Hakuna Matata - Let's rocket our Independence!

Hi everyone! Like Sue, I woke up today and thought it was Friday. No such luck though - at least this weekend will be a long weekend for us so I'm looking forward to having an extra day just to relax.

Sue - I noticed my face was really red too but I'm glad to know that other people get it from working out too. I got caught in the thunderstorms. I think it was a 20 second walk from my car into the RR and I was drenched! Luckily it stopped raining for the run.

Eva - Gage is such a cutie! If that was me in the with the mouse, I would have made another exit in the porta-portie!! :laughing: What is it about mice that makes them scary? Fantastic job on the 8 miler! How's your eating going?

Hope - I had to Google what a pellet stove was. 4 tons is a lot of stuff to move! I guess that's a workout by itself!

Pudge - Ouch! Keep icing and I hope you feel better soon. My gym has bruise cream. I'm assuming it helps to fade bruising but don't know exactly how it works.

Regina - Is Kyle going to be doing the 1/2 with you as well or is he going to be cheering you on from the sidelines? I sometimes like the speedwork because it means fewer miles :blush:

Scott - Was that a cement mixing truck I saw for the pancake batter!

Kim - I loved the roses too! Mike is such a sweetie! Yes, we should make lunch/dinner plans or something like that if you're coming to the expo. I still wish they'd have it somewhere other than the CNE grounds. It's not very convenient.

Dave - WTG on the 6.5 miles! I like the walking every other day sounds like a good plan.

Margie - Wow! That's awesome that you got in the planks! WTG! I'm guessing that the muscle at the top of your rib cage is your chest muscle. I was going to guess the diaphragm but I think that's at the bottom. Yup, trying to keep busy :) I'm also trying to work in a yoga class once a week too but most of the yoga studios aren't close to my house.

Mike - The running store near my work apparently got a shipment in. I asked last night after I went out with the running group. Anyway, the girl at the store called for me and asked them to put one on hold. She also mentioned that they have a 20% coupon for Fuel Belt purchases over $50. I'll let you know if they do in fact have the one I'm looking for.

AFM - Well, I seem to have gotten a sore throat :( I have that weak achy feeling you get when you're sick so I'm a little out of it. I still made it in to work but will probably lie low. I'm taking lots of vitamin C and hoping this will be gone by the weekend. I skipped my 2 miler this morning because I figured the extra sleep would be better for my body.

The running group last night was good. I think they might have changed things up a little bit because of the thunderstorms. There were two groups that went out and ran hill repeats. I'm not so sure I'd call them a hill so much as an incline. My group had about 6-7 people, different ages and ability levels. I did talk to a couple people in the group. That's hard for me because I'm usually painfully shy but I figure if I go back again, I'll eventually get to know other people :)

I started looking a properties for sale around the city. I figure I might as well get a head start so that when the government finally returns the tax credits we're owed, I'll have a good idea of what I'm looking for. (Btw, don't ever make a film in Ontario - you'll never get your tax credits back). I found a small condo in the middle of the city, really cute space and it had a nice kitchen. I went to ask my mom about it (she's an agent) and it had already sold! I guess the listing online hadn't been updated yet :laughing: She assures me that it's a buyer's market though.

Have a fantastic day everyone! :wave2:
Good Morning Team!

Vicki – The DVD is “Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga – Total Body Transformation + Weight Loss with Sadie Nardini”. Yes, the cement truck is used for mixing pancake batter!!!! Pixie dust for your cold! Good luck on the real estate venture.

Eva - good to hear from you, Baby Gage is awfully cute!

Kim – I may be pounding the pavement, but it is not helping much, I barely make it thru the 6 milers, I really hit the wall on my 11 miler last week, and I have a 14 miler scheduled for tomorrow! We will see how I do on that one tomorrow. My pace is still really slow – I have to really work to do better than a 17 m/m, and my normal pace is closer to an 18 m/m. Have a great holiday on Monday!

Sue – good to hear you signed up for the Goofy – as we are not going this year, we will have to follow you and Kim and Dave and anyone else from afar.

Regina – we had a good time eating pancakes then watching the Thunderbirds.

Pudge – Pixie dust for your leg, hope you feel better soon!

Dave – good luck to you on dealing with your ex, your PF, and your weekly travel. :grouphug:

Margie - Thanks for keeping us all informed and in good spirits!!!

We harvested our cherry tree, got about a gallon of cherries, that is at least twice as much as last year! Scott will be making cherry pies over the weekend – everyone is invited!

