GOOD MORNING DIS! Whoopsidoodle Hangers On and Friends Meet Here Part 9

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Oh, and good morning everyone! :sunny:

Everyone is up and off. I need to go into the office today, but am first going to try to get a few things done around here.
Oh and blow torch on the sofa??? When we were down before, DS mentioned sledge hammer. And when I was talking to the guy on the phone yesterday, he told me it's a great stress release to use a sledge hammer on it.:lmao: We're just gonna give the thing a try. We have nothing to lose!:thumbsup2
To bad my DSs aren't down there! They'd have that thing in pieces in no time!! If it's a sofabed, take the bed part out and unattached it from the sofa back. Then you should be able to see where the arms attached to the back. You should be able to go from there and break it down. ......actually, I have no clue as to how to do it, but that would seem logical.
Thanks. It's sort of problem solving.:confused3 I like problem solving...but usually not this physical.:rotfl: Good thing is...there's 4 people of the MALE variety.:)
Good luck getting it out of there.
:woohoo: Congrats on the last day of work!

And're overprotective? Yep, cause you're the MOM!! It is hard to let them do things that could hurt them. Always will be. You may have missed my near nervous breakdown after DS14 broke his arm playing Lacrosse and needed several surgeries...then he wanted to play again!:scared1: Lynn had the same issues after her DS18s terrible accident. And letting my 16 year old drive alone for the first time.:scared: It's our job to keep them safe and to let them become independent--the two don't always go together very well!:hug:

Funny story, remember the friends whose home we visited in Grayton Beach? It was a three story (nothing really ON the first story) home, and the living area is on the top floor--they do that often near the coast because the view is better. But the stairways are in the middle of the house and fairly narrow. Rather than move the sofas, TV & armoire, big dining table, etc. up two flights of stairs, they got ahold of some sort of lift truck, lifted the stuff to the third level, and moved it in through the patio doors!:rotfl: I would have had to leave the house while all of that was going on, I'm afraid!

That's the worst feeling! I remember when "broken arm boy" was a toddler and fell and needed stitches. I was in a meeting at work and nobody could find me!:guilty:
There will always be guilt trips of some sort with parenting. And I agree 3P, you can watch them like a hawk, protect them, etc. and things are going to happen anyway. DD got hurt in a freak accident just walking into a restroom when she was 5! And then you have things like what ds18 did with the sled when he was old enough to know better. :rolleyes: Somehow, you just learn to roll with whatever happens.
Nanu, I'd be watching your dd do those cute little rides and standing back taking pictures. Those are priceless at that age. ;) :)
Oh, and good morning everyone! :sunny:

Everyone is up and off. I need to go into the office today, but am first going to try to get a few things done around here.
:wave2: I'm just trying to decide what I want to do today.
:wave: Hi!

You didn't mention pain...did you survive your little ummmmm...sledding incident OK?
AND WHY IS NOBODY OPEN UNTIL 9:00!!! Don't they know I've been up since 6:15 and my boys have been gone for 45 minutes and I'm trying to make some phone calls!?:confused3

:wave: Hi!

You didn't mention pain...did you survive your little ummmmm...sledding incident OK?
I'm ok, thanks! :hug: I just feel like I've been working out, which is good! :thumbsup2 I guess that part of my day can't count as exercise though,since I really had no control over it. ;)
ANY WHY IS NOBODY OPEN UNTIL 9:00!!! Don't they know I've been up since 6:15 and my boys have been gone for 45 minutes and I'm trying to make some phone calls!?:confused3

I know what you mean. The rest of the world should start their day to coincide with what you need to do!
I'm ok, thanks! :hug: I just feel like I've been working out, which is good! :thumbsup2 I guess that part of my day can't count as exercise though,since I really had no control over it. ;)
I know what you mean. The rest of the world should start their day to coincide with what you need to do!

I'm thinking you got some abdominal work trying to stay upright...:goodvibes

Glad you're not too sore!

