Get your bridal butt in gear! Motivational thread!

Ok, I had my first Wi at Weight Watchers tonight! I lost 2lbs!! YAY! The first week was really hard though, trying to weigh and measure everything, but now that I know what my points are for my regular things that I eat, it should get a little easier.

I didnt get enough exercise this week! Gotta work on that. I did learn that the Merengue cookies need to be banned from my house. ALthough they are 4 cookies for 2 points, I cant stop eating them!

2 lbs down, 50ish to go!

YaY! Congrats on your weight loss! Keep it up! That has always been the hardest part for me. :banana::banana: YaY!!!! :banana::banana:
Hi everyone! I'm back from my planning session and now totally feel the need to get moving on diet!
Nothing will motivate you more than having to put on a pair of shorts for the first time since last summer! It was so hot in Disney I couldnt get by with capris, and DF and i were sitting on the monorail when i looked down at my legs - and saw cottage cheese thighs!!!!!! How mortifying - and motivating!!!!!!

I am unfortunately headed out of town for work today so being on the road makes exercise and diet a little challenging, but I am going to try!

Hope everyone else had a terrific weekend!
Hi everyone! I'm back from my planning session and now totally feel the need to get moving on diet!
Nothing will motivate you more than having to put on a pair of shorts for the first time since last summer! It was so hot in Disney I couldnt get by with capris, and DF and i were sitting on the monorail when i looked down at my legs - and saw cottage cheese thighs!!!!!! How mortifying - and motivating!!!!!!

I am unfortunately headed out of town for work today so being on the road makes exercise and diet a little challenging, but I am going to try!

Hope everyone else had a terrific weekend!

I have been traveling a lot locally with work which makes it difficult but still possible. My goal is to be able to fit in all of my shorts from last summer. If I can do it, you can do it! Have a great week!
Hi Ladies! I'm fairly new to the boards and I saw this thred and couldn't be more thrilled! I am a 2010 bride, but with summer coming up and an engagement photography session in there I am ready to kick my bridal butt into gear! :yay:

My goal is to get back to my weight at sophomore year of college. I played college soccer and was always very in shape, but of course a legal drinking age and a slower metabolism has gotten the better of me...not to mention being completely burnt out after 4 years of non stop working out!:mad:

So my goal is to lose 20lbs by a year from our wedding date (June 12th). I've started going to the gym 6 days a week, and have started a 1500 calorie diet of 5 small meals a day and no carbs after lunch (in moderation of course). I've also taken a lot of personal training courses and have started a lifting routine on my own...since saving for this wedding has dipped into any kind of extra cash I once had.

I am so excited to join this thread!! If any of you ladies have any questions on work out routines or eating plans give me a shout!

We can do this!! :cheer2:
Well guys....I hope to get back in the groove back went out and I havent been able to work out all last week....its starting to feel better today so I may try to get a little work out in but this sucks :(
Well guys....I hope to get back in the groove back went out and I havent been able to work out all last week....its starting to feel better today so I may try to get a little work out in but this sucks :(

Aw don't worry! Injuries happen to the best of us, and you'll get back into the groove real soon :hug:. In the meantime, have you tried doing the low stationary bike? You're in a low sitting position that can support your back, and will give less strain to your other muscles. Don't push it though, relax and think about how hard you'll come back in a few weeks! :cheer2:
Now I gotta get moving! I ordered my dress so I have to kick my butt into high gear!
I used the WII Fit for an 45 minutes yesterday and an hour today. My body is so sore...Need to soak in a tub.
I would have gone to the gym this morning but my son's bus was late and by the time I would have gotten to the gym, I would have had ten minutes just so I can leave in time for DF to go to work. Hopefully the bus will be on time tommorrow....

Oh yeah if anybody wants a tip, I have a protein shake in the morning for breakfast with some fruit usually a banana. Fills me up and keeps me full for a while.

I hope that you all are keeping motivated! I just got home from Curves and one of the ladies there was telling me about a fitness study that they are running. If you decide to do it is $30 for 30 days and I was thinking this would be a great way to get started. If you want more info you can check the Curves website.

:banana::banana::banana:WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:
Okay, so I've been doing WW for just short of 3 weeks, and only seem to have lost around 2 pounds in this time.

Can it be that WW just won't work for some people?

I definitely feel like I'm eating less than I would normally, but at the moment I'm not seeing a huge benefit. Perhaps it's just a slower process than the targeted 2 pounds a week for some people?
Meryl, I did WW back in 2001, and I was what they call a "slow loser" I lose about .2 or .4 per week on average, then like once a month or once every 5 weeks or so I would have a good week with the loss of a 1lb or twolbs. My body doesnt lose weight on a "weekly" timeline, but when you look back at it monthly it was pretty good. At one point my weight did not change at all for 4 weeks, I though, my clothes must at least be different. grrrr. Stick it out! Seriously it takes me months to lose 3lbs, but one bad week and I can gain 3lbs no problem. lol. They key is to keep going!

