.
Hi Lisa - so sorry about your Dad's friend...I sadly have not been a gym regular for over a month now...spending every single day with Dennis just didnt allow it, and now I have been spending every evening after work stopping there to spend an hour or two with Rick. He is having a tough time getting used to the silence in the house, and deciding what in the world to do next, bless his heart. He has started coming to church with me on Sunday and seems to really enjoy the fellowship there, so I am hoping he will soon find a new direction for himself. I need to find a new schedule for my days so I can get back to going to the gym regularly...I do miss going!

If I dont get back here before next monday, I want to wish all you ladies a wonderful MOTHERS DAY!!!:hug:
I love, love the new grill! Tom made me salmon steaks and grilled vegetables last night. This not being able to get my face hot is really starting to pay off, lol! We got the kind with infrared heat, which is supposed to brown and cook evenly. So far, so good. I could eat like that every day and stay on my diet a lot easier. It's when we don't know what to fix and go out that those extra calories creep in - usually in things we don't really know how to count like the dressing in restaurants. I've successfully been off the hormones for a couple of weeks now. At first, I thought I had made a huge mistake because I felt myself going crazy - like I was outside my own head, but that's gone away and I feel fine. Not too sure if it's helped me lose any weight. We'll see.

What's everyone doing today?

I hope you all have a beautiful Mothers Day!:grouphug:
Lisa - Your new grill sounds great! I never heard of that. How does it run? On propane?

I went shopping with my sister today. I bought a shirt at Macy's, but I have to return it. Too tight! :eek:

The wind is crazy outside. I'm looking at tomorrow's weather and thinking about our hike. It's supposed to be in the upper 50's and windy. Monday is supposed to be sunny and in the 60's. So I'll see what he says about doing it Monday instead. Oh - I forgot to tell you all that my son got laid off on Friday. How's that for a kick in the head?
Diane: So sorry for your son's lay off! Doors will open somewhere else, though, I just know it. Tell him to network with everyone he knows. Kids are good at that.

The grill runs on propane tank, just like other gas grills, but it's got these tiny holes all over and cooks very evenly. Burgers and sweet potato fries tonight. Turkey burger for the big guy;):yay:
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!​

Diane, your weather is exactly like ours except it seems to be one day behind us here in Indiana, where are you? I'm so excited, I need to tell you about my new walking/biking trail. We have an area of town that's a celery bog, they've worked for years preserving it for wild life. I've always known about it, but never took the time to explore it. What was I thinking!?! I'm going to see if they have any photos on a link that I can post for it. It's at least four miles round trip on a wide path through natural woods, with wild flowers, woods, ponds with ducks and geese, listening to the birds was amazing. I could kick myself for not exploring it sooner! A lot of it is shaded so it will be very walkable this summer.

So far for Mother's Day I've recieved a pretty fabric/leather Agnier purse. I was way over due for a new summer purse. And after dropping hint after two eldest daughters took me to order a Mother's ring.:goodvibes

We went last night to see my son (yes, he produces rap music) perform at a local club. I felt silly at first, DH and I were by far the oldest folks there. I had to laugh and ask, "At what point do we quit supporting our kids extra curricular activities?" My DD26 told us that everyone would just think we owned the place.:laughing: We ended up having a whole bunch of fun. It's kind of nice to be able to over see something like this an not have the worry or concern of fitting in, cause it just wasn't going to happen! There really are some perks to getting older! :laughing:

Lisa, your grill sounds awesome. Each time I light mine up I always throw a few extra things on to wrap up and stick in the freezer for lunches or quick dinners. I couldn't work this WOE without mine! Enjoy!

I wish you all a peace filled, restful day!
Pam - I'm happy that you discovered that great area to walk in!! :cool1: I feel the same way about the trail I walk on now. It's part of an environmental center that we went to all the time for harvest festivals, etc. when Owen was little. I started walking on the main part that cuts between two fields with cows and sheep grazing. There are bluebird houses on the fence that they monitor. Seeing & hearing the birds, groundhogs, cows, sheep - it's like being in Robin's yard! :rotfl: Really though.....once I started going on the trail I was so excited and wondered why I never did this before :confused3. I'm always the only one there (during the week) and it's so peaceful. I've taken some pictures, but my usb port is acting up and I can't get them on the computer. I'm getting a netbook for free soon (my boyfriend got it from his bank as a gift...I'd be lucky to get a pen!) and I hope I can upload some pictures onto that.

We put off our hike until tomorrow. Pam, we live in Beacon, NY - about 90 miles north of NYC. It's right along the Hudson River in what is called the Hudson Valley. It's 53* and very windy. Yet tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60's and sunny. Owen gave me trekking poles for Mother's Day! :lovestruc I can't wait to use them tomorrow. We went to the Chinese buffet for a late lunch. Definitely not on plan! But really delicious!

:lovestruc Happy Mother's Day to all my friends! Enjoy your day! :lovestruc
:jumping1: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! :jumping1:

Sorry I am just now getting here. Busy day. Tris and Levi stopped in for a while. She bought me a caramel wood wick candle. It is burning now. It smells sooo good and I can hear the wick crackling. If I close my eyes, I can pretend I'm at camp sitting in front of the fire LOL.

Mike's cousin passed this morning around 3am. I wish it wasn't on Mother's Day, but he is now with his heavenly father and his family that has passed before. They all seem a bit relieved as he was in quite a bit of pain.

