Has Anyone Ever Seen A Celebrity In Wdw

Tom Hanks - very, very, very far away - at MGM, when they were filming "From Earth to the Moon" there. I don't believe he was "on the clock" though, as he was walking toward Star Tours. XD
When we were there on our honeymoon in 1994 we saw the Backstreet Boys. They were on the street on Pleasure Island during the day and everyone walked right past them. Couldn't even get a toddler to stop and dance! HAhahaha! Makes me laugh when I think about how big they got after that.
Britney, Justin & Christina- (while they were mousekteers) Ed McMahn James Earl Jones, Christie Brinkley, Siskel and Ebert, Vanna White & Pat Sajack, Bono, David Faustino (Bud from Married w/ Children). Lots of athletes at ESPN weekend. I know we have seen more but I can't remember
Cary Grant (he narrated the year our HS did the Candelight Proc.), Fess Parker @ MGM, got to see Regis & Kelly when we got tickets to their taping @ MGM - DD got a hug for her crazy hat - Shakira and I think it was Kool & the Gang peforming right in front of us @ Live with Regis & Kelly.
Last year while we were there in November, we saw David Robinson from the San Antonio Spurs. He was with a large group of people. We saw them at the AK. My husband recognized him right away.:)
always at the BWV we see someone
whitney houston, pat sajak at xmas many NFL and basketball players, john tesch and his wife connie selica is that the right spelling at MGM ,BWV duran duran, eric estrada,on NYE at mgm what is tim the toolman's real name? my DD said tim allen yup that's it couldn't remember
Saw Evander Hollyfield in Epcot, he even got chosen to be the King in the street players skit in the UK. Also saw Daryl Strawberry at YC.
When I was there last month, I saw Uma Thurman!

I was waiting in line at the Jungle Cruise with some friends, and when we were walking down the final row of the queue before boarding, a saw a boat go by full of people. It was mostly children and only a few adults. I turned to one of my friends (who happens to be a big movie buff) and said, "Hey! Doesn't that lady in that boat look like Uma Thurman?" He said he didn't know, and we both shrugged and waited to get on the next boat.

Well, I didn't think about it at all until about a week ago, when I was leafing through a magazine that was lying in my house. It was either People or Star, but in the first section they show pictures of celebrities at various places and events.

Well, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a picture of Uma Thurman with Minnie. In the caption, it mentioned that she was visiting the MK the same day I was there, and she was wearing the same outfit as the lady I saw in the Jungle Cruise boat. I was flabbergasted! I couldn't believe I had finally seen a celebrity at Disney World!

That's the only celebrity I've seen so far in the World. I hope I'll see many more in the future!
Samantha Brown?
Ok, so it wasn't me who saw these people...but when my sister was a CM @ POTC she saw:
John Stamos
Lance Bass
Jeff Foxworthy and family

I saw a lady that does some show on the travel channel, but I can't remember for the life of me what her name was!
We saw Kathy Griffin riding in a car w/Mickey after the Mulan parade in 2000.

klofan, I saw Fantasia too . . . only not at WDW, at Pizza Hut!
I was at WDW over Easter this year, and my son reminded me that Nascar drivers usually go to WDW, since this is a rare weekend off from racing.

I saw Bobby Labonte and his family at the Polynesian. His son actually threw his little race car at the mono-rail track, while we were waiting for the mono-rail. A CM, handed me the car and told his little boy, that he shouldn't throw his car towards the rail, since it can fall down the hole and he won't get it back. His son just giggled after the CM left. I didn't recognize Bobby, till I saw his wife. He also had a daughter about 12 and his son was about 5. I was so nervous, after I figured out who he was. I wanted to pull out my camera, or something to get his autograph, but I didn't. I just handed him the little race car and his wife said she was really sorry. When the parents backed up to where they were standing, the little guy asked me what color the next mono-rail was going to be, could he drive it, could he sit anywhere, it was like the flood gates opened with him talking.
When the mono-rail came, they walked to the front to see if they could ride in the front. When we got to the MK, the little guy ran up to me and started following me. He wanted to know if I was going to the MK. I told him, I was catching the bus to somewhere else and his parents were following him. I pointed to the entrance and they just laughed and grabbed their little guy, turned toward the entrance and went in. (This is when my husband finally took a look at Bobby LaBonte) and wondered why I didn't ask him for an autograph.
I've never seen a celeb in WDW, but I have a few times at DL. I stood in line for California Screamin' right behind John Stamos and Rebecca Romijn. I saw him another time about a year later running between the parks.

I was lucky enough to win tickets to the launch of Disneyland's 50th, and as I came out of one of the stores on Main Street, I almost ran right into Terri Hatcher and James Denton walking together. Maybe that doesn't count for this thread because there was a celeb event later that night, but it was pretty exciting for me! That day we also saw Michael Eisner, Matt Ouimet, The Cheetah Girls, and several others that I don't remember right now.
Celine Dion getting off the Indy Cars with a friend. She looked up at me and said "hi". Then I got to get in her car!!! My husband got in the car her husband and son right behind them. DH had NO clue as to who it was!!!
Try not to get excited, okay? I know this will blow you away.

Back in the Eighties, I saw the lead singer from Simply Red getting VIP'ed around the rides. Yup. Try to contain your excitement. The one with the curly red hair. That one.

LoL. Makes me laugh to think about now.
A couple years ago I was getting something to eat for me and my brother at frontierland and he got a table for us. When I went to find him I saw him talking to Koby Bryant. I asked him what they were talking about he said that Koby and two other guys were eating at the table next to him and they got up to leave they stopped and talked to my brother. I asked my brother why he stopped to talk to him he said he didn't say nothing to him or even really pay much attention to him and Koby just stopped by and asked how his day was going and if he was enjoying himself.
Not a big celebrity, but a few years back, when my wife (fiancee then) were at MK, we saw Gheorghe Muresan (sp?). He's a former basketball player (from Romania) and was in the movie My Giant with Billy Crystal.

It was funny, because the guy is absolutely enormous (height wise). I think he's like 7'7", or something like that. Anyway, if you looked at the crowd in front of us, it was a mass sea of heads, and then this guy whose entire torso was above it all.

The funniest, though, was his poor kid. He put his kid on his shoulders as he was walking around... I kept thinking of how terrified that kid must be, seeing as he's so far up there.
Just a couple weeks ago, while at Epcot during the 4th of July holiday week, I saw Joan Rivers walking through Future World with, what I assumed to be, her granddaughters.

Over the years, I've also seen Grant Hill, Regis Philbin, Kevin Garnett, and the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.
Last year when we were there we saw Toby Keith walking down Main Street at MK! I thought it was him but wasn't sure and we had already held our spot for 2 hours for the upcoming parade. Then in April, while we were waiting in line for the princesses autographs, I am sure we were behind someone famous as they kept their hats low and had on wigs. May have just been someone wearing a wig but I'm sure it was a disguise.........:confused3


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