Hakuna Matata -Spring-ing into Action for Race Season


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Good morning, Hakuna Matata!

Hope this new month finds you all well and in great spirits! You are all the best of the best. We should never underestimate the joys of a great team.

I am working and working out. The farm is requiring lots of time and my DD's problems are still center stage. But hopefully, I will be back regularly soon!

To new people, welcome, welcome, welcome!

Happy Spring, everyone.
Hakuna Matata Team 2010 Race Calendar

March 20th Jennifer - DC Marathon / Full Marathon
March 27th Mike & Liz -Penguin in the Park / 5k
March 28th Dave – Knoxville Marathon / Half Marathon
March 28th Vicky – Around the Bay Road Race / 30K
April 3rd Mike – The Bunny Dash 5k
April 4th Easter
April 10th Canceled: Kristie- Aflac Iron Girl Clearwater / 15K
April 10th Gerry- Windmere / 5k
April 11th Mike- Run Thru the Hills 5K
April 18th Gerry - Clermont, FLA / 5K
April 19th Kristie- Boston Marathon / Full Marathon
April 24th Dave - 9th Annual Kentucky Derby Half Marathon
April 24th Mike- Young Life run/walk in Wheaton, IL / 5K
April 25th Connie - 10th Anniversary Oklahoma / Half Marathon
April 25th Jack - RI State Police 5k Pursuit / Narragansett
April 25th Mike- 5K benefiting the March of Dimes and preemie babies
May 2nd Kristie- Pittsburgh Marathon / Full Marathon/cancelled due to arm injury & chair not repaired.

May Races

May 2nd Mike/Liz - Aztec Assault 5K & Obstacle / 5K

May 9th Sue - Mississauga Canada / Full Marathon
May 9th Jack - Mothers Day 5k in Newport
May 10th Gerry’s DS 10 & DS 15- Mini Muddy Buddy / 6.5 Miles & Obstacle
May 15th Mike –Life Time Fitness Run Wild 5K Booksfield Zoo
May 22nd Jennifer Magnolia Meltdown 5k
May 23rd Regina & DH - 10K Rum Run /Tualatin, Oregon
May 29th Kim - Buffalo Marathon / Half Marathon
May 29th Mike - Cancer Run at Solider Field Chicago IL / 10 miles

June 12th Mike & Liz- WDW Expedition Everest Challenge
June 12th Gerry & DS 10 - WDW Expedition Everest Challenge
June 12th Gerry’s DW & DS 15- WDW Expedition Everest Challenge
5K, the obstacle course and the scavenger hunt.
June 19th Vicky-Toronto Pearson Runway Run / 5K

July 4th Jennifer - Peachtree Road Race / 10K
July 4th Kim –LL Bean / 10K

Aug 2010

Sept 5th Lynn & Scott - DL Half Marathon / Half Marathon
Sept 17th Kristy- Air Force 5K
Sept 18th Kim - Air Force / Half Marathon
Sept 18th Kristie - Air Force Marathon / Full Marathon
Sept 25th Jennifer- Women's Running Half Marathon- Nashville
Sept 26th Kim - Toronto Marathon / Half Marathon

Oct 2nd Kristie - Wine & Dine / Half Marathon
Oct 2nd Mary & DH - Wine & Dine / 2 Person Relay
Oct 2nd Regina & DH - Wine & Dine / Half Marathon
Oct 2nd Gerry & DW- 2010 Mickey’s Halloween Fun Run / 5k
Oct 10th Jennifer – Chicago Marathon / Full Marathon
Oct 17th Kristie - Columbus Marathon OH/ Full Marathon
Oct 17th Scott & Lynn- Denver Marathon (Rock and Roll series)/ Half
Oct 24th Sue- Niagara Falls Marathon / Full Marathon
Oct 31st Kristie - Marine Corps Marathon VA / Full Marathon

Nov 7th Kristie - NYC Marathon, NYC (if invited)/ Full Marathon
Nov 21st Kristie - Philadelphia Marathon PA / full Marathon
Nov 27th Kristie - Space Coast Marathon, Cocoa Village FL
Nov 27th Lynn & Scott - Space Coast Race / Half/Full Marathon

Dec 5th Kristie - West Palm Beach Marathon / Full Marathon

Unconfirmed Dates
Lynn & Scott - Trip to Europe May 22nd-
Lynn & Scott - Baltic Cruise

2010 and Beyond:
Lynn & Scott- Disney Alaskan Cruise

Goofy: Dave, Jennifer's 1st Goofy, Kim, Kristy
Donald: Mike's 1st Half Marathon!

