Girls-only Trip~Old thread, see first post for new one.

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Your Dad sounds like a peach! How absolutely precious. I hope he continues to stay heart healthy. Tell him to take a bunch of Mega Reds. My DH had a heart attack, about 8 years ago. He has to take lots of meds now for his heart. A few years ago, his heart doctor started him on the Reds. It made such a difference that the Doc upped the amount. Had better results again, so he upped it more. ::yes::

I'll tell him to ask his doctor about that when I speak to him tomorrow, thanks!

Michelle! 21? Oh my! I'm dreading that age with mine, kid #2 has already determined that she loves margaritas! Her cousin's partner is a bartender and made her a virgin margarita when she visited before our Disney trip, although I'm not sure if she really loved the drink or just who made it!

It's official, by the way. I'm putting in my 30 days notice to my landlady tomorrow and renting a storage unit for my furniture. I'll stay with my parents for a couple of weeks until I find a place in Bothell. Calling my sister about the opening where she works tomorrow. Wish me luck!
CamoMama said:
I'll tell him to ask his doctor about that when I speak to him tomorrow, thanks!

Michelle! 21? Oh my! I'm dreading that age with mine, kid #2 has already determined that she loves margaritas! Her cousin's partner is a bartender and made her a virgin margarita when she visited before our Disney trip, although I'm not sure if she really loved the drink or just who made it!

It's official, by the way. I'm putting in my 30 days notice to my landlady tomorrow and renting a storage unit for my furniture. I'll stay with my parents for a couple of weeks until I find a place in Bothell. Calling my sister about the opening where she works tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Well hello neighbor! I'm in mukilteo, just down the road. good luck on your move.
Just thought I would tell you the result of my appointment at podiatrist yesterday. Stress Fracture! So I am in a walking boot thing. I may still get a shot in two more weeks. Cortisone, I think. Depending on what happens after wearing boot for two weeks. I may or may not have to wear it at the world. I am totally bumming about this, as it will majorly slow me down! But I REFUSE to let this ruin my trip!

Capri, just wanted to give you a little virtual hug. You will be able to move onto the next stage in life soon and things will be easier.

Beth, I know I said so on facebook already, but YEAH! A few more steps and onto that wonderful train journey vacation with the family. Can't wait to hear about that!

Mel, Hope you have a great time at the beach. That is one vacation I am always envious of. I love the beach and have not gotten to enjoy it this year at all.

Well, I actually have an 8AM showing appointment today, so I will see ya all later. Have a great day!
Stress fractures are so not fun! Good luck with that, hopefully you'll be able to walk comfortably during your trip.

Yay for being neighbors! There are quite a few Divas up north, aren't there? Maybe I'll be able to join in the caravan for the trip.
I am new to Disboards & am interested in the trip you are planning next spring. I actually registered because of your trip!

Can you please tell me what I would need to do to be part of this adventure?
My daughter will be a senior in high school this year & I realized I need to start focusing more on what "I" would like to do in life.

I am currently an annual passholder at Disneyland & reside in the Seattle area. I would love to make some new friends that share my love of Disney!

Thank you!
I am new to Disboards & am interested in the trip you are planning next spring. I actually registered because of your trip!

Can you please tell me what I would need to do to be part of this adventure?
My daughter will be a senior in high school this year & I realized I need to start focusing more on what "I" would like to do in life.

I am currently an annual passholder at Disneyland & reside in the Seattle area. I would love to make some new friends that share my love of Disney!

Thank you!

Hi Cat :wave2:

This will be my first trip too! I'm very excited about it. Lots of friendly ladies on this thread!
I am new to Disboards & am interested in the trip you are planning next spring. I actually registered because of your trip!

Can you please tell me what I would need to do to be part of this adventure?
My daughter will be a senior in high school this year & I realized I need to start focusing more on what "I" would like to do in life.

I am currently an annual passholder at Disneyland & reside in the Seattle area. I would love to make some new friends that share my love of Disney!

Thank you!
Hello, Cat!


