Hakuna Matata Happy New Year!

Good morning and HAPPY NEW YEAR team.

I get to be the first to post, I must not have had as much fun last night as the rest of you did. Secrets out I'm not a party animal after all.

Anyone want a puppy and a daughter? I so need a trip south.

This is the day that I screw up the date on all the patient records I work with today.

Thanks for keeping the team going Connie.:hug:

Early Panda:hippie:
Panda and all team Members!

I have everyone's miles and minutes posted up to today....that is all that I have gotten! :surfweb:

I have also set up a new spreadsheet on my computer. I can email it to everyone each week if they like or I can just post the results in the forum. I will leave up to you guys.
Yes the wedding was yesterday and I am now an MARRIED!!

It was a nice quiet evening...with 30 of our close friends and family. Tomorrow is our big informal party where we could invite any and all people we know from work and otherwise. Should be good times!! Anyone want to swing up to frosty Cleveland for a party?!

I'll post pics when I get a few. As of now...I don't have any as I don't think anyone used our camera at all.

Scott - We have noticed the pajama thing lately. I saw a whole gaggle of school kids leaving Target the other night and I told Jordan what you said about it. Well...not more than 10 minutes later we turn a corner down and aisle and there is a grown man with a full beard doing his grocery shopping on a Monday night....in fuzzy pajama pants!! Jordan and I almost laughed right at the guy! :rotfl:

Connie - I have to figure out what I did for miles last week since I id my LR on the 21st and not again until this last Monday. I'll send them to you. Also can you post the link for the Google Spreadsheet?

Dave - I would gladly take your pup...but I think my dog would try to eat him. :sad2:

Thanks to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday and Congrats!

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! :dance3:
Happy New Year everyone! Wow 2009 already ... :)

Eva - Congrats to you and Jordan! Sounds like you had a really nice sized wedding! I was reading on the December thread about your monkey PJs... I had to Google to see what that was all about - very cool!

Dave - Post some pics of the puppy! I'd love a new dog but DF is allergic to pet fur so it probably wouldn't go over too well :(

Denise - I love the pin design! I can't wait to see them in person :) Many thanks again to you and Mark for all your efforts!

Miranda - Congrats on the baby news! :hug:

Sue - Just when I thought we were done with the snow.... I took yesterday off and figured I could go out for a nice mid-morning run outside. No such luck since the ploughs hadn't come by yet. *sigh* Can't wait to leave though... Are you flying from Toronto?

Connie - Can you send me the spreadsheet? I'll send you a PM with my e-mail address (and um ... my missing hours).

Jen - Congrats on your race! First in your age group is awesome!

Lynn - A power outage before you test? That reminds me of high school ... :laughing: A cenus taker sounds like an interesting job, is there a lot of walking involved or is it going to be done through the telephone?

Scott - I have 3 work days left before WDW as well. Because of the way Christmas and New Year's have fallen this year, I was joking with some friends at work that I wouldn't be use to working a full 5 day week once I return!

Margie - I think tapering is overrated ... I just realized that I can't go and eat everything that I want :laughing: Good luck with your training this week! I'll still be doing short runs and weight training at the gym.

Everyone else - :wave2:
Hello Everyone!

I have an apple pie in the oven. Mark and Nick are playing Wii shooting games, Miranda and Matt are due in later, Hope is working but will over later for dinner.

We're doing New Years this evening.

Dave, Miranda got a voice mail message last night from you and Erica but has not listened to it yet. When she comes over, we'll listen together. She was doing a private party for her boss at a mansion in town. I'm sure she's recovering after a 12+ hour day and newly expecting. It's a bitter cold day here but we dress for it and it's bearable. Winds are high and I think of Scott and Lynn dealing with the winds daily, BLAH.

No training to day but I'll use the treadmill and ellip tomorrow but I do have PT for an hour tomorrow so that will count for something.

Got to go - have many sewing projects to work on so I'll sign off.

Happy New Year Team!!

Had to settle of a 10 miler today. Snow still on the roads & sidewalks.
Plus side was the sun. Minus side was the cold temp. Couldn't keep the hammies warm & started to stiffen at about 8 miles so I headed home.

Now I'm enjoying a nice cup of hot tea before I head out to walk the dog. Wish he would learn how to walk himself. :laughing:

Well housework & packing are calling........Sue

Vicky, Flying out of TO on Wednesday.
Happy New Year Everyone!

Denise - I got my pins! THey're GReat! Thank you sooo much!
While I have not been a very participatory member of the team in recent months, I do drop in and read much more frequently than I post and am looking forward to meeting you next weekend.

Training is going ok, I think.
I bought new shoes a couple weeks ago and I'm not sure I like them. I may wear my old ones on race day
Happy New Year, TEAM!

Looks like everyone was up and posting early...
:hippie: No partying here either :lmao: I was in bed before 9:30pm!
No Puppy - and my DD is downstairs making a mess for me to clean up so no Thanks on the DD.

