Hakuna Matata - Let's rocket our Independence!

Stationary bike done, coffee on , thinking about breakfast, tour final, will call bike shop today and set up an appointment to order a bike.
Good Morning Team!

Mike - great job to Liz on her first 8 mile run!

Kim - have a great 10K!

Dave - that is a big decision - think about all that travel - I assume you would spent part of week at one store and part of week at other?

I took yesterday off all together other than mowing the yard - mainly because I just forgot to get down on the bike. It was not as warm out, so I spent a few hours outside weeding the rocks. Today I will get down on the bike.

Have a great day team!
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Mostly Sunny-Cooler High 82°- 93% Humidity

Connie- What a week to go camping-
Hope all is okay and you had a great time with family!

Elizabeth- How was your race Saturday?

Kim-have a fun 10k Beach Run! :woohoo:
Is this a race?

Lynn-What do you mean - Did Nothing!
I think yard work is a lot of on the move, up & down/cross training!

Mike- WTG on yours and Liz's 8-miler!
Race today-do not have it on the calendar? :cheer2:

Scott-sounds like recovery is going good!
How Fun-Getting a New Bike!
Have you decided on the bike? :goodvibes


Vicky- :hug:

pixiedust: pixiedust:
Connie & Jon (back, bruising, broken ribs, foot),
Dave (PF & Left Achilles), Hope (toe). Jennifer (car accident),
Kim (foot), Kirstie (arm), Mary (knee),
Scott (recovering from knee surgery) Vicky (ankle & stress)

AFM: finished freezing the 20#'s of blueberries yesterday.
Maybe the gym, but I hope to get out for a bike ride,
but it depends on the rain-
Need to get out the door to Worship Service!

Connie, Dave, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry, Hope,
Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, and Vicky

I decided to take a few hard earned bucks and buy some cushioned inserts for my race walking shoes. I need new ones and as soon as I'm back from brokeville I'll be treating myself to new shoes. My plan of training every other day seems to be going well as the PF is still getting better. I'll blog how I beat the planter fasciitis as soo as it's gone for good.

Workout went well. I wore my new insoles and they seemed to work great. I went to the mall to beat the heat and after a .8 mile warm up lap I did 3 laps at 12:55 mpm pace. It's getting better each time and I might just win this PF battle.

Hope everyone has a super weekend.

Hi Team,

Back from my 5K this morning, finished in 27:46 which is my third fastest this year. Pace was 8:57 a mile, so under 9 makes me happy! :cool1:

Later tonight we are going to see the local fireworks show and then I have to work all night.

Margie~ Sorry, I just signed up for the race the on Thursday, I guess that I didn't mention it here. The blueberries sound tasty! Good cancer fighters!

Dave~ Glad your workouts are going well.

Scott~ A new bike sounds fun!

-Mike :cool2:
Scott- Oh My Gosh -the Trek Madone is an awesome bike!
Okay - I got tears. Do you know now it got its name...Sweet.

Dave-WTG nice walk. Glad to hear the new inserts are helping.

Mike- WTG nice race. Will put it on the calendar. :goodvibes
Scott- Oh My Gosh -the Trek Madone is an awesome bike!
Okay - I got tears. Do you know now it got its name...Sweet.

Dave-WTG nice walk. Glad to hear the new inserts are helping.

Mike- WTG nice race. Will put it on the calendar. :goodvibes

Yes I do, good story there for sure, during my college days I was a very serious cyclist.

Looking forward to my return. Lol just like Lance,
Hey Team!

Dave- So what did you decide with the optician job offer 150 miles away??

Margie- Thank you for the warm b-day wishes! Did you make it on your bike ride or to the gym?

Vicky- Thanks! I was really surprised I could hold it for 2 min! My sides get really wobbly and shaky after about 30-45 seconds too. Thanks for the help with the HK logo! Do you know what 4 bottle belt you’re going to get? The fuel belt I have came with a really small pocket. All I can fit in it is keys and/or a travel size body glide. I’m going to order a bigger pocket and switch out the smaller one at some point in the near future. I’m glad the fun run went well!