Welcome to the DIS Divas, and to the DIS. Glad you decided to join us. My name is Beth, and I have a son who's going to be a senior this year as well. It's sort of a daunting thought, isn't it?? LOL

As for what you need to do....well, you're doing it. Just jump right in. Introduce yourself, maybe tell us a bit about you, share a photo if you'd like. There is a Q and A section on the front page that provides a lot of information, so if you haven't already, take a peek at that. Also there are photos from previous years trips, and info on the traditional Meet and Greet welcoming party, and the annual group scavenger hunt!

Right now, there isn't a lot of planning going on. The main thing to do first is secure a hotel room, and arrange for time off work or child care if needed. Actual serious planning won't start up until sometime in November when we start sign-ups for meals, and other events/activities.

Let us know if you have any questions. You can post here on this thread as there is always someone around to answer any questions that come up. It's a great group of ladies, and the trip is a lot of fun! You won't regret taking the time to do something for yourself. Disney with a group of friends is so much fun! :)
I'll tell him to ask his doctor about that when I speak to him tomorrow, thanks!

Michelle! 21? Oh my! I'm dreading that age with mine, kid #2 has already determined that she loves margaritas! Her cousin's partner is a bartender and made her a virgin margarita when she visited before our Disney trip, although I'm not sure if she really loved the drink or just who made it!

It's official, by the way. I'm putting in my 30 days notice to my landlady tomorrow and renting a storage unit for my furniture. I'll stay with my parents for a couple of weeks until I find a place in Bothell. Calling my sister about the opening where she works tomorrow. Wish me luck!

I'm going to say she liked the Margarita because it didn't have tequila in it......seriously, they taste completely different when they are virgin. LOL
Good luck on your move!!

I am new to Disboards & am interested in the trip you are planning next spring. I actually registered because of your trip!

Can you please tell me what I would need to do to be part of this adventure?
My daughter will be a senior in high school this year & I realized I need to start focusing more on what "I" would like to do in life.

I am currently an annual passholder at Disneyland & reside in the Seattle area. I would love to make some new friends that share my love of Disney!

Thank you!

Welcome Cat!! You don't need to do much, just drop in and chat, make some friends. Making friends is good if you will be needing to bunk with another Diva or 2, we look forward to getting to know you better. :)

Well it's Wednesday.....week is half over! YAY! I keep saying I'm ready for the weekend but in reality I'm just ready for the insanity of summer to relax.....LOL After work I'm going to a screen printing shop here in town to see how much they would charge me to get sweatshirts printed with Cassidy's artwork on them.....I know how thrilled she was for the tank tops we wore, I thought she might have a heart attack if we did sweatshirts too, but I wanted them done professionally so they look better and last longer. :) We will see how that works out. I know a lot of places want bulk orders and I won't need that many, but I'll figure it out. Otherwise, I just gotta figure out what to make for dinner. hmmmmmmmmm
Hello, ladies!! Happy Hump Day! :banana:
Hope you are all having a good week so far.

I haven't said much to you regarding your health but I am so relieved that things are looking up for you! I'll continue to think positive thoughts and just know that ALL the test results will be good!!! And you're right waiting does suck! Then it's off on vacation!!! :thumbsup2
Thanks, Linda! I appreciate it. I am so ready to hit the road, or rather the rail, and get out of here and away from any doctors. :rotfl:

Shingles are AWFUL! My DH had it a couple of years ago and believe me that's one thing I never want to get. As soon as I was old enough I made the doctor give me the shot to prevent it!
Oh, that does sound bad. My Grandfather had them a few years back, and this is a man who's tough as nails, but was almost reduced to tears from the pain. He couldn't even stand a bed sheet touching him. I hope I never get them!
I've been dragging since we got back from vacation. Just feel like somebody pulled my energy plug. My Vit D was low a few months ago so they put me on supplements in addition to upping my iron because my feritin level is still too low. I hate being tired.
Hi, Jill. Good to see you here.
Sorry to hear you've been so tired lately. Hope the supplements help you with that.

Glad Kallie is loving cheer! :cheer2:

I need to make an appt to get my girls squished too, and I need to go back for more bloodwork, was supposed to do that last month but life has been too crazy so I haven't done it yet.
Thanks, Kerri. None of these appts are fun, but they are necessary. Don't wait on yours! ;)

Beth - So happy for your good news! Have fun getting your girls squished tomorrow. :crowded: :thumbsup2 ;)
Thanks, Capri!
Wow, your experience with chicken pox sounds like a nightmare! :eek:
Glad that everything is looking good, Beth!

