Get your bridal butt in gear! Motivational thread!


2010 UMaine Graduate... now unemployed. What to do
Aug 25, 2008
All right Brides - listen up!

We've got to get in shape (yes round is a shape!). This is now our official bridal motivational thread. We're all going to get this done!

:banana: :banana: :banana: Now start motivating!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: What a fabulous idea! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

:banana: :banana: :banana: I'm in! :banana: :banana: :banana:

And yes I do agree round is a shape. :lmao:

Let's Get MOTIVATED! I'm almost at the three month mark! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!
This is a wonderful thread!! :worship: My wedding's not until next June but I can't seem to find the motivation to get started on anything... :sad2:

I will definitely be subscribing to this!
Anyone can join our thread of motivation, positive thinking, support, and lots of :goodvibes and :lmao:
Count me in - I've lost a few pounds since new years, but I am terrible about exercising!

My goal is another 10lbs by the end of June.
What actually has helped me get more motivated was the wii fit. My fiance got it for me for Valentines day and I love it! I wish that I would spend more time on it but with studying for grad school and attempting to plan the wedding, my time is really strict. :sad2:

But if you have the money to pay for it, it's a great a little exercise tool. There's a bunch of games and it keeps track of your goals and how you're doing.
I love this I am in the process of getting motivated myself. I just signed up for a butts and guts busters class and a Pilates/Yoga class at my local park district. The first butts and guts was last week and let me tell you it kicked my butt:rotfl: . I'm gonna need help with staying motivated to go every week:cheer2: So this is GREAT!
Okay everybody :) R U ready? Whats everyone doing on Saturday to get yourself closer to your goal....Im pledging on here that I will do elleptical, weights and maybe drag DF to the park for a walk if it is warm enough
I'm joining! Saturday is a great day to start, why wait until Monday. I'll pledge to do 20 minutes of abs and 30 minutes jogging on the treadmill.
Thanks for starting this thread! I, like many of you, am trying to shape up for the big day - 8 months and 2 weeks away! I lost about 35 lbs on WW about 5 years ago and have kept it off. But I've spent the last 5 years not motivated to lose the "last 10 pounds". Santa Claus brought me an elliptical trainer for Christmas, but it just got set up a few weeks ago - the manufacturer had to replace a few parts, and eventually replaced the entire unit for us.

I decided that March was going to be my "power month" . . . time to shake off the winter blues and get my fanny in gear! To get started at the beginning of the month, I set up a password-protected WordPress blog to keep track of the foods that I eat, activities I do and migraines when I have them. It's been a really neat tool to use since I can access the site and post updates from anywhere - home, work or via the iPhone app.

For this month, my exercise has been primarily cardio - alternating between the elliptical trainer and walking outdoors when it's nice out. I'll start introducing some strength training in the next few weeks.

So far this month, I'm down 3.6 lbs, and am already starting to notice my clothes fitting better. My hope for March is to lose 4 lbs. I hesitate to call it a "goal", because we can't control what the scale says from one day to the next. We can only "influence" the scale with the foods we eat and the exercise we do. So my "goal" is to net an average of 1300 calories a day (or 26 WW POINTS) using the formula of Food minus Activity. So far, it's been really manageable and enjoyable, but I may need you guys to remind me of this a few months down the road :-)

These are two of my favorite websites . . .

The two BEST ways to indulge in a chocolate craving:

(1) VitaTops Deep Chocolate Muffin - microwave for 30 seconds and serve with a dollop of Cool Whip Free (1.5 to 2 POINTS with Cool Whip)

(2) FiberPlus Dark Chocolate Almond Chewy Bars (not to be confused with FiberOne) - These are like rice-krispie treats dunked in chocolate - marshmallow-y, butter-y, chocolate-y . . . I keep these in my desk or in my purse at ALL times. DF ate them this week while in chemo, and credits them for keeping his energy up and having his least icky treatment yet. (2.5 POINTS per bar)

Let's DO this, ladies!
I'm on a free 2 week online trial with WW at the moment, signed up on Thursday.

I would looooooooove :lovestruc to lose 2 stone for October, but I'm not sure if I can do it, I've never really tried to diet properly before.

So far I'm not doing good coz I drank too many points at a work do the very day I registered, and then hardly ate a thing yesterday for feeling so ill after said night out!!
But today I'm back on plan!!

Anyone have any more tips?

I'm not sure I'll subscribe after the 2 weeks are up, but if I think it could work for me I may buy the 'shop' and 'eating out' books instead and keep track myself, I really don't wanna spend £50 every 3 months even though the points tracker online is pretty cool!! (although I'm not entirely sure how my activity points can trade over for food points, as it says I don't have any to save even though I have activity points in there??)
This is a great idea. I think I need all the motivation I can get. This morning I went for a long walk but then was very bold this evening - went out for dinner with DF, Mum, and FMIL as its mother's day here tomorrow. :guilty:
Just as a thought perhaps we should introduce ourselves and what we need motivation for!

So as a format - how about name, wedding date, lbs to go? (and any other interesting info).

I'm Meg (bet you wouldn't have gotten that much from my s/n huh? hehe) and I live in Northern Maine on the Canadian border. Since I've moved up here I've gained 50 lbs (3 years!! EEK!) Some of it was from a medication I was on, but alot of it was just being stuck in the house and having no way to get exercise with all the snow that we get. Or no motivation to do it. I mean when the sun goes down at 3pm in the afternoon, you're just blecch - why bother?

My goal is to lose the 50 lbs, but I don't think there's any healthy way to drop that much by October, so lets go with 30 lbs by then. I've started drinking water instead of juice and have a healthy breakfast and lunch. I've started to feel better and have more energy, but the weight has just stayed the same.

My goal for this week is to start incorporating working out and Wii Fit more.

Also have you all seen this

I'm thinking of picking it up when it comes out!


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