Girls Trip - NO BOYS ALLOWED - 10/2 to 10/10 - Pop, MNSSHPx2, F&W, DxDP - COMPLETED!!


DIS Veteran
Feb 23, 2009
Hello Hello!!! Welcome to my... 4th trip report? I think it's my 4th. WOW! Yes, FOUR times I have been to WDW and it all started way back in May of 2011. Okay, I'm spoiled rotten. Let's get down to details.

When: 10/2/12-10/10/12

Who: Me & DD4

Where: Pop Century

Why: Girls Only Trip!!!

A little background... as I mentioned, we took our first trip back in May of 2011. I was hooked immediately. We drove all the way from Wisconsin and spent 6 short nights in WDW. It was NOT enough. In October 2011 I surprised my DS5 with a Halloween trip. We had the best time during free dining... it was great to spend that one on one time with him. Before leaving, I purchased an AP. Yes! This was my ticket to happiness for an entire year!!! In May 2012 we returned to the World with our entire family and my MIL :eek:! Yes, I know, we're crazy. We spent 8 nights and stayed off property for the first time. We did a LOT on that trip and for the most part had an amazing time. Somehow I talked DH into letting me book another trip in October 2012 before my AP ran out. It ONLY made sense to SAVE money, right? He bought it and I took my DD for her 4th birthday. This would be her 3rd trip. Her actual birthday was September 5th and we surprised her with a backpack full of goodies to take along to WDW. You can see the Youtube video here:
We were all set to go... bags packed and just counting down the days. Of course I came down with a horrible cold 5 days before we left. It lingered throughout the whole trip but did not get me down.

Thanks for joining me and enjoy the ride :) :wizard:

Table of Contents:
Day 1
Girls First Day

Day 2
Girls Go To Hollywood (Part 1)
Girls Go To Hollywood (Part 2)
Girls Night Out

Day 3
Girls Invade MK
Girls With Costumes
Girls Get Washed Out

Day 4
Girls Go Soarin'
Girls Get Spoiled
Girls Find the Smallest Turtle EVER!!!
Girls Get Candy
Girls Get Candy Part 2

Day 5
Girls Get High Score
Girls Start Melting
Girls Meet The Steps
Girls Make Treats

Day 6
Girls Get Royal Treatment
Girls Meet Merida
Girls Dance With Jake
Girls Do Face Paint

Day 7
Girls Go All Lilo
Girls Hula at Tusker House
Girls Race with Coconuts

Day 8
Girls Try Some Weird Cheeses
Girls Try Disney's Brat
Girls See Captain EO
Girls Dance To Motown Philly

Day 9
Girls Say See Ya Real Soon

The End :)
I just read your whole dining report today and absolutely LOVED it! I think you and I have very similar tastes in food. I am totally on board with this trip report. I think taking a trip with just you and one of your children at a time is an AMAZING idea and I think I just may have to do this myself. I can't wait to see what all you guys did. :goodvibes
I am in for sure!! I've spent the last couple of days reading all of your reports & now I feel like I've known you for ages lol

I'm stoked to be able to reply to this one in live time..... I've wanted to say so much along the way of reading your other reports. I think your kiddies are adorable & I love the idea of doing trips one on one with them. Unfortunatley as I'm from Australia that's not an option for us. I also love love love the shirts you made for everyone & all the invites & certificates....too cute!

We are planning our first trip to WDW in Sept 2014 & it cannot come soon enough!!! Waiting to read more about your girls only trip :-)
I am so sorry for not beginning this sooner. I had good intentions and then things just kept coming up but I am here now and READY to get started. I actually just typed up this entire post to only have the Dis page freeze up on me before I could post (why do you hate me Dis!?) So here we go for the second time tonight!

Our day had come. I took my son to school in the morning and then DD and I went home to wait for the airport shuttle. This was our first time using the shuttle. DH had to work and the airport is 90 minutes away so it worked out well for us. The ride down was smooth and we arrived with plenty of time to spare. DD found a place to play in the airport.


In order to prepare for our trip, I had talked to my brother in law who works at a cell phone store and he was able to get me a loner smartphone for our trip. Yes, I'm still one of those people with the old school phones that don't have internet on them... I just have no need to pay that extra money each month. DH has one but I really wanted one to have on this trip for the apps & facebook capabilities :) It was very useful!

Anyways, back to the report:
We ate at Johnny Rockets for the first time ever.



