Giant Ziplock bags!


Devoted 2 Eeyore
Jul 25, 2000
I read about the 2 1/2 gallon zilock bags on this site over a year ago, and never could find them. Now with less than 2 weeks to go a year later I found them at a Target I usually don't shop at!

These things are HUGE!!!!!:eek:

I can easily pack an entire adult outfit in them. As I am going camping at FW this will make carrying clothes to the comfort stations MUCH easier!

Thank you to those who suggested it in the first place. I really suggest them as must haves for any trip!
I love them, I use the ones by Glad bags.

We just used them on our Florida beach trip last month.

Put my icky sandy sandles in one and zipped all the sand in so it would get all over.

Great to keep underwear in too.

We just used these during a cruise I just took.
I had everything ironed and then packed about one month prior to our trip.
Nothing was wrinkled!!!!!!!!
I wonder if all the Targets sell these large ziplocks, because I too have had a hard time trying to find anything larger than a gallon size. Thanks for the tip!:) I'm going to check out our local Target!:D

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
We also found our giant Ziploc (and Handy and Glad?) bags at Target. Why not elsewhere?
We put virtually all of our clothes into them, which not only helped prevent wrinkles but more importantly made it so much easier to pack and unpack during the trip and made it easier to stay organized. That was important as we did a 4-day WDW plus a 3-day cruise then a 1-day visit to relatives. That meant a LOT of packing and unpacking! Without the bags we wouldn't have been able to find anything by the end of the trip!
Well, now I have to go to Target and find these! Thanks for the tip! ;)
Thank you so much for this post....I would have never thought of Target for zip lock bags! I never even heard of 2½ gallon bags, but sure enough, there they were in Target! I started packing last night (we leave Wed, May 8) and was amazed that an entire outfit fits in just one bag. I makes for a very neat suitcase!
I've also seen these bags at our Super Walmart. Haven't tried them yet, but plan to on our June trip :D !
Our local grocery store also carries them, so be sure to check your store.

I found the Ziploc holdiay gift bags on clearance in January for .75 at Walmart! I bought all they had and put them away in the Disney Box for our trip in October. These will easily accomodate a complete outfit, even for DH and I.
just bought mine this evening at super walmart they are located in the camping supplies
OK, this may sound like a dumb question, but HOW do you pack clothes in the ziplocks to prevent wrinkles?? I would think it would make the wrinkles even worse!!

Since I'm packing for myself and 2 littles (DD, 6 and DS, 5) ANY help I can get is worth alot! TIA
I love using ziplocks when traveling especially for my little ones.. I usually pack whole outfits (shirt, pants, undies, socks) all in one bag and that way they are all ready to go and keeps the suitcase nice and tidy & easy to unpack....

I got mine at Albertson's(grocery store) when they were on sale for $1.60 (store brand) and stocked up on them.. But recently saw them at Big Lots for .99.. Can you believe that?
So, how many FIT in your suicase? Does it make LOTS of room for other things?:confused:
Never mind, I Know!;) I found the BIG ones leftover from Xmas, and I was able to use them! MOST of my clothes FIT in just one, but I split it into two!;) They work GREAT!:D
Hehe, I've been driving to every Big Lots I know of (no Target stores around here), and going crazy because I couldn't find the bags - turns out they're in the section with the cards and gift wrap, because they are decorated for Christmas. We'll be sporting some lovely holiday bags during our trip this August!

As LarryE posted earlier, they are in the camping section at Wal-mart. You can get 8 for the 2 1/4 gallon or 4 of the 2 1/2 gallon for about $7.
Thanks for the great tip!!! I never thought of packing whole outfits in a ziploc bag. I have twin boys and while I never dress them in the same outfit, I like to put them in similar outfits (cuts down on the arguing!!) so this is perfect! I will have to go to Target this weekend!
Our WalMart didn't have them, and the guy in the camping section looked at me like I was nuts. But I found them at Target, with all the other bags. 2 1/2 gallon, 14 bags for about $3.59. Went home and packed for my trip to California this week. Well, guess what? THEY REALLY WORK!!!:D :D

Even my last outfit, today, a 100% cotton blouse that was in the ziplock in the suitcase since Sunday, was wrinkle free! I'm really impressed, and now all 6 of us can start zipping..uh, I mean packing, for our Disney adventure, just 23 days from now!!!

Thanks a million for this wonderful tip!


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