Guests spreading Disney Magic

when we were at WDW on the silver dining plan (it has been a few years do they even still offer that plan?) we were at Crystal Palace our last morning and had 18 extra meals or wishes or whatever they called them on that plan so we "bought" breakfast for 5 families around us (2 families of 5,1 family of 4 and 2 families of 2 I think our server had as much fun telling people they got free breakfast as we had giving it to people (we asked her to tell them it was from Pooh) as we were leaving the manager gave us a certificate about creating Magic Moments for others and gave us fast passes for any one ride!
2 Stories -

We were on our way back to the AKL from the parks in the bus and saw a mother with a son, husband, sleeping little girl, and a stroller. The son and husband were up front in the bus and the wife and her sleeping baby and her stroller were in the back by us. Anticipating a problem, my mom over to hold the little little girl. the mom was SO appreciative. The bus stopped and the mom got out with the stroller and my mom got out with the little girl. We walked up the path with them and the mother looked like she finally had a break! We got to the door of the hotel and everyone was really thankful for that little bit we did and we parted. Very nice to help out.

On my last trip, we were bus hopping at Saratoga Springs and I dropped my wallet. I realized it and since there was no one else on the bus, the bus driver SPED back to Saratoga springs and we searched everywhere. Feeling defeated, we got back on the bus and went back to the AKL. We got into our room and the little red light on the phone was blinking...who could it be? I called voicemail and it was the person with my wallet! Someone had found it, tracked me down, and called my room! We set up to meet at the entrance of AK the next day. We got there and waited...and waited...I was becoming skeptical. Then, a group of about 5 people came over and they had my wallet. I was so unbelievably appreciative! It was only the second day of our vacation and it would have really put a damper on things! They were a very incredible Southern family. We offered them a reward but they didnt take it and told me to give it to my favorite charity (i ran in a race for cancer since so i used it there!) I was just beaming and the guys shook my hand and the women became overwhelmed with the situation and gave me hugs and teared up. I too started to tear up. If i had been on vacation anywhere else, I would have never heard of that wallet again. But, Disney is different. If you are out there, I still thank you SO much!
We bought packs of glow bracelets at the dollar store (30 in a cylinder) and my DNiece 11 and I both took two bracelets and then handed out the rest of them to families at the P&PP. My DNiece thought I was crazy to do that but the families we gave them to were so appreciative, she was really impressed and really got into giving them away.
Some things we did were giving up our seat on the bus for someone who appeared to need it more than us. Handing out glowsticks, took photos for people, shared a few snacks in line, gave away a few fast passes we neglected to use, dd missed alice because the little girl behind her was so excited to see Alice and cm stated dd was last so she let the little girl go instead. my older dd played with a toddler who was tired of waiting in line, she made silly faces and made her laugh. Some disney magic we received from others- a disney light up toy- a nice couple came over and gave one to dd, several people took photos for us, one gave up her seat on the bus for dd (poor kid was all over the place, she was just to tired to stand), I fell and scraped my leg up and several people were there with first aid kits ready to help. This trip, dd is giving away her princess costume, hopefully it will make another little girls trip magical.
OH, This thread makes me smile! It brings tears to my eyes thinking about this and what one family did for us.
On our first trip last march, We were entering Epcot at about lunch time and a family of 4 were just leaving. 2 wonderful ladies and 2 small children in strollers. They asked my MIL,D/S,D/H and I if we wanted their YOMD tickets. YES the ones that had all the magic fast passes on it!!
There was only a few gone off each one. I can't belive how thoughtful that was!! I mean she could have kept them as souviners <SPELT WRONG> but she thought nothing of it and asked if we would like them as we were a party of 4 as well!
I put them in my scrapbook and even wrote up in it about the random act of kindness from a complete stranger!
That is something I will never forget and I plan on paying the kindness forward on our next trip, although it wont be until mar 09.
We leave in a week for WDW and I have been stocking up to spread some magic. We hit the Dollar store and got Disney yo-yos and glow sticks. Also, went to Disney Character Outlet and got some goodies to give away. My boys are so excited to be able to give something to someone else. We can't wait. Thanks for sharing all the magic that you have spread. We can't wait to share our stories when we get back. Shannon
My family is visiting the world in December of this year. I am already planning on bringing some extra surprises with me for the trip. probably glow sticks, lolipops, etc. I can't tell you how many times I have pulled a lolipop out of my purse and gave it to a kid on the verge of a meltdown (asking the parents of course). Lolipops have magic in them....:rotfl:

I may try to find some other cool things to give out during the Christmas party. That is one of our favorite things to do at Disney and it would be cool to have some extra fun while there.
I took my oldest daughter(8) to Disney last weekend for a mommy and me trip. We usually go to the Contemporary for lunch and to play in the game room once a trip. So we headed over there, played games and with her tickets she picked 3 tiaras that are silver and say Princess across them.

Later in the park we were sitting to watch Belles Storytime and we made room for a little girl and her grandmother to sit on the bench with us. My daughter asked me if she could give the little girl one of the tiaras and I said of course. The little girl loved it!

When we were on the monorail we started talking to a little girl who was with her grandparents visiting from England. We walked into the park together and went our seperate ways. We got on one of the motorcoaches that go from main street to the castle and the same family hops on. They tell us they are going to have tea with Cinderella in the castle. My daughter pulls out another tiara and gives it to her. The little girl was thrilled.

