Hakuna Matata - a WISH family that's all heart!


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Good morning Guys!

It's February!! Got plans for Valentine's Day?? Inspire us with your romanticism and we'll inspired you with ours!! So on that note, this is probably what my night will look like! :happytv:

Welcome! This is the current roster! Feel free pull up a chair, grab a key board and join in the conversation!

Steffwalks - Connie, Captain
Windwalker - Dave (aka Panda)
Funwalker - Margie
ScottH - Scott
LynnG - Lynn
Hockeychic - Kim
Wilbur - Sue
wdw4us - Denise
Wellesleyprincess - Jennifer
bunnyfoo - Vicky
Jame'smommy - Shannon
GirtheGecko - Hope
jship210 - Jack
MaryJ - Mary
ultramickeymouse - Robert
Syko - Kristie
Nursepammi - Pam
MotoMiker - Mike

We would love to see any of the Wishers who drifted away come back.

We tend to be an "older" crowd, although; we have several young people with us. We have fast runners and slow walkers (me!), a cranker and everyone in between. There are those who love to workout and those who WISH they loved to workout. We have veteran racers and Newbees too! We applaud your efforts, cheer your successess, and pat you on the back for giving it a try!

Thank you all for the Happy Birthday wishes! I spent a restful day pretty much alone except for phone calls. The kids and all the grands called. DS came by for a little while.
Happy February, TEAM! :wave2:

Connie- are you snowed in? :cold:
What Special movie are you planning to watch on February 14th? :love:

Feels like Heat Wave at 21 degrees today compared to last week and this past weekend! No new snow I think that all went south :lmao:

Jennifer-WTG Chicago is a favorite of many. You will most like see other WISHers there. :goodvibes

Dave- the Derby Marathon sounds like a fun one. The area is so beautiful with green rolling hills. :goodvibes

I am just feeling better and have not committed or registered for any 2010 races yet- :confused3

Jack- -what's Happening this morning? :upsidedow

Kim-how are you doing? :grouphug:

Vicky-is our Little Energizer Bunny staying warm? :hug:

Sue-do you have any races on our calendar? I wish I had your energy! :goodvibes

Lynn- pixiedust:pixiedust: Hope everything work and your knee are finally getting better!

Scott- do you ever sleep?


MaryJ- :flower3:
Shannon- :grouphug:
Kristie- :flower3:
Denise- :grouphug:

Later... :wave:

Happy Monday Team!

Went spinning Fri. night & the best I did for the rest of the weekend was dog walking. It's a new month, post goofy rest is over & I must get back at it
with yoga tonight.

Margie, Still undecided on races but they won't be very exciting. Probably doing ones I've done before.. Prices go up in the next couple of days. Better get it together.

Connie, Best wishes to you & a Happy (belated) Birthday. Hope you had a great day.

Posting from work so I better get back at it.............Sue
Happy Feburary everyone! It's been very lazy here the last few days. We got snow on Friday. A whole 1/2 inch but it has paralyzed the city of Charlotte. No school for the kids today. My workout buddy's son was going to keep an eye on James today so we could go to the gym but the poor kid woke up sick. So I can't wait until tomorrow when school is back on so I can get out of the house and back to the gym. I thought about going out and running yesterday and today but the sidewalks are a mess. So hopefully my fitness plan will be back on track tomorrow.
I found February!!!!!!! yeah, Busy busy busy I am.
Morning team! Looks like quite a few of the groundhogs saw their shadows this morning ... ugh! Let's hope they're wrong! :) Got out for my run this morning. It was chilly and I wish I had worn an extra pair of shorts over my tights. I also worked out at the gym last night and managed to do a deadlift of 135 lbs! That's my heaviest so far so that was really exciting!!

Connie - Watching a movie or staying home is better than fighting the crowds and spending lots of money to go out on Valentines. DF and I don't have plans but it is our anniversary so we'll see. I did ask him to make macadamia nut pancakes like the ones you can get at Kona Cafe! Yum :)

Shannon - It doesn't take much more snow here for everything to slow down as well. No snow days or days off though :(

Margie - How are you doing today? Yup definitely keeping warm! Wishing spring-like weather will arrive soon. Want to come up and do a race in Toronto? Kim and I might be registering for a half at the end of September.

Lynn - How's working going? It must be keeping you busy. Hope your knee is okay.

Looking forward to the premiere of Lost tonight! Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Hi guys.

