Harboring a Rebel Spy - 9 days at the YC, many firsts for these vets - Updated 12/22

I have always assumed the borders on the ride photos are automatic. I think they are...

Yes, post the link to your trip report in the main body of the FAQ thread. People are always looking for Disney stuff to read and do while waiting on their trips! I'll link it in the trip report section too. Thanks!

Yes, he could spell "Yak" before he could spell "Nathan" and in fact once he was in school and had to start writing his name, he became "Nate"


I love the name "Nate!" It was on our short list for Paige, but, you know... she ended up being a girl. :-)

Ok -I am going to post it in the thread now! And I don't get why I don
t have borders on any of my rides. :worried: I want my free borders!!!! :confused3

I'm loving your report! You can feel your excitement through your writing - it's making me so excited for our trip!

I am so excited for our next trip (next June, 10 days, off-site in a townhome which is crazy-weird for us) that writing this is making it seem closer! There is a method to my madness. Welcome along!

Found your report and really am enjoying it. We were there the same time as you. My DD 15 and I visited between 11/15-11/22, we stayed at the Poly and loved it. It was cold those days but we did a lot in The parks and really had a wonderful stay. Excited to hear your thoughts on BOG lunch, we did it as well the day before you were there. Your kids look so happy and are really enjoying their surprise visit. We really love Tusker House for breakfast, we haven't tried lunch there. We will be back at the world in April, right after Easter, this is my DD school break. It will be really busy according to the crowd calendars, however like your family we are not newbies and we won't worry if some things are missed because of the crowds. We are staying at BCV so will take time to enjoy SAB, did you all get to swim or did it stay cooler? If you did hope it was fun.

I overheard a lot of of grumbling about crowds on buses and boats that week. I guess it must've been true because at one point Living with the Land had a 50 minute wait. :rotfl: But we had almost zero issues with crowds. Maybe we are Disney geniuses. Or maybe we just follow Josh @ easywdw!

We were one of those poor unfortunate souls checking out on the day you arrived! Your family is so cute! Looking forward to reading more!

I swear the people checking in as we checked out on Thanksgiving whispered
"sorry saps" under their breath. Now that was just uncalled for! :lmao:

You have such a beautiful family! Stylish too! I am a grown woman and I covet your daughter's pink scarf. :)

Thanks - it is mine! I was wearing it the AK day ... she stole it the next day so I moved onto the blue ombre one. The pink scarf can be yours if you go to Target and have $12 in your pocket!!! Love me some Target.
joining! Loving your report so far - enjoying your writing style

'Well, because in Disney my kids all get along, my too-cool-for-school 12 year old son sleeps with his Figment stuffie, and I don't have to do dishes" ... yup, I'd say that is some pretty darn good reasoning to keep going to Disney

Love all your family pictures - the one in front of MK you are using for the Christmas Card but also the one by the tree of life and also love the one with the kids holding hands (could see a cropped version of that on the back of you card)

You got so much done at AK - so cool to do a trip focusing on trying new things. Sorry you didn't like Tusker House - we have only done breakfast there and really liked it. Felt that it had the best variety of the breakfast buffets ... plus the have Krispy Kreme donut holes :goodvibes

Glad MB and FP+ worked out so well for you. We just had our first trip with them and really liked them - just makes ensuring you hit the attractions you want easier (e.g., don't have to do the crazy running of the bulls for paper fast passes at Toy Story Mania). Definitely see how it can result in a change to some peoples touring style or if you have major technical issues or something, but overall we liked it :thumbsup2
joining! Loving your report so far - enjoying your writing style

'Well, because in Disney my kids all get along, my too-cool-for-school 12 year old son sleeps with his Figment stuffie, and I don't have to do dishes" ... yup, I'd say that is some pretty darn good reasoning to keep going to Disney

Love all your family pictures - the one in front of MK you are using for the Christmas Card but also the one by the tree of life and also love the one with the kids holding hands (could see a cropped version of that on the back of you card)

