Has anyone been able to do Keto on family dining plan?

Brian Minter

I could have bought a nice used car...
Feb 4, 2019
I am currently at 25 lbs lost so far and really don't want to mess up my weight loss, so I am curious if anyone has maintained Keto while on the dining plan?

I imagine we can go lettuce burgers, grilled chicken somethings, veggies at the 1 dining credit restaurants and we plan on making eggs/bacon or Keto friendly pancakes in the morning (to save our credits for lunch/dinner)

But oh the smells and sights!! Maybe I shouldn't be worried about the food, but resisting chocolate Mickey ears temptation!!
It's possible, but I just take a week off. I can't go to WDW and not eat a Mickey Pretzel or Ice Cream. It's not bad getting back on track when you get home. I don't go insane on the carbs, like I'll split a pretzel with my wife, skip the burger bun, things like that, but I can't deprive myself when I'm there.

I do try to avoid pure simple sugary stuff though, I find the more fat an item has in it, the less it affects my bloodsugar. Gummy Candy bad, slice of cheesecake not the end of the world.

I have kept on Keto when travelling though. I bring protein bars with me, and just focus on meat and veggies wherever possible.
There are a couple of dining reports in the reviews section where people kept Keto for a week.

I am Atkins low carb; can't be bothered to count any macros except carb count. I lost 40 pounds low carbing, but ate what I wanted at Disney. I didn't gain weight because most of my meals, I remembered to eat protein/vegetables and only have a small treat as wanted. It's not worth wasting calories on rolls and mashed potatoes. My husband gained weight because he drank his alcoholic drink and mine. So definitely be careful about drinking your calories/carbs.

We ate at mostly buffets due to my daughter and character dining. If you have good self control, buffets are the best. They all have salad bars, carved meats and steamed vegetables. There also are a number of salads and healthier dishes if you look at the menus online. The choices are definitely there for lower carb eating. Whether you want to be perfect or not is up to you.
I don't do Keto but instead am on a low carb maintenance diet. Easy peasy to do at WDW and I keep to it for the most part while we were on vacation.
Congrats on the weight loss!

Just got back...I didn't stay fully keto and went knowing that I would indulge in a few treats that I look forward to all year (dessert at O'Hana!!!)

If you eat at any of the Italian restaurants, check for any veggies that you can substitute for pasta. At Trattoria Al Forno, I was able to sub roasted brussel sprouts for the pasta with their spaghetti and meatballs...sugar in the sauce, I'm sure, but you can only do so much!

Also, many of the sauces at the table service will need to be on the side, etc. We did O'Hana, and I'm sure the seasonings on the meats had sugar/carbs. Again, only so much you can do, is the way I look at it.

We did the same - made bacon/eggs in the room each morning. I had cheeses for snacks during the day (there are VERY FEW keto-friendly snacks in the parks, so be prepared). And I chose the best meal possible at each table service restaurant, subbing if possible.

We returned on Saturday, I got back on full keto on Sunday, and today on Monday, my ketomojo ketone level was a 0.5, which I am very happy with after 11 days away.

Good luck!
Thanks everyone, and thanks ccbloom for letting me know about the snacks, I was wary, but now it is confirmed.

Looks like I will be buying a lot of protein packs (meat, cheese, nuts) and carrying them throughout the day.
I've lost 40 lbs on keto and found that taking a week off to do Parks + Disney Cruise allowed me to gain back 10 lbs. But, I went strict with absolutely minimal carbs and precise calorie counting immediately upon arrival and lost those 10 lbs in about 2 weeks.

So knowing that, I would just enjoy your week, keep an eye on portion sizes, then hit it hard when you get back home. I ate like a monster every day of the trip which is why I gained so much (I thought it was worth it!).

If you're doing keto for medical reasons, then it is easy to stay on point: eggs and bacon for breakfast, bunless burgers/chicken for lunch and/or salad (stick to ranch/blue cheese dressing on side), buffets for dinner (stick to proteins and do no sauces as most sauces have sugar). For snacks, you can get stuff throughout the parks, but bringing your own snack packs works well too.

We're thinking of doing another land + sea trip in September this year and my goal will be 70 lbs lost by then which will be my goal weight!


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