And you're right...the world SHOULD adjust to my schedule! :eek: I think my teenagers are rubbing off on me!:lmao: :lmao:

And now that businesses are willing to accept my calls:rolleyes: I've got to head to the office. Have a good day everyone!
Good morning everyone. I did another sleep in day (9:00 again). I figure I'd get one more in before I have to get into back to school routine tomorrow.

I was up at 6:00 with DH but that lasted a whole 15 minutes. Once he got in the shower I was back to sleep.

Now to go back and read about what happened since last night.
I'm ok, thanks! :hug: I just feel like I've been working out, which is good! :thumbsup2 I guess that part of my day can't count as exercise though,since I really had no control over it. ;)
I know what you mean. The rest of the world should start their day to coincide with what you need to do!

they do that, once you wake up, half of the world already started their day :rotfl:
too bad that does not help you at all:lmao:

be back to chat in a bit, I hope :)
Pat--I don't think 10 months is too far away to book. And I was gonna contact you eventually...but not about our anniversary next month...I am going AGAIN at the end of Nov with just my mom and DD. It'll be a 3 generational girls only trip celebrating my mom's birthday. She mentioned something about shirts saying "Today is my birthday," "Today is my mom's birthday" and "today is my grandma's birthday" that all match minus the saying. I did that for a trip with her and my dad a few years ago, "Today is my 4oth birthday" and "today is my wife's 40th birthday." but I just did it on cafepress and used the basic program "paint" so the graphics were weak.

We went to the fair again tonite. DD was riding the rides and I had to leave. I can't handle her riding rides alone. I worry she'll climb out of the ride and break her leg and then be deformed because her growth plate got damaged. Apparently she had a ball. DH and his mom stayed with her. DH says I'm too overprotective.

Oh, and tomorrow is my last day of work!

Don't worry about being over protective at her age..she is still just a little thing. Me, I'm a bit laid back but DH more than makes up for it. HE is the big worry wart in the family.

Had to post another because my post count was 8,666... :upsidedow: :lmao:

Don't blame you, I probably would have done the same!

Good Morning!

And today I was up normal time. But we left our laptop at DS's (we're in a hotel). :faint: So I'm in the lobby.

Today will be busy. WE found out having the furniture co. take apart that sofa will be $275. Uhhh...I think not. For that, we'll try it ourselves, and if we can't...oh well. We need to get DS's computer all set up in his room...without that sofa in there!

One thing went wrong so far...we had a wall and doors put up, and Home Depot ordered the wrong doors. So we have to straighten that out today, too.

275.00 to demolish a sofa? Wow, that's a pretty good profit for them, it would most likely take them less than an hour and it's all labor...Maybe i should be in the "take apart furnture" business.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: When guys get an idea in there head, there's not always logic involved.

And speaking of spilling things down our fronts... I don't have to worry, cause apparently you ladies stole my shape...I'm a triangle...point side up.:rotfl: BUT...DH looks like Santa Claus, no padding needed. He never puts a napkin on his lap, cause, as he puts it, nothing gets past the belly!:rotfl2:

Terri...I hope your brother gets better quickly.:hug: DSIL's grandfather could use some P&PD too...he had a "leaky" artery...and lost 10 units of blood. They caught it in time, which is good, but he's generally not in good health.

Yep, when I was pregnant all the stains were at belly level, now the stains are all a little higher. I actually keep a spare uniform shirt at work because I am always spilling something during lunch and I can't walk around with a stain on me for another 4 hours. Makes me uncomfortable.

Terri, hope your brother is getting better. It must be hard to be so far away. I know when my Mom was going through her chemo it was hard on my sisters.

