sparkles9306- thanks! we love park fare for breakfast and dinner. one thing I didn't mention, it is starting to look a little on the "worn" side and could def. use a little work, but the food was good! (

Thanks! Great to know. I believe the restaurant is going to be closed most of the summer for refurb. It's opening 2 weeks before our wedding!
Thanks for putting up picture of the room!! I have always dreamed of staying at the GF, now it makes me want to stay there even more!!! Great TR so far, cant wait to read more!! princess:
lives4disney- hey! thanks for "stopping in" over here! and it is the best turret room! I miss it so much!

neverlandclub23-thanks so much! it makes me happy that people want to read!

TLC371- thank you! that just means you will have to plan another disney trip and stay onsite!

sparkles 9306- really? well then that works outgreat! b/c that was the only thing really negative about teh restaurant, besides the massive amounts of unsupervised children!

miabella05- thank you so much! i love the GF :love: and i am afraid if i stay somewhere else i will compare it to GF the whole time!

next installment to come sometime today i hope!
:hug: I love your wedding photo in your signature (the umbrellas make everything so cute- kinda mary poppins like!)

Isnt it crazy-- you can be travelling all day long and when you get to disney-- you just gotta get in one of the parks and do something!! Its like vacation doesnt actually start until you walk through one of those ticket turnstiles.

Congrats-- and cant wait to hear more
(the photo of your DH at the table, and then him in the teacups reminds me of our photos here at home. LOL... I am the photo taker-- so theres like a ratio of 1:10 of photos here... 1 of me... 10 of DH. lol)
Hey! Love the new signature pic- that is so cute :) The picture of your DH in the teacups reminds me of one my DF just took when we were there this past weekend for our planning session. I'll post it in my trip report. Glad to know we're not the only silly picture takers out there :)
Heather- I am loving your TR! You and your DF look like you had a lot of fun, despite the long car ride. You two make such a cute couple :love:
DAY TWO- January 8th, 2007
Have you ever woken up in the morning and forgotten where you were, then remember and get all excited? Well that happened to me pretty much every morning of our trip. At night before we would go to bed, we would close all 50 million of the drapes in our room except for the one panel straight ahead from our bed with the castle view. We would leave that one open all night, so when I woke up, I could immediately see the castle, jump out of bed and get going.
So sickly answered our wake up call but was not as thrilled to get out of bed as I was. After some whining and complaining, he finally got up and we got ready to go to MGM. We walked down the stairs (one small flight and lots quicker than the elevator) and got some breakfast on the concierge floor.
Now there are a lot of things I wanted to do on this trip that I didn’t do, one was take more food pics. I did take a lot at sit down meals, but not of all the concierge food I only have one of the night offerings. Sorry.  We had this one “spot” we ate at whenever we got food form concierge, it was a little two person table along the windows off to the side and it was so nice. I must say I ate a lot of cheese danishes this trip! Yum yum.
After we ate, we went to a shop in the GF to buy me some ride ears. Yay! Sickly hates hats b/c he has huge ears and I know the top hat would probably not fit him, so I didn’t make him get it. I paid for my ears and we headed out to the bus stop.
On our way out a lady at the valet saw my ears and gave us just married buttons, which sickly agreed to wear so he did have something on that was fun! We were the only ones at the bus stop and the weather was beautiful. (side note, I am one of those people in a constant state of freezing, so if I say the weather was warm enough for me not to wear a jacket of some sort then it was pretty warm!)
We get to MGM and their Christmas decorations are still up, too. Yay! We did some photopass pics and went straight to the star wars ride. Sickly is a huge star wars fan and a huge computer nerd but you would never guess it to look at him haha. Makes me laugh. Anyway, we only waited in line about 7 minutes or so.


I looked at my watch, then pulled my typed out itinerary out of my brand new bagallini I got for Christmas (which was wonderful btw!) and saw it was about 15 min. till our sci-fi lunch reservations. We were near sci-fi and decided to hang around close by. I sat on a wall right next to a monsters inc. sign. It had character viewing times and I realized one wa sin five min! alright! I was stoked and was not moving form that spot.
Sickly has ADHD and cannot sit still for more than 3 seconds and he has a think for squirrels, so when he saw one, he went crazy and tried to pet it.


sickly trying to catch a squirrel.

Finally, a door opens and mike and sully come out! I was so excitd! We jumped up and were at the front of the line. Sully promptly began playing with my veil and I kept trying to get him to look at my camera, and he finally did


i'm making my "ok, hurry up and take the picture" face


Ok, that was fun. Our first character sighting outside of a meal. We still had a couple min. so we sat in the little car and someone offered to take our pic.


side note, sickly complains about having protein build ups in his eyes and he has to wear sunglasses in the sun or he cant keep his eyes open, so it is very rare you will see his eyes outdoors haha

We went into sci fi and were seated in 2-3 minutes in the “backseat” of a car. Ooo watch it! Haha.


