"Guess who`s back"...3 Return for 3 Weeks @ RPR. Parks, KSC with lots of good food and fun...A May 2023 TR

Hello Carole!
Wow! As always……an amazing start to your trip report! Love the pictures. You always start off your trip “ right“ 🍾 and its so nice to see Kyle again! Can‘t wait to read more…..😀

Hi Brenda

It was fabulous to have Kyle with us again and yes, we’re big believers in celebrating most things…..but the start of a trip, definitely!!

Glad you made it back for the start……:wave2:
A well done steak.......:scared1: the horror!!! lol.....

We used to go to a steak restaurant in Loch Lomond where the chefs refused to cook a steak anything over medium rare....caused quite a few issues with folks saying they were paying so they should get it how they liked. The chefs wouldn`t budge and said if you don`t like it eat somewhere else. That restaurant had such a wait list for reservations as it was so popular. I always think of that place when folks enjoy a well done steak, but you like what you like, nothing wrong with that.

Oh it is a nightmare setting off.....checking a million times if we have passports, even though we know we do!!! Habit though.

Thanks Ruth, it really was a lovely beginning to start the trip off......hope to get more done fairly quickly........:wave2:
Sorry, I just couldn't resist that one:) I've always eaten the steaks well done so that's probably why I like them?
We went to Nashville to dinner with friends a while back, to a steak house and of course I got mine well done. The friends of ours had prime rib and it was so red and bloody that I actually got sick looking at it. I think the friends over did the rare thing, but that was really an exception, IMO.
I knew the well done statement would get a remark from you and couldn't resist it:rolleyes2. We can still be friends but never eat steak together, LOL:rotfl2:
Have a good Monday, Memorial Day here:)



We all slept like tops last night, first time ever we slept all the way through the night before our flight. I think not needing to get up at 4.30 certainly made a difference, and sleeping later works for us it seems. I had just woke up when Kyle had sent me a txt to say he was up, we always worry about sleeping in, but not Kyle, he was born with military precision and never sleeps late, even on his days off he`s up before the larks.

Our flight wasn`t due to leave till 1.40 this afternoon so we had plenty of time this morning to relax and not rush to do anything. We were still up early, around 6ish so we took our showers and then headed down to breakfast in the Lounge.

To be honest, this is a day we feel as though we eat about 10 times.....this would be the first of the day though, although to be fair we didn`t eat a whole lot here, but we did enjoy a couple of cups of tea....it was tea bags but it would do.

Kyle had some cereal, I had toast with marmalade and Tom had toast with a couple of sausages, but they had a lovely little spread with some nice looking breakfast meats and fruits.

I did notice there was no bacon which would have been nice.




We took our time and then went back to pack up what he had removed from the cases and we got Kyle to bring his cases in to our room so we could weigh them and make sure they were all under the weight limit of 23KG, which they were miraculously, I`m not sure why though!! We had four suitcases this time and we still managed to have them right up to the limit!!

We had booked to take the hotel shuttle at 8.30 so we headed down to the lobby to wait for it, but it was already there and there were only three other people on it. It drops folks at all 3 terminals, but today we were all going to T2 and it only takes a few minutes from the hotel. It is a complimentary service but everyone tips the driver.

Once the cases were unloaded we managed to get them all in between the three of us, with four cases and three hand luggage, it was awkward, but we managed.

We headed to Virgin check in and bag drop, although we had done online check in last night, we physically got our boarding cards here and sometimes the line can be very long, although with being Premium it`s never as bad. Today however, there was no one there.....no one. We walked straight to the ladies on the desk and chatted about missing the crowds, there was only one flight a day for now so it wasn`t as busy as usual anyway.

Our cases made the limit, but they all weighed slightly heavier than our digital scales showed, but no matter, they made it. As she gave us our boarding cards she said we were boarding group 2???? I said, what`s this, is this new as we hadn`t had anything like that in October.

So, VA have brought in boarding groups, so after the folks that need assistance, you then have Upper Class then Premium, then they load economy in order of rows. This was fantastic news as the boarding gates are always blocked by folks thinking they can stroll on, and others have to squeeze their way through the groups standing there. I asked the staff member if this was working well, she said it was and if we thought it was good could we give feedback as VA were looking for opinions on it. I said I absolutely would, I do enjoy giving feedback on things!!

We thanked them and headed for security, we had purchased Fast Trak, just in case, it`s only around $7 each, but we`d rather have it and not need it.....the place was not busy at all, but when we got through the other side for security checks we were glad of it as there were some lines but we went straight to the front of th FT line and it was only me that got an extra check....always me!! I sometimes wonder if I have a metal plate I don`t know about!!

