Half Off Theme park tickets,,,

I just did a search for Disneyland Tickets and a bunch came up. I also googled it and found more.

Thanks! I will do the same!

I have reported the page to Facebook as a scam. Even if it is not illegal in Cali, if it is against Disney's terms of use, it is still not allowed.

What I don't get is, if this really is an issue at Disneyland, why don't they install reasonable measures against this fraud such as fingerprint scanners or photographs on the tickets? At least checking ID is a good start!

Wonderful!!!! Keep up reporting the page to Facebook as a scam. If enough people do it, maybe Facebook will put a stop to them. Especially if you have been kicked off from posting on the page like I have.

It is an issue and there have been reports on the DIS that Disney is starting to check for IDs and making people sign the back of the tickets - it is a great start. However the permanent way to stop these sites comes from doing something like fingerprint scanners. To that end, I would suggest we start emailing Disney and suggesting the scanners or photographs. I just did and sent them a link to this thread so they understand we are trying our best to get the word out but they need to be the enforcer and the leader for change. I also mentioned that if they did this, they would be able to once again offer 6+ day PH and think of all the money they can make with people staying more and spending more on food, hotels, and souvenirs. Always go with the money! :lmao:

They can delete and I can keep posting!! Yes, please encourange Disney to step up the ticket checking and ID'ing. Also, to make some progress such as fingerprint scanners...it can only help!

Yep I can see the page but can no longer post!

Great job Rosie!!!! I just got kicked off from posting too :rotfl: but that won't stop me from reporting them to FB as a scam. I also did send an email to Disney explaining what we are doing, commending the CMs for their work, and encouraging them to get the fingerprint scanners up and going. Keep sending those emails to Disney. Just like with FB, the more we keep it up, maybe something will happen.

I am having more fun with this than I should admit.......

They have now blocked me from their facebook page - I think I will use my daughter's page to go back in :rotfl2:

LOL! Yep, I've been blocked too but I am still reporting them to FB. They have deleted everyone's comments that tell the truth including the one that I added when someone asked about possible Disney World tickets. Guess they want to keep people hanging in regards to Florida? :rotfl:

Also if you can, send an email to Disney. Explain what is going on and make the suggestion of providing a more permanent solution to just checking IDs. Appealing to the financial side of Disney can be a good thing. :rotfl2:

I know that it doesn't seem like we are making any progress, but I think we are, especially if we are reporting them to FB and sending emails to Disney. Like I said above, we at the DIS hold consumer power (BlackJackDelta's thread on PVI) and hopefully we can convince Disney to put in a permanent solution. I hope that more people here on the DIS who haven't been kicked off the FB page already :rotfl: are able to keep posting until they too are kicked off, keeping reporting to FB, and sending emails to Disney.
Are you sure they're selling 'illegal' tickets? I clicked through to their 'buy now' site and a 2 day park hopper is $190, where it's $200 through Disney. I've bought tickets for WDW from local sellers before for a small discount, and it's above board.
Are you sure they're selling 'illegal' tickets? I clicked through to their 'buy now' site and a 2 day park hopper is $190, where it's $200 through Disney. I've bought tickets for WDW from local sellers before for a small discount, and it's above board.

Its their policy of renting out tickets to multiple people, having them return them to their office so others can use them that we are trying to make people aware of. That is against Disney policy and terms of service and conditions. At WDW it is above board because it is illegal in Florida to resell partial used tickets like this site (and others) are doing. Unfortunately there is no such law here in California so they can get away with it although people who try to use them at DLR are getting the short end of the stick. If you look at their replies to comments they have blatantly stated that they are renting out tickets and you are to return them if there are days left.
This is good that everyone here is standing up for ensuring that others know this is against Disney ticket policy.

On a similar note, I just want to make it clear that though in some cases Disneyland has stated the removal of the 6 day Park Hopper is because of fraudulent ticket use, they did personally tell me over the phone that they discontinued the 6 day Park Hopper pass because the '6-day Park Hoppers were not selling very well.'

I'm not doubting that fraud is taking place, and I am also against people using tickets purchased through non-authorized sources. I just wanted to clarify the reason I was told that the 6 day Park Hoppers was discontinued.
Its their policy of renting out tickets to multiple people, having them return them to their office so others can use them that we are trying to make people aware of. That is against Disney policy and terms of service and conditions. At WDW it is above board because it is illegal in Florida to resell partial used tickets like this site (and others) are doing. Unfortunately there is no such law here in California so they can get away with it although people who try to use them at DLR are getting the short end of the stick. If you look at their replies to comments they have blatantly stated that they are renting out tickets and you are to return them if there are days left.

I don't see anywhere on this page where it says they're 'renting' tickets or to return tickets with unused days?

It's above board in FL not because it's illegal but because there are ticket resellers who are licensed to sell at a slight discount to the gate price. (Above board = legal, allowed)
I don't see anywhere on this page where it says they're 'renting' tickets or to return tickets with unused days?

It's above board in FL not because it's illegal but because there are ticket resellers who are licensed to sell at a slight discount to the gate price. (Above board = legal, allowed)

I copied this from comments that they made on the $95 PH ticket post on their FB page:

Yes we split up the days and savings to our customers, that's why the more days rented the less of a discount off of gate price is realized

its not possible to upgrade with our ticket because you are renting from us... even if its a last day ticket... if you want to upgrade to an annual pass I would recommend you go through Disney directly...​
Mary09 said:
I don't see anywhere on this page where it says they're 'renting' tickets or to return tickets with unused days?