Lynn- Thank you for the warm b-day wishes! Great idea to name the dogs after Alaskan geographical locations. 11.05 mi is still a great walk and I agree w/Margie- I think yard work should count as a work out too!:thumbsup2

Scott- Glad you’re feeling better about DL and are able to use the stationary bike.

Hope- How are things going? Any better? I sure hope your days are starting to get a little better! :hug: Does his PO think it’s likely they will deny him a spot in the half way house based on his restrictions? Is there a Plan B in case Plan A falls through with the house? Great job on your 2 mile walk!

Elizabeth- How’d the 5k go?! Can’t wait to hear your report!!!

Sue- How was the duathalon?! I hope it went well! Let us know how you did!

Mary- Hi! Glad to see you’re back. I hope your knee appt tomorrow goes well!

Mike- Thanks for the belated happy birthday! Tell Liz I said GREAT JOB on the 8 miles!!! That’s very impressive!! DH and I have the same birthday (he’s 17 minutes older than I am…..strange, I know), so we always celebrate together. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch and saw Inception. We liked it, although it was long for me… over 2.5 hours. Great job on the 5k today! Awesome time even with the uphill at the end!

Kim- How’d the beach run go?

AFM, Kyle and I had a nice birthday weekend. We went to Café Ole on Friday because I love their fajitas, Cheesecake Factory on Saturday for pasta and cheesecake, and saw Inception. We also bought and watched the Bounty Hunter, and watched Tooth Fairy and She’s Out of My League through Netflix. I bought some new Teva shoes for work and Kyle and I are going to order a pair of the Vibram Five Finger Shoes to try out as our birthday present to ourselves. The only problem is they are either out of stock or backordered everywhere in like every style!! What’s the deal? :confused3 I hope it doesn’t take too long for them to come in as I’m planning on using them as some of my vacation shoes when we go to Orlando, and I can't do that if they stay backordered forever. :sad2: I have pretty much taken the last 4 days off from working out until today. I went to the gym for my 7 mile run and watched Design Star and House Hunters International on the TM ( I love HGTV). I did it a little differently today though- I took a minute walk break every mile to drink some water and had to stop half way through to use the restroom. Otherwise, I kept up it at a 12 min pace the first half and then between 11:30 and 11:45 for the last half.

Hope everyone’s week if off to a great start tomorrow!
Hi everyone! Happy Monday :) Just doing a quick fly-by today - will catch up later today or or tomorrow. The weekend was pretty hot but it did cool down enough for me on Sunday to make an attempt on my 15.5 mile run. Made it to 13 and got stomach cramps so I called it there. I figured that was close enough. Ran 5 miles on Saturday and 3 miles this morning. Nothing too spectacular. I'm planning to go to the gym tonight for training.

Regina - WTG on your run! Great pace :) I'm trying to get the 4 bottle belt that has the thin wide pocket at the front. It's just big enough to hold my phone and keys. There were some other 4 bottle styles but the pockets seemed like they were only big enough for a couple of gel shots. The Vibram shoes are pretty hard to get, I guess they're pretty popular right now. Give yourself time to get use to them. My PT has them and said he had to wear them on and off for a while because they have a different feeling to them.

Mike - Great 5K time! You'll be doing 25:00-26:00 in no time at all! And WTG to Liz on her 8 miler!!

Margie - How did your walk with Nikki go this morning?

Dave - The job sounds like a good opportunity for extra cash. Did you make a decision on it?

Scott - How's the knee doing? pixiedust:

Sue - Are you back from the cottage?

Kim - How was the training run? I'm glad the weather cooled down a little bit on Sunday :)

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Good morning y'all.

I had a nice workout with a race walking friend. We did one mile warm up then 3 miles at race walk technique, slow 13 min pace, then one mile cool down. Not pushing the pace just staying comfortable. Stretched good after.