But, soon enough we were through and the new terminal is much nicer than the older T2, it`s lighter and brighter and has some nicer stores....duty free is just the same, lots of bright lights and lots of ladies charging at you with perfumes by the dozen!!!

Usually we book the 1903 Lounge, but this year we decided we didn`t need it with Kyle being with us and would just mooch around the terminal and then grab a light lunch before boarding, and time passed so quickly!


As a lot of the flights take off very early, most places are geared up for breakfasts, so there weren`t many options as some places were closing as it was so quiet, but we had a few options and wandered into one where we got a table easily as there were plenty to choose from.....


Tom and I decided to share a chicken sandwich and fries, Kyle ordered a chicken dish that quite surprised me but it sounded delicious and when it arrived it really was, it was such a large portion he shared some with us.

Our sandwich was ok, but it would have been nice if they had mentioned it had mint in it.....bleurgh.....mint and cilantro are two things we loathe!!! But, other than that it was nice enough. I ate most of the top half as it had avocado which Tom is not the biggest fan of, but he can eat it.



Our flight was due to depart at 1.40....so we were rather surprised to see the arriving plane slowly sail past us around midday.......crikey, that would be a quick turnaround!! I doubted we would take off on time now seeing our plane just arrive.


We finished our food and wandered a little until they announced the gate, and we were delighted to see for the first time we would be departing from the new terminal. Usually we headed back to the older part so this was going to be nicer, and when they put the gate number up, we headed down to see this area for the first time. And we were nicely surprised that the flight would take off on time despite the later arrival of the incoming flight.


As we turned to go into the new area where the gates were, I stopped as I had the weirdest deja vu feeling that we had done this walk before. Absolutely impossible of course, but it was still odd, it took a few minutes to shake that odd feeling......Tom doesn`t believe any of that stuff......men!!

We found a seat, visited the bathroom and waited.....I watched the boarding gate and already saw the new system was a success. The usual folks who crowded the gates weren`t doing it now, so, it seems being given a boarding group is working.

It was only a few minutes till our group 2 was called and within a few minutes we were on the plane and we had the seats we really liked, Kyle and I in the back two seats with no one behind us and Tom was one in front by the window.

We love the space Premium seats give you.....even if the people in front of you recline, you still have space.

We got seated and Tom and I got our glass of fizz and Kyle took OJ, and we sat back and waited for the take off which was exactly on time.


Tom wanted to take an almost replica picture of the one he took way back in 2007 when we had our first trip to Orlando and sat upstairs in "The Bubble" when only Premium seats were upstairs, that was the amazing Jumbo Jet of course. I still miss the beautiful 747`s.


Not exactly identical.......16 years of difference!


And my very happy husband.......grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he had a very nice seat mate this go around, a man who was pleasant but not overly chatty.


I do love leaving the UK when it`s grim and grey....and today certainly was, it had been raining earlier but was mostly dry now.

At this point one of the CC asked if I`d like another glass of fizz....well, that would be a yes, thank you very much, how nice. Tom was pretend annoyed she didn`t ask him......lol......


We pushed back from the gate at 1.40 and after a few minutes we were at the end of the runway and the engines fired up to full power and we were off. Kyle had a huge grin on his face the whole time as this was his first flight in four years!!! Long overdue.

Take off was very smooth, I do love that rumbling along the runway before the wheels go up, and we soon left the grey skies behind and went above the clouds to see those gorgeous vibrant blue skies that we know are up there, but don`t always see...it is stunning.


Cabin Crew are always amazing with VA, and today`s team were no different, they came round with the menu`s for food (more food) and then the first drinks service. Tom had got the email last week to choose his dish, Kyle and I hadn`t for some reason, but we weren`t bothered what we ended up with as this is more for passing the time than anything else, but we still like to look at the menu.

Food looked ok, Tom planned to get the chicken pie and Kyle and I were both going to opt for the BBQ pulled pork which sounded nice.





Simple things amuse me at times, and the Skymap is one of them.....it gives you everything you need to know about the flight and you have views from different angles too, this plane being almost brand new also had a tail and undercarriage camera so we could watch the take off, the view during the flight and the landing in there too which amused all three of us no end!



My choice was red wine today and it is quite decent, for wine out of a can which I still cannot wrap my head around......I`m not a snob, contrary to popular opinion among certain folks :rolleyes1 but there`s something not quite right about that!!