I did get in a short walk this afternoon 3.3 slow cautious miles, but it was nice to be outside. The temperature was up but the wind chill was in the single digits.

Vicky, I will be going to the gym this week too. :goodvibes

Thanks, Captain Connie - We appreciate you! :grouphug:

Miranda - Congrats on the baby news! :cloud9:

Jen - Congratulations! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Good morning dear team mates.

I'm glad we are staying together, we have some really cool folks on here.

Margie did Erica dispell all your worries for the trip? Trust me it flows like a smooth river.

Do any of the rest of you experience this. In the morning when you get up and you are fresh you look more toned that you do in the evening before bed?

I'm off to the gym for some waking to break in my new, half size larger shoes that I'm wearing for the marathon.

Have an awesome day everyone.

Party Panda:hippie:
PTI but are we continuing the challenge? I guess I did not understand that. I thought we were in negotiations until after marathon weekend???
Hey! Lisa! Welcome over to the bright side!

Okay, the new rules...same as the old ones! LOL Except this time we report Sunday through Saturday. Some months will quit in the middle of the week, you can just break 'em out or I can just put it all on the next month. Whichever works for you!

Vicki is the only one who has asked for a copy of the spreadsheet. It is written in Excel, so if you want a monthly copy just send me your email address.

Please include your birthdate in your next coorespondence with me! We want to celebrate all of our birthdays! You don't have to share your age unless you just happen to be proud of it and almost 52, like me! :scared1:

I don't know that we are competing with anyone but ourselves, but then, in endurance training and racing aren't we our own competition??
Oh shoot! I meant to tell everyone that I did 5.5 miles OUTSIDE today and actually had one of the best walks of my life! Maybe rest isn't such a bad thing.

So, for all those who gave me miles, a sincere THANK YOU especiailly Margie!!! Can't hardly wait a whole year to go to the World and race together. I think I can carry my own miles now. If that 5.5 was any indication and I have every reason to believe that it was!
Thanks for all the congrats! Today's my last post race recovery day, so no run until tomorrow.

Eva, Congrats! I'd love to see wedding pictures!

Denise, My pins got here today. They look great! I'll certainly be thinking of all of you running this coming weekend. I'm sure you'll do wonderfully!

I know there's a thread on the main forum but I thought it would be nice to post our goals for 2009.
My 2009 goals are a sub 22 5k, a sub 48 10k, to run my first marathon (hopefully in under 4 hours), and to have a week where I log more than 35 miles.

Happy New Year Team!

I am trying to catch up here, cannot even remember how many days I have been gone - maybe only one, or maybe 3:lmao:

Denise - we got the pins today! They are fantastic, I immediately repackaged them up and put them in my carry-on.

Eva - Congrats to you and Jordan!!!!!

Lisa - you are more than welcome to our team! We just had so much fun that we did not want to quit!

Connie - again, thanks for being Capt. of our team. I will send you our miles for the end of Dec. as soon as I post this!

It will be great to see all of you who are going to WDW!!!

Nice day here today, not too much wind (about 15-20mph), and warm. I got in a 6 mile walk with the dogs, and when Scott got home early, we got down all the outside Christmas decorations - the inside is a different story, may not get them all away until after the trip to WDW!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi everyone! I took the day off today and went with DF to get a massage! Lots of fun and very relaxing! It was a surprise for him - I think he liked it. I also managed to get in 3 miles on the TM this morning. I had planned on going outside but was running short on time.

Sue - I'll send you a PM. We'll have to figure out how to meet up so I can get the pins to you :)

Connie - Awesome job on the 5.5 miles!!! Gotta love those days when you knock off a long distance walk/run like it was nothing! My birthday is on October 6th ... long time away!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Denise we got our pins yesterday, they are awesome. Bunny and Wilber I have your pins and we will bring them to the friday meeting.

I posted that we are keeping the team together and asked if any of the other teams want to stay together also. If they do or don't that's fine we can still keep our support group going.

Thank y'all for the awesome fellowship, the laughs and the support form last year.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Don't know How I missed this thread but I did, well found it now.

Denise Thanks sooo much for the pins WOW are they KEWL!!!!

Wishing all a great new year.

Now I know where I shoudl be,
HI TEAM! :wave2:

Connie, Congratulations on your first 5.5 miles since surgery - that is Fantastic! :cheer2: :cheer2: Shared Miles - that's what Team Work is all about dear friend. I am not a 'real competitor' but there were many times I went when I did not feel like it if it had not been for our Team! Us wanting our Team to be Better - Makes each of us Better! :grouphug:

No spreadsheet needed for me. Are you planning to post our Team stats monthly or sometimes or another. :lmao:

Birthday: 07/14/1945

My pins did not come yesterday - I get late in the day delivery. I do hope my pin arrives today - I am so eager to see it! :goodvibes

Vicky - a massage is awesome :goodvibes



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