Hakuna Matata - August Days and Nights!!

Hello Team Mates!

Congratulations, Erica - 33 Fantastic Miles and many inches off your waist! I agree-please do not over do - you are getting your rest days...Correct? :upsidedow

Denise - Cute Quilt! You are a very talented Lady! Do you keep pictures of all your quilts, purses, etc that you make? Do you do scrap booking too?

Is anyone jealous of the DisneyLand half trip and medal besides me?
Green with envy Panda
I WISH - WISH -WISH Too :cloud9:

Scott & Lynn - Congratulations and do hope you are feeling better Scott. :grouphug:

Connie, I will PM my miles & time when I finish this post. :upsidedow

Kathy, I do the same with my credit cards, I do not want debts and it feels good to pay in full each month. Hope you were able to accomplish the things you wanted to today. :goodvibes
Good morning team.

Denise that is cool about your connection to Disney, thank you for sharing.

Margie, we will take you along when we go out there to do the DL half and get the coast to coast medal.

Jennifer, that's exciting that you can do Boston for your school semester, that is a very interesting area and lots of kewl people there.

I've had my cereal with a banana and skim milk, my vitaimn and my coffee now I'm ready to dress and head off to the race. Grrrrr Attack Panda!

Thanks everyone for the vote of confidence on the race and the class on Thursday.

Have an awesome holiday y'all.

Racing Panda:hippie:
Hey all,

Denise, love the quilt. After going to college (since 2005 right after the first world series win) in Massachusetts (about 20 miles outside of the city) I've learned to be fanatical about the Red Sox (and the Patriots).

I got in my first back to school run a nice and easy 30 minutes 3.5 miles. Not to shabby for not having worked out all week. Classes start tomorrow, so I'm off to buy textbooks. ugh.

I didn't do anything as dramatic as the DL half but I did have a nice race.

This was a 2 mile out and back with a pretty good hill at the beginning and end. I got there an hour early and visited with several racewalking friends. Then warmed up good, potty stop and walked over to the start. I played with the crowd a little pumping everyone up. There was a good showing I'd say close to 200 walkers.

We lined up, said a prayer that the Hurricane wouldn't be to bad this time for the New Orleans folks and prepared to start.

If you have never seen the start of a walk race, the front racers take off fast. We got to the top of the hill and had a nice surprise, there was a new racewalker with us that was in his 20s. The rest of racewalkers are over 40 so we were pleased to see a younger racewalker.

The Tenn state champion was in his customery place in the lead, the new kid right behind him, then a small group of the Ky senior womens champ, the Tenn senior silver medalist and #2 on their Senior Olympic team and me. The 3 of us were having fun taking the lead but staying in a tight group.

The kid stayed tough and finished a minute behind the Tenn champ and our group came in a minute behind them.

My time was 21:29 which is a 10:44 pace. I had energy left at the end but no more speed. This was another PR for me. I'm tickled last two races have been PRs by over a minute.

I won the Grandmaster catagory and got a nice medal but no money this time.

The race was very hot and humid but you have to expect that in Ky in the summer. We had to snark at some people who were running but other than that it was a very nice race.

Thanks for reading.

Racing Panda:hippie:
My time was 21:29 which is a 10:44 pace. I had energy left at the end but no more speed. This was another PR for me. I'm tickled last two races have been PRs by over a minute.

Congratulations, :hippie: - Fantastic-Impressive Time! You Did Good :cheer2:
Great Job Dave!

I'm sure we'll be heading over to the September thread soon but I wanted to say Congrats to you on the excellent time.

Have gotten some miles in for the week, will post later.



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