Girls Trip Take 2 - Labor Day Weekend 2021 and Christmas 2021 Trip

F&W booths are fun!
They really are!

All work is good work. I think you learn something from every type of job you do that helps you in your next job. Plus when you do the less popular jobs it helps you have empathy and compassion for people who do those jobs all the time.

This 100%!

It is a really lovely show.

I'm so glad you liked it. Not everyone did.

Crossing my fingers for Danielle's vacation to be approved.
Thank you! We need as much help as we can get.
Ah! But gumbo is not French. Yes the French Canadian settlers who were displaced to LA may lay claim to it now, but the word is actually of African origin. You won't find Gumbo in France, unless you find a South USA restaurant... maybe.
Not all French settlers came from Canada. I have ancestors who came straight to Louisiana and some that went to Alabama first.

I still say it's a Gumbo pot.

C'mon up! We have snow already.

And we're still hitting 90.

Hope she gets it.

Thank you!

Think I saw that on her IG post? Very nice. :)

I think she's pretty proud of it.

Oh! Nice! I really enjoyed that little short.

I loved it! So many memories.
Yay for your upcoming trip! I’m really excited to get a trip in again in December! This is a wonderful time in the World!
We're excited! I'm so happy you're going too with Susan. It really helps to make Christmas even more special.

I hope Danielle will get Monday off!

Thank you! The more positive thoughts the better.

The Jollywood party sounds interesting! I think more of an upscale after hour situation. Do you get anything free? Like popcorn or ice cream treats?

I don't know if it's like the after hour parties with free snacks or not.

There isn’t one while we are there! I am hoping to do an after hours event in early February when Andi and I head back.
It will be a different trip because I think we will be staying at Universal the whole time and only spend a few days at Disney! Yikes, mostly because we both have AP at Universal and I only have AP at Disney!

Big plans for February trip. Not staying in Disney will be different. Should be interesting too.
Your trip is coming up soon! I hope Danielle can get that Monday off.
Thank you! More positive thoughts and wishes.

Jollywood sounds interesting, but it's got a big price tag.

I think I would be more interested in it if we were doing an Adult only trip. I also can see putting out that much money.

The Disney 100 name tag is very cool.

I think so too. It should go nice with her 50th anniversary name tag.

Your evening at Epcot with the F&G booths sounds successful. The dishes from Hawaii and Canada looked really good.
Kind of a bummer that if one person in the boat didn't wear their mask, everyone was penalized. Ah well, guess that's a moot point now. :confused3

This food was really good. It was a bummer about the ride photo, but it also shows how far we have come from the pandemic.
Thank you! We spent Saturday and JP's Cub Scout Family Camp Out. Dennis stayed with him Friday and Saturday night and Michelle stayed on Saturday night. I was a day guest and left with Dominic and Gabriel. I'm still tired.
My wee grandson goes to Scouts too. His age group are called Squirrels (then as the kids age its Beavers. Cubs and Scouts). Thankfully they don't do sleepover camps until they are Beavers (6yrs old). Denis is a brave man. I'm tired just thinking about it :rotfl:
We need to meet and eat together one F&W.
I'd like that :goodvibes
Thank you! I'm really worried she won't get the Monday off since it's a party night. She was excited about the party until she saw her schedule for the first week of parties. They have her scheduled for 50+ hours and she'll be working until 3:30 am one day.
I think you can only work those hours when you're young! She may make a real effort to eat right ( and possibly take some vitamins). I used to work a 70 hour week when I was on night duty and sometimes it was a struggle to find time to eat proper food which inevitably meant coming down with a cold/virus. It certainly made me prioritize nutrition and when I did I was grand-tired but healthy. Still crossing everything Danielle gets the Monday off when you are there 🤞🤞🤞
My wee grandson goes to Scouts too. His age group are called Squirrels (then as the kids age its Beavers. Cubs and Scouts). Thankfully they don't do sleepover camps until they are Beavers (6yrs old). Denis is a brave man. I'm tired just thinking about it

JP is a Tiger Scout this year. He is 6 now, so he is doing the overnights.

I'd like that :goodvibes

Me too!

think you can only work those hours when you're young! She may make a real effort to eat right ( and possibly take some vitamins). I used to work a 70 hour week when I was on night duty and sometimes it was a struggle to find time to eat proper food which inevitably meant coming down with a cold/virus. It certainly made me prioritize nutrition and when I did I was grand-tired but healthy. Still crossing everything Danielle gets the Monday off when you are there

I'll have to remind her to eat healthy. I hope she doesn't get overtired and sick before we come.
Tuesday, September 7, 2021- Busy Day, But First Some Breakfast

Today was a really busy day with lots of moving parts. We were all going in different directions.

Michelle was flying home and using Magical Express to get to the airport. She was originally booked on Southwest but due to the New Orleans airport not being open yet she booked a flight on American and flew back to Baton Rouge.

Danielle would be working today but would be joining us for Breakfast and at the Boo Bash.

Leah and I were together all day for all the fun.

We had a breakfast ADR for Topolino's @ 8:10 am for 3. When I originally made the reservation Michelle choose not to go since she would be leaving early. This was a first for all of us and I was really looking forward to it. The plan was for Danielle to drive us there. She would head back to her apartment after breakfast to get ready for work. Leah and I would take the Skyliner from Riviera to DHS.