So my daughter had just her tiara left and needed to get another one for her sister so she begged me to go back to the Contemporary and she would use her money to play games to win more tiaras to hand out.

So the next day we went back, I got her $5 worth of tokens and she was playing when a teenage girl came up to us and told us they were leaving and would we like her card with credits on it. We thanked her and found out there was still over $20 worth of credits on the card. So we played a bunch of games and got another 8 tiaras.

My daughter had SO much fun handing out tiaras this trip... my younger daughter can't wait until her mommy and me trip in May so she can do the same thing.

By the way, these were REALLY nice tiaras for only 65 tickets... a pretty good deal for being Disney World!
Maybe I live in my own naive little dream world, but it kind of makes me sad that so many people are sceptical of someone doing something nice for them! I guess it's an indication of how rare a truely unselfish good deed is! I'm glad there are so many people here who go out of their way to turn that trend around a little bit. Hopefully some of those hesitant to accept a kindness will have their hearts soften a little so that some trust can grow there!:hug:
I've only read through a few pages of this thread so far, but I so love these stories.
I have a couple too. We always find someone to take fast passes if we can't use them.
Last year after DS15 was done spending some time in one of the arcades he must have had at least 100 tickets. Being a teenager he still likes to play the arcade games but isn't really interested in most of the prizes so he went up to a boy about 7 or 8 years old at the prize counter and gave him his tickets.
Another time we were on our last day at the Yacht Club and were sitting on the porch by the pool after our last swim. We had bought pool noodles for SAB while we were there and certainly wouldn't be trying to fly home with them. As we were getting up a lady asked if we were done with our chairs and we said yes. I asked her if she had any use for 2 noodles and she said really? my sons would love that! Turns out she was waiting for her husband and 2 sons and it was their first day. She was very appreciative.
We had fast passes that they gave us for touring Disney vacation club. We had 7 credit card fast passes that had 5 board now fast passes on them. It was our last day at disney, we did not get to use all of them , so we looked around for a family to give them to. When we stopped them to talk, they looked surprised,and almost like why are you stopping me. When we explanned what we had and that we where giving the fast passes to them.They didnt get all emotional, just said thank you and walked off.O well it still a magical moment for us!:)
:surfweb: Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, and it really isnt anything huge or super moving... We just got back from WDW yesterday. I made a point to offer to take pictures for people so that they could have a nice family picture with both mom or dad or all family members included. And its free - no photo pass needed! I have many great pictures of my kids and only myself or DH in the shot - someone has to take a picture! I always appreciate it when people offer to take our picture, rather than asking someone near by awkwardly if they wouldnt mind taking ours, so I was sure to offer at leat 2x a day while we were there. Nothing out of the way, just folks near by that might appreciate the gesture - and they did! :goodvibes
Reading all of these positive, selfless acts make me really happy! What a great thread.

It really is the happiest place on earth....
a very kind lady let my ds7,ds7(in wheelchair),ds12 stand in her front row place for the mgm parade. she then disappeared only to reappear at the end of the parade bearing year of a million dreams hats for each of my sons! i was blown away by her kindness.
This is a wonderful thread. Needed tissues to read the whole thing. It is so comforting to see how the small things can make a big difference. Can't wait to go back in September. We shared glow sticks the last time. Going to do it again. My DD7 will want to share the magic.
We gave away some FP that we weren't going to use and the people we gave them to acted like they just won the lottery. They were so appreciative!! It made me feel so good.
I had an extra days Stroller Rental and gave it to a couple with a child. They were shocked, but accepted the ticket and thanked me!!!

It is such a nice feeling giving others a little DD6 says she feels "like my heart wants to have a party".:lovestruc
When I go to disneyland I always bring extra ponchos from the $ store, light sticks to give to the kids who wait patiently for fantasmic or parades and sedesma pins for the kids who want to trade with me but don't have anything I need...I just tell them "here you go, I'm not trading tonight but you can have this pin"...usually makes them happy!!
I did have an experience though where I was sitting on a bench. A little girl about 4 started looking at my pins and asked me questions about them. She didn't have pins of her own and didn't know about pin trading. I gave her a couple of pins that I use as traders and told her she could trade them with cast members, especially the ones wearing the green lanyards. Can you believe her mom wouldn't allow her to take the pins?
She was fine with us talking...even asked me to watch her daughter while she went to the restroom (which I would never have asked a stranger), but then she wouldn't allow her to accept the pins...
Last Nov I was at WDW with my mom, my grandmother, and my aunt - 4 grown women walking around in tiaras I made as a surprise for everyone! Inspired by this thread, I took lots of little things to hand out to kids during the trip. I found free clip art images of princesses and characters, crammed as many onto a page as I could, and printed them onto temporary tattoo paper. I also raided the Dollar store for little trinkets and put them into bags of 'pixie dust' (glittery confetti). Whenever we saw brothers and sisters being nice to each other or being REALLY patient or just plain being cute, we gave out trinkets that the Fairy Godmother or Tinkerbell had asked us to give away. We always asked their parents first and has some great conversations. We even gave away our tiaras on the last morning at breakfast.

Occasionally parents seemed to think we were scary people plotting to steal their kiddies, but most people thought it was great. We had a ball giving everything away and I can't wait to do it on our next trip!


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