Good Morning! It does sound like you'll have a busy day...And for $275 I'd take the think apart and if it doesn't come apart there's always the blow torch! :confused3 :rotfl2: As for Home Depot, ummm, they are quickly becoming a place that I don't like to do business with. Maybe I've just had a string of bad luck with them :confused3

I'll be glad to share some of the shape! And I love your DH's sense of humor..;)

I will keep your DSIL's grandfather in my prayers..A leaky artery? That sounds pretty scary...How on earth does one get a leaky artery? Did it just wear out? 10 units of blood is a lot to lose..Thank goodness they caught it in time.

Yikes, 10 units! I'll keep him in my thoughts along with Terri's brother.

I see a lot of this at work...people not being able to afford to live. :sad2: It's when I hear of the lady that laid in her bed for 2 days under the covers for warmth because her furnace wasn't working. :sad1: or the person that had to choose between food and meds..:mad: ..It just drives me :crazy: that we as a country offer aid to other countries and we don't even take care of the precious lives we have here.

I'll keep your DSIL in my prayers and hope that it works out for her. Does MA have fuel assistance? VT has that for people to help with their heating bills in the winter......:confused3 Good Luck...

It is a shame isn't it. A person should never have to choose between food or medicine. We have the heating program here's called HEAP.

Poor man...that sounds pretty :scared:

And so to borrow a line from the Jerry Maguire movie ....he completes you.
Very nice...DH & I are "balanced" too...He's quiet, doesn't easily get upset, and I'm the same way. :love:

NOT! Total opposites!

We're total opposites too..makes for some interesting times!


God has a way of putting opposites together. Cause he KNOWS if he put LIKES together...we'd just be an endangered species!!!:lmao:


I guess I should start to get ready for work..NOT something that I'm looking forward to today...I want to be like Nanu...I want this to be my last day.

Have a good day Kathy but don't overdue it!

That would be so have a last day of work. Maybe one of these days I'll win the lottery and then I can say "bye, bye" to work.

AND WHY IS NOBODY OPEN UNTIL 9:00!!! Don't they know I've been up since 6:15 and my boys have been gone for 45 minutes and I'm trying to make some phone calls!?:confused3


I personally hate talking on the phone and avoid it at all costs. I wish I could do everything on-line so I would never have to use the phone.

Now I need to go have some breakfast, but the milk is very low so it won't be cereal..need to save the milk for the kids.
Good morning! :sunny:

So, today, they're doing a stress test on my brother. Hopefully something in one of these tests will give them some answers.

We went to the fair again tonite. DD was riding the rides and I had to leave. I can't handle her riding rides alone. I worry she'll climb out of the ride and break her leg and then be deformed because her growth plate got damaged. Apparently she had a ball. DH and his mom stayed with her. DH says I'm too overprotective.

Nanu, we ALL understand! :hug: I have especially hard times on rides with the kids (even when I'm with them). Don't know why, because I'm not a generally fearful person.

The thing that helps me is to remember that your chlid is in God's hands, and He won't do anything to her that He doesn't want to. Your responsibility is to make wise decisions and to help her learn to make them, too. You can't control everything she'll do, but you can TEACH her right/wrong/morality, etc. As she grows, she'll be responsible for her own decisions and your sensibilities will have an impact on her.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

God has a way of putting opposites together. Cause he KNOWS if he put LIKES together...we'd just be an endangered species!!!:lmao:

He sure put opposites together with DH and me!!!:rotfl2: My opinion is two of ME or two of HIM would just be plain obnoxious.

Gotta go take DD to school soon, so I'd better fix my hair and finish getting dressed. I'll talk to you all later! :wave2:
Kids on rides, ask my youngest about that one and she'll tell you how I drove her nuts!

The first time we did the family trip to WDW she went on Rock N Roller coaster and since she was such a skinny little thing I was convinced she was going to just slip right out of the shoulder harness. So, the whole ride I had my hand digging into her leg to hold her in (not that she needed it but it made ME feel better) poor kid hand my hand print on her legs for a long time after we got off the ride.

