Getting Married at WDW


Jun 21, 2006
Does Disney allow two men to get married on property (well, right now a committment ceremony)? Thinking about doing this next year, and was just wondering the reacation we would get from Disney.
I called on this just recently. I was told, "Disney does not allow same gendered couples to conduct any type of ceremony implying a union between the two. No vow renewal, nor any sort of committment ceremony. Any couple seen engaging in something that appears to be this sort of ceremony will be approached by cast members, and escorted off property if it is found to be happening."

So in other words, no.

However, if you were to conduct the ceremony in your own resort room, who would know? Then you could have a celebratory party elsewhere, at a park, restaurant, etc...

On the other hand, if WDW is entrenched agaist allowing this sort of ceremony... :confused3
I cant believe that Disney would do that. Money is Money And it shouldnt Matter Where it comes From. That is discrimination.Shame on them.. :Pinkbounc

I guess I should tell my fiancee that there really is ZERO chance that we're going to call off the church wedding and elope to Disneyworld.
I'm not shocked at all. I'm not sure what the law states in Florida but if they have laws on their books about marriage being between a man and a women, then even Disney has to follow the law.

I hope one day things will change. My partner and I have been together for 20 years now and I'm scared to be honest. With all the hate alot of church groups put out everyday along with the White House and those jerks, I feel as if one day... if things don't change and we don't stand up for our "equal" rights and get out there and VOTE!! and that is the key to some of it.. VOTE!! Getting married is going to be the least of our worries.

I have said for years that if Disney ever allows gay people to marry at WDW... I would have a huge wedding, infact we have a savings account we put money into every month just for that event. We have always wanted a big wedding and I hope one day we can have one.

I can't wait to see the pictures!!


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