You got so much done at AK - so cool to do a trip focusing on trying new things. Sorry you didn't like Tusker House - we have only done breakfast there and really liked it. Felt that it had the best variety of the breakfast buffets ... plus the have Krispy Kreme donut holes :goodvibes

Glad MB and FP+ worked out so well for you. We just had our first trip with them and really liked them - just makes ensuring you hit the attractions you want easier (e.g., don't have to do the crazy running of the bulls for paper fast passes at Toy Story Mania). Definitely see how it can result in a change to some peoples touring style or if you have major technical issues or something, but overall we liked it :thumbsup2

TH is so popular.. Iam sure we were just in weird moods or something that day. We don't usually turn our noses up at much. And when it is free we like it twice as much. :rotfl: We didn't even mind Tony's.

Waiting for it... :furious:

Thanks for joining in. And glad to hear we aren't the only crazy vets who actually like FP+! Not that it is eprfect... As I will address here soon. oooh... foreshadowing.
It was nearing 11am, and thus time to try something for the FIRST time - BOG. With a FP+.

So my little family of cinco lined up in the line to check in for the FP+ line which leads you to the line to get your table at which point you either get in line to order or you tell them they can stick that line because you pre-ordered. Or something like that.


I think they might be twins. Separated at birth.

So we made it through all the pre-lines and we tell the nice guy at the computer stand that we pre-ordered. He looks confused, but we assure him they told to come to him. So he printed a receipt (important detail alert) and off we head with him to choose a table. Leah wanted the West Wing, because she loves storms. No room at the inn. So we decide the ballroom will be awesome. Plenty of tables, but only for 4. Disney hates families of 5, don't you know that? So, the Rose Garden it is. The nice guy sets the receipt down, and off he goes. And we begin to wait.


We get our drinks and take some pics and ooh and ahh and the kids ask when we can order. I exaplin that I already did that. 27 days ago, to be exact. They ask what they will be eating, and I tell them. Groans. Moans. AJ tells me he doesn't want a ham sandwich. I tell him he LOVES grilled ham and cheese. Yes, but I'm not in the mood for it NOW, he tells me. Well, duh. I knew ths would happen when I did the ordering 27 days ago. But I tell them to suck it up because that ordering line was long. The joke was on me! We begin to notice others seated after us are eating. They are eating food delivered to them on sweet little rolly-carts. We decide to play thumb war and tic tac toe. We get silly.


Time goes by and we consider finding our weak link and roasting him or her over a spit. At last, a nice rolly-cart lady comes over and says, haven't you been here awhile? We pounce on her hungrily. Kidding! We smile and say, yes! She takes our ticket. She comes back in about 60 seonds (no lie) pushing a cart and smiling broadly at us. OUr food! It is here!! it is ready! It is......six plates of mac and cheese.

Hold the phone. I ordered 5 meals. Not one was mac n cheese. I tell her this, and she shows me the receipt on my table. Six orders of mac n cheese. She sends a manager right over. He is perplexed. He scratches his head. He wipes sweat from his upper lip. He tells me to write my order down on the back as I remember it. Then he comes back and says, come reorder from the computer station. I must have looked panicked because he then assured me I could skip to the head of the line. So I do this. And 10 minutes later we are eating. We are eating food and liking it. We did some trading and tasting. All in all, I liked the Croque Monsiuer best. The pork was also pretty good. The roast beef was not bad, but not awesome. My girls ate all their turkey sandwiches. Then we turned our attention to those lovely cupcakes. We had one of each and passed them around. The clear winner at the table was the Masters Cupcakes with the grey stuff on it, but I loved the lemon. Mmm.mmm..... .

The BOG FP is a great thing. pre-ordering seems like it also a good thing, as the longest part of the wait on the day we were here (Nov 21) was the wait to order at the computer. It didn't work for us, but I am quite sure that was a random glitch - probably hum error as the nice guy who sat us printed the wrong receipt. I still wonder if that family of mac n cheese lovers ever got their order.... I hope they didn't get mac-n-cheese withdrawl.

