Heatherlynn - First, congratulations on your wedding and I'm sorry your disneymoon wasn't as magical as you hoped. (I jumped over here from the GF thread to hear more and see pics!) I am hoping the next instalment has everyone back to feeling great. We had a family vacation to the GF RPC in November and both our boys (twins age 8) got a bug. I found the ladies in the RPC lounge to be wonderful, making sure I had crackers etc for whichever boy was back in the hotel room with me, and feeding me leftover snacks (and a glass of wine!) to help ease the disappointment of being back with a sick boy (poor little guys!) while my husband was enjoying the parks with his healthy twin. Upon reflection, it gave my hubbie some good bonding time with the boys!

I was also interested in sickly's ailments. Sounds morbid, so here is an explanation. Our boys were born >3 months early, and 1 son has cerebral palsy (you spelled it right) and reflux - and he had a fundoplication at age 4. Before the surgery, the reflux was so bad he vomited 10+ times a week, which explains why he developed a need for a feeding tube, which he still needs for nighttime supplemental feeding. After the surgery, he too cannot vomit or burp (but he does get the hiccups a lot!). He does have some awful retching episodes. These can be so violent that they have at times caused him to "vomit" up blood. As a result, we have a very short list of potential caregivers who will not freak out if this happens. And don't even think of playdates or sleepovers, because he just doesn't get invited and we know we need to have playdates here! (Whoops, got off on a tangential whine there!)

Our son is very verbal and bright and he has impressed his docs with his ability to articulate what he is feeling. He complains of periodic stomach pain that he cannot really describe. I suspect your husband (ooh, doesn't that sound nice?!?) could describe even better. Thankfully, the stomach pain episodes seem much less frequent. He does get full very quickly, though.

Because of our son's CP, we can completely relate to your discomfort with being stared at. I'd like to say we are used to it, but that's not really true. We humans are a curious lot, and I hope people are looking with compassion, but I don't always feel that way. In fact, I know people can be quite forward and ignorant, based on some of the questions I am asked ("what's wrong with that one?" was one of my "favourites" when they were little. I swear, people actually said that. They also asked if they were "real" twins, so go figure!)

In any case, I think you should start saving those pennies for a "do-over" trip. With a long and happy marriage ahead of you, hopefully you'll be able to have many trips back to WDW!

Best wishes,

twinmum, I'm so sorry your son had to have that surgey at such a young age. When sickly had his surgey, he had just fiished up football season and lost 43 pounds b/c he couldn't eat soild food for the longest time. He is more seceptibal (sp) to food poisoning and had an ultra sensitive stomach. we can eat the same things and he will get an upset stomach and I will not. sickly said he gets stomach aches when he overeats b/c his stomach gets so full (which is wrapped around his esophagus) and it puts pressure on and crushes his esophagus and makes him feel awful. so his pain could possibly be from overeating? also he said a lot of times his stomach pains feel like period cramps. they told him thats what it would feel like after his surgery. he gets really really bloated, too. when I am on my period and hurting badly he can honestly say "i know how you feel" and feels sympathy for me and its nice! hhaha. I hope this helped you in any way! and I agree, we need a do-over! hopefully when sickly gets out of law school and starts a job I can keep whatever job I have and save for disney!
Oh boy! Not a good time at Epcot. It is a shame you had to use tickets for that short time and your hubby couldn't even enjoy his dinner. And, his first time at WDW to boot! I'm sorry you had to go thru this. Waiting for the next installment...
Your wedding pics are beautiful! But, I'm so sorry about your honeymoon. My DF is in law school as well, so I know how you have to put things like Disney trips off. Hopefully, you can have a second Honeymoon sooner than most people!
Thanks for posting your TR! I can't wait for more!popcorn::
Congrats. Your wedding pics are beautiful. You are so pretty. Sorry to hear that your DH got sick. Cant wait to hear the rest of your TR
once again everyone thanks for reading and for your compliments, and condolences about sickly haha. here is half of thursday


