Getting sick while at WDW solo?

Simba's Mom

<font color=green>everything went to "H*** in a ha
Aug 26, 1999
Does anyone have any experience being at WDW solo and getting sick? A thread on the Resturaunt board about Salmonella reminded me-it is possible no matter how many precautions people take! I'm always afraid of being alone and getting a little stomach virus. Any experiences? Did WDW help you out at all?
I got one for you. Just this past Xmas I was on a solo and had a problem.
On Christmas day it was cold and rained all day. Early in the evening at MGM I was going over to Brown Derby and walking into the back door did not notice that the tile floor had standing water. Right leg shot out from under me and down I went . There is a little bench right there and the restraunt manager was taking a break right as I slid past. I got up and was surrounded by very nice CM's wondering if I was ok. Something did not feel normal in my right knee but I was laughing so hard that I didn't notice. Next morning I woke up and could not put any weight on my knee. After about 2 hours I could almost limp around so I called the front desk at ASMu. Within 5 minutes the assistant mgr was at my door and wanted to call EMS. Me being the macho idiot refused and asked where I could go later on my own if it got worse. Later that day I went to the emergency room and they did a good job of binding it up and with a few pain pills felt OK enough to hobble around the rest of the week.
Basically to really answer you question if you are able to pick up the phone WDW will run to help.
8 1/2 months later my knee is just getting back to normal I will be going back in early December.
Thanks so much. That's exactly what I've been hoping would be true-that if I was solo, as long as I could reach the phone, I'd be OK at WDW. You just verified it for me!
if you get hurt or sick in the park - go to the nurse station - they are very good and beds and just about everything - they are quick to know what they can't handle and will send you to the EM if necessary.

I have a lot of food allergies - so I can get sick fairly easily - so I kept this prescription - Dicyclomine 10 MG Cap - it will stop cramps, diarrhea and naursa - of course it will also put me to sleep - so it is best if I am back at my hotel before I take it.
Getting sick at WDW while on my solo vacation is one of my worst fears. I have a bad back, which has been good lately.
( Knock On Wood ). I tend to be very cautious on my solo trips.
I won't do any ride that might throw my back out of whack !
Last December I caught a very bad cold 5 DAYS after returning
home from WDW. I was thankful my body waited a while to get sick.
Last Dec. at WDW, my body was just starting to adjust to my higher dosage of blood pressure medicine. Once per day, at each park, I went to the nurse's station just to have my blood pressure checked. It worked out pretty well, they were always
understanding and helpful.
I got sick on my WDW solo trip back in January 2001. I was staying at Beach Club, and I spent a day in the cold rain in the parks. The next day I woke up and went to MK, and just did not feel right. I went back to my room and realized I was burning up with a pretty high fever and felt terrible. I pretty much slept the entire rest of the day, from 2:00 pm until the next morning at 8:00 am! I woke up feeling much better, since I had to check out. Fortunately, I had tickets to take the AutoTrain home, since I usually drive back to New Jersey.

I must say, Beach Club is the best place to get sick at. When my fever was going strong, I was in no condition to try to go somewhere for something to drink, so instead I could just pull a soda/milk out of the minibar - I love that minibar! Fortunately, I never got so sick that I needed to call the front desk, but I kept it in the back of my mind!

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We were there in the summer a few years ago (OKW). My son had an accident before we left requiring stitches. I called my guide and she said that there was a medical facility called Concentra Medical. They actually came to the room and it turned our that the stitches were not ready to come out...So they didn't have to do anything and are you ready for this????? NO CHARGE. So do not concern yourself about medical care and have a GREAT TIME
I was sick at WDW in February but I didn't need help, just sleep :(

I think you will be fine as long as your are able to dial a phone. I know that the WDW staff would come to your aid.
I'm just getting ready for my first solo trip, but based on the experience I had at Christmas 2000 when I was with my family, I'm not at all worried about the care I'll receive if necessary. Here's what happened...