Team Members: Connie, Dave, Denise, Eva, Gerry, Hope, Jack, Jennifer,
Kim, Kristie, Lorelei528, Mary, Margie, Mike, Pam, Regina, Robert, Scott & Lynn, Shannan, Sue, and Vicky
Multi Vitamins

Connie-not taking a multi vitamin

Dave- who else takes a multi vitamin every day besides me?

Denise- started a vitamin program about a month ago

Jennifer- GNC vitapaks everyday

Kim- 1 multi, 1 vitamin C, 1 omega 3-6-9 each night, and I put 1 tbsp of ground flax in my oatmeal each morning

Kristy- flax oil, evening primrose oil, floravital, extra B's, and protein powder

Margie- Multi Vitamins for Women 50 plus Advantage

Mary- Shaklee Vita-Lea Gold. (for those that are 50+) I see on their website that they also make a version without vitamin K for those of you that can't have it.

Mike- I used to take multi vitamin before I was put on blood thinners.
I can't take anything with vitamin K in it as it messes with my INR (thinning).
No spinach, broccoli, or garlic either. Muscle Milk after every hard workout; lots of protein; easy on the carbs.

Scott & Lynn- both take multi vitamins plus vitamin C, B complex, B12, gingko, omega 3,6,9, and several other things daily

Sue- multi, vitamin C, calcium with vitamin D, omega 3/6/9 (3x)

Vicky-multi vitamin, a calcium/magnesium, and Omega 3
Hi all!
I wanted to post here and ask a question, but I don't see my name on the team list...

I thought I was added to Hakuna Mutata :confused:

Anyway, if I am posting in the right spot, I'm hoping someone can help me out with eating info pre-half marathon...

What is usually the suggested meal plan/eating plan? Do you have a fairly good size meal the night before but not too late and what about the morning of? I have type 1 diabetes, so the morning thing might be slightly different for me but I wanted to ask here as I'm trying to figure out our ADR's for that trip.

I have not been keeping up with my walking and working out but will start again soon. And am still motivated to try and do my best in the half. That being said, I have not registered yet either. When does registration for the half usually close? The $ for us is kind of tight right now and we would be registering both me and DH.

Anyway, just wanted to check in, say hi to the team and ask those couple of questions.

Lorelai, you are in the right place.

I am the captain, but have been having some serious problems lately. So, I haven't kept up as I should have.

Welcome to the team!
Lorelai welcome.

I'm a walker and I do my best walking if I have a breakfast before I start. If I'm going full out hard I'll have a bagel with jelly and a banana, coffee and a glass of water. If I'm going long and slow I'll have eggs and sasuage and hash browns.

I did 5 miles this morning at 12:30 pace and then a pool workout.

Hi everyone! Just a quick fly-by for me today. Heading off to the gym after work for a 1/2 hour training session. On Saturday, I'm going to see my chiro to see if he can work his magic and fix my ankle. I tried walking 3 miles yesterday and had ankle pain the whole walk so I think running is definitely out for now.

Margie - Put me down for the Toronto Pearson Runway Run (5K) on June 19! I'll jot down the rest of my race dates down for you tonight!

Connie - Good to hear from you again! :hug: for you and DD!

Lorelei - I usually have oatmeal with brown sugar or maple syrup, a whole wheat bagel with natural peanut butter and jam and a yogurt or cottage cheese. I find the protein and oatmeal help to keep me from feeling hungry during a race. If you're going to be running, you'll want to bring a gel or some chews with you. I found that once I started speeding up, I needed a little bit more sugar while out on course. Don't forget your water too!

Sue/Kim - Great weather in the forecast this weekend! Any plans for the long weekend? I can't wait to finish work today!

Have a great day everyone! :wave2:
Good Afternoon Team!