I still drink them though......☺️

The cabin settles down very quickly, most folks get the movies on of which there are plenty to choose from as well as TV shows and music which seem to amuse most folks. Then Cabin Crew begin the drinks service which is always nice, they are very generous and you can if you wish go and get some more from them.




It wouldn`t be too long till the food arrived.....not that we were very hungry, but we do usually pick at the food, as I said it passes some time on a 9 hour flight.

More to come.....✈️
I've been anxiously waiting for this epic trip report to begin!

Any idea what the finally tally was for pieces of chocolate cake consumed by the boys this trip? :laughing:

Glad to see you here too!!

lol....we lost count! Sometimes if Kyle was in the park on his own, he`d often buy some chocolate muffin or some kind of brownie on the way out......we didn`t think to count them and they did add up......but they did alright!!!

How Kyle stays so slim is beyond me!! Actually....wait, he`s young and runs....maybe that`s the secret...... ☺️
Sorry, I just couldn't resist that one:) I've always eaten the steaks well done so that's probably why I like them?
We went to Nashville to dinner with friends a while back, to a steak house and of course I got mine well done. The friends of ours had prime rib and it was so red and bloody that I actually got sick looking at it. I think the friends over did the rare thing, but that was really an exception, IMO.
I knew the well done statement would get a remark from you and couldn't resist it:rolleyes2. We can still be friends but never eat steak together, LOL:rotfl2:
Have a good Monday, Memorial Day here:)

lol.....of course we`re still friends!!!

Prime rib is very different isn`t it.....we love it, but even some folks that enjoy their steaks like us look at Prime Rib expecting it to mooo.....it`s quite funny to see!

Hope you`re having a good Memorial Day......
I'm so glad you feel rested up from the jet lag & are able to start your report. I'm here for the food & drink reviews. :laughing: As a Floridian, I especially enjoy your off property adventures.

It's good to see your DS with you. Our adult DS went on a cruise with us recently. Trips are so much more special, when they tagalong.
I'm so glad you feel rested up from the jet lag & are able to start your report. I'm here for the food & drink reviews. :laughing: As a Floridian, I especially enjoy your off property adventures.

It's good to see your DS with you. Our adult DS went on a cruise with us recently. Trips are so much more special, when they tagalong.

:welcome: along tarheelmjfan.......nice to see you here!

Yes, it did take us a time to get over the flight this time.....very unusual for us, but back to normal now, it`s a horrible feeling having jetlag!

We didn`t do as much offsite this time as we were all a little poorly at times which was a shame as we planned so much, we wanted to go to Dunedin and similar places, we ended up not even visiting Winter Park which we did want to go to. I said to Tom, we`ll make up for it in November by getting back to all the places we love visiting. I always hope I can do local places justice to Floridians when we do wander around, there are so many beautiful places to see.

It was so good having him back with us, and how lovely you had a cruise with your adult son, yes, it is special having them along now and again for trips.

Glad to have you along and I do hope you enjoy this one :wave2:

great start, as always, you look marvelous (do I see new bracelet bling?).

everyone looks so excited :thumbsup2

will say, the idea of a nine hour flight has me weak in the knees. You are indeed super troopers.

We were so excited Janet, one of the reasons I was surprised any of us slept at all!!

Thank you ☺️ ......that bracelet is one I`ve had for years and my favourite day to day bangle. It was the first Christmas present my friend E who passed away in 2016 gave me when we were first friends way back, I love it.

I think you get used to the flights to be honest and I think we genuinely enjoy them....well, certainly the flight going as coming back is just miserable and the one time we wished we could fast forward the whole thing.

We do have one friend who gets antsy on any flight, we flew out to Switzerland with her once as her husband was already there, jeez.....we hadn`t even taken off and she was asking how long did this darn flight take, it was around a 90 minute flight......lol.......so impatient, I will add we never flew with her again after that one!!!
I started watching a so called scary movie called Smile...it was not scary nor was it a horror film, it was utter garbage, but I had to see it through......wouldn`t watch it again. Later I planned to watch the Whitney Houston movie, but for now we waited on the food coming around.

Kyle however had fallen asleep, chair fully reclined and out for the count. He had said if he did fall asleep not to bother with food, so when CC asked I said to not disturb him, we always have snacks with us and Premium has the wonder wall where you can go choose snacks and goodies if he did get hungry.

I asked for the pulled pork and I got the last one as the man in front asked for it too and I heard her say it was gone.....oops.....it was ok, I`m not fond of rice and rarely eat it, and never plain like this. I usually make or order coconut or sweet and spicy rice, plain rice is dull and I happily left it.