I think the ground hog should be replaced by an animal that doesn't hybernate. See the ground hog wants to go back to sleep so it wants winter to drag on. Really! Now the sweet little pandas do not hybernate so ummmm well....

Hey Guys!!

I have been working on the bills, or as I like to think of it...helping the postmaster keep her job! :rotfl: I ran out of checks and just now got the new ones, so I was way, way behind!

Dave - I don't know about that changing Puxatawney Phil to the Powerful Panda, PETA want to make him a robot! You wouldn't look good as a robot!!! Six more weeks of winter... -- When you do the Derby, I hope you don't have to dress like a horse! I mean really...a panda dressed like a horse....:rolleyes1

Kristie - Thanks for sharing the info about your chair or as I have come to think of it..a rocket on wheels! I had no idea that you could fly!!! You are probably all done with your race by the time I cross the start!!! :thumbsup2

Margie and Vicky - Watching a movie?? :lmao: I will probably be watching the Food Network! If you can't eat it, might as well watch it!

Shannon - Is James feeling better? How old is he?? You sound like you are already on the "Just do It" category with training. That's wonderful! What's your first race??

Kim? Are you still out there? Are you still with us???

Jack - What's up?

Jennifer - Did all the monitoring lead to good things? How's the team coming along???

Sue- Got your races picked?? I am still looking for a fall one. I am limited by the number of races available in my area. You would think living in Texas I could find plenty...and I can, but TEXAS is BIG. It's closer to go to Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, and Colorado than it is to go to nice warm places in Texas. Heck, it's only an 9 hour drive to San Antonio!

Hope - How's the recovery and the quilting?? Can't wait to see the newest project!

Denise - Are you planning any races or just kind of taking a year off?

Robert - How's it going?

Lynn and Scott - We know you guys are busy? Cause we been missing you!

Mary? How are you doing?

It looks like the Be Kind to the Smelly Virtual Race has won the poll. Thanks for voting. If we don't get beat out by somebody else, we will have our race the weekend of May 2nd and 3rd.

It keeps snowing or icing and now...RAIN. We still have snow on the ground and some people are still out of electricity. But I have my training plan laid out for the OKC Memorial Marathon and I have even lost 9 pounds!!!!!

See ya! Hakuna Matata! Connie
Just a drive by to say Happy Feb ! We need to replace that gopher who likes all this winter weather!

Connie: Hi! Been busy weekend working on a race. Dr appointment yesterday and Spanish Board of Inquisition of 9 people grilling me at Special Events Board Meeting for new race I am creating. All worked out :)

I made it to gym today for 2 hrs: 1 hr bike(20.5 miles), leg wts exercises, and 30 min arm bike(5.5 miles).

I will try to keep up more!
Connie, Apparently you were right, all the monitoring was good. I impressed them so much I've been nominated for Elementary School teacher of the month. Quite a coup for a first year, alternate route teacher.

Track is coming. First full practice today. I have girls in the one and two mile, who I'm training up to the 5k. They can now all run a mile without stopping. It's "slow" (about 10 minutes) but it's an improvement.

I'm getting my speed back. 6.25 miles in 50 minutes on the treadmill. First post-Disney race is on Saturday.

Connie, the Derby race is on Apr 24th. I will be doing the half but not as a horse's rear.

Tomorrow will be a good workout but hard, a strong 8 to 10 miles on a hilly course.

Have a restful evening y'all.

My recovery is going well. I go back to work on Friday. Boo! Now that I'm feeling good and getting stuff done, I don't want to go back to work. But I need to earn more money. My first couple days will be short and easy. No ice throwing. Should be easy on my belly button (most tender part). Then we can work on doing more light activity. Hopefully it'll kick start my appetite into normal range, since it's almost nothing now.
Good morning, HK!

Robert - Inquistition?? :scared1: Who played the role of the Spainish?? This must be a really interesting race! Good job on the gym! Sounds like those knees are happier!

Dave - Good to know about that Derby race! I would be crushed if you did a horse suit! -- Hilly course? That sounds like work!

Jennifer - WOW!!! Congratulations!!!! :woohoo: That's awesome! Teacher of the month!!! I guess things were better than you thought! Good job! -- And congrats on that team!! All those girls who want to be like you! You have brought them a long way already!!

Hope - :flower3: It's good to hear you are doing so well, even if that does mean you have to go to work. One good thing about work, it pays!

I am off and running this morning. I have to get groceries BEFORE the next snow storm hits. And it's on its way. Sounds like no big deal getting to the grocery store until I tell you...it's 50 miles away!

