~harry Potter Rpg~

For this RPG Where should Hogwarts be?

  • In the English Countryside (in the books)

  • On an Island off of New York City, USA

  • Somewhere else (PM Me)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well, I have to go now, but I will be back on later, to make my arrival.
have we decided where it is yet? Right now my character is packing (forgot to mention he's a muggle... then i can bring a laptop with me :-D)

your laptop won't work, ever listen to hemonie... anyone?

"Honestly" Ted said as he borded the train, (if your a first year i would joke you for not studying up, but your not) "you think that older students would realize that electronics don't work."
no i don't :p I have read the books in a while... Can't we just pretend we can? We did in the last RPG...
occ: hey everyone sorry I'm a tad late! well seems as english countryside got the most votes we'll have hogwarts there. hmm Idk how bout you bring the laptop for now and you can bewitch it when you get there! :D I'm going to make Rose and Alexis the daughters of bill and fluer beacuse they are the only ones not taken and not in school.

~Leaky Calduron~
Rose Weasley packed up her belongings for another year at hogwarts. Her trademark red hair was done up into two braids which her owl Artimis was knawing at. Already dressed in her ravenclaw school robes she lugged her trunks down to the portkey that would eventually led them to platform 9 and three quaters.
Eliza Tiffins walked towards to portkey, with her owl, Luna, flying next to her
woohoo the start.

George Scrabowl's parents dropped him off outside King's Cross Station along with all his belongings looking foreward to the year ahead of him.
"Ello Eliza! Ready for another exciting year at hogwarts?" Rose asked. "don't know why they're making us take a portkey when kingscross station is just a few city blocks down. Maybe the wall is under constrution?"
occ: I'm going to have alexis come with me too seeing as we are twins. btw: there are at least 3 trains a day

Rose and Alexis touched the portkey and instantly they were transported to platform 9 and 3/4. The train let out a loud whistle signaling the students to step lively and hurry up.
Lucca sat at the wooden creaky table of the leaky cauldron immersed in her charms schoolbook. She'd always been interested in charms and found it incredibly interesting. She noticed many students around the leaky cauldron excited to start their new year at Hogwarts.
The portkey transported Eliza to platform 9 and 3/4 and she hopped on the train and made her way to a seat.

*hey guys, I have to get off now, but I will be back on later*
occ: hey guys i'll be on later tonight! have fun with the rpg!

Rose walked onto the train waiting for it to leave on the exciting journey. She choose a cabin and pulled out hogwarts a history. She could hear the loud noises of the first years and their parents goodbyes.
Many of the students were scurrying to get to platform 9 and 3/4. Older students were apparating around her, Lucca noticed 3 girls transport themselves by portkey. Lucca stood up as she put her schoolbooks away in her bag and walked over to her mother who was chatting with some other students parents. "Let's move along, not long until the train is to leave" her mother said as she took hold of Luccas hand and apparated them both to platform 9 and 3/4.
George made his way to Platform 9 and 3/4 and found himself surrounded by many sounds. He quickly made his way onto the train and luckily found an empty compartment near the back of the train.
Eliza sat in a compartment, and took out a book. she was the only one sitting there, so she figured why not read? There was voices all around her, of the first years, scared to get on the train.
Eliza looked up and around her, looking for Rose. She had seen her earlier at the portkey, but now she saw no sight of her.
Lucca appeared to find the magnificent train sitting in front of her. She smiled as she hugged her mum. "Send me father's book when he finishes it." Lucca said speaking of her father who was an author. Her mother nodded and sent Lucca off to the train with her luggage. When she boarded memories of past years flooded her mind. She hadn't made many close friends while she was in school but did meet some very nice people. She made her way through the crowd looking for an empty compartment where she could finish reading her charms book. She quickly found one in the middle of the train. She put her luggage in the shelf above her and pulled her charms book out of her bag and began to read pausing occasionally when the sound of other students became to loud to tune out.
Eliza closed her book, and put it in the bag above her. She grabbed alittle peice of bread out of her bag and slid it through the bars of luna's cage. The owl hastily grabbed for it.
Eliza sat back down, and pulled out her sketch pad. She loved to draw. Everyone always said she was awesome, but Eliza only thought she was okay. She began to sketch Luna in her cage.


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