Have you ever seen a medium? WHo would you like to contact?

The living cannot commune with the dead, nor vice-versa. Any claim to do so is a shameful exploitation of the grief and loneliness some feel when a loved one has gone on.

My parents and I talked before they died. Nothing was left unsaid.

Once they were gone, communication was over. They aren't coming back to talk to me.
Been to a couple over the years, more for the entertainment value. I think I aggravate them because they say “tell me about yourself” and I always respond “I thought that’s what you were supposed to do”. ;)

That being said, there was one who knew things she would have had no way of knowing, seeing that she was a complete stranger with no connection to me whatsoever.

Never had 1 who asked me to tell them about myself before a reading. Nor have my friends reported that either. Of course I wouldn't believe anyone who operated that way.

Most of the readings my friends & I have had are like the bolded. Things that are specific to the person being read. What I have been told would mean nothing to my friend & vice versa. And yet I get told what has meaning only to me; she gets told what only has meaning to her. From total strangers.
just curious when you did this group reading, did this lady know the names of the people who were going to attend?

This was a couple of years ago , but I think the only name they had was the name of the person who ordered the tickets online, which was me and I didn't get read lol. There's no assigned seating or anything. I do recall that like @focusondisney said in addition to specific details about the deceased cousin, there was also other info that was pretty accurate that only the family would know or understand and could not be found on an online search or whatever. Not to mention this cousin died before the internet was even really a thing - he's been dead many years. I've been to psychics who were awful, but I was convinced that Maureen Hancock has some kind of ability, intuition, etc - whatever you want to call it, I was pretty blown away.
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As an aside and to piggy back on some things ppl have said about signs or whatever from loved ones.
My good friend's father had passed away. About a year later she was driving in her car with her young daughter. The song "Happy" was on the radio and this was when it was new. It hadn't been out when her father was alive. So, my friend said she was sad and thinking of her dad and that he would like the song if he was alive and just missing him. She said nothing outloud about thinking ant of this and was just driving. Then a minute later her daughter said "I think papa is singing this song to you." Gives me goose bumps to this day.
Never had 1 who asked me to tell them about myself before a reading. Nor have my friends reported that either. Of course I wouldn't believe anyone who operated that way.

Most of the readings my friends & I have had are like the bolded. Things that are specific to the person being read. What I have been told would mean nothing to my friend & vice versa. And yet I get told what has meaning only to me; she gets told what only has meaning to her. From total strangers.
Same here. I didn't give any information. He knew people's names, which I'm not sure how he would know. Like I said earlier this was before the internet.

My mother was with me and she received messages from her mother. He knew that my grandmother's name was Helen. He didn't ask any question or give a bunch of names until he got to Helen. I don't know how he did it.

The craziest thing was both times we went to see him he told my mother that my grandmother said that Margaret was with her and Margaret wanted to thank my mother. My mother didn't know anyone named Margaret and told him that he told my mother to ask around maybe it was someone she forgot about. She didn't give it much thought. Twenty years after my mother died the daughter she gave up for adoption found me and my siblings. Her adoptive mother died when she was 12, her name was Margaret. I'm sure it was just some crazy coincidence. But I don't know why he picked that name out of the air both times.
Yes, a few times. We do a department gathering every fall and we hire "someone". We have done 2 mediums, a palm reader, and this last year was a tarot card reader.

It's fun :)
Same here. I didn't give any information. He knew people's names, which I'm not sure how he would know. Like I said earlier this was before the internet.

My mother was with me and she received messages from her mother. He knew that my grandmother's name was Helen. He didn't ask any question or give a bunch of names until he got to Helen. I don't know how he did it.

The craziest thing was both times we went to see him he told my mother that my grandmother said that Margaret was with her and Margaret wanted to thank my mother. My mother didn't know anyone named Margaret and told him that he told my mother to ask around maybe it was someone she forgot about. She didn't give it much thought. Twenty years after my mother died the daughter she gave up for adoption found me and my siblings. Her adoptive mother died when she was 12, her name was Margaret. I'm sure it was just some crazy coincidence. But I don't know why he picked that name out of the air both times.