Today is technically a rest day for me. But I am thinking...I shouldn't be resting!

:wave2: Vicky, Margie, Kim, Kristie, Scott, Lynn, Denise, Shannon, Jack, Sue and Mary! MAKE a great day, y'all!

Hakuna Matata - Connie:wave:
Hi everyone! Went to the dentist first thing this morning so I had to skip my run. I probably won't have time tonight so I'm going to do my yoga DVD instead. The hygenist was telling me that my previous dentist hadn't been doing a good job of cleaning under my gums so she spent an hour working on that. She also told me not to use alcohol based mouth washes because it wears away at your gums. Didn't know that...

Connie - The closest grocery is 50 miles! Yikes! I guess you really have to stock up when you go. I didn't end up getting a blood test because I forgot about the fasting part and ended up snacking last night :( Will try again next week.

Jennifer - That's about how fast I run :laughing: I guess I'd make the team! When is their first track meet/competition? Can't wait to hear how they did :)

Robert/Dave - Good job on the workouts!

Margie - :hug:

Hope - I'm glad to hear your recovery is going well!

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Good Morning Team!

Had a really great run last night. One of my favourite times to run. Temp a little below freezing, good tunes on the Ipod & light snow falling. Cold, crisp & clear. It does wonders to clear the mind.

Vicky, The dentist first thing in the morning. :scared:

Went to yoga on Mon night. I can't get over the number of guys in the class. Now that's a motivator.;)

Have a great day. Again work is getting in the way of posting...........Sue
Congratulations Jennifer:cheer2: You must really be a fantastic teacher.

As for me I won at Miami.:woohoo: 1:59:01 a new PB.(for a race).
I finally beat the lady who allways beats me!!!!
We are racing against each outher on the 21st......i'm sure she will be out for revenge.

I am picking up my new chair tomorrow!!!!!!
Busy day for me. I did a strong 8.2 miles with my walking group on the hills. I even sprinted the last quarter mile. Still a little stiff on the steepest of the hills, both up and down hill.

Sounds like everyone is doing good. Connie 50 miles from the market?

I have the Tricare papers and payment on the way, laundry is done and ready to hook up the new printer now.

Have a day filled with magic and wonder y'all.

Kriste, WTG!!!

Dave good to hear you and others are hitting it hard, not so for me but this will change, work has been NUTZ, mostly admin stuff and teaching all day yesterday, backlogged on paper work etc. but this will change. Need sleep and to eat a good meal, both are no ones fault but mine.

Later kids hope all is going well.
I just heard that I will not be getting my new chair tomorrow, might not even be until monday!!!:mad:

I know why this has happend, it has something to do with the Miami race, but I can't post it on the internet for legal reasons.

The thing is the race i'm going to this sunday is not the one they think I am going to!!!!!

There is no sportsmanship at the elite / sub elite level.:sad2:
Hi Team! :wave2:

Beautiful Winter Day with fresh (heavy) snow made shoveling a bit tougher.
Hagen and I went sledding yesterday. Fun-Fun-Fun, but I don’t think I am as ready for bigger hills as Hagen is. A 3-yr old with no Fear! :laughing:

Connie- CONGRATULATIONS – on the 9# weight loss-WTG that is totally awesome!

Dave- WTG with the workouts! I did a couple of half marathon on serious hills last fall so I know 8 plus miles on hills is a great cardio workout! :goodvibes

Hope- Glad to hear your recovery is going great, but I agree it would be nice to be home for a few days more. ::yes::

Jack- Good Morning :upsidedow

Jennifer- CONGRATULATIONS - Teacher of the Month! :cheer2:

Kim- Hope all is well with your foot?:flower3:
Do you have another race scheduled?

Kristy- Congratulations on your 1st Place Race Win :cheer2: But sorry to hear your new chair will be delayed. :sad1:

MaryJ- :wave2:

Robert- My goodness you are doing some strenous Workouts!:goodvibes Do hope your knees are feeling better and less painful.


Sue- Great Run! I was really surprised when I took a Pilate's class a couple of years ago that there were a number of men that participated too. But then they need to stay flexible too :upsidedow

Vicky- Doctor & Dentist appointments; is this the time of year you make the rounds? :scared:

Denise- Any new quilts in progress? :upsidedow

Lynn- are your knees improving - did the new treatment work, help with the pain? :flower3:

Scott- hope you were able to get a good nights sleep!



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