It was SO frustrating to see people come in and drop 5 lbs in one week, but once I got used to it, I just decided as long as it was going down and not up, I would stick it out. It ended up taking me 14 months to lose 38 lbs, but I promise at the end, it was worth it and I kept it off for 2 years. Thats an average of a little over half a lb a week.

You need to set goals for yourself that dont involve the scale!

Now that I rejoined and lost 2lbs the first week i was shocked, but I know my body will is a slow loser, so Im going to brace myself for a small number this week. The scale isnt going down at all at home. Im going to start wearing the exact same outfit to WI each week. lol.

Hey girls, how long should I wait before I try on dresses? Im getting married in fall of 2010, and I dont want to go and have a tear filled experience by feeling blobish. I want to wait, but how long can I wait>?
Okay, so I've been doing WW for just short of 3 weeks, and only seem to have lost around 2 pounds in this time.

Can it be that WW just won't work for some people?

I definitely feel like I'm eating less than I would normally, but at the moment I'm not seeing a huge benefit. Perhaps it's just a slower process than the targeted 2 pounds a week for some people?

Hi Meryl!

Don't feel discouraged! Going just by the scale can be a very depressing thing because there are other factors involved. If you are working out, you could be building muscle which weighs more than fat! The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn so keep up the working out! To keep yourself motivated, try taking measurments of your chest, arms, waist, hips, and legs. You can track your progress through inches lost...not the weight on the scale :banana:. Once you've built the right amount of muscle, the fat will start melting away! Also, make sure you're eating enought throughout the day. Sometimes when we diet we deprive ourselves of food which then makes our bodies hold onto our stored fat. Keep motivated!! You're doing a fabulous job!!
OK I have been a lurker for a bit on this thread..and now I am dipping my toe in! I am getting married on OCtober 10 and I certainly need some motivation and to get my bridal butt in gear.
My situation...In a perfect world i would LOVE to lose 40 lbs for my wedding..knowing that might be a bit much for a 6 month time frame..i will be VERY happy with at least 25 and a lot of toning!
My plan: to work out at least 6 times a week ( 3 of which can be cardio for at least 40 min and 3 will contain some sort of strength training WITH cardio)...I am also doing Weight Watchers and use the online tools for weight tracking/points and all the great recipes....:)
SO here i am..I hope its ok to join up now :goodvibes
Thanks for the motivational words girls, I'm going to keep plodding along :lmao:
I've fallen off the wagon... :headache:been sick the past couple of days :sick:...So, I've eaten anything that sounds remotely good. :scared: My pants have gone from fitting pretty loose bit tight. :sad2: To make matters worse it was snowing here! ***! ITS APRIL! As soon as this cold goes away and the weather is good to walk and ride and skate I'll be in a better spot...I hope :rolleyes1
I've fallen off the wagon... :headache:been sick the past couple of days :sick:...So, I've eaten anything that sounds remotely good. :scared: My pants have gone from fitting pretty loose bit tight. :sad2: To make matters worse it was snowing here! ***! ITS APRIL! As soon as this cold goes away and the weather is good to walk and ride and skate I'll be in a better spot...I hope :rolleyes1

Ok, well not that you see youve gone astray, pick yourself up and get RIGHT BACK AT IT! You can do it! Dont quit now!

You havent failed until you QUIT so keep trying!

I had my WW WI today, I lose .2 (yes that is point 2) so my total now is a loss of 2.2lbs in 2 weeks. Hoping for better next week, but as long as it keeps going in the right direction, ill keep following the program.
Ok, well not that you see youve gone astray, pick yourself up and get RIGHT BACK AT IT! You can do it! Dont quit now!

You havent failed until you QUIT so keep trying!

You just got me motivated again!!! I really needed that! I just renewed my student membership for curves for the next 3 months! Now I only have to make it there! At least I'm half way there.... :rotfl2:
.exactly 6 months from now is the wedding day!! aaaackkkk!!! GOTTA get serious with this getting in shape business..i think it FINALLY hit me that if i do not want to be a plump bride i NEED to get down to it! 6 months should be enough time to make some real changes right!?? RIGHT!?? :scared1::rolleyes:
Hey girls

Haven't been here for a while - slightly fell of the wagon :faint: but managed to maintain my weight without gaining! I'm back on though and have rejoined Curves to get that extra bit of motivation. I've lost another 2 pounds so thats 28 pounds now. I can really notice it now - some of my clothes are falling off! :banana:

To everyone having a hard time - don't give up! I've done it so many times - even now with Easter on Sunday I'm slightly worried but we can all do it! :cheer2:


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