I'm going to go by the lawyer's office after I clean up and see where we are on getting the settlement signed. Then I can plan the days I'll spend at the other store. I will work three days there and three days here with a day of overtime.

They will pay all my expences at the other store including gas, food and lodging.

Ok off to see the Wizard......

Good Morning Team!

Dave - good luck with the new work schedule and pixie dust for the trip to the lawyers office!

Sounds like everyone had a good weekend, everyone is doing so well with the runs and walks!

Today the dogs and I did 3 miles, I did spend 50 min. yesterday on the bike downstairs, and plan to do more today.

Have a great day team!
Happy Monday Team!

Had a nice relaxing week at the cottage. Beautiful weather with no humidity.

Regina, Happy Belated Birthday to you & your DH. Love the CCF. Wish they would come to Canada.

Vicky, I'm also going through the fuel belt issues. I have the 2 bottle Helium belt but bought the larger bottles. I think 10 oz. instead of 8. Took the little pouch off & bought a larger pouch to put between the 2 bottles at the back. My issue is how comfortable the 4 bottle belt would be rubbing against the forearms which has prevented me from upgrading.
Did you run last week with the RRoom Run Club? How did it go?

AFM, Had a great time at the duathlon. It was a excellent run event. No bling but we did get tech tees. It is already my most favourite race tee & I haven't even wore it yet. Had a great first run & bike. The second run I was a little disappointed in my pace. Both the run & bike courses were very hilly. DH did the triathlon. The swim course was also a very challenging swim up river. My goal was a 1:45 finish & I finished in 1:39:50.
I loved that they mark everyone's age on their calf. 1 gentleman racing was 80. Wow!

Now it's onto serious marathon training mode for October.

Have a great day...........Sue
:cheer2::cheer2: Congratulations, Sue! :cheer2::cheer2:

WTG - Very Impressive
that you beat your Goal Time time by 5 Plus Minutes

Do we get to see a picture of your shirt?

:thanks: for the race report.

Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Mostly Sunny-Cooler High 85°- 71% Humidity

I tried to post earlier but someone posted at the same time and mine was lost.

Connie- :wave2:

Dave- WTG on your walking.
Glad to hear you are not having any problems with your PF.
Nice...Sounds like you were able to get the details of the job
worked out. Relax and Enjoy the adventure.
Hope all goes smooth at the attorney's office too...

Lynn-WTG on your 3-miler and cross training!
Can I come over and play with your toys?

Mike-Congratulations on your 5k ...Great Pace!

Regina-Sounds like you and DH had a wonderful Birthday Celebration!
WTG nice run on the DM!
Okay I held the plank for a minute-
what on earth did you do/think about/ etc to be able to hold it for 2-minutes!

Scott-walking all ready…I know you are taking it slow & easy,
But that seems really fast to be.

Serious Cyclist in college-is there anything you have not done!
Oh, course you know I expect to see pictures of the new bike!

Sue-Congratulations...Awesome Accomplishment :worship:

Vicky-WTG it was a good run in this heat!
No walk this morning-plan to take Hagen out tonight after the sun goes down.

pixiedust: pixiedust:
Connie & Jon (back, bruising, broken ribs, foot, & cold),
Dave (PF & Left Achilles), Jennifer (car accident),
Kim (foot), Kirstie (arm), Mary (knee),
Scott (recovering from knee surgery) Vicky (ankle & stress)

AFM: Gym this morning…10 minute warm up on the DM;
lower body workout; mini stretch; home 10-mile bike (out side);
stretch; shower; toast w/peanut butter & Gatorade. Off to do the errands
My Little Hagen sleeps over tonight.

Connie, Dave, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry, Hope,
Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, and Vicky

Good Afternoon Team!

Vicky~ I have the larger pouch for my fuel belt and our local running store carries alot of colors and options. If you need something specific, I can always buy it for you and send it up yonder. The larger pouch holds my cell phone (Samsung Instinct) with some room left over, slips right on the belt. Let me know...