I'm FINALLY caught up on laundry and groceries are restocked and now I'm trying to figure out what I need to do before I head down to DL next week. Sounds like we will be running to the Bay Area this weekend too. Whee. LOL. I need to clean up the disaster area I made out of my craft room. It looks like a bomb went off in there. LOL Hopefully tomorrow.
Thanks, Lisa! Have fun this weekend. And good luck organizing your craft room!

Today my baby DD turned 21. She is hitting the club tonight. She was out last night at midnight just to try gambling. Oh the joys of living in Vegas. ugh. Not my cup a tea but then again I was pregnant with her when I was
Hi, Michele. Happy Birthday to your daughter! 21 in Vegas... look out! lol I've never been into the clubs or gambling either.
It's official, by the way. I'm putting in my 30 days notice to my landlady tomorrow and renting a storage unit for my furniture. I'll stay with my parents for a couple of weeks until I find a place in Bothell. Calling my sister about the opening where she works tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Congrats on the move and best wishes on the job opening!! :wizard:

Just thought I would tell you the result of my appointment at podiatrist yesterday. Stress Fracture! So I am in a walking boot thing. I may still get a shot in two more weeks. Cortisone, I think. Depending on what happens after wearing boot for two weeks. I may or may not have to wear it at the world. I am totally bumming about this, as it will majorly slow me down! But I REFUSE to let this ruin my trip!

Beth, I know I said so on facebook already, but YEAH! A few more steps and onto that wonderful train journey vacation with the family. Can't wait to hear about that!

Thanks, Tracey! :) I am not sure if taking this train journey makes me a bit insane. LOL I guess we'll see how it goes. :rotfl: But, I'll take as many photos as I can to share with those interested.

I'm sorry about your foot. Sounds very painful. I hope the boot helps it, along with the shot, and you are able to walk easily around WDW when the time comes. Thinking good feet thoughts for you!!! ;)
Great! Thank you!

About me...I'm a single mom of a 17 year old daughter who used to love going to Disneyland as much as me....hoping that will return some day! She still enjoys learning about Disney & such, but the park is more fun with friends, not her mom :( idea why?! :) I've always enjoyed the park most with her.

We started going to the park when she was 8, we both had annual passes for several years, but as the price has skyrocketed there was no sense for us to have them when living in Seattle.

We attended the 50th anniversary of Disneyland & have the "I was there" pin. I made a birthday wish on my 32nd birthday to be able to dine at Club 33. My wish came true when I met someone at DL for the kickoff of the 50th Anniversary & we dined there for my 33rd birthday!

My hope is to find people that enjoy going to the park as much as I do.

I will look at hotels & decide what I would like to do for the trip. I may end up staying with my friend or bring my daughter & a friend they can do their thing....whatever that may be!

Does anyone live in the Seattle area? If so, I would love to meet people in person some day!

Thank you for the welcome! I'll see about finding a picture to post! :)
cittycat said:
Great! Thank you!

About me...I'm a single mom of a 17 year old daughter who used to love going to Disneyland as much as me....hoping that will return some day! She still enjoys learning about Disney & such, but the park is more fun with friends, not her mom :( idea why?! :) I've always enjoyed the park most with her.

We started going to the park when she was 8, we both had annual passes for several years, but as the price has skyrocketed there was no sense for us to have them when living in Seattle.

We attended the 50th anniversary of Disneyland & have the "I was there" pin. I made a birthday wish on my 32nd birthday to be able to dine at Club 33. My wish came true when I met someone at DL for the kickoff of the 50th Anniversary & we dined there for my 33rd birthday!

My hope is to find people that enjoy going to the park as much as I do.

I will look at hotels & decide what I would like to do for the trip. I may end up staying with my friend or bring my daughter & a friend they can do their thing....whatever that may be!

Does anyone live in the Seattle area? If so, I would love to meet people in person some day!

Thank you for the welcome! I'll see about finding a picture to post! :)

Hi Cat! Welcome aboard. I am from Mukilteo, just a hop skip and a jump from Seattle. I am Mom to two boys. I have been on a few diva trips and always have a great time.
Hi Tracey! You are really close!! I am actually in Clearview (Snohomish). I noticed someone who might be moving to Bothell...I work in Bothell/Woodinville area!