It only made me more excited for Disney food! Our flight left on time and the trip was uneventful (yay!)


As soon as we landed, I got on the phone to call my dad and DH. I was not paying attention to where we were walking and before I knew it, we were on the completely wrong side of the airport. Ugh. That is one giant airport. We finally made our way back to Magical Express and here's DD doing the infamous walk on the Mickey heads :)


The bus left fairly quick and before we knew it, we were getting off at Pop Century.


We checked in and got our stuff (we had done the early online checkin and it literally took minutes). We stepped outside and started making our way to our room... this was the first picture I took outside:


Holy humid batman! Ugh! We got to our room finally (around the corner from the giant cell phone... yeah, could not be farther away from transportation IMO!) We changed (I realized I forgot to pack what I had wanted to wear to DTD that night so I had to improvise)... our luggage was not delivered to our room yet. We left for DTD and this was my first time using the buses to go to DTD. I did not realize that there were two stops. We should have waited till the second stop but we got off at the first. We had plenty of time to waste.


We visited Goofy's Candy Co. and I knew we would be back there later on in the trip to use up some of those snack credits.


We stopped to pickup our MNSSHP tickets and while I was up at the counter, DD was given a Mickey sticker by a little boy in the line next to us. This wasn't her first Mickey sticker nor would it be her last on this trip but it meant so much to her to have another child give it to her. She just kept talking about it and talking about it. It was so nice!

We made our way over to Fulton's and checked in 90 minutes prior to our ADR time. We were seated within 10 minutes upstairs at a window table looking over the water. It had started to rain pretty decently by now. I upgraded our free dining to Deluxe because we LOVE food!!! I was a bit nervous about Fulton's because of all the bad reviews but honestly, it was GREAT! The food was good, the service was good... we had a good time and I'm really considering it for our next trip. If you want more details on the food, you can check out my dining report... otherwise, here are some drool-worthy photos:








DD was so full from the crackers, bread and fruit that she was unable to eat the crab legs but when dessert came around, she ordered a make your own chocolate sundae and they came out with a surprise piece of birthday cake for her. I was unable to order dessert... that stuffed lobster & DD's crab legs had did me in and I felt like that lobster!

We left the restaurant to enter into a bit of a downpour. It wasn't too bad... we got to the bus stop and as we were waiting, a lady came through and gave DD a toy ring. DD was so excited.

We got back to our room and our luggage was still not there :( I was beginning to get worried. It was almost 10pm and there was a knock on the door. YAY!!! I was actually on the phone with DH at the time.

DD went to sleep quickly. We had a very busy day ahead of us. I attempted to connect to the wi-fi but ugh, what a pain. It would connect but only stay connected for a short time.

Next Up: Girls go to Hollywood
I spent a good part of our night organizing our room and getting everything put away. This is what it's like to travel with my little diva:


Here's a picture of our window decorations:


We also had a magnetic board that I put on our door with a marker for people to leave messages. I also left a few business cards on the door (never know when someone might want to book another trip!)

We took the buses to Hollywood Studio and got our photopass card. Luckily, we were participating in a share so the total cost of our photopass experience was only $18 this time around! What a deal!

Here's our first Photopass picture that was taken:


Before entering the park, we spotted Daisy & Donald taking pictures... we got in line and it moved fairly quick.


As soon as we got into the park, we ran straight for Toy Story Mania fastpasses. After obtaining a pair, we got in line to ride standby. This is my favorite ride and I was determined to ride it three times this day. Just as luck would have it, the ride broke down right before we entered the building. We sat there for 15 minutes before the CM's stated that the ride was broken down. People started coming out of the building :( The CM's said they didn't know if the ride would be back up in 5 minutes or 60 so we decided to get out of the line and go somewhere else for the time being. We still had the fastpasses for later but there goes my three rides in one day :(

We decided on Voyage of the Little Mermaid.


We sat front row and DD loved it. After that was over we took a walk over to the Animation building. We had never done this before so it was something new. They taught us how to draw Tinkerbell! How cool! I really enjoyed this and knew we would be back later in the trip for more.


By this time we were ready to return to Toy Story Mania and use our fastpasses.


Loved it as always. Fastpass return times were for 4pm already!!! I guess having the ride broken down will do this :( After Toy Story Mania, we headed over to Star Wars. The standyby time was only 10 minutes so we got in line.


