has anyone had a verandah and then not....

looks like a verandah is a must,
as if I didnt know that already...just looking for reinforcements I suppose! :)

Laura :) :) :)
Let me add one more vote for the verandah. It's just so relaxing, romantic and private. Not to mention just a little more space to a smallish room. Having a place to enjoy breakfast, a glass of wine while getting ready for dinner or sunrise/sunsets...this is all a big part of what we are on vacation for:)

We always justify the added $$ by the pleasure we get from having it.

Laura, I wish you wouldn't have started this thread! How will I be able to go to a standard inside after a deluxe verandah?!?!? Looks like *I* might be spending some money for an upgrade. ;)
My WH said to put in a vote for him for the verandah. (As if by my last posts you didn't know we completely enjoyed it:D :bounce: :D ) Can't wait till November's trip!!!
On our January cruise we had a cat 5 verandah and we booked on board the cat 5 for this next January. After getting off the cruise we decided with all our trips we are taking to downsize our room. Now we have booked a cat 7 Navagators Verandah but these certain rooms was recently downgraded from a cat 6 to cat 7. So we are getting an obstructed veranda, but at least we still have a verandah :). We saved $700 by doing this :bounce: :bounce: .
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

We have been in cat. 3, 4, 6, & a SPH10 on the last cruise.......

I MISSED MY VERANDA!!!!!:( :( :(


I also got to buy lots more stuff COMPLEATLY GUILT FREE!!!!!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

The cost difference was noticable once we figuered out the bottom line.

My 2 cents.......... If it is a matter of not going....... take what you can get and go! If money makes a difference......... try both--lots of people swear by the SPH10 cabins! They are spacious with a view for free!!

I have to tell you that I'm in the same quandry. I currently have a SPH 5520 booked for our Oct 04 cruise. DH and I did it to save the $1200 difference between the veranda and the SPH, but we're thinking of upgrading. We LOVED our vereanda on our 4 night and can't imagine 7 nights without one. We really don't what to do, but for now are keeping the SPH and probably going to upgrade to the veranda. There are a lot of reasons to upgrade for us, the only reason for us to stay is the $$$. With the new tax relief plan being passed, I'll have $800 more sometime in Aug, so I think that money will go towards my veranda!!! If I was a betting woman, I put money down that we'll HOPEFULLY be back in our favorite stateroom 6616 next October!! (If it's not available, I might cry!!)
One of the most awesome sights was watching the lightening in the distance one evening/night from the verandah. It was so awesome and kind of neat to sit there in our PJ's with the cool ocean breeze on the verandah!

We have cruised twice with a verandah, but have our third cruise booked in a cat. 8 for next year. We are cruising Easter week on DVC points, and really couldn't justify the number of points it would take to go with a category 6 during peak season. Another reason comes down to our kids. They will both be teens by then, and responsible enough for us to go off to Palo and leave them alone in the room for a while to have some snacks and watch a movie on TV. They never liked the kids clubs in the past, and I'm already anticipating that they won't want to go to Common Grounds either. Though they are good kids and I really do trust them, there is no way I could leave them alone knowing they had access to the verandah! I know I will miss my verandah, but it will be worth the peace of mind if we step out without the kids, as well as the points we will save!
I guess then I shouldn't tell you how many points we are using for the August and October cruises for our Cat 6 verandah then!!!

The way we look at it is we don't have to go anywhere for food or entertainment or even kid's clubs once we are on the ship and for us - that's a vacation!

It's just nice to have the points to use when you want them, regardless of how you use them!!!

We had a Cat 6 last year and downgraded to a Cat 9 this year. We didn't use the verandah much at all (even with two kids who napped, we just napped with them or one napped and the other explored the ship, exercised, etc.) and I found it too humid/hot out there mid-day. At night we were on deck, doing shows, etc. so we didn't miss it and we were too tired to sit out there when we got back at night.

I can't give you a "for sure" answer but I'm betting we'll be fine without it this Nov.
Cute picture with your children in the large porthole!!!!



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