We both got a cheeseburger and fires which were excellent and we enjoyed watching the funny clips up on the big screen.

After lunch, we rode a couple more rides, and I really wanted to see the beauty and the beast stage show. It started at 3:45 and it was almost 3. so we decided to watch the parade at the end closest to beauty and beast, and run over to the theater when the parade was over.

Funny story, we are waiting for the parade, and it starts to sprinkle, and it was really funny to see people freak out and scatter like ants from a magnifying glass. Being the prepared person I am , I pulled two ponchos out of my trusty bagallini and we put them on. Mine was being difficult and by time I finally got into it, it had stopped raining. Bah. And that was the only 8 seconds it rained for our entire trip. The good thing was since so many ppl scattered we got front row on the parade route haha. The parade was cute and we walked over to beauty and the beast after it was over. The little man at the top asked if we were newlyweds and we said yes and he told us to go to the bottom and see these two ladies and we got to sit VIP on the second row! Yay! Our first perk! I was very excited and the show was great as usual and I actually got to see it form close up which has never happened before.

We were excited after that, and a little hungry, so we went back out by the big hat and bought mickey bars! Yum yum. (I had three on this trip haha) we found a nice bench nearby facing the brown derby and some of the park and just relaxed.


Now…..this is the “gross” part…..if I am out of line here please tell me, but to me this was absolutely absurd and nasty! There was a bench directly in front of us about 25 feet or so I guess on the other side of the large walkway. There was 2 ladies, a man, and a about almost three year old girl. Nothing big, ok….so one of the ladies undresses the girl and lays her on the bench, no blanket under her, nothing. She then proceeds to take off her diaper and change her on the nasty park bench! And she wasn’t even trying to be discreet about it, it was just out in the open! And the lady hands the man the diaper and her walks 3 feet to the trash can and throws it away. All this time I’m sitting there trying to ea tmy ice cream and quickly losing my appetite. And the lady could tell I was looking at her and she just kind of stared me down! I mean COME ON! There are bathrooms everywhere which changing tables. And its not like the park was crowded with a long bathroom line…there were very few ppl in the park! AAAAHHH! Ok sorry, I’m alright now. :scared:

So on that note, we decided to leave. We went back to the hotel and had some concierge snacks and relaxed.


We didn’t have a TS meal planned for that night and so we decided to go to Gasparillas and eat outside and wach wishes. Sickly got a pizza and I got a hot dog and it was so nice to sit out there. Very few people, and the fireworks were really good.


After that, we went back into gasparillas to get our dessert. Sickly LOVES hot fudge so we got the make it yourself ice cream with of course, hot fudge. We walked around a bit and sat in the lobby and listened to the pianist as we ate.



We were tired, so we went upstairs and watched the gators kick ohio states butt and fell asleep before the game was over.

Coming up day three…..the MK, and find out why I call him “sickly” :sick:

Just wanted to say...excellent guys look like you're having so much fun :thumbsup2
Heatherlynn, I am really enjoying your report. :) Your pics are adorable. We ate at that little 2 person table. *sigh* I miss that GF RPC lounge and that beautiful courtyard view out those windows. :cloud9:

Oh, and ya....people can be so gross. We saw more than our share of that during our Christmas stay. :confused:

Keep your report coming! It is a fun read!!:goodvibes

Lives4Disney :)
Heather, you and Channing are right - that 2 person table at the large windows in just perfect. I remember many nights sitting there watching the fireworks with DH. :cloud9:

As for the lady with the diaper change - :scared: :mad: :eek:
Love your installment! Love the pictures with Mike and Sulley, they are 2 of my favorites!!
maggimus-haha yes there will be tons of pics of DH and very few of me until my photopass cd comes in!

SRUalmn- thanks so much! and yes we are very very silly which makes it even weirder that now I am married..haha

JJclemson-thanks so much, and it was such a long car ride! but all our luggage never would have made it on a plane!

ForKeeps and castlelight- thanks so much! :goodvibes

lives4disney- i dont even like to think about our honeymoon b/c it makes me so sad we had to leave! :( i wish RPC wasn't so darn expensive b/c I dont know when we will ever be able to do that again!

cinderellafan- yes, now i want a house with a view so i can have my own big windows and little table! and there were many diaper type gross things we saw but for your benifit i wont mention them all!

