Guests spreading Disney Magic

It was humbling (my friend w/o the arms who gave up his resort bus seats)! He said he was esp. amazed to see that people would make little children stand up in the aisles...when my fam goes this May, I am going to make a point of giving up my seats in his honor!

Last time we gave up our seats quite a bit. This time we will too unless the baby is in our arms and we can't at the moment. But i'm sure that one of us will be able to offer. Your friend is a good man, I'm glad that you are willing to do that too.:hug:
I just returned from a week-long stay at POP and was suprised at how many people did not offer seats to children or adults holding children. BF and I did all the time--someday we'll be the ones holding sleeping children and will be grateful to those who give up their seats for us! Everyone we gave seats to was very grateful and thanked us profusely.

And I guess what goes around comes around--when I was complaining about a 40 minute wait for Expedition Everest, a woman overheard me and gave us her fastpasses that she wasn't going to use! It was the end of a long afternoon and it was just the nicest thing.
wow.. that was so nice of you!!!! I know when my little one is a sleep I am ever so thankful to anyone who will let us have a seat... my husband will always stand if he needs too.. he will always give his seat up too. We also will wait on a bus if we see its standing room only.
Wow, these stories are wonderful! It makes you think; half the magic that Disney offers comes from the guests!

During our trip last summer, we went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch. Since we were on the Platnium we had a dessert included with our meal, but then we joined this membership with the Rainforest Cafe chains, (not too sure what exactly it was), and by doing that, we got a free dessert. So there we were, with two desserts. We decided to send one of our desserts to another family seated next to us. Of course, the waiter asked the family first if they wanted the free dessert (they looked VERY surprised), and I guess they said yes, because right as we were leaving, we saw a volcano being delivered to their table. :goodvibes

Thanks to all of you for making the Disney Parks a place like no other! :thumbsup2
We just returned from a 5 day visit to WDW. We shared glow necklaces and bracelets at all the parades and light girls got to make new "friends" by doing so, we gave one of our first visit pins to a little girl and she gave my oldest DD a wishing star, we gave our YOMAD fastpasses to a family who waited with my DH for 45 min at the umbrella restaurant (the manager let 2 cheerleading groups cut in line, so 99 burgers later my DH and the man we gave the FP to really had a long chat!), just being nice and helping brighten other people's days made ours so much better.

I've got a bit more magic to spread...I have 14 Re-Entry tickets...just like FP but not ride or time specific...good until 3/18/07...for MK only...if anyone wants them let me know and i will be happy to mail them to you!
Wow, these stories are wonderful! It makes you think; half the magic that Disney offers comes from the guests!

During our trip last summer, we went to the Rainforest Cafe for lunch. Since we were on the Platnium we had a dessert included with our meal, but then we joined this membership with the Rainforest Cafe chains, (not too sure what exactly it was), and by doing that, we got a free dessert. So there we were, with two desserts. We decided to send one of our desserts to another family seated next to us. Of course, the waiter asked the family first if they wanted the free dessert (they looked VERY surprised), and I guess they said yes, because right as we were leaving, we saw a volcano being delivered to their table. :goodvibes

Thanks to all of you for making the Disney Parks a place like no other! :thumbsup2

So, the Rainforest Cafe is on the dining plan? We didn't notice it and would love to eat there on our next trip if it is.
So, the Rainforest Cafe is on the dining plan? We didn't notice it and would love to eat there on our next trip if it is.

It may depend on what dining plan you are on. I get confused with all the different "Plans" they have at Disney, but I know the one we got was called the "Platnium Plan" and yeah, the Rainforest was included. We hadn't been to the Rainforest Cafe in a long time (for some reason we thought we remembered not liking it :confused3 ), but we tried it again this summer, and we really enjoyed it!

Sorry for the off-topic post :upsidedow .

Back on topic :thumbsup2 .
Good gravy...y'all have made me cry and cry and cry. Tears of joy and happiness, of course (and I cry at the drop of hat anyway)!!!