So a 45 minute lunch was more like a 75 minute lunch. But, we were full and happy and ready to set out and conquer things. But first this pic:

It was now time for another FIRST and something we had been anticipating greatly. We had watched 7DMT being built for our last three trips. Our turn had come. We were going to ride it. With FP+s. Because we were excited, not insane.



Little P got bold and put her hands up. In this adorable puppy-dog-paw way that were referred to ever-after as "Paige hands." We now do Paige Hands when going down a particularly good hill in the car. Or whenever the mood strikes.


Why did this happen?? It creeps me out.

And the MM pic:

If I post the video here, will it work?

We liked this ride. I kinda knew not to be blown away, based on reviews I had skimmed. I was careful not to watch any full ride-throughs. I wanted a bit of a new experience. It is a sweet ride with good theming and a nice gentle smooth feel. I think even my Mom would like it, and she's not a fan of most roller coasters. It isn't gonna knock anyone's socks off, but it got Paige's paws in the air so we were all pretty happy. I wanted a bit more of the "sway" Disney sold us on, but I am not 100% sure I could feel it. Leah said she did around the first big turn. No one else felt anything. I might have, or I might have just wanted to.

Next we strolled through Storybook Circus, and while the Barnstormer was down, we did see these lovely ladies, and since the wait was 10 minutes (if that), we said hello:


The kids wanted to ride Teacups. We will sometimes take the long way around to places so we never walk directly past this. Because it makes me flat out crawling on my hands and kees nauseous. And for hubs it makes his head hurt for hours. But we walked past it on the way to Tomorrowland and we were sunk. DH took one for the team.


Thumbs up is paige's thing. one thumb, two thumbs, or two thumbs up and a wink. This is her sliding scale. Please note Troy's thumbs down here.


Cool picture, though just taking it made me feel like I drank a glass of merlot too fast.

Woozy and feeling three sheets to the wind (haha), we all headed off to our FIRST EVER ride on something that may surprise you. The truth is, the line was always too long and we told the kids it was "boring" and "hot." Can you guess what it is?
I'm loving your trip report. We were recently at the YC in September, so it will be fun to read about your experiences.

As we moved to our gate to wait to board, DD10 asked where we were really going? She is an intuitive little one and smart as a whip. I knew she'd be the first to figure us out! I broke the MBs out of my carry on and just passed them out. The two bigger kids were hopping up and down with joy. Paige, 5, didn't believe us at first. Like we would pull such a mean trick on them?? She clearly thinks we are evil. She asked if I brought her Minnie ears, and when I showed her I had she was thrilled. Those babies have been with us through 3 Disney trips and a Disney cruise.
It sounds like your surprise was a huge success! Was it hard to keep it a secret?
I was assigned our room number (2154) and took the stairs up one floor to see what my fate would be. I think we can all agree that this moment is so pivotal. Where would the room be located? What would the view be? I was on pins and needles.
NAILED IT. A quick little jaunt from the top of the stairs (later in the week I did laundry and OMG some unlucky people have to do a 5K just the get to their rooms!).
We had room 1148 when we were at the YC in September, just one floor below and three doors closer to the lobby. We loved the room location. It wasn’t the best view but it sure was convenient.
Just spent 45 minutes typing out a new installment and when I hit submit I was logged out. :( Any suggestions to avoid this? I may or may not have said a very bad word.
There is a little box to check that says something like “keep me logged in”. Checking that box will help. I also hit the preview button frequently while writing my post. It is a way of keeping the website from timing me out. And the third thing I’ll do if writing a long post is to write it in Word then copy and paste it into a post.
We always start every trip with MK. It just feels right. But this time, crowd calendars, weather, and FP+ availabilty all told me to start the trip at AK. Since it was a trip where we were trying to do new things, I went with it. We tend to spend very little time at AK - we go, we ride EE and Safari, and leave. So there were plenty of firsts to accomplish here.
We usually go into Epcot first when we stay at the BC/YC and the MK first when we stay at the WL. We don’t have a tradition of MK first. I suppose that puts us in the minority.
We’ve been trying to do lots of first on our trips, too. And it is amazing how many firsts there are. I know we still have a bunch of them at AK.
Then Pluto left the meeting tent with FG. At this point, the family waiting to be next looked annoyed. But Pluto was on a mission. He wanted to buy FG a Mickey Bar. He took her to the nearest cart and opened the freezer and took one out. The CM working the cart took it right back. Pluto wasn't too happy about this so he ran around in circles for awhile with FG. Paige was cracking up, and so was I. No pictures, I am afraid, because it was happening too fast and we were chasing that mutt all over the place. The handler finally came and retrieved our friend Pluto and FG went back into the bag. We had a great story to share once the others returned from PWWe also called the non-Flat Gram to tell her about her adventures.
That must have been a lot of fun when Pluto hijacked Flat Gram.
It is time for another FIRST - lunch at Tusker House. a quick little food review...