Diane and Pam, your hikes sound so nice. We have a nice wooded area a couple blocks from us that I'd love to walk the dogs in. I am a bit hesitant because of the fleas and ticks. We have been using frontline on the dogs, but I still find the occasional flea on Bailey. She itches like crazy if they bite her. I may try some Avon Skin So Soft.

I'll stop in tomorrow morning and chat a bit more with everyone.

The start of a new week and hopefully the start of getting back to low carb!!! Needless to say the weekend was an eating fest. I can truthfully say I enjoyed every bite, but I did have too much sugar and I could tell that I had too much in my system. When you are not used to eating it, the difference is noticeable. Oh well, as I said another week! We are going to friends for dinner tonight and she is an unreal cook, too, but hopefully it won't be too bad as she knows we don't like a lot of carbs. I think she is serving salmon.

I went to 2 classes over the weekend for my new computer. I went to a class on organizing photos yesterday while Bob played bridge. My head was spinning when I got done. It is amazing what you can do with the click of a button.

Have a great day everyone - walks outside and avoiding the carbs!!:laughing:

Hugs to ALL:grouphug:

Where'd everyone go!?!

I hope everyone had a pleasant Mother's Day! :wave2:

I finally got all my plants set in among the rocks for my new rock garden! Now I get to sit, watch and wait! :goodvibes

I wanted to throw something out at you guys before I ask anything about it on the new MM facebook group. Has anyone else's weight quit fluctuating on the scale? At first I thought it was a fluke but then I went back over my weight calander for the last two months and it's true. It plateaus with no upward swing in my weight since weeks before starting back on Step I. This goes back to my thoughts that this has fixed something in me. I'm down three and a half pounds in a week and a half but still have a hard time trusting the scale. I'm going to see if writing it down for all to see will jinx me! :laughing:

Trekking polls! Diane, the perfect gift! So did you get to use them? I see it makes sense that your weather mirrors ours.
Here's a link to the page of the Celery Bog where I've been walking, the photos really don't do it justice. I went again yesterday, and my steps logged put's my route at just under five miles and I enjoy every step of the way...even while pulling two of the grandchildren in a wagon behind me! ;)

It's suppose to be windy and rainy for the remainder of the week here. I think if I can't get my walks in, I'll do Curves daily until the weekend.

I wish everyone would do a quick check in and let us know how they're doing!
Hey Pam - Thanks for the link. It looks so peaceful! What a nice place to walk and bring your grandkids! We haven't gone up the mountain yet - the weather hasn't warmed up at all. Tomorrow it's supposed to be rainy. Yesterday I went on the trails for 45 min., but I had to go to the bathroom and had to come home. :rotfl2:

I bought the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet book. I've been craving carbs and trying to find a way to have them. I hope this helps. I'm starting tomorrow. The only thing I don't like is that I have to weigh myself every day. I have a paranoia about the scale and how it plays with my emotions. :scared1:

I didn't get the job at the historic site. They said there were 202 applications and although I was qualified, I wasn't the top competitor. I also got a rejection email from another place I applied. I was so down yesterday after those 2 things. I'm feeling better today.
Hi Ladies, Sorry to be absent the past few days, but its my weekend to work, so I had Tuesday off, plus the whole Mothers Day weekend! Yay! Of course I still cant post here from home, so had to wait til today to check in with y'all...sounds like everyone is hiking, walking, doing better than I am at the exercise...ugh...have GOt to get myself back to the regular gym schedule! Just hate to leave Rick alone every evening...he is still so sad and lonely, and the big empty house doesnt help matters at all. If he didnt live so far away, I would make him come to the gym with me! Lol, lousy excuses, I know, so I am trying to see if I can re-arrange things and get to the gym in the morning on my way in to work instead....working out at night gets me amped up so I cant fall asleep until 3am!

Hope y'all had a great Mothers Day and I did hear from Sueann and Gena, so hopefully they will be back to say hi soon...Poor Gena found our her Dad has cancer...ugh...its everywhere
Hello Everyone. I'm reading a great book that I got at the library.

Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? Lots of really good insightful stuff when it comes to choices we make about food. I have a tendency to save too much stuff - at least I find a home for it so it isn't sitting out, but I still need to sort through my closet again and really decide if I need all the things I try to save!!

Anyhow, am enjoying the book.

Gina, am so sorry to hear about your father. It has really been a tough time for you.

Take care everyone.
Good morning everyone. Sorry I haven't been here. A bit of trouble with work, and it's not the best situation. Nothing I hope I won't get fired over. I really doubt it. Just can't say what happened.

Pam, who wrote that book? I do the Flylady cleaning thing (or trying to LOL) and I think she wrote a book called that. Or someone affiliated with her. They actually have a great site to help you. If you go to there are links to the "boy clutter" you are talking about.

Robin, good to see you. Hope your week is going well. Maybe when you're at Rick's house, you guys could take a nice long walk. Not quite the gym, but hey, a gals got to do what she can ;)

Diane, sorry to hear about the job. Mike just found out he passed the test to go to CDL classes. He has to go to Career Link tomorrow morning to sign papers. This means he will be doing the classes I believe next week. The 17th or 18th or somewhere around there. I'll continue to say a prayer for you.

I have to finish getting ready for work. I am still trying to read Jorge's book. I am now on chapter 3. Trying to psych myself up for it.
Later everyone!!


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