I like this ride but at the same time, I feel like I'm on the verge of getting sick by the end of it everytime. DD really liked it so I did it just for her. We made our way back over towards Beauty and the Beast. This was another first for us. We took a seat and tried to cool off a bit.




It was good. I wasn't over impressed. I thought it was awfully short for having to get a seat so far ahead of time. After the show, DD was beginning to get a little cranky so it was time to shop. She found herself a Minnie Mouse doll to keep her happy.


Then we decided to check out Starring Rolls and of course we had to get a cupcake. Last time I tried the peanut butter cupcake... this time it was red velvet.



YUM!!! DD and I split this and absolutely loved it. The milk was the best part... lol.

To be continued...
We decided to check in early for our lunch ADR at Hollywood Brown Derby. We snagged a chair in the waiting area and got comfy.


One of the CM's came over and talked to us for quite some time. His name was "Mickey" and he could do Mickey's voice perfectly! He made DD a rose out of a napkin and she was thrilled!


We attempted to bring the rose home but it got crushed in our luggage :( After about 20 minutes, we were called and seated at a small table on the upper level of the restaurant. This was my second time dining here. My first time was not a very memorable experience. We were so stuffed full from the deluxe dining plan that I could only bare to order the Cobb salad and no entree or dessert. It was a sad, sad day. We were hungry today so I knew this would be a better experience. Our table was covered in confetti for DD's birthday. The food was excellent. Everything was sooo good. The steak that I ordered was absolutely perfect. I'm pretty sure that's the best steak I've ever had. EVER. On with the food porn:







DD ate well and was rewarded with double the desserts!


After our delicious meal, we headed outside, back into the heat to wait for the parade.


DD got sooo much attention during the parade. Two people actually stopped and said "Happy Birthday" to her. It was great!



We left the park and went back to our resort to change for that night. This was on our door when we got back:


Yay! Our first note!

Next Up: Girls Night Out
DD took a quick nap and we got ready for our special night out.


DD was absolutely thrilled that we were both all dressed up. We took the bus to MK and went inside to get our pictures taken in front of the castle a few times (yay for park hoppers)!


I could feel the eyes on us as we walked down the street. I definitely felt overdressed but it was fun! We made our way through the shops to waste some time. We took the monorail over to the Contemporary and found the floor with California Grill's waiting area. We checked in (a little over an hour early) and our buzzer went off within 15 minutes.


We were seated near a window close to the back (not with a view of the castle). As soon as we sat down, the people at the table next to us commented on how adorable DD was and the lady asked me about my camera. They were very nice. We ordered and then the food came.






At this time, we decided to go and get a place outside on the platform to see the fireworks. Apparently there are two platforms and we of course, found the door to the wrong one (I think it's meant for a private party)... oops! We quickly went back inside and I don't think anyone saw us.. lol. We found the correct door and DD claimed her spot by the railing.



It was really neat getting to see Wishes from a different spot other than inside the park. DD sang along with the song.. so cute! We returned inside and found our dishes had been covered to keep them warm (how nice!) We ordered dessert.


Our waitress came over with a piece of chocolate cake for DD's birthday (her eyes just lit up!) She also sang Happy Birthday to her... it was so nice!


I asked if she could just box up the other dessert we had ordered for her. No problem. Here's a picture of it after we got back to Pop that night:


She boxed that up and boxed up what was left of my sushi. That sushi was absolutely amazing. I was a bit worried about ordering sushi but ohmygosh... I still dream of it. It has become my favorite dish in Disney and I can't wait to eat it again. The steak that I ordered wasn't the greatest. Brown Derby's trumped it by far. I didn't care for the barbeque sauce all over it. The potato salad wasn't too impressive either. All in all, our service was excellent here. I absolutely loved it all and we will return for sure.

We left the Contemporary by monorail. Before we got on the monorail, we saw the drive (conductor?) walking around as we were boarding. He said hi to Lucy and asked how her night was going. I thought nothing of it and we took our seat inside. It was a pretty full house by the time they shut the doors and made all of the announcements. Then the driver spoke over the speaker and said that he wanted to "wish Lucy a Happy Birthday".. everyone in our car clapped for her. lol... it was so unexpected, she was just all smiles.

We took the monorail back to MK and got on a bus to go back to Pop for the night.
This was just such a fun day/night. I look back at the whole trip now and I think this was my favorite. DD really loved getting dressed up and I'm going to make sure we make one night on future trips dedicated to doing something like this.