Then on Thunder Mountain she has to put her hands up in the air and NOT hang she is getting lots of air time so I'm holding one of her hands (up in the air) just in case she actually flew out of the seat I could pull her back in. Never mind that no one has ever flown out of the ride..I wasn't taking chances. She was not too happy that I kept grabbing her hand.

The only one of my kids that ever had any injuries is my middle DD. She broke her collar bone at 4 years old. She flew over the handles bars of her bike and bruised her tailbone. She broke her nose playing basketball with friends and needed surgery to reset it. She has broken fingers playing basketball, popped her knee cap doing a dnace routine and she also had to wear an air cast when she fell off of her dance shoes. She twisted her ankle and had a severe sprain. She reinjured her knee playing soccer and also injured her back playing soccer, so now she has to go to physical therepy and can no longer play, run track or even take gym class. That kid is a the walking wounded.

The other 2 have had just the typical childhood injuries....thank god. One injury prone child is enough.
Hi All I'm back! :wave2: I decided to come and post a (bit) earlier today.. Nothing much to say though, and the lights are all out so I'll be Back later.. :wave2:

AND WHY IS NOBODY OPEN UNTIL 9:00!!! Don't they know I've been up since 6:15 and my boys have been gone for 45 minutes and I'm trying to make some phone calls!?:confused3


Here's a Story. My Friend came back from WDW and got me a gift. However, since I'm working and they are off to school on Thursday, I said they should come to work and drop the present off.

So they came.... at 6pm when I had left... :upsidedown :lmao:
Stopping in while DH is napping.:rolleyes: We did our running around and now he's tired.

Home Depot update...they had the door grill inserts...just didn't give them to the contractor. :sad2: But it took a little bit for them to figure that out. We're still waiting for the OTHER set of doors for the closet. :sad2:

We always said that if I was married to DH's brother, we'd drive each other :crazy: and if DH was married to DSIL NOTHING WOULD GET DONE.:lmao:

I painted DS's headboard this morning. I brought paint with us that we had at home. We have to hang a mirror and put together a TV stand. And we haven't started that sofa bed yet.:eek: BUT...we need to start it SOON!!! Right after DH's nap. And listening to him snore is making me tired.:rotfl:
I personally hate talking on the phone and avoid it at all costs. I wish I could do everything on-line so I would never have to use the phone.

For some things I like the phone, like when I want an answer NOW. But in the morning when I've been up for several hours and caffeine-charged...then I look at the clock and it is 8:30...

Good morning! :sunny:

So, today, they're doing a stress test on my brother. Hopefully something in one of these tests will give them some answers.

Terri....more pixiedust: pixiedust: for your DB. :hug: Hope you get answers soon!

The only one of my kids that ever had any injuries is my middle DD. She broke her collar bone at 4 years old. She flew over the handles bars of her bike and bruised her tailbone. She broke her nose playing basketball with friends and needed surgery to reset it. She has broken fingers playing basketball, popped her knee cap doing a dnace routine and she also had to wear an air cast when she fell off of her dance shoes. She twisted her ankle and had a severe sprain. She reinjured her knee playing soccer and also injured her back playing soccer, so now she has to go to physical therepy and can no longer play, run track or even take gym class. That kid is a the walking wounded.

Must be something about that middle child.;) Ours had us in the ER more than his brothers combined even BEFORE broken arm incident.

Hi All I'm back! :wave2: I decided to come and post a (bit) earlier today.. Nothing much to say though, and the lights are all out so I'll be Back later.. :wave2:

Here's a Story. My Friend came back from WDW and got me a gift. However, since I'm working and they are off to school on Thursday, I said they should come to work and drop the present off.

So they came.... at 6pm when I had left... :upsidedown :lmao:

Sounds like the way I do things! :upsidedow So......what's the gift??popcorn::

Stopping in while DH is napping.:rolleyes: We did our running around and now he's tired.