It's above board in FL not because it's illegal but because there are ticket resellers who are licensed to sell at a slight discount to the gate price. (Above board = legal, allowed)

Read through the comments under the posts. They clearly say exactly what they are doing. If it no longer says that anywhere, they have deleted those posts. I know I saw it and a few others on this thread have seen it.

These sellers are not above board AND in Florida, it is in fact illegal to resell previously used tickets as this particular company is doing.
I don't see anywhere on this page where it says they're 'renting' tickets or to return tickets with unused days?

It's above board in FL not because it's illegal but because there are ticket resellers who are licensed to sell at a slight discount to the gate price. (Above board = legal, allowed)

This is what I got off of their FB page in response to someone's question of why did you have to return your tickets at the end of your days with them. This post was on the $75 ticket offer that was posted Saturday.

Half Off Theme Parks, LLC ‎John Babcock we rent the tickets off that is why you pick and drop off the tickets.. we do not transfer bar codes..

What I am thinking they are doing is buying multi-day PHs like 4 or 5 days and then telling people that they are only available for 1 or 2 days. This inference is a result of hearing that people are trying to use tickets like these at the gates and they have already been activated and days have been used and it wasn't by the people who had them currently. This is just an educated guess as I am definitely not on the inside of their operations. :rotfl:

As far as Florida, yes there are licensed retailers and I understand that WDW has a relationship with these legitimate companies. However my understanding (due to a another DISer's post) is that companies like this one who do not have a relationship with Disney and are "renting out" tickets do not "rent out" tickets as that is illegal in Florida. So they can't get away with it.
This is good that everyone here is standing up for ensuring that others know this is against Disney ticket policy.

On a similar note, I just want to make it clear that though in some cases Disneyland has stated the removal of the 6 day Park Hopper is because of fraudulent ticket use, they did personally tell me over the phone that they discontinued the 6 day Park Hopper pass because the '6-day Park Hoppers were not selling very well.'

I'm not doubting that fraud is taking place, and I am also against people using tickets purchased through non-authorized sources. I just wanted to clarify the reason I was told that the 6 day Park Hoppers was discontinued.

Thank you Jory for your support!

I can understand that the reason the 6 day PHs were discontinued were because of lack of interest (although by the amount of interest that have been generated here on the DIS, I think Disney underestimated their guests :rotfl:) but I can also imagine that they would say something like that in order to take the blame of the issue off them. Can you imagine Disney saying something like "Oops we are being outsmarted by these people who are ripping us and our guests off. Lets just get rid of the longer days until we can do something else about it." I'm not trying to argue with you or anything but in the words of Bing Crosby from White Christmas, "Everyone is working a little angle." :rotfl2:

Hopefully Disney will do something about this, like the fingerprint scanners or photographs on passes, and both of these problems will be solved. Keep up the emails to Disney!
Thank you Jory for your support!

I can understand that the reason the 6 day PHs were discontinued were because of lack of interest (although by the amount of interest that have been generated here on the DIS, I think Disney underestimated their guests :rotfl:) but I can also imagine that they would say something like that in order to take the blame of the issue off them. Can you imagine Disney saying something like "Oops we are being outsmarted by these people who are ripping us and our guests off. Lets just get rid of the longer days until we can do something else about it." I'm not trying to argue with you or anything but in the words of Bing Crosby from White Christmas, "Everyone is working a little angle." :rotfl2:

Hopefully Disney will do something about this, like the fingerprint scanners or photographs on passes, and both of these problems will be solved. Keep up the emails to Disney!

Does this affect AP holders in any way? Getting into the parks, showing ID, etc.
I just posted on their FB site

Great BecBennett! :thumbsup2 Don't forget to report them to FB as a scam and if you have the time and inclination, an email to Disney will go a long way. Thank you for your support!

Does this affect AP holders in any way? Getting into the parks, showing ID, etc.

Rhonna, I think I have always had to show my ID at the start of a new day. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember showing my ID the first time I get into the park and then afterward if I have a stamp on my hand, then I don't need to. I know that there are photos that pop up when they scan your AP but I think ask to see your ID for extra security.
Just scanned through their page and while most of the comments/truths that were up earlier are not there anymore, there are a couple of ladies (DISers?) that have posted including a lady who asked what will happen if they have to put their name on the back of the ticket at the gate?

Their response - you would not be responsible if that happened alle ask is you notify us when it does right away so we know when we get the tickets back the next day what happened .

Still shady IMO especially when they are saying the tickets must be returned. What are they going to do? Use white-out?

They have also asked the other lady to please stop :) we are not forcing you to use our service go put a negative comment on someone else page :)

HAHAHA looks like we are getting to them. Its not negative when its the truth unfortunately for them.

Please don't forget the emails to Disney. They are the real game changers here. Even if it just a small message explaining what is going on and encouraging them to change things, it will help and maybe Disney will understand we are sick and tired of being screwed over because someone wants to make a buck the shady way.
They blatantly stated under their park hopper promotion that you are renting the tickets in order to get the discount...it wasn't that hard to find. It is sad people patronize places like this just to save a buck.
My evil side would get some pleasure watching people get turned away though...is that wrong?


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