Up Next: Girls Invade MK
I think I got about 5 hours of sleep that night. DD got a bit more...


We got up and made it to MK before the park opened. While waiting near the entrance, I called DH to talk to him before he went to work. While on the phone, one of the CM's came over and had the whole crowd sing "Happy Birthday" to DD. DH got to hear it over the phone, he thought that was neat.


The countdown went off without a hitch and we took off through the entrance and down Main Street. DD got some quick pics!



Lucy had one thing on her mind, Dumbo! In her prior 2 trips, she had never been able to ride it so this was her time.



This ride could be double the time and be a bit more worth going on (especially since there are two of them now)... DD loved it. We walked around a bit and decided to go on Barnstormer. No one was in line. We got front row and got to go around twice without getting off. It was GREAT!


This water area just does not phase me one bit. I get that some kids like water but who wants to go and get soaked and then walk around like that?

We made our way over to the Carousel... another first for us. I never bothered since it's "JUST" a carousel but DD really wanted to do it and there was no line so why not?


DD had to give the sword a good tug before moving on.


On our last trip, she pulled it out and it was so unexpected, I barely caught it on film. Of course, when I'm ready for it, nothing happens.. lol. I took a quick shot of the new wall.


We literally missed the Fantasyland previews by a few days. Don't remind me :( We took a quick ride on Small World (DD's favorite).

By this time, it was almost 9am and the crowd was beginning to gather to run for the "Mountains". They held everyone off by a rope right past Peter Pan's flight.


DD had never ridden Big Thunder Mountain. On our first trip she was too small. On the second one, it was down for refurb. This would be her first "big" coaster (besides Barnstormer of course).


You can tell by the face, she wasn't sure what to expect but she ended up LOVING it. She put her hands up on the hills and smiled the whole time. It was great. On our way out I spotted a cousin of someone I recently became friends with through Facebook. She's also a Disney fan and she told me that her cousin works at Big Thunder Mountain and that I should look for him so sure enough, on our way out of the ride, we spotted him and stopped to chat for a bit.

After Big Thunder Mountain, we took a ride on the Magic Carpets which was another first.


and that darn camel got me! Ugh! We walked over to Pirates and rode that quick then decided to make our way out of the park. We had a reservation for Kona Cafe... it wasn't for awhile yet but I was hoping to get in early and get back to the resort for a good nap before our MNSSHP that night.





Kona was good but not everything I thought it would be. I was a bit disappointed to be honest. I would not waste a table service credit on this place again but maybe OOP if I had to choose somewhere for breakfast. DD ordered a lemonade and all they had was this pomegranite lemonade (apparently this is what they're pushing in the parks because we were offered it several times during this trip)... she got it and it was just plain NASTY! ew.

So we got done at Kona and we took the monorail back to MK then hopped on a bus to Pop. This was waiting for us:


Yes, yes! We were so excited!!! DD had to try to take a quick nap before we headed back to MK for the festivities!!!

Next Up: Girls Get Washed Out
DD barely took a nap. We woke up and started to get ready for MNSSHP that night. DD was going to be Rapunzel and I was Mother Gothel. We had a 3:15 ADR at Crystal Palace so I did not want to wear my costume into the park that early. I packed it in our backpack and took it along to change into. DD wore her dress and piggy tails.

We took the bus to MK and entered the park.



As we were walking down Main Street, one of the Photopass photographers took pictures of us.


We got to Crystal Palace 20 minutes before our ADR and we checked in. It took 20 minutes before our pager went off. We had fun conversing with the friendly animals around the restaurant.



We were seated and our hostess asked DD for her autograph!


As you can see, I don't think DD understood what was going on. She did not know how to write her full name so she scribbled a bit and that was that. We filled up our plates and started to dig in.




Then the characters started coming around.





They were alright. I'm not a huge fan of the stuffed characters that can't talk. I feel like I'm hugging a teddy bear and talking to one too (since they don't talk back). DD seemed to enjoy it. Eyeore had a guy with him that handed out stickers to DD and he brought a cupcake for her. Eyeore hung around long enough to help "sing" Happy Birthday to her.


We left the tip and decided to get the party started. We walked out of Crystal Palace and the doorman asked for DD's autograph (must be a trend at this restaurant). She smiled at me and scribbled a little. It was cute.