DH and I are going to WDW in October; I'll have to discuss with him how we're going to spread the magic.
Good gravy...y'all have made me cry and cry and cry. Tears of joy and happiness, of course (and I cry at the drop of hat anyway)!!!

DH and I are going to WDW in October; I'll have to discuss with him how we're going to spread the magic.

I am w/ you on the happiness crying! Have cried happy tears every day since making our May '07 ressies--just thinking about wdw and browsing through these forums makes me verklempt a la SNL's Linda Redmon, "Talk amongst yourselves." To add to this, I just listened to "Part of Your World" and boo hooed until my DH told me to get a hold of myself.

Sorry so off topic!:hug:
We just returned from our trip 2/11 - 2/16 and while we didn't see even 1 Dream Team member, we did experience alot of CM and guests spreading magic. Some examples were:
- guests handing out arcade passes with points remaining on them
- monorail driver escorting my kids up to the front to view Wishes from the front car and giving them their licenses
- bus driver (upon learning my son had a monorail license) giving my sons an official Disney bus license
- guests giving us fast passes to Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
- CMs giving us a coupon for a free drink / popcorn in Epcot
- CM giving my 4yr son a magic moment card after watching him spend 10 minutes searching for the right ring to buy his mommy.
- We were celebrating birthdays for 3 out of the 4 of us while there. My DS (age 9) was obviously making the best of it despite being the one without a birthday. He was laughing about it being his 1/2 birthday while we were at Boma. Lo and behold, our waitress comes over to our table and presents him with a "Happy 9 1/2 Birthday" cupcake. I will never forget his face. He saw the magic and believed!
- During the P&P night, my son wanted some mickey ear icecream. The CM at the stand asked him to name his top 5 Disney characters. He did and the CM gave him the ears for free.

We played our part with handing out fast passes to Soarin, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Space Mountain. We also passed along a card with arcade credits to someone on our last day at AKL.

I'm hooked. We are certain to continue this on our next vacation - even if its not at Disney.
On our first day to the MK last week we were waiting in line for Space Mt. The wait was about 45 mins. We had waited about 10 mins when a family walked by in the fast pass line and handed us four fast passes. It was great to not have to wait! And even though this wasn't in Disney, it was still fun: We ate at Margaritaville at City Walk and had two balloon hats made. As we were walking to the car two cute little kids came up to us and said "Excuse me, where did you get those?" We couldn't resist, so we gave them our hats. The kids had the BIGGEST smiles on their faces! It was way too fun!
DH and I just returned last weekend. I really wanted to do something special for some fellow guests (inspired by this thread!):hug: , so I made up 3 Disney gift baskets before we left home and dropped them off during the week to suprise guests. One went to AKL, one to POP and one to Saratoga. I just asked to leave the baskets in the room for guests checking in as a suprise. It made me feel good to pass the magic along.

During our stay, guests handed us unused fastpasses (dream and regular) and we witnessed guests handing out glo- necklaces to each other for the spectromagic parade!!!!
We have always enjoyed being able to spread a little magic at WDW. Sometimes, it's just the little things, like taking a full family photo for someone or handing off a couple of FP's. We have always tried to be nice to our fellow guests.

There are a couple of situations that come to mind that went beyond. One was back in December of 2005. We had parked ourselves in rockers on the porch of Exposition Hall waiting on the MVMCP parade. There was a lady that came up with a few kids in tow and one of them was a teenager with some sort of CP like disability. He loved to rock in the rockers during every stay, so he made himself at home in the chair beside me. His mom, dad, and siblings went in and out of the building leaving him there. I chatted with him, but he had a limited vocabulary, but one big smile when I asked if he was having a good time. His mom came back outside to check on him and adjust his blanket. I told her that we had been chatting and asked her about their obvious pin trading addiction, which we share too. When I told her in the course of conversation where we were from, she said that she had a friend named Ashley that lived in a town close to ours that she was doing a pixie dust favor for. Now, I know an Ashley from that town, so I said are you talking about Ashley Mc****? She said yes, so I offered to help her out, since I knew that I would be able to bring home the toy that Ashley had asked Donna to pick up for her at WDW for her DS's Christmas. Donna was going to be so kind as to FEDEX the gift to Ashley's home and was going to leave WDW property to do it, so that it would be at Ashley's for Christmas morning! Donna called Ashley and Ashley of course was thrilled to not have to pay the shipping fee that Donna was going to incur in helping spread a little pixie dust. We got home on 12/23 and met up with Ashley that night to hand over the monorail toy. It was really nice to be able to help out. It certainly was one of those "Small World" moments too.

