getting fit for your trip - a place to share & ramble

I am sorry to hear you have had a bad day Alicia. I hope thing improve for you now that you have an official diagnosis
Marlea98 said:
:(. Hugs for you. We will be your cheer squad to get you through :)

Awww thanks <3

Just had a big long chat with carlo when he came home. Feeling slightly better. Have an appointment later in the month with the wesley weight loss team so taking positive steps :)
Alicia :grouphug:

The good thing is, this can be fixed. I think a support group with those with the same condition could be a good idea :thumbsup2

I had a friend who did the Wesley program years ago, she had a lot of success.
I've only heard good things about the Wesley weight loss group. You will be in good hands. You take care Alicia! :)
Alicia, having the courage to openly share your issues is a huge step. Well done! Your "inner circle" of Carlo, your parents and the friend at work, sound like a great foundation of support. In addition, you also have us, the many friends you have made on the Disboards (& on FB) cheering you on. Wishing you all the best.
Alicia, having the courage to openly share your issues is a huge step. Well done! Your "inner circle" of Carlo, your parents and the friend at work, sound like a great foundation of support. In addition, you also have us, the many friends you have made on the Disboards (& on FB) cheering you on. Wishing you all the best.

aww thanks... you guys have been amazing, and so supportive. i like to think that i put my best face foward, so to speak, via the online interactions on the dis and FB, but by coming clean, i feel like i'm being honest about who i really am, and the acceptance i've received from everyone has been truly humbling.

aww thanks... you guys have been amazing, and so supportive. i like to think that i put my best face foward, so to speak, via the online interactions on the dis and FB, but by coming clean, i feel like i'm being honest about who i really am, and the acceptance i've received from everyone has been truly humbling.


You know, sometimes I think it's easier being honest and sharing your thoughts and feelings with those you don't know in real life. That's how I feel anyway. I share things on my blog with people I don't know in real life that I would never discuss with people that I see everyday.

You are going to beat this Alicia, one day at a time, one step at a time. Share away freely here as you know there will never be any judgement, only support! :hug:
Awww Alicia, I'm sorry you had such a bad day and a tough diagnosis. :(. I'm so glad that you have such a good, close support group, but we are here too :)
aussietravellers said:
You know, sometimes I think it's easier being honest and sharing your thoughts and feelings with those you don't know in real life. That's how I feel anyway. I share things on my blog with people I don't know in real life that I would never discuss with people that I see everyday.

You are going to beat this Alicia, one day at a time, one step at a time. Share away freely here as you know there will never be any judgement, only support! :hug:

I dont have a filter so what you see/ hear on dis and fb is unfortuantly exactly what I i do agree that sometimes its easier to chat to people of like mind than deal with the difficult people we sometimes encounter in real life.....

Hang in there mate, we are all behind you..well some of us slightly behind and to the left, and a few still on the couch, and maybe one is in the loo...but apart from them, the rest of us are standing behind a non stalker avo kinda way....
australiankaren said:
I dont have a filter so what you see/ hear on dis and fb is unfortuantly exactly what I i do agree that sometimes its easier to chat to people of like mind than deal with the difficult people we sometimes encounter in real life.....

Hang in there mate, we are all behind you..well some of us slightly behind and to the left, and a few still on the couch, and maybe one is in the loo...but apart from them, the rest of us are standing behind a non stalker avo kinda way....

Oh. Love everything about this post. i full on fell out of bed laughing when i read this. If you are like this in reality then those in your life are lucky to have you :yes::yes:

Carlo keeps telling me to 'just keep swimming' in a dory tone of voice .. His version of disney support.
Oh. Love everything about this post. i full on fell out of bed laughing when i read this. If you are like this in reality then those in your life are lucky to have you :yes::yes:

Carlo keeps telling me to 'just keep swimming' in a dory tone of voice .. His version of disney support.