We felt the food here was "meh." There were not many kid choices, and the salad bar was lacking. We all enjoyed the hummus and I liked the beef in the carving station. DH loved the couscous. We found all else to be a little boring, including the desserts. We aren't picky so we tried it all, there just wasn't much that blew our skirts up. The character interactions were very fast, but that was fine as my kids are kinda over it at this point. They enjoy a quick high-five and happily pose for the photo opp but that is about it.
We ate breakfast at Tusker House with our grandchildren who were 3 and 5 at the time and we enjoyed it. But it is hard to ruin a breakfast buffet. ;)

So Hubs and AJ hit the mug refill place in the lobby of the YC. I think it is the Crews Cup. If it is Ale and Compass someone please come along and point out my stupidity in a way that makes me afraid to ever post again. Haha. Don't really do that! And I know none of my three readers would! But I have seen it happen.... Anywho. DH came back in the room with mugs of coffee and tea and he was not happy to have learned that this little lobby mug refill gem closes around 11am. Yes, we would need to hoof it to the marketplace at BC to fill the mugs.
So I pushed everyone out the door with horror stories of lines building for every second we dawdled and watched another classic Mickey cartoon. Once again, the bus stop was basically empty and the bus came almost immediately. I heart you, YC.
We found the Ale and Compass to be convenient for that early morning cup of coffee or tea, but as a refill station it was a big fail. We used to get a lot of refills at Hurricane Hannah’s since it was on the way to Epcot.

We also had very good luck with the buses at the YC. There was never a crowd waiting to get on it in the morning. The big crowd was always at the BC.
And I don't get why I don’t have borders on any of my rides. :worried: I want my free borders!!!! :confused3
We didn’t have any borders on our ride pictures from our October trip. The only option I had was to add the sticker with the name of the ride.
It was nearing 11am, and thus time to try something for the FIRST time - BOG. With a FP+.
The BOG FP is a great thing. pre-ordering seems like it also a good thing, as the longest part of the wait on the day we were here (Nov 21) was the wait to order at the computer. It didn't work for us, but I am quite sure that was a random glitch - probably hum error as the nice guy who sat us printed the wrong receipt. I still wonder if that family of mac n cheese lovers ever got their order.... I hope they didn't get mac-n-cheese withdrawl.
I’ve given up trying to pre-order. It never seems to be in their system and we always have to order again anyway. I love the braised pork but the sandwiches are just okay. It is a fun place to eat lunch, though, especially considering is a counter service for lunch.
Thanks for inviting us along. Loved your view out of your room at the YC. I only wish I had been as lucky. I like the way you keep rolling with the puches like the BOG lunch. I don't think my kids would have been as accomodating. Guess that's why I don't go to WDW with them anymore. Looking forward to the rest of the story.

sorry about the confusion / mix up at BOG. We did the FP+ for it for the first time this past trip but we didn't do the pre-order of the food (we were afraid the kids wouldn't want then what they ordered in the past and would have been more upset than your kids) Glad it got rectified though. And good job getting the "required" pictures with the pant-less prince exiting BOG :thumbsup2

Pretty similar view of the Mine Train as you - not amazing but a really nice ride with great theming and I like zipping around with all of Fantasyland around you - plus just nice that construction in that area is finally done!