I am not going to believe every charlatan out there, but something like you are describing seems way too accurate and amazing to be a coincidence imo. Sometimes trying to find a valid reason or excuse sounds crazier than just believing maybe the person was tapped into something beyond explaination.
I am not going to believe every charlatan out there, but something like you are describing seems way too accurate and amazing to be a coincidence imo. Sometimes trying to find a valid reason or excuse sounds crazier than just believing maybe the person was tapped into something beyond explaination.
Look into the Forer Effect.
I had a friend who claimed to be a medium. Sure, fine, she was nice enough so whatever. So a few years ago we're at our annual MINI Cooper gathering where friends of ours from all over the country get together. A dear friend commited suicide a year earlier. Our medium friend met his widow for the first time. She knew nothing about this incident but she met her outside of an event where she had gone to cry. She said "Jay has a message for you". She related details that no one knew and totally convinced me that there is communication from beyond. There simply was no other explanation.
I had a friend who claimed to be a medium. Sure, fine, she was nice enough so whatever. So a few years ago we're at our annual MINI Cooper gathering where friends of ours from all over the country get together. A dear friend commited suicide a year earlier. Our medium friend met his widow for the first time. She knew nothing about this incident but she met her outside of an event where she had gone to cry. She said "Jay has a message for you". She related details that no one knew and totally convinced me that there is communication from beyond. There simply was no other explanation.
There is always an explanation. Always.
My friend dragged me along to a Theresa Caputo show. Does that count? I wasn't impressed. But if I could contact someone I'd probably just want to hear from my dad.

She seems pretty good on TV, I guess what you see on TV is a lot different than in person.
I never saw a medium but I had a weird experience when my childhood best friend Karen passed unexpectedly a couple yrs back. I found out that evening and was very shocked and saddened. Woke up in the very early morning hours around 3 or 4 and prayed to her to give me a sign. I finally dozed off and was awakened just a couple hours later at 7 am with my phone ringing (never get calls that early and rarely get calls at all) and I answered and the person immediately said, "Hi this is Karen". I felt chills from my head to my feet. Then they went on to say "From Empire flooring, we're delivering your floor today". So yes it was a wrong number but I will always feel that she did that to give me a sign.
Mediums are full of it. All of them. If people could communicate from the beyond, given the vast number of people who live on this planet, statistically, many more people would receive these communications, and it wouldn't be such a mystery. I feel the same way about ghosts. If they were real, there is no explanation for why WAY more people haven't seen one.

I tend to believe people who see ghosts are hallucinating.
She seems pretty good on TV, I guess what you see on TV is a lot different than in person.

Theresa does a lot of things for a charity I am involved with- we have an event coming up and as far as her knowing the names- we sold tickets and say someone bought 4 tickets- it gets put under Mary S. (no last name) so all four tickets are under marys name with no last name, she has no idea who is attending. We do small events - 50-200 people with her and I have seen her pull some things up for people that amaze me. I was always a sceptic but some things I have seen her do make me rethink it! As far as "exploiting peoples grief" I see it as just the opposite- she gives many people closure that need it, especially those with children who have passed (which we deal a lot with).
She seems pretty good on TV, I guess what you see on TV is a lot different than in person.
I've never seen her on tv. Seeing her live, she throws out a random thing - "Who has the hurt hand?" and all over the audience of hundreds of people, hands are raised. Then she throws out more details until she narrows it down and decides who she's going to focus on. If that person disagrees with anything she says she plays it off, cracks a joke, etc. I think anyone who's observant and a can talk a good game could pull off the show I saw. I didn't have any expectations when I went, but I felt bad that so many people spend $40+ to see her and she only spoke with a few, and was vague at that. Maybe she's better in small group. I do believe there are people with psychic abilities, and I've encountered a couple. But from what I experienced that night, Caputo is not one of them in my opinion.
Mediums are full of it. All of them. If people could communicate from the beyond, given the vast number of people who live on this planet, statistically, many more people would receive these communications, and it wouldn't be such a mystery. I feel the same way about ghosts. If they were real, there is no explanation for why WAY more people haven't seen one.

I tend to believe people who see ghosts are hallucinating.

No, I wasn’t hallucinating. My parents have a ghost at their house and my brother has seen her too. She likes to play tricks on my parents.

The best one was when she set all the alarm clocks and timers to go off at the same time. It wasn’t a power surge because some are battery operated.

There are other examples, but that’s one of the funnier ones.
If they are so good at predicting the future why aren't they winning the lotto or trading in the stock market.?
That's not their purpose.

They communicate the messages they get from spirit, which are often sort of dumb, every day little messages, whose purpose is simply to let people know they're still around and still able to "see" what's happening with loved ones, which is why they'll often verify what someone had for dinner last night, that they just bought a new car, or are about to take a trip, etc.

If people want to understand how the process works, read, "One Last Time" by John Edward.


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