I like the way he thinks that man of your's.....and maybe we should have warnings on our posts that any injury caused during the reading of the post is at the readee's risk....

hope we all have a great weekend ............if only this rain would just move inland where they might appreciate it a bit minnie moo is not happy re wet feet when she has to "go" outside.....
Lol. Yes he is pretty awesome.

Here it has been bitterly hot and humid throughout the week. Now i have thunderbolts and lightening, very very frightening.
Alicia, good on you for taking that first step and asking for help.

I've avoided commenting on this thread until now, as I feel like a bit of a fraud, and weight loss is a touchy topic for me. At the heaviest I've ever been, I really need to loose weight for my health, but I just can't seem to get motivated. I could list all the excuses, but I know that's just what they are... excuses.

It always inspires me when I hear about people like you who step up to the plate and admit they need to make a change to their lifestyle.

10 months till we're on our Disney Fantasy cruise. Me thinks it's time I got off the couch and started moving.
WanderlustNZ said:
Alicia, good on you for taking that first step and asking for help.

I've avoided commenting on this thread until now, as I feel like a bit of a fraud, and weight loss is a touchy topic for me. At the heaviest I've ever been, I really need to loose weight for my health, but I just can't seem to get motivated. I could list all the excuses, but I know that's just what they are... excuses.

It always inspires me when I hear about people like you who step up to the plate and admit they need to make a change to their lifestyle.

10 months till we're on our Disney Fantasy cruise. Me thinks it's time I got off the couch and started moving.

Lol. Yes. I need to get fit and healthy not only for my own health but for our trip too :) i have a bathing suit but i certainly dont feel comfortable in front of others in it :( gotta fit on those rides and slides and be comfortable on those 14+ hour flights!!

I am not doing anything special right now, my busted knee and back make walking difficult but i am trying to be really good at watching my calories which is really helpful with :)
Ahhhhh the joys of weight gain loss gain.....i am so sick of my scales i now just look at them collecting dust and move on......and all the clothes i bought in the usa last month now are a bit snug so not too impressed with that.......

But i am 45 next month, so sue me for not looking like a 16 yr old model....geeesh....ok now off to crack open the wine, bickies and some dip and watch extreme idea of party time
My saturday afternoon fun is iced tea, a protein bar and watching youtube vids of people's disney holiday videos :)

Oh and the last time i looked like a 16 yr old is when i was 16 :)
alicia1506 said:
My saturday afternoon fun is iced tea, a protein bar and watching youtube vids of people's disney holiday videos :)

Oh and the last time i looked like a 16 yr old is when i was 16 :)

I do enjoy a good iced tea,...have a great night guys....
so today is day 2 after my diagnosis, and i'm really noticing some bad behaviours/habits i had gotten into. i have corrected and noted them down for next time, and put some work-arounds into place, but man. it is so hard.

i don't want to use the phrase 'the voices in my head' cause that makes me seem crazy, but there is a little devil that kind of urges me to make bad decisions. i have these full blown decision making conferences in my head where the bad angel says things like 'you know you want it, everyone else is having it, you shouldn't have to miss out' and the good angel says things like 'you don't need it, you don't want this, you know what the right choice is' .. it's like those old school donald duck cartoons with the good angel and the naughty devil sitting on his shoulder. in my case, every meal, every time i walk past food, every time i see food porn in a TR, these are all triggers for this internal debate... so frustrating that i can't just make a good decision, that in my head there is this constant war going on.

carlo and his mates are all sitting in my lounge room eating pizza and lasagne and tacos and whatnot. i hate them all right now. carlo came up to me and said i can see you are unhappy, if you like i will go out and get food for you. right then and there, i learnt my most powerful lesson out of the last 2 days... food is not something that can fix anything.

so. i'm tallying up 2 wins so far. 2 days 'in control'. baby steps.
Good for you Alicia! That's right - baby steps. It will take time, but remember to celebrate each little victory! I'm sure these things will get easier with time.


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