We didn’t have a wake up call again b/c I wanted sickly to get a lot of sleep. We woke up around 9 and apparently he didn’t have to get up in the night at all! Yay! BUT he still didn’t FEEL great. He didn’t have to throw up or go to the bathroom anymore, but he said he felt like he hadn’t slept in days even though he had just slept for 12 hours! He said his body hurt and he was just exhausted. Viruses do that to your body! So he wanted to go to animal kingdom we were just going to have to take it slow. We ate breakfast at the concierge and he still wasn’t hungry even though he had eaten about 6 bites of food since his sickness, but he managed to eat a piece of turkey and part of an orange. We walked down to the bus stop, we still had to walk slow but not as slow as my grandmother. We are both very tall and have long legs and normally walk very fast, so we were probably walking at a normal pace for most people haha. We had to wait about 10 minutes for a bus, and we hoped on and were off to the AK. I was excited b/c sickly was cracking jokes and being more like his old self again which was so nice to see I almost cried! We met a nice family on the bus. It was a daughter in her mid twenties and her husband, 4 month old PRECIOUS baby girl, and her parents. This is my absolute dream, to take my family and my parents to Disney. It was so nice to see! We got off the bus and they were videotaping and they actually videotaped us and said “and here are some newly weds we met on the bus” and kept filming us as we walked by and we just kinda said hi! And waved….awkward but funny.
I was excited about AK b/c sickly LOVES animals and I knew he would get a kick out of some of the things we would see.

YAY I got my photopass CD so now I can post good pictures of BOTH of us together!




I was kinda bummed b/c I wanted to try Dinosaur but sickly didn’t want to do anything too intense or body jerking since he was achy and still not feeling great. I wanted him to do Everest too, but…no such luck…more reasons for a next time! We did it’s a bugs life first, and sickly got a kick out of it, its pretty cute. Then we walked to kali river rapids and decided to do it last so if we got wet it would be ok. We went to the Nemo musical and the line was SO LONG and the show wasn’t for awhile so we said forget it and we went to get some lunch. I had had a lot of beef and didn’t want burger so we went to pizzafari. The line was short and we sat in the back corner of an almost empty room. Since sickly was still not too hungry and I don’t eat a lot for lunch we just got one meal, and to my surprise, sickly ate half of it! I was happy b/c I knew he would have energy now woo hoo!


From there we went to the safari ride (I am NOT even going to try to spell it!) and pretty much walked on. It was cute and a nice day for it weather wise.


Although I will say we kept comparing it to the global wildlife center in Louisiana where I gre up. You get on a covered wagon and buy feed and they drive you through acres and acres of land and stop a few times and you get to feed the animals yourself and pet them and take pics, its so fun. I have petted giraffes, llamas, bison, camels, etc. here is a random pic I love from global wildlife:


me about 3 or so years ago taking a pic while a baby giraffe snacks on my hair!

so you can see how just looking at them for us didn’t compare. ;( it was still cute though. Our driver was from another country and had a very thick accent and we couldn’t understand half the stuff we said so we sickly missed a lot of the “storyline” and I had to explain it to him.

After that we went over to festival of the lion king and it was really cute, I had never seen it before, kinda like a circus act I guess. I’m trying to think what else we did haha (not a lot) we decided to go on kali river rapids and then call it a day, sickly was getting tired again. (we still had to sit a lot during the day)


I LOVE kali river rapids, b/c its exciting to me, b/c you never know who is going to get wet, and I love that! We walked right on and were with a family from Canada with two little boys and we had a blast with tehm trying to figure out who was going to get it, it was so fun! Luckily, I got minimally wet and there was no one in line so they let us stay on and go again. We pressed our luck…haha we didn’t get as wet as some, but we got it pretty good, but it was fun! I really laughed a lot.


me, wet after riding the rapids


sickly likes monkeys, but does not like the sun

After that, we decided to go back to the hotel and rest. We were going to try to eat at GF café for Dinner since sickly had a tiny bit of an apetite now.

Up next….GF café, towel animals, and the most relaxing part of the trip:cloud9:
Heatherlynn, your pics are beautiful. :goodvibes I am really enjoying your report. So sorry your DH got sick, but glad things are looking up.

I agree, need a "Do over"! Hopefully sooner than later. ;)

Lives4Disney :)
Glad your hubby is getting better to enjoy disney - cant wait to hear about GF cafe as we wanted to try that one:thumbsup2
Im glad your husband got to feeling better. I wont refer to him as 'sickly' anymore since hes better. Great photos. What was that being built in the photo with your husband? Is that the new submarine thing they are doing?
Heather I'm glad your DH is starting to feel better. I bet by tomorrow he'll be back to normal. I hope anyway. :) I understand what you mean about the Global Wildlife Center. I love it there.:thumbsup2
Heather - I just caught up on your TR. I am so sorry you had to go through the illness in Disney. What a bummer. But, as everyone has said, it just gives you an excuse for a re-do. Just like when we were kids, if we didn't like the outcome of something we needed a re-do. :rotfl: Anyway, your pics are gorgeous. What a beautiful wedding. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to read the next installment. Reminds me that I have to write the rest of mine....;)
Heather - I just caught up on your TR. I am so sorry you had to go through the illness in Disney. What a bummer. But, as everyone has said, it just gives you an excuse for a re-do. Just like when we were kids, if we didn't like the outcome of something we needed a re-do. :rotfl: Anyway, your pics are gorgeous. What a beautiful wedding. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to read the next installment. Reminds me that I have to write the rest of mine....;)

I can just hear "re-do... ::pointing:: re-do" on the playground in elementary/middle school. What was that game with the squares and the ball, and you had to hit it with your hands and not go out of the squares? It can be played with 4 people or just 2. Goodness, the name escapes me... but I can hear loud and clear 're-do!!'