By any chance will you be attending the PNW Mouse Meet in August? If so, I would love to meet you!
There's a meet in August? Oh my! My official moving day is 1 September, but I can be up there sooner, what's the date of the meet?
Welcome to the new girls.

Heather, good luck on the move. Being close to family is a good thing.

Mel, I have been to a couple clubs as a 30+ mom and done some gambling but they surely aren't my idea of a fun time.

Now my DD had a great time last night. They got a comp dinner at a nice restaurant then the club was comped too. She had a bit too much to drink and was dancing on the tables.:banana: She said she had so much fun and fell down a lot. Gee not sure how falling is fun but ok.:rotfl2: Glad she got that out of her system.
Great! Thank you!

About me...I'm a single mom of a 17 year old daughter who used to love going to Disneyland as much as me....hoping that will return some day! She still enjoys learning about Disney & such, but the park is more fun with friends, not her mom :( idea why?! :) I've always enjoyed the park most with her.

We started going to the park when she was 8, we both had annual passes for several years, but as the price has skyrocketed there was no sense for us to have them when living in Seattle.

We attended the 50th anniversary of Disneyland & have the "I was there" pin. I made a birthday wish on my 32nd birthday to be able to dine at Club 33. My wish came true when I met someone at DL for the kickoff of the 50th Anniversary & we dined there for my 33rd birthday!

My hope is to find people that enjoy going to the park as much as I do.

I will look at hotels & decide what I would like to do for the trip. I may end up staying with my friend or bring my daughter & a friend they can do their thing....whatever that may be!

Does anyone live in the Seattle area? If so, I would love to meet people in person some day!

Thank you for the welcome! I'll see about finding a picture to post! :)
My son is 17. I also have three girls, ages 15, 12 and 12. It's a busy household with two teens and two preteens! :scared1:

We live in Las Vegas now, but I grew up in SoCal, and when the kids were little we all had annual passes. We even had some when we first moved to NV, but now?? Yikes. No way could we afford 6 annual passes. We all went as a family this past May and it was great, but with the high prices now, that was probably our last time for awhile.

That's really nice you were able to dine at Club 33. Isn't it awesome? I've been once, and it was definitely something a magical memory!

There are several ladies who are from WA. I can think of at least 6 off the top of my head. There's probably more! :thumbsup2

There's a meet in August? Oh my! My official moving day is 1 September, but I can be up there sooner, what's the date of the meet?
Heather, here is the info on the meet:

I haven't heard of any of the ladies going... :confused3 I know one year they tried to get a mini meet set up to go to that and it just fell through.

Now my DD had a great time last night. They got a comp dinner at a nice restaurant then the club was comped too. She had a bit too much to drink and was dancing on the tables.:banana: She said she had so much fun and fell down a lot. Gee not sure how falling is fun but ok.:rotfl2: Glad she got that out of her system.
:rotfl: I think a fair number of bruises is a sign of a great time. Especially if they were earned from falling off the bar. ;)
Oh, thanks for the link! August 4th is a bit too soon for me, won't be able to get up there until the middle/end of the month, but maybe the next one.
Hello Out There!

I've been gone so long i don't know what's going on anymore!
I have 10 days left of my internship so I'm scrambling to finish my work. I'm still working at the same place so now that I've moved, I commute 120 miles in a day! :headache: Thankfully I'm still making money, even with all that I spend on gas. I'm trying to find a new job that's closer but things are pretty slim over here.

Hope everyone is doing well!

I thought I'd repost my introduction since there are a lot of new ladies here and they're probably thinking "who is this girl!?" :confused3

My name is Cristabel, I'm 24. I've been coming to this shindig since the first year, where I was the baby of the group at 18. I've met so many wonderful people and have created strong friendships with some of the local divas. I recently walked at Cal state Fullerton for my BA in Communications. My dept. required an internship so I'm finishing that up this summer.

I've been a Disney nut since birth, just ask my mom! :bitelip:
I was fortunate enough to go at least once a year growing up since I was born and raised in LA.

Currently I'm planning my 2nd WDW trip so that's kind of consuming all of my free time, well that and trying to get in better shape.

I think that's about it!
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