Going out to dinner, and FG


Earning My Ears
May 9, 2003

My whole family is going to WDW including 5 children under 4, the adults would like to go to dinner one night with out the children and we are planning on using the FG (fairy godmothers, hope I have the abbr right)

My question is:

Is it better to go to dinner after the children have fallen asleep so they don't even know you are gone, or should you go when they are awake?

Thanks for any input!
WELCOME to the DIS!!! :)

This is my opinion as a Mom...I think they should KNOW you're not there. Erich always knew/knows Mommy was leaving and there's a reason why.I had a cousin who use to "sneak" out , when I was babysitting her daughters because they'd cry as she was leaving.I told her that 5 minutes,if that long, after she was gone the girls were fine! This is sort of morbid but my thought was...what if that was the last time my child ever saw me,what if something terrible did happen to me and I "snuck' out on him.No hugs and kisses and bye byes from Mommy,to remember me.I felt like he'd always wonder where I was,that I might be coming back.

Your children might whine a bit that you're leaving which might make you feel bad that you're going out without them but I'm positive the FG will have them entertained right away.:)

I'm sure y'all will have a great time on your adults only night out!
I was wondering what FG was, LOL! Now I know. :)

I'd agree that it's better to leave the kids awake. You may also find that they don't go to bed as early at WDW as they do at home, pushing your dinner plans back to an unreasonable hour if you waited. My 2 year old was out at 8 PM like clockwork at home, but at WDW he was often too excited to nap at his regular time, and took a later nap. I didn't let him sleep too late, but he still wasn't really sleepy at his normal bedtime.

The kids will have fun with their sitter(s)!


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