Lorelai, Welcome!
The 1/2 fills much earlier than the full. Late April last year if I remember correctly. If you go to the official disney marathon website it usually gives a % of where each race stands in terms of registration.
During training you will need to tryout different eating plans & what will work for you.
For me I stay away from high fat foods. Mostly carbs & protein. I have a good meal the night before (chicken / fish). Race morning is oatmeal. I'm a tea drinker not coffee & couldn't do this prerace. I would need to stop at every port-o-pottie.
Because race day transportation starts early & you are waiting for a couple of hours pre race I have a small energy bar or fig cookie.
I would google running/ walking with diabetes. There is a wealth of info out there on sports drinks/ gels/gus etc. & maintaining blood sugar levels during exercise.

Margie, I'm only doing 1 race Mississauga & it's May 9th. Thanks
Do you have family plans for Easter?

Connie, :flower3:Glad you popped in today! Great to hear from you.

Vicky, Are you working Monday? I'm the only one in my department.
How's the ankle doing?

We are going to Niagara Falls for the weekend.
Get out & enjoy the great spring weather.
Happy Easter!...........Sue
Scott, brother, do I need to call someone? Maybe I could cash in some of my brownie points, that is if I had any.

I wore shorts today for the first time this year. Sure as heck didn't wear them at Disney this January.

Hope Lynn feels better.:hug:

Hakuna Matata Team 2010 Weight Loss Accomplishments!

Let us know how you are doing with your weight loss.
We want to share your awesome accomplishments and excitement too!

WTG-Robert 28#


Mike 20#

Connie 15#

Kim 10#

Vicky 5#

One - Four Pounds :cheer2:
Dave 4#
Lynn 3#
Mary 2#
Scott #
Avoid Blisters:

Regina- Shared:
I just returned from the gym and doing my 9/1 run/walks and I'm feeling pretty good. The only problem is that I am starting to get blisters, with the worst one on my first toe next to my big toe but it seems like maybe I'm only getting it when I run on the TM??? I'm still trying to figure it out and pin point the issue. I'm thinking maybe I need new running shoes?

Dave- I wear shoes that have no tight places, snug enough not to slip but not snug enough to be putting pressure anywhere. Then well fitting socks with seams that you can't feel. A sock with a seam you can feel is a good for a blister on a long run or walk. Buy good socks from a shoe company made for running or walking.

The way you put on your shoes matters also. I loosen my laces a lot, slip my foot in and then with the shoe flat against the floor pull my heel snugly against the back of the shoe. Then tighten the laces back up from the toe end smoothing them as I go up and not pulling them to tight over the top of my foot just snug, to tight here will cause damage to the nerve on top of your foot and can hurt it for a long time. Then when the laces are snug double knot them. All the time I'm tightening the laces the heel is pressed firmly against the back of the shoe. This way there is not slippage on the heel as your run or walk.

Another good way to avoid blisters is to make sure you care for your feet. Regular lotion keeps you from having rough places. Blisters are a result of friction and rough dry skin on your feet cause more friction than smooth soft skin. Yes, guys keeping your nails cut and your feet lotioned isn't just a girl thing. It can save you problems when you do a lot of miles.

If you feel any tight places when you have your shoe laced and ready to go that's where you might get a blister. Your laced shoe should actually feel like you have nothing on your feet at all.

Kim- I use to get horrible blisters but now I just use those socks with the double layers at least for long walks and my problems seem to have gone away.

Margie- Blisters- My feet swell- I am Blister Prone
So my shoes are a size larger and go from B width to D;
Wright Socks; Body Glide; over 10-miles and I still need
to tape area under big toes. I have used Duck Tape successfully.

Mary- As far as the blister question goes, that in one thing that has never been a problem for me. I have lost four toenails to date though, in spite of trying different shoes and different ways of lacing my shoes.

Mike- Regina, if you are getting blisters, then yes it's time to find some different shoes, also technical socks might help too. Find a running store near you, or make the investment of a long drive if you have to. They should be able to fit you with a shoe that not only fits, but also is catered to your running movement. They should watch you as your run to see how your feet and legs move.

Different shoes can make a huge difference, and I have my personal favorites.
I tend to pronate (roll) my right foot a lot. I think I may have one leg longer then the other. Also, one foot is a half size larger. No, I'm not a mutant!

Regina- I plan on getting some body glide and new shoes

Sue- not only is it blister care but general foot care.
They take such a beating crammed into shoes for so many miles each week.

I've been fortunate to stay away from blisters, but I've had a purple nail from time to time. The keys as Dave has already mentioned. Good fitting shoes & socks. I love my "Wright" socks (double layer & foot hugging). Body Glide every potential rub or pressure point on the foot.

