Hakuna Matata-Happy April


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Hi Hakuna Matata Happy April!

Spring is here, or nearly here!!! :cheer2:
We don't want the threads to get to long because it slows down the speed of the board loading. So, this is the official next thread!

Team Members
Fun Walker
Lynn G
Mike Eh

I will start posting our weekly totals in this spot, right here.

Week 1 252.05 miles 86.75 hours
Week 2 217.88 63.47
Week 3 231.02 68.02
Week 4 252.16 67.58
Feburary Totals 962.84 miles 294.17 hours

Week ending 3/7 261.18 miles 70.17 hours
Week ending 3/14 299.05 Miles 75.90 hours
Week ending 3/21 346.68 Miles 98.43 hours
Week ending 3/28 303.57 Miles 83.97 hours (with one person left to report)
(Current) March Total 1389.56 miles 374.85 hours

We are doing great guys!

You can see the new spreadsheet here: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?k...sgnZ6hOA&hl=en
Found us over here, thanks for the link.
Good morning team!

Is it really April already?! Time sure does fly :) I think it would feel more like April if it would warm up already!!

I went for my personal training session yesterday. Lots of fun! Although I feel really out of shape with the exercises I was doing. He showed me how to do squats (properly) - who knew I could do them without feeling my knees! Yay! Bad news is that I still can't run - I can't really walk faster than 3.0 on the TM without feeling my left hip. That should make things interesting for the Minnie Marathon.

Connie - Can you re-post the link to spreadsheet with all the teams' totals? I thought I bookmarked it but I can't find it anymore. TIA :goodvibes

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!! :yay:
Good Morning Team!!!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week!!!! Exercise is going really great, glad to finally be getting back into the swing of things. I have a unexpected 8K race this weekend, DH and DS where suppose to do it but DS has to work so i will take his bib.....yikessssss This course have 2 huge hills.....I hate hills:lmao:

Have a great day all

We left Cheyenne with the prospect of Spring looking good, and came back to snow on the ground! It was cold yesterday, warmer today, and not much wind forcast. I will get the dogs out for a walk today, don't know yet how long it will be, I will also be fighting the altitude as well as after 1/2 marathon rest. (I wish we did not lose the high altitude advantage so quickly!) Although we were only gone for 5 days, so the altitude problem might not be as bad as it usually is.

As Scott said, it was a fun race, and although it was colder than expected, it was nice to not have it hot. I did much more running than I usually do, I generally ran down all the hills, so my pace was better than usual, but it took a toll on my knees. By mile 11 they were starting to feel the running, and I could not run comfortably after that. It reminded me that for the WDW Marathon I signed up for in Jan, I will really have to train better (I have not been successful in doing a regular training program yet - I just walk/run my dogs on a regular basis, and manage to get Pilates or weights in maybe once a week if I am lucky.)

Lisa - congrats on your finish on the 1/2. I may yet break the 3 hour barrier!

Have a good day team! Need to get outside while the sun is still out, it is supposed to cloud up and maybe rain or snow later.
Hi guys and pretty princesses.

Yep it's April, another month my lady and I need to get behind us so we can be back to normal. I just can't wait till she is healed and pain free so we can train together again. That lady is going to be brought back up to speed right with weekly massage theapy and lots of good healthy food and rest.

We had a super March, GO TEAM:cheer2:

This was another gym day for me, since it was 30 degrees with a biting wind. I did 3 miles on the tready today, with a nice warm up then a mile at 4.0, a mile at 4.5 and a final mile of 5.0. The walking felt good and I was relaxed the whole time.

Walking was followed by a good stretching and calistetics routine and finally weights for waist, arms and shoulders.

Total time was 2 hours.

I was 170.8 this morning which is exactly 12 pounds since the 3rd of March.

Lynn and Scott, glad you got home safe, sorry you had to arrive to snow.

Kim all races count double miles.

Everyone have a super day.

Walking Panda:hippie:
It's only Wednesday. Hit the snooze button this morning thinking it was Friday. I was wanting to cheat and take the later train into work. No such luck.

