Have you ever .....?

nicki dahling

CyndiAKADisneyqueen<br><font color=deeppink> I can
Jul 26, 2000
I'm curious . With the cost of Disney wedding renewals being so high . Has anyone ever just created there own ceremony in a quiet spot at there hotel ? I would love to have a wedding anniversary renewal at Disney . My dream is to stay at the Grand Floridian or the Beach Club Resort. That will already be and exspensive trip , and was wondering if Disney would have a problem with us going out on the beach with friends and my children and just saying our own little vows . My husband is a minister , but we also have several friends who are ministers who could perform the short ceremony . Would this cause havoc ?
Disney protects the exclusivity of Fairytale Weddings only on their property, so can break up your wedding or vow renewal if it comes to their attention - not something you'd want to have happen in the middle of your ceremony! The intimate add-on packages aren't expensive at all; they start at $2100 for an outdoor ceremony there, not including hotel and park admission, but including things like limousine, bouquet, cake, minister, musician, etc. In the big scheme of wedding pricing, that's a very good deal, especially for a setting as wonderful at WDW.
What I have heard about people doing is splurging on a nice room or suite with a view of the castle, and then getting a minister to perform the ceremony in their room on the balcony. That would be a perfectly legitimate way to have your vow renewal on Disney property, without going through FTW.
Heather P
I think that as long as you are allowed to be on the property where you want to have your ceremony, Disney can't break it up. You wouldn't be breaking any laws that I can think of.
Hi! Disney can indeed break up your wedding, if you are having it out in a public area (which is still their private property), such as a beach, etc. If you are in your own room or suite, though, they will not (not sure if they could or not?) interfere, as I've known people who did it in their suite and even had the wedding catered by the hotel's Private Dining. But yes, Disney can break it up if you are on their private property and if they notice you. I'm sure that if you did it in a regular dress, it wouldn't be an issue, b/c no one would remark upon it.
Heather P
I wish I could remember the name of the company, but there is a woman who does destination weddings and vow renewals and she has done some at Disney. Try looking at the website yourfairytale.com. You might find her services there. Or maybe search the web for destination weddings. It is a lot less expensive from what I understand.

Good Luck!
Monica & Jay
Heather P,
I'm not trying to start a debate :D but I don't see how Disney has the right to interrupt a ceremony, even if it is on their "private property."

If I am a resort guest, then I have a right to be on their property. If I wanted to sit on a bench and have a conversation with someone, Disney couldn't come over and "break it up." I don't see the difference with a ceremony. Disney could come over and ruin the ceremony, but I don't see how thay could stop it.
Well, how would you feel if someone came into your yard and tried to hold a ceremony there, without your permission? It's the same issue of private property; Disney has sold you the right to stay at their resorts, visit their theme parks/restaurants, and use recreational activities, but they did NOT sell you the right to hold a wedding ceremony on their property. They lose money every time someone tries to do this without going through FTW.
As far as limiting your activities on Disney property, they certainly do in other matters. If you take a backstage tour like Backstage Annimation at MGM, you aren't allowed to videotape what you see back there. Weddings aren't the only issue where Disney jealously guards its rights.
And no, I don't think at all that you're starting a debate! You and probably many others feel that it would be okay to hold a ceremony on Disney property without their permission, but saying that it should be allowed doesn't make it so, unless perhaps you take action and start a successful petition. I'm just letting you know the facts as they have been passed along to Disney brides by Disney's Fairytale Weddings department, and we have been given these reasons why Disney WILL interrupt and HAS interrupted wedding ceremonies on their property before.
I just would hate for someone to get into something without knowing the facts about this, and having their ceremony interrupted; it would be an extremely embarrassing and unpleasantly memorable experience which I'm sure they'd like to avoid! They may get lucky and have no one notice, but for someone like me who plans to the last detail, the risk of interruption and being escorted away is not worth it. I'd just do something that I know other brides HAVE done in the past, like rent a suite with a great view and get married on the balcony, if I were really opposed to going through Disney to get married there. (Though their intimate add-ons are $2100 inclusive of outdoor ceremony site, bouquet, limo, cake, champagne, etc. which is a GREAT deal actually!)
Heather P
I never asked this question to start problems or a debate . I really only wanted to know if me and my grown children could find a quiet spot on the beach where my husband and I could renew our vows after 20 years of marriage . I wouldn't be wearing a gown or anything , I just wanted to know if anyone else had had the experience. The only reason I even mentioned preachers was because my husband is a minister and we have a really good friend that is a minister that travels with us on vacations who could say a few words and a prayer over us. My question has been answered and I hope that this is the end of this conversation.
I remember reading a trip report where someone did exactly what you're asking and Disney did not interfer. I think they had a small renewal at EPCOT and then a reception back at the hotel.
Perhaps if you're wearing regular clothing, no one would notice... I would be nervous myself, but not everyone minds running the risk of interruption. Obviously if you wanted to do it with a wedding gown on, that would attract a lot more attention. I've seen how all the little girls run screaming to "Cinderella" when they get a glimpse of a bride!
Heather P


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