My sister is a CM, and my parents were planning to visit her. Well, Daddy couldn't stand the thought of us not being together as a family for Christmas, so they booked a flight for me as well. Well, I work in a church and got stuck in the nursery for our early Christmas Eve service ~ with one cranky boy whose mother when picking him up said, "Oh, I hope he's not coming down with something. That's usually the only time he gets this fussy." I didn't really pay any attention until the day after Christmas. We were in line for Test Track, and I started feeling funny, but grabbed a peppermint and I was fine. Then we went to Universe of Energy, and I knew something wasn't right. I told my parents I'd catch them if I was ok before they went in to get seated and just did make it to one of the trach cans in the lobby. A wonderful mother-like CM came over and held my hair back as she sent a younger CM for a damp towel and glass of water. She sat with me until I was feeling much better ~ and even had some peppermints of her own. So life was wonderful, right? Wrong ~ I thought I was ok, so I rejoined my family. Let's just say it was a good thing my sister had a backpack with her. After the ride, we went and got her a new bag and some Sprite for me and headed ot EPCOT first aid. They were awesome ~ gave me some anti-nausea medicine and let me go back to slppe in the cool for an hour or so. By the time the family had returned, I had kept some crackers and powerade down, so I was "released." Things were ok until I smelled food again ~ so my sister took me back to the Courtyard where we were staying (last time ever off-property if I can help it) and I slpet the rest of the day...missing the Tapestry of Nations, our family Christmas dinner in France, and Illuminations. The next morning I woke up and was feeling better. We were doing MGM that day, and my sister decreed that we would stay off the coaster and the ToT, but other than that I was fine...even managed about half my lunch at the 50's Prime Time (CM there was great once we explained that I'd been sick...I even got a sticker too). Made it all day until we were heading to the WoD (my sister's store). Let's just say my sister was the worst CM I ran into while I was sick...but she was being a sister and not a CM as she was off the whole time we were visiting. The worst part for me was that I had to cancel my Dolphins in Depth tour ~ but they did give me a full refund even though I was within the 48 hours! :0)

But based on my experience (as long as I'm not with my off-duty CM sister), I have no qualms about going solo if something like illness happens. I do have to say, though, that there's going to be a big radius between me and anyone under the age of 5 for the week before I leave!! As much as I don't worry about something happening, I want to do everything possible to prevent it! :rolleyes:

Have a Disney Day!
Originally posted by mickeyluv71
The worst part for me was that I had to cancel my Dolphins in Depth tour ~ but they did give me a full refund even though I was within the 48 hours! :0)


I went one January by myself and got really sick. The only thing that motivated me to get out of bed was that I had the Dolphin thing (it was called something different then, I think) booked. I have pictures of me at a character breakfast that make it look like I was at three because I had a fever and in between each character, I removed a layer of clothing! It was very cold so I had practically every item of clothing on.

I didn't contact anyone as it was just a flu but I have always found the First Aid stations in the parks to be very helpful. They offer choices of medication for different headache or upset stomach. I just wish the parks would sell ginger ale as that helps when I feel nauseous from rides!
My advice is plan ahead and take anything with you that you might need - sprite, crackers, medicines, food, etc. That way if you wake up sick or become sick in the middle of the night, you don't have to go anywhere to get what you need.

I took my 5 year old nephew to Disney this past Jan, just the two of us, and "just in case" I packed a few food items for him, PB&J, those pop-top heatable meals, etc. (we were at Boardwalk in a studio, so had a microwave). That way in case I was sick one day and couldn't get out, he could spend the day watching TV and playing with all his new toys, and would have something in the room to eat. Luckily I was fine. But I'm always prepared.
I am solo a lot and when not I am with other adults. One thing I've learned is to be VERY observant of the state of health of those around me - even adults but especially children, because often parents will bring sick kids to WDW because they don't want to cancel their vacation. Guests who are contagious have no consideration for other Guests.