The bread roll and dessert were nice too, and I did enjoy a wine or two, then they came round with tea which comes nicely in a mug when you`re in Premium and Upper.

I also found out, folks take these mugs!! I never knew that was a thing, same with the little salt and pepper pots, I can`t say I see the appeal, but they don`t mind apparently.


Once the trays were cleared I went to the bathroom, came back, got my neck pillow, pulled the blanket over me, reclined the chair fully, put the eye mask on and hoped I`d sleep. There was a little turbulence at this point, but not a lot so I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew I had missed crossing the Atlantic and hitting Canada, I think I had slept for around 3 hours which is not bad. The man in front of me didn`t recline at all, so I had loads of room.

I glanced at Kyle and he was awake and watching the prequel to GoT, he got up to the bathroom at that point, he hadn`t wanted to disturb me, bless him.



The cabin is very cosy at this point in the flight, most folks are relaxing in one way or another, sleeping or movie watching. Tom I noticed was sound asleep too, he had the skymap on so I guess he hadn`t watched much.

At this point I put on the Whitney Houston movie, it was decent but nothing we didn`t already know, I do love her music though so quite enjoyed that part.



It was that time again when afternoon tea was being served, Kyle again dind`t bother with anything, I think he was still full from the large lunch he had.

We were offered savoury or sweet, so alongside the sandwiches you could either get some sweet treats, or as I chose, the savoury option. Although when I saw it......I don`t like pork pies and I don`t like bagels....other than that it was very nice, I did take the smoked salmon out of the bagel though. The sandwiches were quite nice, I picked at them and I had a little of the cheese and chutney with crackers.



The pilot soon makes the announcement we will soon be starting our descent so everyone visits the bathroom and clears up around themselves getting ready and at this point we all realise this was one of the quietest flights ever....no screaming kids at all! It does make a difference when it`s peaceful throughout the flight.

He didn`t really need to announce we were descending, we were dropping like a stone today.....but we soon smiled when we saw the coastline appear in front of us. Always a delight to see and you can feel everyone start to get a little more excited and pick up a little as I think we all feel a little draggy after 8 hours, but seeing the Floridian coastline, that`s enough to perk everyone up.


It was a smooth but fast descent today and we were all smiles when we landed, as always, it looked stunningly beautiful, bright blue skies and that sun.....gorgeous.

We landed at exactly 5.50pm which was exactly a 9 hour flight and were almost first off the plane and headed down to Immigration.

Kyle doesn`t have Global Entry so he was heading through the regular lines to the right....I say lines.....there was no one there, not another soul apart from those getting off our flight which was very unusual, but wonderful to see.

We turned left, showed our faces to the GE machines and it spat out a ticket to say everything was ok so we headed to the officer.

We had renewed our GE earlier this year, but we weren`t sure if we needed another interview the way we had the first time, so we wanted to ask just to be sure, so the officer said he didn`t do the interviews and shouted over another officer who said he`d be a minute and to go to another desk.

He very kindly asked if we needed to use the facilities, I accepted and when I came back through he was checking the passports.....he said no we didn`t need an interview as we had been automatically approved so we were free to go through and welcome to the US.

To be honest we thought that was the case, but we don`t want to do anything wrong....just in case!!

Ironically, with us checking this all out, Kyle managed to get through Immigration before we did......he beat GE!! But this was an amazingly quiet time to land and more bonus reasons to be happy with this new flight time.

At that we saw all our luggage appear, another bonus of Premium is priority with your luggage coming off the plane first, so we grabbed them all and headed for the mini-monorail over to the main part of the airport and there was one waiting for us completely empty. We ended up sharing this one with Cabin Crew and a couple of other passengers, usually you can`t move on them.


Once through we stood while Tom went to the other part for the Visitor Toll Pass we use whilst here, we can drive through all the tolls without stopping to pay cash, and it`s ideal. What we didn`t realise at this point was there was now a machine downstairs! Doh! We know for next time though.

We headed over to the parking garage and they offered us something that looked like a minivan......er no.....I`m not driving around in one of those, long story short we ended up with an Audi Q7 in black which was actually fine to drive and felt very spacious inside, so we were happy.

That drive is so familiar......ony takes a few minutes to get out of the airport and onto the 528 where we turn off on Universal Blvd and head up past the eye and we see the extent of the building work for the new park, they really have made progress with that one!

Kyle is relishing every second of this and smiles as we approach RP, so do we of course as it does feel so much like home to us.

We decide to pull into the lot and walk up with our suitcases to the lobby and it is one of our favourite things to walk back into that lobby with the fresh smell and just the familiarity of the place.