We picked up my new bike yesterday – it is a hybrid, but basically a road bike with mountain bike handlebars (I am very uncomfortable in the road bike posture). I rode it around the block a couple of times this morning, and I love it! It rolls so much nicer than my 30 year old mountain bike! Scott ordered his bike, it is custom, so it will be 2 months before he gets it.

No exercise yesterday, just a short walk today, and a few laps with the new bike (2.5 miles), will get on the bike downstairs later today, tomorrow is a 14 miler scheduled – that means an early wake up call!

Pixie dust to all who are in need!

Have a great day all!
We harvested our cherry tree, got about a gallon of cherries, that is at least twice as much as last year! Scott will be making cherry pies over the weekend – everyone is invited!

Mmmmm! Cherry pie, my favorite! It's a bit of a trip for me, so have someone eat a piece for me, please.

Went for a short run yesterday. Knees were a little sore afterwards, but not so sore that I needed to try the gel. Saving that for my long run this weekend.

Stay cool everyone!
Sue: The only reason I have stayed away from GL is the start and finish at different places. I don't like that part but since it is the last year for it to be in the fall I might do it and also since I want to PR a 1/2 this year a Oct races gives me a month from USAF.

Lynn: Congrats on the bike, now time to register for a duo or tri:thumbsup2

Vicky: What are you planning on going to expo. I think Mike and I will go on the Friday night and can always pick you up somewhere.

Margie: Enjoy your break!!!

Off to watch the football game and big brother....converter is going to get a workout.

Have a great Thursday
Hey Team!

Kim- Are you guys doing anything special for your anniversary? I agree, we aren’t into the “something special for the hallmark occasion”. We don't do anything special on Valentine’s Day or anything like that. I think surprises are always nice! I have the lazy battle when I get home from time to time too! Hope your 40-50min. walk went well!

Margie- Way to go on 2-2minute planks!!!! :woohoo: That is very impressive! Did it help to have them talking to you? Sometimes Kyle talks to me and it seems to make the time go faster. I will definitely let you know how I like the shoes…when I finally can get them! I’ll let you know when I get them too! I’m not giving up!

Dave- Hi! Hope you had a good day!

Sue- I’ve read really good things about the shoes. I’m hoping if they work out and I can get used to them, eventually I can try them for running too. I totally understand though…Kyle kept mentioning he wanted them and looking at them, which then made me want them too!:rolleyes: I hope your run went well!

Vicky- Yes, Kyle is going to run the ½ with me. We’ve talked about running separately because he’s so much faster than me, but he insists on running with me for this first one because it is our first half and he thinks it will be special to do it together (he's such a romantic :laughing:). But after this one that’s it- we’re going our separate ways while running so he can see what he can do and I can focus on my goals. I’m sorry you have a sore throat- that’s terrible news. Maybe tomorrow would be a good day to rest… Are you drinking lots of fluid? I think if you hang in there and keep going, it will get easier to meet new people at the running group because it’s easier to make small talk with someone you’ve seen over and over. And once you get a rapport built, it gets even easier! :thumbsup2 You're doing great!! House hunting sounds fun!

Lynn- Yum! Count us in for the cherry pies!:rotfl: What’s a hybrid bike? I hope your 14 miler goes well!

Sue/Kim/Vicky- Enjoy your long weekend!!

AFM, I finished 4 miles without throwing up on the TM, which I consider to be my own triumph of the day. I ate some chicken strips and onion rings and it did not mix well in my stomach as my running apparently jumbled it around. Won’t make that mistake again. :sick: I do feel better now than I did about 15-20min ago.

Question- Will I still be able to purchase DDP even though I will buy my park tickets through the specially discounted theme ticket place? That won’t make a difference will it?

Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
Good Morning Team!

Lynn, Cherry pie.:love: 1 of my favourites. Tough call on what one I like better. Cherry pie vs strawberry rhubarb pie. Enjoy the new bike.

Regina, I thought in order to do the ddp you had to purchase a minimum of a 1 day park pass per person unless you are dvc or booking using an annual pass. Are you booking a marathon package?
Yeah, don't know how you could run after chick fingers & rings. I'd be looking for the puke bucket. :sick:
DH & I run our 1st marathon together & have since gone our separate ways. It's just better that way.

Margie, Nice plank work.:thumbsup2

Kim/ Vicky, Have a great long weekend. Sounds like we are in for some nice weather. Enjoy!

Going to an off site meeting this morning. Then off to Ottawa for the weekend. Have a great day everyone. Happy training........Sue
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Mostly Sunny / High 80°- 90% Humidity

Connie- :wave2: Glad you are Finally Back Home!
How's the garden?

Dave- Great Plan to Walk Train every other day!