If you see someone coughing, sneezing, with runny nose, chicken pox outbreak (Yes - I have seen that at the parks!), or someone who just <I>looks</I> ill - Steer clear for your own good! It isn't paranoia, it's common sense. Wash your hands FREQUENTLY, use anti-bacterial hand cleanser like Purell for in-between times (like after every ride where you touch anything), don't breathe too deeply in a packed crowd (and keep your back to anyone who seems sick), be careful at buffets, for extra precaution skip any salad bars and raw fish. And drink plenty of WATER. It seems to help flush away any "bugs." You can call this advice crazy but it works for me and I have yet to (fingers crossed) catch anything from anyone at the parks. :teeth:

Do carry a few items like Imodium, aspirin/Tylenol, band-aids, etc. And if you have a cell phone, you'll never really be "alone." ;)
i have another story of how great the CM's are at disney:D i went on my 1st solo trip in may/03 and as luck would have it, got a very bad cold my last few days there:( i never get sick:confused: )i woke up one morning with a very bad eye infection! i hadn't had one of these in years, since my children were tiny(never mind just how many years ;) ) anyway, i knew i couldn't leave it for another 2 days until i was going home so went to the guest relations desk at CSR where i was staying and asked how i would go about getting medical attention, not only was i solo but i was without transportation. well...they took right over! they called to see who would take my out of country insurance(celebration hospital) and drove me there to emerg. they dropped me off and said to call when i was ready to go back to the resort. the receptionist at the hospital called them when i was ready, and they came right away to get me. i tried to tip the drivers(i had different ones each way) but they would not accept, they said it was just part of their job :sunny: when i was out and about a day later a couple of the cm's recognized me and asked how i was! while i would have preferred not to get sick, if you have to get sick, especially when you are on a solo trip, disney will take care of you::yes::
i did write them a nice letter of thanks when i got back home:D
Compared to everyone else, my experience being ill on a solo WDW trip is pretty trivial!

Last December, about 3 days before I was to leave, someone's cold caught me! I can pinpoint the culprit--a 10 year old boy in the Christmas Store at DTD who refused to turn away or cover his mouth/nose when he coughed or sneezed. I very gently mentioned it to him (I was ahead of him in the checkout line and he kept sneezing on me!), and his mother was quite rude!

She was not going to ruin her vacation because her son was sick! Well, yours truly ended up spending nearly two days in bed at WDW thanks to this wonderful family, and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to fly home as scheduled. I did make it, but I was so exhausted that I almost stayed in Albuquerque when I had to change planes--wasn't sure I was going to be able to get on a very crowded plane. I really felt sorry for the gentleman sitting next to me. He let me sit in the aisle seat, just in case I couldn't control my coughing or sneezing. Fortunately, the cold medication I took worked well, so the other passengers didn't have to worry too much!

Hindsight being the wonderful thing it is, if I'm in that position again, I will put away the merchandise and return another time to purchase it!

Fortunately, I always carry a mini-medicine cabinet with me. Small amounts of OTC cold and allergy medication, pain relievers, etc. Just enough for a couple of days--just in case!

I am convinced now!! Being that I married to a Neanderthal husband who once refused to bring me a drink after I had just returned from a painful hospital stay because "I do not do housework" it has become clear that I am much better off getting sick at DW where I will get the comfort and care that I so richly deserve.

From now on, at every throat tickle, I am making DW reservations. LOL

Slightly Goofy/Linda
My experience was Dec of 2002, DisCON2. I was fine, and then in the middle of the night I was so sick! I had the same bug that was hitting the cruise ships at the time, the Norwalk-like virus:rolleyes:

No idea where I got it, but I had arrived the day before going all through the airport and could have picked it up there or ar Disney. It was not food poisoning because I shared a meal with a friend and only I was sick.