During our last trip, it was only a 3 night stay, we flew down for a quick dose of Anniversary inspired pixie dust. We went to our first MNSSHP. We dressed as silly witches and I had a lime green bag that had a cat face on the front and it said Scary. Well, we loaded up the bag with Woody character keychains, pirate "gold" coins, and some Tootsie Roll candy shaped magnets. We handed out the goodies to strangers all through the park that night. The kids all loved it, some of the CM's got quite a kick out of it too. We gave out stuff to everyone waiting in line for the MNSSHP pin of the night over at the Frontierland Trading Post too. It was kinda neat making all of those folks smile. Considering the amount of stuff that we had, I would say that we generated about 500 smiles that night. :)

I haven't decided what exactly we are going to do special for our fellow guest on this trip, but I am working on ideas as I :surfweb: . Maggie
I think this is a great thread....
I think one of the nicest things to do at any of the parks is acknowledging the people that wear the birthday/anniversary buttons and special ears... It doesnt hurt to say Happy birthday or congrats... I dont think that it just has to be said by the cast members so I make a point always to say Happy Birthday. :hug: princess:

One of the nicest things that was done for me had to be a birthday card signed by a bunch of people I didnt even know. Thier wishes were great. I still have the card to this day and love to look at it. :wizard: :cheer2: :cheer2:
You know the stickers that the CM's give the kids all over the world? Well when we saw little ones having a melt down at the end of the day when the parents are doing some shopping, I'd take 2 stickers out from my fanny pack to trade with the little one for their tears! Worked like a charm!
My BF handed off her stroller to couples when we were leaving the park on early days! A few dollars saved and it made her feel good!
These is the neatest thread ever! Everyone is so sweet spreading pixie dust! This is what makes me love Disney and going to WDW! It seems that there are so many nice people that all converge at this one place! Magical! I'm going to make sure to spread soem dust next time I visit! I love the balloon idea! And the light sticks too! :flower3:
On our honeymoon trip 15 years ago, my DH and I had one week's worth of park passes (w/hopper) and went to the beach for a couple of days, so had a couple days left over when we got ready to leave. As we walked out of our last park before we left town, we still had 2 days w/hopper left. We found a couple walking up to the ticket counter and asked them if they had their tickets yet. Once they said no, we gave them ours. The look on their face was priceless. They weren't the non-expiring tickets, so we really had no use for them. It felt good to make a young couple so happy.

I was waiting in tomorrow land for the rest of my group to use the bathrooms and I spotted a little girl around 4yo sitting with her mother. The girl had on a beautiful white gown so I walked over and said "I can tell you are a princess. Which one are you?" She gave me a big grin and said "Cinderella Bride." I gave a huge gasp and said "I have never seen Cinderella Bride here before! Would you sign my map?" She looked at her mom and gave her a private smile like they were really putting one over on me and then signed my map in her cute, crooked writing. As I thanked her, her mother mouthed the words "Thank you." over her head. All of a sudden I realized that I had accidentally created a little magic. Yeah me!:yay:
We got married at Disneyland ten years ago. After our wedding we were heading to Hawaii for our honeymoon, having already spent time at Disney. It was the day before Easter so we took our reception flowers and walked through the Disneyland Hotel and gave away the flowers to anyone who wanted them.

Also, we always give away any Fastpasses we aren't going to use.


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