Home Depot update...they had the door grill inserts...just didn't give them to the contractor. :sad2: But it took a little bit for them to figure that out. We're still waiting for the OTHER set of doors for the closet. :sad2:

We always said that if I was married to DH's brother, we'd drive each other :crazy: and if DH was married to DSIL NOTHING WOULD GET DONE.:lmao:

I painted DS's headboard this morning. I brought paint with us that we had at home. We have to hang a mirror and put together a TV stand. And we haven't started that sofa bed yet.:eek: BUT...we need to start it SOON!!! Right after DH's nap. And listening to him snore is making me tired.:rotfl:

I smell a double nap coming!:lmao: :lmao:
I see a lot of this at work...people not being able to afford to live. :sad2: It's when I hear of the lady that laid in her bed for 2 days under the covers for warmth because her furnace wasn't working. :sad1: or the person that had to choose between food and meds..:mad: ..It just drives me :crazy: that we as a country offer aid to other countries and we don't even take care of the precious lives we have here.

I'll keep your DSIL in my prayers and hope that it works out for her. Does MA have fuel assistance? VT has that for people to help with their heating bills in the winter......:confused3 Good Luck...

MA does have fuel assistance. I dont know if she has ever done it or if trailor parks can do this. Thanks!
I worked a full 8 hours today:goodvibes :cool1: :) :wizard: I still experience a little discomfort but not enough to really bother me.
Well, I'm off to bed, so Goodnight! :woohoo:

Lynn, I want to know where you are by tommorrow morning! :lmao:

Sounds like the way I do things! :upsidedow So......what's the gift??popcorn::

I have absolutely no idea! My Friend wants to keep it a surpise.. However, she did ask what my favorite disney character is so I know it's something to do with Stitch... :)
WE found out having the furniture co. take apart that sofa will be $275. Uhhh...I think not.

My parents just took apart a rocker recliner can do it!

. She broke her collar bone at 4 years old.

The other 2 have had just the typical childhood injuries....thank god. One injury prone child is enough.

I broke mine at age 5. Fell off the bed.

So the end of my daycare director job has come...sort of. The staff got me some framed art and had all the kids put their handprints on a banner. I still need to do a few things for the daycare...go to a meeting and print out some stuff. The weird thing was the pastor of the church didn't say anything to me. I asked him if I could use the rest of my vacation to round out the week (i have 3 days but it'll only take 2 because of the meeting and work), and he said, "What can I say?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "What do you expect me to say? What can I say?" I said, "Well you could say No." That was the extent of our conversation. Then he left and went home. I at least give our staff cards when they leave.
My parents just took apart a rocker recliner can do it!

I broke mine at age 5. Fell off the bed.

So the end of my daycare director job has come...sort of. The staff got me some framed art and had all the kids put their handprints on a banner. I still need to do a few things for the daycare...go to a meeting and print out some stuff. The weird thing was the pastor of the church didn't say anything to me. I asked him if I could use the rest of my vacation to round out the week (i have 3 days but it'll only take 2 because of the meeting and work), and he said, "What can I say?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "What do you expect me to say? What can I say?" I said, "Well you could say No." That was the extent of our conversation. Then he left and went home. I at least give our staff cards when they leave.

Aw Nanu, to bad the pastor seems to be in weird position. Its nice that the kids gave you banner.
So the end of my daycare director job has come...sort of. The staff got me some framed art and had all the kids put their handprints on a banner. I still need to do a few things for the daycare...go to a meeting and print out some stuff. The weird thing was the pastor of the church didn't say anything to me. I asked him if I could use the rest of my vacation to round out the week (i have 3 days but it'll only take 2 because of the meeting and work), and he said, "What can I say?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "What do you expect me to say? What can I say?" I said, "Well you could say No." That was the extent of our conversation. Then he left and went home. I at least give our staff cards when they leave.
:woohoo: Yea for being done.........almost! Nanu, maybe the pastor is really going to miss you and knows there's nothing he could say that would keep you from leaving. :confused3
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