We headed towards Tomorrowland to get our wristbands and goody bags.


We had a little extra time so we decided to go on Buzz Lightyear quick.



After that we made a quick stop at Monster's Inc. Laugh Floor. I texted a joke in and it got used (but my name wasn't mentioned).


when the show was done, we decided to head towards Town Square Theater. I still needed to change into my outfit for the night. I used Tony's bathroom for the quick change and upon exiting, I received my first compliment on the dress. We quickly ran out to Main Street to find a Photopass photographer to get some pics taken but there were NONE to be found. Really, NONE! I shrugged and said we would just get them done later (if I only knew)... we headed back into Town Square Theater and asked where the lineup would be for the princesses. The CM told us "right here" so we set up camp and parked ourselves. Within 10 minutes we had neighbors and from then on, the line grew. We sat down at 5:30pm and the princesses & princes do not come out until the party begins at 7pm mind you. It was going to be quite the wait.

Eventually the normal princess line was shut down and we were let into the other rooms. We were first up right against the velvet rope. DD had her frying pan in hand and I just redid my lipstick for Flynn (lol, like he would fall for Mother Gothel - I had a dream!!!)


Next Up: Girls Get Washed Out
Great report--dying to see how you dress for Mother Gothel-- or, mother goggles as my 5 year old DGD calls her.
I've been slacking on this a bit more... so I put it on my "to do" list today to finish up another entry.

Yesterday I booked a trip back to the World! This will be my 5th trip since May 2011. This will probably be the most special trip though because my 76 year old dad is coming along for his first time! I can't believe he has agreed to go. Since my mom died 3 years ago, it's been hard getting him out of the house. He rarely even comes to our house (we only live a block away from him!) This trip will be me, my dad, my half sister (who's over 50 as well) and my 2 children. We are renting points and staying at Kidani at AKL in a 1 bedroom savannah view!!! We're also opting for the deluxe dining plan (but of course!) It will be December 3-10th and I can't wait to see the Christmas decor! So I've been setting that all up and going over my crazy plans already.

Anyways, here is my next entry :) Enjoy!
We began chatting with the people next in line. They had people in their party who ran over to Casey's to get something to eat... turns out it had started raining. The lady came back and swore that lightning was inches away from striking her. Scary! It did not sound like fun out there and all I could do was hope and pray that the weather would calm down by the time we were done.

7pm FINALLY arrived and we were let into the room with the princes and princesses. There was a group of CM's near the door that complimented us on our costumes. DD was in heaven. Rapunzel and Flynn were waiting for her. Flynn looked gooooood :) Right away, Flynn made a comment about that frying pan not being very effective.. lol. They took her and talked with her for a long time then we got pictures.





Flynn didn't know what to think of me. Is it horrible that I was secretly hoping he'd fall in love with Mother Gothel? Well, it didn't happen. Life goes on. And Snow White was next!




Cinderella was nice and Prince Charming had the best smile ever!




90 minutes in line... was it worth it? Yes, I believe so. I would never do it again but DD was happy as could be. We exited the room into the gift shop and reality set in. It was POURING outside :(

We staked out a spot in the corner and prepared ourselves with ponchos and putting everything into ziplock baggies. We were determined to have a good time and the rain was not going to stop us. We stepped foot outside and wow, I have never seen rain like that before. It was thundering and lightning constantly. We stayed close to the buildings on Main Street but that was everyone's ideas so the sidewalks were packed full. We kept trucking along and I remember seeing lightning strike right behind the castle. Scary!!! I never thought of the danger while we were knee deep in water. We made our way through the Tomorrowland Terrace and into Tomorrowland. None of the candy stops were open and of course, no characters, no Villains show and no dance party :( We made our way around to Winnie the Pooh and by this time we were completely soaked. My dress was wet from my knees down and my arms on my dress were drenched. They were heavy and wet :( We rode Winnie the Pooh and headed into Fantasyland. The rain slowed down a bit and I thought maybe it would stop. We checked at Pinnochio's Village Haus to see if they had their candy stop open but nope. It was time for the parade so we found a spot but the rain never really slowed down. I knew the headless horseman wouldn't ride but I was hoping the parade would go on. Nope :( They ended up postponing it a few times and then they cancelled it. We headed to the Diamond Horseshoe for the inside dance party with Woody, Jesse & Bullseye. That was fun and gave us some time to dry off. We went back outside and it was pouring again.