We were all up really early. I made my very first successful boarding pass for ROTR for Leah and I at 7 am. Danielle is the one who usually makes it for us. I was quite proud of myself.

We all said goodbye to Michelle before heading to breakfast. I know she was ready to get back to John Paul. Here's our view of the Riviera from the parking lot. That's a pretty long walk up to the entrance.

It really is a beautiful resort.


Is anyone else nervous the first time you go to a new to you resort for a new to you restaurant? I was really nervous trying to find my way around. I do not remember what I saw after we entered the resort. I was just looking for signage to get to Topolino's. We found the elevator and went up. Once we found the restaurant we checked in waited just a little to be taken to our table. We were still under COVID protocols so the tables were spaced apart. The character were there but not allowed to take photos with us, they stood behind us and at a distance. The was an improvement over our meal at CRT the previous year. Cinderella did not enter the dining area at all but stood well away from everyone.

Once we were seated the characters marched through the restaurant to some lively music.




This was so fun and they were so cute in their different outfits.

The pastries and condiments were served after the characters had moved on. We dug right into these and really loved them.



Mickey was the first character to visit us, from a distance.

We sent Michelle a picture of our pastries and she sent us back a picture of her breakfast of Mickey waffles. Did you even go to Disney if you didn't have Mickey waffles?


Minnie and Donald came by next. Donald really loved Danielle's nuiMo.

Continued in next post.


He posed with his mini me.
And then with the girls.

Our meals came after Donald had moved along. Everything looks so delicious.

Leah had the Sour Cream Waffles with roasted apples, Chantilly, Orange-Maple syrup and bacon. She also had some scrambled eggs on the side. Her caffeine of choice was a Macchiato.
I had the Fruit Plate with Honey Yogurt, Seed Granola & Toasted Sunflower Butter. I added a side of waffles.
Danielle had the Quiche Gruyere, House made Pancetta, Roasted Potatoes, Field Greens with Lemon Vinaigrette. She chose to get some waffles too as a side. It was really great that we had the option to add sides to our meals.

As we enjoyed our meals we were visited by Daisy and then the characters started back up. We saw Mickey and Minnie again.

After breakfast we were invited to go out on the balcony to enjoy the view. I took several photos and them some photos on our way out. We were all very full and waddled out. Danielle headed to the parking lot while Leah and I headed to DHS on the Skyliner. I think this was her first flight but she did okay.

Roof Selfie.
Disney has some of the most interesting light fixtures. I try to remember to look up, which isn't easy when your short.

One of my goals was to see the mosaics. They did not disappoint.

Michelle sent us an update from the Tragical Express. I think she was already missing Danielle and Disney.

Up next is DHS fun.
Awww makes me miss Riviera! It is a beautiful resort and Topolinos is such a wonderful breakfast! I love the deck area, you can see for miles!

I finally tried the sour cream waffles and I really liked them.
It looked like a beautiful day outside!
The characters at Topolinos are so cute, I love the outfits! Wewe!
I completely understand what you mean about entering a new resort. I'm awful with directions, and I feel like some of the Disney resorts can be really confusing! Glad you were able to find Topolino's.
The pastries looked delicious, and you can't beat that rooftop view. :goodvibes
We were all going in different directions.
Hopefully someone chose Disney!
Michelle was flying home and using Magical Express to get to the airport.
I miss that. Even the leaving part.
We were all up really early. I made my very first successful boarding pass for ROTR for Leah and I at 7 am. Danielle is the one who usually makes it for us. I was quite proud of myself.
Is anyone else nervous the first time you go to a new to you resort for a new to you restaurant?
I wouldn't say nervous. Excited? With anticipation?
The character were there but not allowed to take photos with us, they stood behind us and at a distance.
At least they were there.
So... gonna assume... butter, strawberry jam and... is that chocolate??
Did you even go to Disney if you didn't have Mickey waffles?
I have never had Mickey waffles.
Donald really loved Danielle's nuiMo.
What is that??
Cute shot of the ladies. :)
Leah had the Sour Cream Waffles with roasted apples, Chantilly, Orange-Maple syrup and bacon. She also had some scrambled eggs on the side.
Whoa! :worship:
I had the Fruit Plate with Honey Yogurt, Seed Granola & Toasted Sunflower Butter. I added a side of waffles.
Well... sure!
Danielle had the Quiche Gruyere, House made Pancetta, Roasted Potatoes, Field Greens with Lemon Vinaigrette. She chose to get some waffles too as a side.
How was the quiche? Sounds good.
We were all very full and waddled out.
:laughing: I bet!
Very nice shot of you! :)
I try to remember to look up, which isn't easy when your short.
You're not that much farther away from the ceiling!
One of my goals was to see the mosaics. They did not disappoint.
They are nice. ::yes::
Michelle sent us an update from the Tragical Express. I think she was already missing Danielle and Disney.
Totally get that. :(
Awww makes me miss Riviera! It is a beautiful resort and Topolinos is such a wonderful breakfast! I love the deck area, you can see for miles!

I'm really glad we took the time to do this. I'm hoping to make it back someday.

I finally tried the sour cream waffles and I really liked them.

They were really good. Give me waffles over pancakes anyday.

The characters at Topolinos are so cute, I love the outfits! Wewe!

They are precious.


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