We had a smidge of warmer weather yesterday and now it's back to cold and windy.
The Minnie can't come soon enough. I need warm weather and a break from work.

Enjoy your Wednesday training.....Sue
Today I did 3.68 miles today in 44 minutes.

I also did 35 minutes of lower body and ab work :)
Just wanted to check in with my team mates. Hope all is well. I have been going to PT for my neck. It is helping so far. I have been able to cut one of my meds and I've only gone 4 times. I also do the exercises at home so that will add to my hours. No miles though. It's been a rough time in March but I'm better and no more vacation time till October so I think after this weekend I'll be back at the track or the city since most of our snow is gone. Ya HOO.

I was at a quilt show in PA last weekend and will be at our local quilt show this weekend then I'm done.

Tomorrow night we have a meeting at City Hall before the planning board and if you could send along some Pixie Dust I'd appreciate it. We have been going back and forth with zoning problems since last summer. Have spend thousands of $$ for plans and permits and we now finally have our say. Mark and I have been under a lot of stress because of this. At times we put it aside but it's always there in the back of our minds. If it could just end tomorrow, I'd be so thankful.

I miss playing with you all on the team, I miss a lot of things but getting my health straight is important and when I go to PT I'm drained the rest of the day or it could be the pressure from the above paragraph! Regardless the temps have risen, the sun is warm and it's time for me to resume my training.

Oh and I have a new hurt, when I kneel down my right knee feels like pins are stuck in it. I can walk with no pain but my days of washing the floor on my hands and knees are over (mmmm never did much of that anyway). Will have my neck Dr check it out next week.

Take care all, tomorrow we'll either celebrate:yay:or drown our sorrows,:drinking1

:wizard: :wizard: :tink: :tink: pixiedust: pixiedust: Lots of pixie dust headed your way, Denise, for your city hall meeting!!

I am feeling pretty good in my half-marathon recovery. My glutes and thighs muscles were very sore on Monday but were much better yesterday. My knees are doing much better than expected :woohoo:
Denise, this first half of 2008 is healing time for Erica and I also. I think my foot problems are ok now, I just have to stay on the achillies treatment, lots of stretching and ice. Erica's recovery should go well since we are planning on following the Dr's instructions then doing the rehab properly. Then when she is pain free we can train together.

I hope your meeting goes your way. We have been fighting the zoning thing here to, we don't want apartments any where near our subdivision.

I have to work a 12 hour shift tomorrow so I won't be around much tomorrow. Y'all stay out of trouble.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Morning Kids,

Denise good luck with City Hall, what a pain. Sorry for you.

Long days for me also, 12 hrs will be the norm for a couple of weeks and I might just get Sunday off. Oh well OT is a good thing.

Hit the TM this morning got in two miles.
Morning Kids,

Denise good luck with City Hall, what a pain. Sorry for you.

Long days for me also, 12 hrs will be the norm for a couple of weeks and I might just get Sunday off. Oh well OT is a good thing.

Hit the TM this morning got in two miles.

Morning Scott and all the No Worries team.

I'm working one of your 12 hour shifts today. I don't do that very often since I'm hourly and they don't like to pay overtime. But half the store is off to class to eventually become licenced opticians. Our business is still slower than normal and this is our busy season.:eek:

I'm a little sore anyway this morning from adding the weights to my calistetics workout. I'm not doing the classic lifts but adding weights to motions in a continous flowing motion....

20 side bends holding 15 lb dumb bells, then 20 curls, 20 shrugs, 20 forward raises, 20 standing flys and then repeating 3 times. So the weights stay in motion but hitting different muscles with each exercise. This is a Pandaism workout, I used to do it as a martial arts strengthing workout.

I'm soooo ready for an adventure, its it Oct yet?

Have a super day everyone.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Good morning team!

Denise - some pixie dust for youpixiedust: pixiedust:

Connie - Question: Do you want March hours/miles separate from April, and are we switching the weekly orientation (starting on Tuesdays) or are we still doing the Sat - Fri?

