"Happy Mothers Day To All You Mothers !!!"


Tinker Bell Fanatic
Jan 2, 2000
These EXACT words were seen this week in Rhode Island on a local restaurant's marquee. :earseek:

YES...it was an Italian restaurant. NO.... it wasn't mine!!! Tony Soprano would be proud. :)

Just wanted to share this chuckle with you.

Happy Mother's Day Everyone! Hope "All You Mothers" have a great day! :sunny:
Are you sure that is the way they spelled Mother??? I know sometimes they put an "U" where the "O" should be. That would explain the All you part. lol Peggie
Peggie....that's funny!! I thought I had seen it all.

What would have been funnier was if they put "All YOUS Mothers." :crazy:

Lost my Tink there for a minute.......but now she's back!
As long as it doesn't have an "A" at the end.

Have a great Mother's day
Happy Mothers Day Kathie.... You scared me when I first saw this header:)


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