Kim-Hummm...Anniversary Date Please.
Or I can guess & make up one...let's see how will August 21st work?

Lynn-Enjoy the New Bike and send us a picture...Please!
New Bike question-what pedal system did you get?
Oh, do you ship pie orders (please no ala-mode on shipped orders)? :goodvibes
Remember: your training walks are supposed to be slower than your
Race ones! Just enjoy them while building miles!

Mary-glad the pain was not too bad for your run
yesterday-Take Care! :flower3:


Regina-Pre Training Foods-our bodies are all so different.
AND it is a good thing to learn prior to a race. :thumbsup2
Planks...did my normal sets at the gym this morning.
But YES, it helped a lot. Hagen was laying on the floor right
under my face
chatting away...it was so cute. When the 2nd one
was done I thought Jeez that was fast.

Scott-My sympathy - that is a truly long wait for something
that is so excitining...Trek Madone :cloud9:

Sue-Have a fun weekend! :goodvibes

Vicky-hope you are feeling better today! :sick:
Have fun looking for a new condo/house/apartment! :hug:

pixiedust: pixiedust:
Connie & Jon (back, bruising, broken ribs, foot, & cold),
Dave (PF & Left Achilles), Jennifer (car accident),
Kim (foot), Kirstie (arm), Mary (knee),
Scott (recovering from knee surgery) Vicky (sore throat, ankle & stress)

AFM: Bike” 6-miles last night; Gym this morning 11-minute warm up on the DM;
lower body workout, and stretches.
New tires are in, so I need to load up the boys, and get it taken care of.
Broken sprinkler head has been replaced,
of course it was the most expensive one!
Out of town tomorrow.

Connie, Dave, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry, Hope,
Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, and Vicky

Hakuna Matata Team
Weekend Racers

Saturday, July 31st and
Sunday, August 1st

No Team Members on the Calendar for Races this weekend.

Happy Training!
Hi team! Still have a stuffy nosy and sore throat - I'm trying to finish everything quickly at work so hopefully I can leave early today. Kind of bad timing with this being the long weekend and everything but I feel yucky and I need my rest.

Got a bit of bad news last night - my PT is leaving the clinic I go to :( So we talked for the half hour last night instead of doing training or treatments. I'll probably start seeing the other physio or my chiro instead.

Sue - Have fun in Ottawa!

Margie - It's kind of fun looking at properties. Lots of them are waay overpriced, but it's still fun! I've given myself until December 2011 to keep saving and then move out.

Regina - That's so sweet of Kyle! Oooh chicken strips and onion rings, sounds yummy but I wouldn't have done well with it either. I barely do well with oatmeal and fruit. I owe you an email which I promise to finish tonight or tomorrow. I wasn't able to get much water in yesterday but did drink lots of tea and chicken noodle soup.

Lynn - The pie sounds yummy! I wish I could come over for some! I'll have to check out that yoga DVD. I'm going to go to a yoga studio for a couple of sessions to make sure I'm doing the poses properly and then I'll go back to a DVD.

Kim - :hug: That sounds like fun! I'm not too far from the CNE (Wellington/Simcoe). Now we just have to find a pasta place :)

Ok, I'd better get back to it! Have a great day everyone :wave2:
I had a nice training walk at the mall. I went to the mall because it's cooler and flat. I'm avoid my beloved hill training till I'm completely recovered.

After a mile of warm up I did 4 miles in 48:42. I was pleased with that, I started feeling discomfort in my PF foot a half mile from finishing so i slowed down. I finished up with a cool down walk and stretching.

I will be working at the other store sun, mon and tues. If my hotel has internet acess I'll be checking in if not I'll be MIA those days. Not sure how long it will last maybe months.

Everyone have a great day and weekend.

Good Morning Team!

Well, I made it – almost – just got back from a 12.41 mile walk, the dogs joined me for the first 6 miles, then I did laps around my street – 1.26 miles. I was listening to a book on tape which helped with the boredom. I should have done one more lap – but I was getting really hot, so I quit. I am eating some recovery breakfast, then I will have to start my day – just a bit later than usual.

Mary – OK, Scott or I will eat a piece of cherry pie for you!

Regina – a hybrid bike is half way between a mountain bike and a road bike (for those folks who cannot make up their mind).:lmao: Scott and I do not do races (or training for that matter) together, as he runs and I walk. Things may change because his knee doctor has told him no more running, but he will still walk much faster than me, so we will still go our own ways.

Margie, I have shoe cages on the pedals now, but they are set up that I could make them into the “clipless” clipped pedals. My training walks are usually slower than my race pace, but my training walks now are so slow, that I hope I can keep up a proper pace when I am racing.