I did get 6 miles in yesterday with the dogs. They really needed it! My knees are still a little sore, but I have been thru that before. I am going to try a new approach, concentrate on weight training to strengthen my leg muscles, and my normal approach of weight loss. The knees do not hurt as much if I can get my weight under 150.

It snowed a bit last night, and it is cold this morning. It should be dry the rest of the day. Today should be weights and pilates, I will get in a short dog walk to keep them satisfied.

Dave - good luck with your new exercise program.

Erica - we are thinking of you and here is some pixie dust for you alsopixiedust:

Have a good day everyone!
Denise lots of PD for you!!!!!!!!

Not much to report, did 4K last night I need to pump up the training. I joinned Weightwatchers the other night and am cutting almost out my extra tea and pop so the caffine withdrawl is makingme a a bit tired but once I have passed it all will be good.

Dave we still have way to many sleeps till October!!!!!!!!

Hey Team!!! Rah! :cheer2:

Connie - Question: Do you want March hours/miles separate from April, and are we switching the weekly orientation (starting on Tuesdays) or are we still doing the Sat - Fri?

Lynn, I know we switched things up in February and I really can't tell you why, except perhaps a Friday to Saturday week is hard for people to wrap their brains around, but we won't be doing that again. THANK GOODNESS! We are in a permanent pattern now.

Good luck Denise!!! :tink: :grouphug:

Dave and Scott! With all this extra work you are doing, and since you are obviously getting rich...drinks are on you!

Hello everyone else! I hope you are having a great week!

As for me, today is X-training. Another circuit of weight training!
Hi Everyone,

I went to the doctor today because of a sore foot. I fear it might be a stress fracture. I surely hope not. I'll get results of the xrays tomorrow. I am really going to have a tough time running Minnie after being sick for so long and now sidelined because of my foot. Ugh!!

Scott, Lynn and Lisa: Congrats on your 1/2 marathon finishes.

Dave: Hello, hope you made it thru your 12 hour shift.

Erica: Hope you are doing OK.

Connie: Hope you are doing well.

Kim: Good luck with WW. It really worked for me. I don't remember the giving up the caffeine part. I gave it up all during my pregnancies and nursing days, but I'm happy to be drinking regular coffee again.

Denise: Hope the planning board went well. Are you a buyer or a seller at the quilt shows?

Have a great day everyone.
Hey Team!!! Rah! :cheer2:

Dave and Scott! With all this extra work you are doing, and since you are obviously getting rich...drinks are on you!

Ok I know Dave will not mind, So at your next Disney Race all the water you can drink at the Hydration Stations is on Dave and I. Really it is not a problem, really. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Hi team! Hope everyone is having a great day so far! It's nice and sunny here in Toronto and it sounds like it's going to stay that way this weekend! Yay!! Spring is finally here :)

Dave - October? What happened to spring and summer? :)

Kim - I did WW a couple of years ago. Are you doing online or going to the meetings? It worked really well for me - I dropped 15 pounds. I put it back on (and then some) after I started working in an office. There are too many treats, coffees and lunches that are easily available *lol*

Cindy - Take care of that foot! I know how you feel. I've only been sidelined for about a week and a half and I can't tell you how much I miss running. I'm worried about the Minnie too - I figure I can always walk it if worst comes to worst. But there's still a month left to go so anything can happen!!
I just had a scare - I went out for a run, tried to turn on my forerunner, and it would not go on. I just took it out of the changer this morning. I did a short walk (2 miles) with the dogs (it is trying to snow again) and timed it with my stopwatch. I knew the milage, but it was very disconcerting to look at my wrist and not see my pace! When I got home I pulled out the directions, and in one spot it said if the buttons would not respond, to hit the mode and reset buttons at the same time. As it would not even turn on, I did not have much hope, but, it worked!!! I now have a functioning Forerunner back. (I've been thinking to upgrade, but was not ready to fork out the money for the 305 or 405 right away!)


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