Next we headed off to Pecos Bill for a bite to eat. The toppings bar is amazing!


It was almost time for the fireworks so we went back towards the castle. We got on Main Street and it was just barely drizzling. We waited and waited... about 10 minutes after the scheduled time there was an announcement that they were postponing the fireworks. We decided then and there that we had enough. We started walking towards the exit. I was so disappointed. We didn't even get a picture of the both of us in front of the castle :(

We got to Town Square and there was a massive line snaking through the area... I asked someone what it was for and they said replacement tickets or a refund for the night since it was being considered a "washout". We got in line.

It was just too much money to just throw away. If they were going to give tickets to another night, I would take those in a heartbeat. I still really wanted DD to experience MNSSHP. DD did great. I fed her the little bit of candy we did collect in order to keep her happy. We spent 90 minutes in line, in the pouring rain. We talked to so many different CM's about what was going on. By the time we were getting close to City Hall, they made an announcement that you could just go back to your resort and call the front desk for replacement tickets or a refund. I didn't want to take a chance though. My luck, they wouldn't know anything about it and I'd be out the money so we sat in line and waited. We were right by the train station (dead center with Main Street and the castle) when Hallowishes began. Even though we were wet, tired and cranky.. it was nice to see the fireworks in a different spot. I pulled out my camcorder and recorded most of it. We made a few different friends while in line and finally we got up to the front. We took tickets for the following night (which I had the Spirit of Aloha show reservations for). After we got the tickets, we spotted Phineas and Ferb at their meetngreet with no one in line. DD ran right over to them. She had a sucker in her mouth and they started pointing at her and shaking their heads.



DD didn't know what they were doing.. lol. I removed the sucker and she took a pic with them.


Our fingers were raisins, we were freezing on the bus but once we got back to our room, we fell asleep very quickly. Our costumes were soaked and there's no way we could wear them back the next night. Oh well... at least we were going back!

Next Up: Girls go Soarin'
Joining in! So sad about being washed out of MK!! :sad1: You guys looked great with the Princesses though!

I'd love to do a mother-daughter trip in a few years with my girls!! But I think my husband would be so sad to be left behind!!! :goodvibes
That is terrible that your party got washed out but at least you were able to get tickets for another night. I'll have to remember for our upcoming trip to plan a party early on in the trip so if we get washed out, we can go on a replacement night. I really want to see the party!

You costumes were fantastic too. I love DD's little frying pan! What a cute touch.
So sorry I haven't updated in awhile... we have been busy remodeling our bathroom (ugh, what a mess!) I'm currently uploading more pics to Photobucket so be on the lookout for a new post soon :)
Despite our wet night, we were up bright and early the next morning to go to Epcot. DD was ready for Soarin'!


It was EMH morning as well so we got in an hour early. Yay!!!


Here we are in line:


After Soarin' we headed to ride Nemo.


I took a pic of DD with the giant ball in the background. I just love this picture.


We headed over to visit Figment.


After riding, I realized that I forgot my backpack on the ride! I panicked and we followed the hallway back and tried knocking on doors to get someone's attention. We found the beginning of the ride and flagged down the lady... sure enough, they were just loading the cars and there was my bag. Whew! We spent a little time playing in the Imagination area... love that place!


After that, we headed over towards the Food & Wine Center which was on the other side of the park (near the closed Test Track) :(


This place is HUGE!


We made our way around and I spotted the wine selection for sale:


Yum! We found the chocolate sculptures and admired those for awhile...





Our main goal for the visit the Chase lounge was to find out how the wristband system worked for the concerts. We were scoping it out for the Boyz II Men concert later on during our trip. The lounge was fantastic! Such a nice feature to have and I hope they continue with it in the following years to come. They had tv's, comfy chairs, charging stations, free soda/coffee/candy and board games. There was a private bathroom and a touch screen map of the World Showcase with all of the food booths listed. I talked to the CM's there about the concert seating and found out where the seats would be. They were not in the very front section by the stage but the section after the walkway (not under the roof). That would be fine for us as long as we didn't have to wait hours in line for the seats. The previous year, I spent 2 1/2 hours in line for Hanson with my son. We got front row and it was worth it but still wasted a lot of precious park time.


Once we were done, we headed over towards World Showcase to start using up some of those snack credits.

Next Up: Girls Get Spoiled


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