Good on Troy taking one for the team with the tea-cups.

Based on your description of heading towards Tomorrowland and that you claimed the attraction was too "hot" in the past, I am going so say you are heading to the race way
I'm loving your trip report. We were recently at the YC in September, so it will be fun to read about your experiences. It sounds like your surprise was a huge success! Was it hard to keep it a secret? We had room 1148 when we were at the YC in September, just one floor below and three doors closer to the lobby. We loved the room location. It wasn’t the best view but it sure was convenient. There is a little box to check that says something like “keep me logged in”. Checking that box will help. I also hit the preview button frequently while writing my post. It is a way of keeping the website from timing me out. And the third thing I’ll do if writing a long post is to write it in Word then copy and paste it into a post. We usually go into Epcot first when we stay at the BC/YC and the MK first when we stay at the WL. We don’t have a tradition of MK first. I suppose that puts us in the minority. We’ve been trying to do lots of first on our trips, too. And it is amazing how many firsts there are. I know we still have a bunch of them at AK. That must have been a lot of fun when Pluto hijacked Flat Gram. We ate breakfast at Tusker House with our grandchildren who were 3 and 5 at the time and we enjoyed it. But it is hard to ruin a breakfast buffet. ;) We found the Ale and Compass to be convenient for that early morning cup of coffee or tea, but as a refill station it was a big fail. We used to get a lot of refills at Hurricane Hannah’s since it was on the way to Epcot. We also had very good luck with the buses at the YC. There was never a crowd waiting to get on it in the morning. The big crowd was always at the BC. We didn’t have any borders on our ride pictures from our October trip. The only option I had was to add the sticker with the name of the ride. I’ve given up trying to pre-order. It never seems to be in their system and we always have to order again anyway. I love the braised pork but the sandwiches are just okay. It is a fun place to eat lunch, though, especially considering is a counter service for lunch.

I had a hard time keeping the secret! The kids said later that they loved being surprised, but I'm not sure I could do it again! Talking about the trip with them and counting it down is half the fun.

Ok so it was A&C.... Thanks for not making me feel dumb. :). They gave DH a free muffin or something later in the week so it was redeemed in his eyes. HH did work better as a refill station, though winding through there is a bit like a maze. Not that I'm complaining. How could one complain about something as awesome as SAB?

I guess the ride borders are all part of budget cuts.... Ha!
Thanks for inviting us along. Loved your view out of your room at the YC. I only wish I had been as lucky. I like the way you keep rolling with the puches like the BOG lunch. I don't think my kids would have been as accomodating. Guess that's why I don't go to WDW with them anymore. Looking forward to the rest of the story. Katesdad

Uh oh. What was your view? We roll with the punches pretty well on vacation. I will say, "hey you're in Disney World. What do you have to complain about?" and that pretty much always stops my kids from moaning and twisting their hands over not getting a new stuffie or having to eat a ham sandwich when in the mood for turkey. :)
sorry about the confusion / mix up at BOG. We did the FP+ for it for the first time this past trip but we didn't do the pre-order of the food (we were afraid the kids wouldn't want then what they ordered in the past and would have been more upset than your kids) Glad it got rectified though. And good job getting the "required" pictures with the pant-less prince exiting BOG :thumbsup2 Pretty similar view of the Mine Train as you - not amazing but a really nice ride with great theming and I like zipping around with all of Fantasyland around you - plus just nice that construction in that area is finally done! Good on Troy taking one for the team with the tea-cups. Based on your description of heading towards Tomorrowland and that you claimed the attraction was too "hot" in the past, I am going so say you are heading to the race way

Omgosh he DOES look pants-less! I had to go back and look. Too funny. Wish my 12 year had noticed. He would've loved that.

