Have you ever gone on a trip you knew you couldn't afford?

Yep, we put vacations on credit cards as newlyweds. Although we stopped doing that years ago, it wasn't until this fall that we finally paid all of the cc's off. We cash flowed several trips as we were paying off our cc's and a couple after, too.
Yes. As much as we planned and saved for our 2016 Disney trip, we still couldn't afford it. We used a CC on the rest. It has since been paid off. I don't regret it. I never had family vacations growing up and I wanted a different kind of childhood for my kids (in many ways not just this). Also when we went they were still little ago that it was still little kid magic. My girl was still enamored by the princesses. We tried going when they were younger and we couldn't even scrape up enough to get close to get there. So yeah. Once we were able to even get close, get pulled the trigger.


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