TLC371- I am a big monsters Inc. fan so i was stoked to see them! we unfortunately didnt get as many character pics as i wanted, i just didnt feel like standing in super long lines for pics. :confused3
Congratulations!! I'm enjoying reading your make the cutest couple! I definately agree about the changing diaper's hard to believe that some people see nothing wrong with this!!!:confused3
Still loving your TR! We love Mike and Sulley too and waited for over an hour to get our picture w/ them in December. I cannot believe you only had to wait a few minutes! Lucky you! That's so funny that your DH gets antsy and was chasing a squirrel :rotfl: Can't wait to read more!
Heather you look beautiful in your dress and I am enjoying your report.

Cant wait to read more and see your wedding pictures:thumbsup2
DAY THREE- January 9, 2007

We decided to sleep in and not do a wake up call for this day, since I had made sickly get up early the day before. So after we finally got our rears in gear, we went downstairs and had breakfast again at our little two person table. Today we were going to the MK, my favorite. I love the MK b/c I have no problem acting like a kid and just having fun, and the MK is the perfect place to do it! We went down to the 2nd floor, and hopped (not literally) onto the monorail. Its nice being one stop from the MK on the monorail I must say! By time you get settled in your seat its time to go!


We walked down main street, did some photo pass pics, and headed out towards adventureland. I wanted to ride pirates of the Caribbean, b/c I have not seen it since they added jack sparrow, and of course, sickly had never seen it. The line was not bad, about 10-15 minutes. I really like this ride, the visuals are really good. When the cannon ball goes by you, kinda freaked me out a bit but my stroke was only minor. Haha. After that, we continued on and walked sadly by a dry splash mountain which was closed. I really wanted to do those one and get the picture. Another reason why we must go back soon! We decided to go on BTMRR. Let me tell you. The line for this ride is very deceiving.
When we first got in line, we couldn’t tell how long the line was, but it kept going and going behind walls, and I realized Disney does this a lot! I had never ridden this ride for some reason but it was pretty good, except for the fat that we were in the BACK SEAT and it was so bumpy and it whipped us around a lot. My bones ached after that!
We had a reservation for the crystal palace, but decided to skip it b/c we would be paying OOP and did one character meal and that was good enough. So we went to Pecos Bill for some grub. The line moved very fast and we took a table by the window in the corner so we could see out onto the “street” the food was really good and the dessert brownie thing was DELICIOUS!


After we ate, we headed to fantasyland and saw the 75 minute or so wait for peter pans flight. I don’t THINK so! We grabbed some fastpasses and headed to tomorrowland. We did the carousal of progress for my dad b/c its his favorite, (go figure?) and we rode the tomorrowland transit authority and had a car to ourselves and just enjoyed people watching and goofing off a little bit


It was time for our fastpasses, so we trucked back up to fantasyland and hopped on peter pan. Let me tell you, all the moms and dads with screaming tantrum throwing kids looked very unhappy that the fastpass people got to go in ahead of them. Haha sorry! :laughing: You snooze you lose! After the ride was over, I was very thankful that I had not stood in a 75 minute line for that. It was cute as always, but not worth half my day of being hearded like cattle and standing way to close to unhappy people. I wanted to take a quick walk through toontown fair for fun, so we headed that way and did a quick “your” of Minnie and mickey’s house.


The line to see mickey was horrendous so I said “forget it” and decided to get a frozen lemonade instead. The train was pulling up so we hopped on and took it all the way around the park. We sat in the back by ourselves and it was very peaceful and relaxing. We then realized it was almost parade time and I had heard on the boards that it is pretty packed on main street but to catch it at the front in frontierland, so we did. We stood out in front of the diamond horseshoe place and had a great view. As soon as the parade passed us we high-tailed it to the exit and got out before it had even hit most of main street. We decided to take the boat back to the GF which was something I have never done, but also once again, peaceful and relaxing.

popcorn:: To be continued…….the second part of day three and all the drama or sickly (I am doing this in a separate post b/c its really really long!)
Dang.. I was really hoping to hear about the 'sickly' name. Hopefully next timepopcorn:: . I love your photos and your trip report so far-- seems like such a calming and relaxing vacation-- oh how i wish i was back in orlando!! Cant wait for more!
maggimus- sorry about the delay in the TR, today was a lot busier than I thought it would be, and i realized how long the sickly post would be and thought it would be best to break it up. it will be up soon! tomorrow is the saints game so I will be preoccupied, but hopefully before or after it!

thmar- I know! I mean I love babies and toddlers but I don't want to see strangers naked children laying down on a public bench with a dirty diaper as I eat! haha

JJclemson- I was so excited about mike and sully, I have never caught a character sighting at the beginning before! and yes, sickly is very very adhd, and in law school, so go figure how he gets through that!

jtlover- thanks! i just got an e mail from my photographer and he said pics should be up maybe wednesday!:banana:


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