BOG isn't gonna change any lives with their meals, but I think it's awesome that they give it a chance to be both QS and TS. Hopefully they get their glitches worked out....

You are pretty smart! We are headed to the Speedway. Speed being a generous connotation. But it results in some big laughs, for us, for the CMs and for innocent passersby.
I'm enjoying your trip report. My family will be at Disney the first week of February and my kids will find out on Christmas Day!
I have four kids but the older 3 are your kids ages. Did your 5 year old survive all the walking?
What kind of camera are you using? I see that you could keep it in hand while on EE.
Just found your TR and I'm loving it :goodvibes
Gorgeous photos - isn't it great the way everyone gets along at Disneyworld :goodvibes
Looking forward to reading more :thumbsup2
Uh oh. What was your view?
We were on the other side of the hall and one floor up from you in 3151 with a view of the back entrance to the YC and a couple of trees off the balcony. Nice for people watching if you are into that. At least we did get the fireworks from WS every evening at 9:30pm with the grand finale at 9:45pm. One night we even got the music as the wind was blowing the right way.

I'm enjoying your trip report. My family will be at Disney the first week of February and my kids will find out on Christmas Day!
I have four kids but the older 3 are your kids ages. Did your 5 year old survive all the walking?
What kind of camera are you using? I see that you could keep it in hand while on EE.

She did very well, My other two both started wwalking the entire trip at 5, s ** thought she would probably be ok, but still worried. She is the baby after all, and you know how that does. Daddy carried her from the international gateway to YC one night, bus aside from that she was go-go-go. It was our first trip sans stroller in quite awhile and it felt weird. But in a good way.

My camera is a Nikon D5100. It is cumbersome, as are the lenses that go with it. But I still like it a lot, and yes I carry it on most every ride. No one has ever said I couldn't, but I do get the no-flash-photography wanring. Which I always obey. Super easy to switch off the flash on this baby.
I am in and so very excited to read all your "firsts":)

Hi, and welcome along! Plenty more "firsts" to go!

Just found your TR and I'm loving it :goodvibes
Gorgeous photos - isn't it great the way everyone gets along at Disneyworld :goodvibes
Looking forward to reading more :thumbsup2

Thanks so much! I am glad you are along for the ride. And we are going to meet Pooh and Co before this trip ends, so stay tuned! Eeyore and Piglet are my girls favorite characters IN THE WORLD.
We were on the other side of the hall and one floor up from you in 3151 with a view of the back entrance to the YC and a couple of trees off the balcony. Nice for people watching if you are into that. At least we did get the fireworks from WS every evening at 9:30pm with the grand finale at 9:45pm. One night we even got the music as the wind was blowing the right way.


That isn't too awful. I will be honest and admit that by morning 6 we were bored of our P&Q as we call it (peace and quiet) and wanted to people watch, We like to make up pretend conversations betwen unknowing people walking by. Definitely no foreworks from our location, but we sure could hear them!!!!!!! They interrupted our 4 straight hours of Duffy bedtime stories.


Seriously. Why is Duffy on for 4 hours of bedtime stories EVERY SINGLE NIGHT? This is the first trip we recall this ever being the case and we found it maddening. We really like the classic Disney cartoons.
Yes, it is true. Before this day we had never once ridden Tomorrowland Speedway. It just never seemed exciting and the queue looked long, boring and hot. The whole set-up reminds me more of 6 Flags than WDW. But we were going to ride it now, boy howdy. Because Mama had used her 4th FP+ on the kiosk inside the Community Hall thingee on Main St while Daddy and the kiddies got SOTMK card packs. This was all sometime earlier today and I probably should have mentioned it but as you recall my entire Day 3, part 2 chapter was a bit foggy.