Dave - have fun with the commute!

Pixie dust to all who are in need!

Have a great day all!
Hi Everyone!

Regina~ I think that Sue is right on the fact that you also have to buy a one day ticket to make it a package deal to add the DDP. The running store we checked out got in 100 pairs of Vibrams on Tuesday and only had about 25 pairs left, none in your sizes. I can't make the Boma dinner as I will probably be sleeping that evening. I will have to work all night and then immediately leave for the airport. Maybe we can meet for breakfast on Sunday after the race?

Vicky~ I hope you feel better soon! The store carries a four bottle small but were sold out (of course!) It was about $45, and they will be getting more soon. They also make a slip on bottle holder (like the pouches) to expand a two bottler up to three or more. I can also get new caps for the bottles if needed.

Lynn~ Enjoy the new bike and the pies!

Margie~ No, Robert doesn't have any kids in the neighborhood to play with. We have all older teenagers. He goes to the gym with Liz just about everyday and it has a huge play area with about 100 kids in it sometimes.

Dave~ Don't worry if you're offline, I'll fill in as the handsome flirt! pirate:

AFM~ We picked up Liz's Triathalon suit, she love it and looks...hot! I ran TEN miles today! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Finished in 1:42:38, pace was 10:15 a mile.

-Mike :cool2:
Good Morning Team! :wave:

Lynn - Cherry pie sounds so good. Enjoy your new bike.

Sue - I agree it's a tough call between cherry or strawberry rhubarb pie. My mom makes an awesome strawberry rhubarb pie. Have a good weekend in Ottawa.

Vicky - I hope you feel better soon. DH and I are also house hunting. We've seen some decent places but houses are very expensive here. Good luck in your search!

Regina - That's so sweet of Kyle to run with you on your first half. I'm glad that DH and I are running ours together, he helps motivate me to do my training and it's nice to have someone to talk to during them.

AFM - I can mostly walk without pain and my bruise looks a bit better this morning. I did 3 miles last night and my leg didn't hurt. I tried to run and that caused some pain, so I guess running is still out of the question. Normally I wouldn't worry about it much, but since the DL half is 5 weeks away I don't want to make it any worse. I plan to go out for another walk tomorrow morning.

Have a great weekend!

Margie it is August 15th we will be married 23 years.

Nope sorry we never eneded up registering for Chicago we decided on USAF instead.
Hi, everyone,

Several weeks have passed since I last posted. I experienced a family emergency that is just now resolved. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to post or to run. I also missed my first 5k. :sad1: However, I'm happy to report that my schedule is returning to normal and I'm able to go on those morning runs again. I don't yet consider myself a runner, but wow, what an amazingly natural feeling to be at it again!

I hope to read all the posts I've missed to catch up on how you all are doing but in the meantime, I just wanted to say, "Hakuna Matata" before the August thread begins.
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Thunderstorms today – Currently Raining; High 79°- 84% Humidity

Connie- :wave2:

Dave- WTG nice 4-miler
Safe Travels...

Elizabeth-So Nice to Posted. We have missed you.
Glad to hear the family emergency is better!
Bummer on missing your 5K, but it is nice you are back running now!

Emily- WTG on your 3 miler – glad your leg did not hurt
Yeah-DL half is only 5 weeks


Lynn- WTG 12.41 … I think that sounds like what I would do
for the longest walk before a half! :woohoo:
I remember you were concerned about training time vs race
time before and you did Way Great for the race!

Mike- WTG Way Nice 10-miler
Liz's Triathlon Suit :goodvibes


Scott-how's the knee?
It does not sound like you are getting too much rest!
Has the swelling gone down?
Start PT tomorrow?

Vicky-Bummer on changing PT’s–
But remember sometimes Change is Good! :hug:
And you did gain a Friend! :goodvibes
Great goals on the new home search!
It is so nice that you have your Mom to give you some insight.

pixiedust: pixiedust:
Connie & Jon (back, bruising, broken ribs, foot, & cold),
Dave (PF & Left Achilles), Jennifer (car accident),
Kim (foot), Kirstie (arm), Mary (knee),
Scott (recovering from knee surgery) Vicky (ankle & stress)

AFM: In Grand Rapids today-

Connie, Dave, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry, Hope,
Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, and Vicky

Hello Team!

I ran another 4.5 today at an easy pace with Liz, she did eight total while it was a "recovery" day for me. The week totaled 31.6 miles, the month 80.7, which is the most that I have ever done!!

Hope all it well with eveyone and you are enjoying the weekend!

-Mike :cool2:


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