Aw! I'm so glad you got to go to a park and try to have a little fun. I love the same thing about Kali. It's like playing a slot machine! I usually lose and end up soaked (I usually lose on slot machines too ;) ) Glad it sounds like you're really starting to have a honeymoon now. Can't wait to hear more :)
I am just LOVING your trip report and pictures!!! :) Can't wait to read more!! Sorry that your DH got sick!!
DAY FIVE continued
We got back to our room and found a couple of friends. :goodvibes


anyone know that the thing on the left is?

Now we had not gotten any towel animals yet and I was disappointed b/c on our last trip we got 2-3 every day and they were awesome! So with my mousekeeping tip that day I wrote “we love towel animals!” and well, it worked b/c we got one every day the rest of the trip!:cool1:

After our naps, we took showers and got ready to go. We were not sure how crowded the GF café would be and we didn’t have reservations. We went down about 5:30 or so and they were so sweet and the place was pretty much empty. We asked for a window seat and got a very nice one. It was very peaceful and relaxing. I had had lunch here many times before and love how bright and cheery it is, but this was my first dinner at the café. Our waiter’s name was Sara and she was very nice. We got our appetizers and food pretty quickly and I got dessert but sickly still wasn’t hungry enough for it. He did eat a lot more than he had been, but still didn’t clear his plate and it made him feel awful that he couldn’t sicne he loves to eat. He said the shrimp were so good he just couldn’t stuff in another bite! I on the other hand always have room for dessert and got the fondue. It was ok, but it was dark chocolate and I am not a fan of dark chocolate. If it would have been milk chocolate I would have been all over it!:angel:





we deciced to go up the the conceirge lounge and see what kind of desserts they had, and sickly actually ate some! :cheer2:




Then we went back to our room for a few minutes and decided to go down and watch the beginning of the water pageant from the beach.


then we decided to go walk around outside and sit out by the pool. It was a mild night and there were quite a few people in the pool. We sat in some of the nice cushy lounge chairs and looked up at the sky and just relaxed and talked. We joked around and had a great time. We talked about the trip so far, and I asked him a lot about it since this is his first trip. We talked about coming back to the GF and I know we could never afford to stay where we were staying that time, but we considered other options and it was so much fun to kind of “plan” I guess (even though it wont be for a long while) and just kind of soak in the atmosphere of the resort. We could see our room from the pool, to so that was funny. We did this for about an hour and it was my favorite part of the trip. I know that seems silly but it was just wonderful to me! :cloud9:



view form our pool chairs

Then, all of the sudden sickly says “I think I’m hungry….” I jumped up and said “ok what do you want?!?!” to get him to eat anything was so great and for him to have an appetite! Well he wanted pizza. He could barely eat the fancy food but he had pizza for lunch, and wanted it again…..ok….so we took a short walk to Gasparillas and got his pizza. We sat outside and watched the castle as we ate. It started to get a little more chilly/windy so I got some ice cream to go (love the do it yourself hot fudge!) and went back to the room. We took a couple of pics on the way up



Sickly's new Dasani water ad.

It was so great sickly was feeling better! We went to sleep about 11 and since sickly was feeling better, I didn’t feel bad about setting an alarm for the next day. After all, we had missed part of the trip and I was going to make up for it!:cheer2:

Coming up….Downtown Disney, Epcot, and my new favorite ride
Your husband looks millions times better!! Its a good thing he is eating again and regaining his strength. I love your photos!! I dont think "foofy" type food would do me in either (and i KNOW it wouldnt my DH)... good thinking with the pizza.

So you all stayed on the CL?

About how much more expensive was that? Did you find it to be worth it?

So glad to hear that your husband felt better! :cool1: And I love hearing about the time you spent at the GF, just relaxing by the pool & talking. The GF Cafe is the best!! I've planned that our first disneymoon day will be a resort day - ending with V&A Chef's Table for dinner. :cloud9:


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