My #1 absolute must do indulgence is a pedicure about every 6 weeks.
Keep the nails short & skin smooth.
Hi everyone! Happy April! Does anyone have any fun plans for Easter?

Did anyone get "April fooled"?

It's been crazy weather over here- rain one minute, snow in the next and then sunshine. Luckily when it has rained/snowed it has cleared up to nice weather by the time I run in the evening.

I ran Tuesday and today. Today my Nike + told me I ran 3.45 miles and averaged a 9:30 pace. I'm pretty pleased with that since I'm just starting out. I'm feeling pretty good with things so far. My friend ran with me today and it went well. We finished just as it was starting a light sprinkle!

Vicky- Thanks for the heads up on the running warehouse! I'll be sure to check it out once I make it to the running store and get fitted for my shoes and whatnot.

Mike- Thanks for your feedback. I'm feeling pretty good. I don't think I'm overtraining- right now I'm only running 3 days a wk and am about to up it to 4 days. I don't plan to run oveer 4 days a week and will be lifting weights the other 2 days. Sometimes a knee or ankle may hurt but it's very minor and not a consistent thing and doesn't always hurt. I think part of it is that I haven't been working to build some of these muscles I never really thought about. I haven't had any other issues, but will watch to see how it goes.

Lorelei- Welcome! I'm new to the team and can tell you this team is great at answering your questions, encouraging you, and making you feel welcome!

Hope you all have a wonderful evening!!
Finally a great evening in NH and we did 4 miles. Some sore parts today but a good sore not bad for a really good powerwalk.

Usually we talk and stroll but last night we talked for the first mile then our music on and off we went. It keeps us focused.

Friday and this week went by like a vacation week. Weeeeeeeee....very busy at work so it does make the time go rather quickly.

Today I have a 2hr lunch and we're off to bring the princess to meet the Easter Bunny. Now that should be interesting.

Have a good one.

Good Morning Team! :wave2:

We made it - It’s finally Friday - April 2nd
We are going to have another beautiful day here in southern Michigan!

Captain Connie-Thanks for starting the new April Thread! :goodvibes
I love the titles you come up with each month.
I do hope things are finally starting to get better for you
- it’s been a very long time.

I updated our Team Race Calendar - please shout out any errors!

Denise-WTG-nice power walk!
Have fun with your little Princess today! :littleangel:

Jack-hope things are improving and the water
is receding in your area! :grouphug:
Have you been able to go back home?

Lorelei528- Again :welcome:
I did see that you joined our Team February 10th.
I am so sorry I have totally missed your post since then.
I thought we lost you! :confused3

Scott-Sorry about the snow- it just seems wrong. :eek:
When do you usually get the last snow of the season
that stays on the ground?

Sue-Easter is early worship service, egg hunt for my little Hagen,
DD, SIL, and my little Hagen will be here for dinner.

Wishing you Sunshine, Great Training Moments, and Extra Spring In Your Steps this month! :dance3:

Connie, Dave, Denise, Eva, Gerry, Hope, Jack, Jennifer,
Kim, Kristie, Lorelei528, Mary, Mike, Pam, Regina, Robert, Scott & Lynn,
Shannan, Sue, and Vicky-

AFM: really long day yesterday, energy level is low, but I am
out the door to the gym-

Enjoy the moments! :wave:
Happy Easter - wishing you all the special blessing of this time of year!
Safe Travels to all those traveling this weekend!

Sue- Niagara Fall HAVE A wonderful Weekend! :hug:

Lorelei528-I like Sue’s
I would google running/ walking with diabetes. There is a wealth of info out there on sports drinks/ gels/gus etc. & maintaining blood sugar levels during exercise.

We all have our favorite foods, but not have the same health problems.
I usually eat some type of pasta (no white sauces) the night before.
Bagel or toast with peanut butter the morning of.
I use GU during and sometimes sports beans.
Cold and windy morning and I am making this a three day weekend, will be on the Road to DC next week, looks like a TM and Bike day. I need to make a couple of work calls today.

Lynn has a bad cold and is sleeping a bunch, poor kid.

Some day I will catch up on what ya all are upto,
Good morning y'all.

The sun is here to stay, I just know it is. Two days in a row working out in shorts, life is good.

I'm still getting stronger and faster and getting plenty of rest between workouts. High hopes for the summer.



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