Got (Cold) Milk?


DIS Veteran
Mar 26, 2001
We are planning on taking a cooler backpack into the parks. My son only drinks milk, so we have to take it for him, since it's cheaper than buying everytime. We've look at thermoses. So many are really large or have glass in them (afraid it might break). We saw a really neat aluminum one at Target. It is real skinny and holds 18 oz. I think. It wouldn't take up alot of room either.

Our concern is "will it make the milk taste funny?" Do any of you have any experience with this type of thermos especially with MILK?????? Or can you recommend something else???
I don't know if this will help, but in order to save costs and still serve milk to
our kindergarder's we use aluminun glasses it keeps the milk cold longer and the
children do not seem to mind, in fact they become quite possive of their glasses,
by putting stickers and their names on them. It works for us. So try it. We also
use shelf milk when we travel with our little one's even so we put the milk in
cooler's the milk is processed to last longer under shelf conditions and we find
that given cold they don't know the difference from fresh or shelf. the taste is
the same and they also contain all the vitamines, try some at home and see
then you can just pack it in your suit case and then chill as needed...It's worth
a shot...We have done it with our children and had no problems.
If you're looking for durability, try a Stanley thermos. These are a bit more expensive, but will stand up to an occasional dropping. DH (road construction worker) uses one for work where it has gotten banged around quite a bit. These come in various sizes. You should be able to find them at WalMart or a similar store.
I agree with sherry about the stanley thermos. There is no glass in it and it takes a beating. When I was in the army national guard 15 years ago, I would take my thermos and throw it in the back of a dump truck. Never had a problem with it. By the way, I still have and use that thermos.
We're just back from WDW & CBR.

Our 15 month old son, still breastfed once a day and only milk the rest of the day, will not drink juice at all. So I had your same concerns.

I was amazed at how easy it was.

Because it was hot when we went, I didn't want him to drink too much milk. So I gave him a 9 ounce milk in the morning. When it was empty, mid morning, at the parks, I would just fill it with water. He enjoyed the water in the heat. In the afternoon at CBR, I would fill the 9 ounces sippy cup with milk again and he'd drink that. We'd go back to the parks with the cup topped up with milk. Once it was empty, I'd just fill it with water again. At night I'd breastfed and give him more milk in his cup. He did very well with the water.

CBR sold two sizes of milks, so we did just fine. GOOD LUCK! I'm sure it will work out.
We always freeze a bunch of Kool Aid and I freeze a few bottles of milk (in the plastic soda bottles). We have an electric cooler that keeps the frozen stuff frozen until we take them out. They stay frozen at the parks for a while also (in an insulated bottle carrier). Works out pretty well.
The shelf stable milk, Parmalat is the brand available locally, comes in small boxes like the juice boxes. It is available in both white and chocolate. This is "real" milk, it is just pasteurized differently and that makes it shelf stable. Youe could pack this in a small cooler with an ice pack for the day and presto cold milk.
If you decide to try the Parmalat route, you may want to try it at home first. DH, DD AND DS all found it pretty gross here. Maybe cold it would be better.


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