Have you ever reflected as to why you purchased into DVC?

Well sometime in the late 70's or early 80's DW says her dream is to go to WDW...my reply " I hate amusement parks " LOL....Fast forward to raising the kids...having grandchildren and in late 2006 surprised my DW with plans to go to WDW..We stayed offsite, got cheap accomadations with the catch of listening to Westgate's time share presentation. Survived that dreadful ordeal
enjoyed our days at the world...On our last day we are strolling DTD and decided to stop at the booth and check DVC out....For us it was a no brainer
and we bought at SSR a couple of months later added on a small contract.
Did I say how much I enjoy "amusement parks" :rotfl:
In all seriousness it was priceless to see WDW through my DW's eyes. We will be there for the 3rd time this year and look forward to many more trips
Yes, DVC Jones...we drank the punch. I swear I thought it was just lemonade...all the cool kids were doing it.

On a side note DH can also be easily distracted by shiney things.
Have been visiting at least every other year (sometimes several years in a row) since 1987. I'm just buying in now. What can I say? I'm a slow learner...;)
It all started with our family vacation last summer. My husband kept eyeing up those DVC kiosks and finally talked me into taking some time out of our busy schedule to do the tour. After touring SSR we were hooked, but I am not one to spend so much money on a whim.

After we got home we were both on a Dinsey high and still really wanted to buy. We already knew we would be wanting to go back EVERY year and buying at least the minimum points would ensure that we made it a point to get there. Eventually we would even see the savings from it. But within a week we found out that we were expecting our 2nd child.

I went into a major budget conscious mode and was not willing to spend the money on DVC. In hindsight I am glad that I did not buy then (or we would not have been able to buy at AKV). I soon got used to the idea of paying for 2 in daycare and decided that I would return to work after this baby...so my money freak out subsided. DVC was back on our minds, but we weren't quite ready to commit yet.

Then one day this past spring my husband came home and told me that he was quitting smoking, FOR REAL this time. He signed up for a support group at work and one idea they threw out was to reward yourself with a special gift for quitting. DVC was that gift (but WE ALL benefit from him not smoking and from DVC).:cool1:

Our first DVC trip is this September, we have plans for another in Dec 08 and then probably June 09...we only started with 160 pts and already know we'll be buying more sooner rather than later.

By the way, DH is still smoke free. This is the longest he has ever gone without smoking and I am sure he'll stick with it. And if he doesn't...maybe we'll have to tell him he can't go to Disney with us.
After three trips to Disney, one at the Swan and two and the Contemporary, with my DW and DD, I realized that I don’t like starring at the ceiling of the hotel room at 9:00pm with the lights and TV off so that my 2 year old will fall asleep. I tend to stay awake later. I found it frustrating and didn’t find it relaxing at all.

We took a tour of SSR. We immediately realized the benefits on the one bedroom suites. Purchased points at the Boardwalk that day.

My daughter is now 5 and has been to Disney 6 times. Her 7th is scheduled for the day after Christmas. Along with a separate room for her to fall asleep in, making breakfast in the room every morning is much better than feeling rushed to leave the room and get breakfast every morning.

It is now a much more joyful and relaxing vacation.
For my family, it was a deep love for Disney. We are going at least everyother year if not every year. We loved the thought of basically prepaying for our accomodations. Due to costs of the resorts we were staying at the Value resorts and it just made sense to buy and be able to stay at the more deluxe resorts. The flexiblity of it made it a good choice for us also. I like have the option to trade out if I want to (whether or not it is a good financial decision or not is irrelevant.) I don't have that locked in feel at all. I love the other 2 resorts too. DH and I are the type of people once our kids are grown we will still be at Disney. :goodvibes :cloud9:
Of course we have reflected. We reflected when we found that we were spending about $4,000 a year on going to WDW and could save about $2,000 by joining DVC and doing the same trips. A quick calculation showed us that we were getting a $350 room for about $70 over the life of the plan...now THAT is real savings. And we will use it!

We also reflected on the fact that we get the DDP and the DDE and discounts on the Annual passes and at Downtown Disney and ...... Well you get my point.
For us it was either a crime of passion or temporary insanity. I hope by 2054 to have the answer.


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