So we decided Leah would drive herself and hubs, AJ would drive his own car, and I would pull up the rear driving Paige. I wish I had this on video. Watching Leah drive was like watching a ping pong ball. Or a pinball. Boing, off the rail. Boing, off the rail. Over and over. Poor Troy must've had whiplash. The nice Dad and his son driving next to Paige and I were getting a good laugh. When I told him that was my 10 year old driving he replied that he'd be sure to stay off the road in 6 years. I assured him we were already planning to lock her away from ages 15-20 anyway.

So we scratched another FIRST off the list. And got a few giggles. On the way out, the CM loading cars, said "I like the way you drive, Dale Jr." Leah didn't know who that was and when we told her she was only offended that the CM thought she was a DUDE. We assured her he was just making fun of her drving. She was fine with that.

It was about 1pm now, and seemed like a good time for this:

I don't know why it looks like I have huge bulging biceps in the picture. I assure you they are actually pretty scrawny, I'm afraid.

As the ride was going through SM, Troy told Paige she could now tell people she went on SM. She said, I am on SM? We said, oh yes. You are in it as we speak. She said, "I went on space mountain and you didn't tell me???" She was really overhwlemed by the audacity. We had a little giggle.

But afterwards the line for the real SM was only 20 minutes (seriously? On Nov 21 at 1pm? Yes, seriously.). So ...


AJ is trying to do one Paige hand (success) and one Longhorn hand (fail).

...while Paige and I....


The line for Dumbo said 30 minutes but it was 17. I timed it and wrote it down. Because I am a big huge nerd.

After that we strolled a bit, and hit Main St for some shopping. The we heade dover to Adventureland for a Dole Whip. Which we didn't get because the line was longer than the line for 7DMT.



The weather had warmed up and Main St. seemed a bit crowded. We still weren't feeling the effects of crowds on our touring. But we spent the next hour or so before the parade playing The Time Suck Game. Oops! I mean this:


About 2:40, Leah and I bailed and scoped out a front-row spot for another FIRST - Festival of Fantasy. I am a parade junkie and beyond pumped for this one. It did not disappoint. Wow. The costumes are amaze-balls.

I am going to continue with some pictures from the parade in the next post, because I have a whole whole bunch.
I agree that the Speedway area could use some theme-enhancing. I think since the original autopia is so integral to Disney history and is one of the only rides that every Disneyland/Magic Kingdom globally has, it isn't going anywhere - though, given that it is in Tomorrowland, I do wish they would make the cars more like, um, "Tomorrow" - convert them to electric cars or Mag-lev or something.

Saying you did SM by being "in" it on the People Mover reminds me of when we went to this local zoo, the path for which is technically part of the Appalachian Trail and afterwards we told people we walked the Appalachian Trail :thumbsup2

Knowing that the costumes were "amaze-balls" really makes me sad that the FoF parade was rained out our last trip and we are yet to see it (though we did get a "first" for us out of it by seeing the Rainy Day Cavalcade). Oh well, another reason to go back :goodvibes
I agree that the Speedway area could use some theme-enhancing. I think since the original autopia is so integral to Disney history and is one of the only rides that every Disneyland/Magic Kingdom globally has, it isn't going anywhere - though, given that it is in Tomorrowland, I do wish they would make the cars more like, um, "Tomorrow" - convert them to electric cars or Mag-lev or something.

Saying you did SM by being "in" it on the People Mover reminds me of when we went to this local zoo, the path for which is technically part of the Appalachian Trail and afterwards we told people we walked the Appalachian Trail :thumbsup2

Knowing that the costumes were "amaze-balls" really makes me sad that the FoF parade was rained out our last trip and we are yet to see it (though we did get a "first" for us out of it by seeing the Rainy Day Cavalcade). Oh well, another reason to go back :goodvibes

FoF is good enough reason to go back. It really was amaze-balls. Don't go you-tubing it, either. Wait and see i live in the flesh. And feathers. And... other weird stuff al over people's bodies. Seriously, what are those costumes made from?


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