I was sixk on a Thursday middle of the night and spent all day in my room. (BWI) Friday, I was still feeling horrible and stayed in :( Room service is a wonderful thing and their chicken noodle soup has Mickey shaped noodles! I was also only a couple doors from the vending machins that had ginger ale and coke. I would have gone home early, but it was too much effort to pack.

I had friends there who checked on me (Thanks KarenNY:wave: ). If I was still physically sick I would have sought medical attention and called the front desk or a friend, but there was really nothing anyone could do for me other than rest and let it take its course.
What if a person is staying at a value resort and doesn't have room service? The getting sick at WDW is a concern of mine when I bring my 4yo son. It's bad enough being alone, but worse when I'm there alone with a young child.

I was there in February and my son got sick. Of course I took care of him and it wasn't a problem, but a few days later my sister got sick. I knew this was a bad and very contagious virus, assuming that she'd gotten what he had. I thought that I was coming down with it, too, the day that my sister left. I fought the stomach butterflies and ended up being ok, but that really got me thinking, especially since she'd gotten so violently ill.

I'll be back with him in December for a fews days before meeting my mother and sister and will keep my fingers crossed that I don't get sick (and I will do lots of handwashing of us both the week leading up to the trip).

My hope is that if I ever get sick as a solo traveler, again, it will ALWAYS be at WDW! I can't sing their praises enough. The CMs saved my vacation.

I was traveling solo for my b-day this past April. I have epilepsy but had been seizure-free for almost 2 years. Then, out of the blue, had several seizures during my stay at Port Orleans.

I had to make 3 trips to the ER (at Celebration) and Disney picked up the tab for the taxi ride "home" after every trip. They also arranged for the front desk to check on me on a regular basis since I didn't have anyone with me that could call for help if I had a bad seizure. If they hadn't been willing to do that, then I would have had to spend at least one night in the hospital. Now wouldn't that be a bummer of a vacation?

I want to also add, that even though they were checking on me, they seemed to be aware that I was embarrased about the situtation. They were mindful of my privacy, were not intrusive, and only asked for as much info as they needed to be helpful. That's a fine line to ask anyone to walk, and they did it flawlessly (IMHO).
Funny I find this thread.......I am just home from a week in my local hospital and it all began two weekends ago at the Grand Floridian. It was suddenly stricken with what could have turned into a "life threatening" illness. LUCKILY I was not traveling alone - but with a Doctor friend who urged me, along the large doses of legal narcotics, home on a flight to be cared for by my personal doctors and nearby friends and family.

First, help is as close as the nearest castmember or phone anywhere at Walt Disney World.

For me it was a castmember at the front desk at 4 am.

There are two medical choices.......a clinic somewhere near Downtown Disney -- for bumps bruises and minor illnesses or injury.

Your second choice is the Hospital at Celebration for a serious illness. They did take my Maryland BC/BS card and charged me only for my ER co-pay.......bills to follow I am sure, however. So don't forget to bring your Health Insurance Information, list of meds you are taking AND the meds if possible. I am a diabetic so I have a medic alert card which answered those questions when I was in too much pain to talk.

My friend was attending a medical conference and the castmembers gave me the phone number at the GF to call for a "ride home" when discharged......long story and much I do not remember.

They did offer to drive me to the hospital and bring me home if my friend could not.

My biggest fear was trying to get home to Maryland - never that there would be no help at WDW.

The suggestion earlier of bringing along a small pouch of meds to help with colds, indigestion or other ailments is one I always follow. My colds ALWAYS seem to begin at 2 am and those throat lozenges have been lifesavers. (Ha!)

I have a small plastic pouch from Wal Mart so the TSA folks can see what is inside, take the meds out of the box and write dosages, etc, with a sharpie on the blister packages.

I am always the one holding the cold washcloth as I drive someone to the Doctor so this was a frightening change for me. I will say, however, at WDW I knew they generally have worked out every possible problem and I knew would be taken care of.

I know you are like me and countdown every day until a Disney holiday. I send my best wishes for wonderful-healthy vacations to everyone!



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