Dave~ Congrats on the final closure! I know how you feel. I went out with some friends to celebrate! Good luck with the commute!

Sue~ Great race!

Regina~ Our other local running store carries the Vibram shoes. Same goes for you, I can check availability and always buy them and send them onto you. Let me know... Being from the Midwest there might be some around here. Besides it means we have an excuse to visit the store!

AFM~ I ran eight miles today in 1:21:22 with a pace of 10:10 a mile. I missed a PR by 24 seconds! Oh well, next time.... I can feel my running Mojo returning! :woohoo:

-Mike :cool2:
Hi Everyone!

Vicky- WTG on the 13 miles!! Hope the gym workout goes well! I feel like my pace is still really slow on the TM, but figure the more I run the faster I’ll get. I didn’t realize how hard the vibram shoes were to get. That’s why I wanted to order them now- so I would have time to get used to them so by October they would be good to go.

Dave- It seems like really good timing that job offer would come up right when you are broke as a church mouse!

Lynn- Glad you made it out for a 3 mile walk today!

Sue- Thanks! I waited for the CCF to make it to Boise for what seemed like forever! I’m glad you had a great week at the cottage. Is it the design you like on the tee or is the material better than other tees? How long was each of your run and bike periods? I agree with Margie, I’d love to see a pic of the shirt as well!

Margie- We had a very nice birthday. Great job holding the plank for a minute!! I am very skilled in the art of daydreaming….so it’s pretty easy for me to space off. Usually I’m thinking about something I’m looking forward to doing, or talking myself into 15 more seconds…or just a little longer…..to make it through. I’m sure it’s going to be really hard when I try it again later this week but up the difficulty level. WTG on the 10 mile bike ride!!

Mike- That would be great! DH is looking for a size 41 in the flow (preferably black, but any color is fine) and I’m looking for a women’s size 39 (preferably in grey/fuschia upper or agate grey upper, but will also take any color if they’ve got it) in the KSO (not the KSO trek, just the KSO). Yay to your running mojo returning!!!!

AFM, it’s a rest day. Nothing exciting or interesting going on over here.
Wow great races everyone!!!

My 10K went better then expected. It was a weird set up, you had to pick your bib up that morning, well the line up was crazy so Mike got his while I took a pottie break but they wouldn't give him mine even though he had my reg form and I wrote on the bottom it was OK but they wouldn't so that was fine. I didn't have photo ID on me so I went without my bib. It was a really informal run anyways, no timing or anything but I did well and was under my time goal by a few mins so I am fine with that.

Have a great Tuesday all
Good Morning, Team! :wave2:

Mostly Sunny- High 88°- 93% Humidity

Connie- :hug:

Dave- when do you start the shared job responsibilities
with the other store?
Hope they have some nice places to walk!

Kim-Congratulations on your 10K race!
Glad the fun over shadowed the negative!
I will add it to the race calendar.

Mike-WTG on your 8-miler! :goodvibes

Regina-I did them at the end of my workout...
You are Good! I do not have time to daydream...
I am usually trying to concentrate on form and reps. :lmao:
How did you determine the size for the Vibram shoes?
Everyones toes are so really different...

Vicky- :hug: are you running tomorrow with
the group at the local running store?

pixiedust: pixiedust:
Connie & Jon (back, bruising, broken ribs, foot, & cold),
Dave (PF & Left Achilles), Jennifer (car accident),
Kim (foot), Kirstie (arm), Mary (knee),
Scott (recovering from knee surgery) Vicky (ankle & stress)

AFM: Not sure yet-need to do some stretching.
I hope it is cool enough to get a bike ride in tonight.
One of the sprinkler heads is missing so I need to get
that geyser fixed today.

Connie, Dave, Denise, Elizabeth, Emily, Eva, figment82, Gerry, Hope,
Jack, Jennifer, Kim, Kirstie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina,
Robert, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, Taryn, and Vicky



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