I had emailed Raphael when we would be landing, he already told us he was working till 10pm, so he had said he wasn`t taking his break till after we had arrived as he wanted to check us in and he did! When he saw us he came out from behind the desk for the biggest hugs ever and he was so happy to meet Kyle for the first time, he had spoken to him on Facetime before but it was nice for them to meet up. Raphael is so lovely and we were so happy to see him again.

Two of the managers came out to say hello, we hadn`t met them before and they wanted to meet the family "everyone knew" lol.....they were very nice and one I was surprised we hadn`t met as she had been there a couple of years, but it was lovely to meet them and then once we had our room keys we had another hug from Raphael and we headed up to our room, we knew we were in the same room as before, we much prefer the non pool side now as it`s much quieter especially in the afternoon if we want to nap as the pool music is SO loud!! So this one had been booked for us and we now looked forward to getting in and settling for the night.

We do like this suite, of course we did consider having one bathroom between three of us, but it wouldn`t be an issue at all. I know some folks can`t imagine sharing a room with family for more than a few nights, but we have always been fine with it and enjoy it.





The first thing we had noticed were the lovely amenities that had been arranged for us when we got there, the timing was excellent as they had not long been delivered so everything was ice cold......and how lovely!!



This was so lovely and usually we go have dinner in either Jake`s or Strong Water on our arrival evening, but as it was later, I think it was now around 8.15 or so and once we unpacked none of us were feeling like leaving the room when we had snacks and drinks, so we decided to unpack and snack in the room tonight.

The King Suite is ideal for closet space as you have two sets, so Kyle could have all his things hanging in his own space without having to use ours, and there are plenty of drawers for all of us too.

About 10 minutes later Kyle`s rollaway arrived, this is so much comfier than the pullout sofa in the room and it gets put away each day and stored by the door so it doesn`t take up space during the day which is ideal really.

This was nice......once we were all unpacked we nibbled on some snacks, Tom and I had the bubbly that had been very kindly sent for us and we put the tv on for a while, but before too long, I think around 10, we all flagged and we knew it was time to turn in.

We got ready for bed and we always do the "goodnight johnboy" routine before closing the door between us.....tradition!!

This had been one of our best travel days in the end, we had our doubts about the much later flight, but it worked out in our favour in the end as we didn`t have to spend hours trying to stay awake when we arrived.

I did leave the drapes open and could see the lights of the park opposite and that was how I fell asleep.... :hug:

That is the worst when you're watching a train wreck of a movie and feel like you need to see it through to the end because you have already invested an hour into it. :laughing:

I find I usually end up watching some mediocre movie on the plane just it's the only one I haven't seen before.

One of my favorite feelings in the world is when we step off the plane in Orlando. Nothing beats that feeling of knowing all the travel stress is over and you have arrived at your happy place!

I love seeing the pics of RPR. Portifino was so blah to me. We're so excited to be staying RPR this December.

What are your December dates? We will be there Dec. 1st to 15th.
Carole what a lovely trip report again! I always love reading along - you put such detail and thought into them, you make us feel like we are right there on the trip with you!

I'm so happy the different flight times worked out well for you all. Its so nice to find new things like that after years of travel that make the experience even that much better. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip!
I take the holiday weekend off from the boards (minus a mild panic attack as I dyed my hair and wasn't sure about my passport!) and miss so much!

All caught up-what a lovely travel day (also I will never know why airlines don't have enough of everything! That pulled pork would've been what I wanted too!)
That is the worst when you're watching a train wreck of a movie and feel like you need to see it through to the end because you have already invested an hour into it. :laughing:

I find I usually end up watching some mediocre movie on the plane just it's the only one I haven't seen before.

One of my favorite feelings in the world is when we step off the plane in Orlando. Nothing beats that feeling of knowing all the travel stress is over and you have arrived at your happy place!

I love seeing the pics of RPR. Portifino was so blah to me. We're so excited to be staying RPR this December.

What are your December dates? We will be there Dec. 1st to 15th.

lol.....funny thing is, Tom watches nonsense movies, even if they are dreadful and I`m always telling him he should just switch them off......I shake my head when he says no, he needs to see how it ends......well, now I know!!!! Yes, I invested in it so I was darn well going to see it through!!

Yes, nothing beats that feeling, even after a long flight it`s still wonderful.

Oh we`ll see you then ::yes::......we`re there till Dec 3rd, I think we`re doing one of the OI events but I`m not sure which date has been arranged...but we`ll get to say hello finally. We`re staying at Sapphire first then over to RP.....already counting the days!!!


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