Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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So the headache continued another day and I also had pretty bad aches, a temp of 99.5 and a swollen lymph node in my armpit. All better now, except for the soreness in my arm and armpit.
....the same thing happened to my girfriend's cousin.
How is everyone's area doing on the teacher's front as several posters have recently mentioned teachers? Seems more and more schools are choosing to go back to in-person or add the older kids into in-person but I know the other side of the concern with teachers and getting vaccination opportunities for them.

The update I have from my county is that they are continuing on with this week's plan despite shipment delays due to weather for next week's doses..we'll see how that pans out because that could alter the plans.

The teacher update is that the county advises: "Progress includes vaccinating nearly 40 percent of our county’s educators and school staff." which I find impressive given how many there must be. What I don't have is how many wanted the vaccine. Have people seen in their areas roughly how many teachers want the vaccine and if they are eligible now or will be soon?
I'm in NH. Vaccination efforts are currently still in phase 1B (65 and older, those with 2 or more specific health conditions, and healthcare workers not vaccinated in 1a, which was the healthcare worker and nursing home phase). K-12 educators and childcare staff are in phase 2a, which they just announced they think with the increase in vaccine shipments, will start in late March.

My school district (I'm a SLP and was vaccinated as a healthcare worker) has been fully in person for k-8 and hybrid for 9-12, with a synchronous remote option for kids the entire school year and significant precautions in place. Most schools in my state have been in person in some capacity (full or hybrid) for most of the year. Our state trends have followed the national ones; transmission hasn't really occurred in the schools, it has come from homes. So, despite the NH NEA screaming pretty loudly, teachers remain in 2A.

The bulk of my immediate family is in 1B, and I'll tell you that with 300,000+ people trying to schedule appointments when we were getting, as a state, less than 17,000 doses a week, although I would love my educator colleagues to feel more confident going to work each day, I think if 100,000 more people had been added to phase 1b it would have been even more of a scheduling nightmare. Everyone in my family that was eligible is now scheduled but it was frustrating for a bit. I also fully understand the governor's focus on those who are most at risk of actually dying.
Our county in FL is still only looking to vaccinate 65+, healthcare workers with direct patient contact, and medically fragile (if no one else from the 1st 2 groups are gtg). It's going to be months before they move onto the age 50ish with semi decent health (or pretending of the health, as they avoid doctors as if they were the ones sharing the plague)...aka me....and it's going to be even longer for DS (who will 18 in Oct).

But the good news is that they finally have pre-registration up on the county website! No more finding a spot, trying to get registered while hoping someone else isn't typing faster to claim that spot....

I suppose, I could make a donation, or move to one of the more expensive exclusive areas in FL to get moved up on the list quicker.........
How is everyone's area doing on the teacher's front as several posters have recently mentioned teachers? Seems more and more schools are choosing to go back to in-person or add the older kids into in-person but I know the other side of the concern with teachers and getting vaccination opportunities for them.

The update I have from my county is that they are continuing on with this week's plan despite shipment delays due to weather for next week's doses..we'll see how that pans out because that could alter the plans.

The teacher update is that the county advises: "Progress includes vaccinating nearly 40 percent of our county’s educators and school staff." which I find impressive given how many there must be. What I don't have is how many wanted the vaccine. Have people seen in their areas roughly how many teachers want the vaccine and if they are eligible now or will be soon?
As of January 11, teachers in Michigan were eligible for the vaccine. The roll out has been slow in some counties, better in others. Below is some data I found from a local news source:

The online survey of MEA members found that 63.1%, of responding Michigan school employees are either vaccinated or are in the process of being vaccinated against the virus, according to a news release from MEA.
The remainder of the more than 22,500 educators who responded to the survey are still waiting their turn to get their first dose. About 90% of all educators want to receive the vaccine, the survey said.
My husband (a teacher in Ohio) got Pfizer dose #1 yesterday afternoon. He felt totally fine yesterday and has some arm soreness today ("hard to lift past my shoulder"). He had COVID last month and I was expecting him to have crazy side effects from his first injection because of that, but so far (about 20 hours later) he's just mentioned the arm soreness.

His district had one day scheduled for all school employees (so not just teachers, also bus drivers, cafeteria works, custodial, etc.) at a site about 20 minutes from his school, I think he said it's some sort of state education building. It was staffed by Giant Eagle pharmacists/pharmacy technicians. He said it was incredibly well-run, everything was one-way traffic and it was very efficient. They are planning to go back to "all in" with students in 2 weeks, so they won't have had both doses by then.

I'm wondering when daycare employees will be able to get their vaccines...
As of January 11, teachers in Michigan were eligible for the vaccine. The roll out has been slow in some counties, better in others. Below is some data I found from a local news source:

The online survey of MEA members found that 63.1%, of responding Michigan school employees are either vaccinated or are in the process of being vaccinated against the virus, according to a news release from MEA.
The remainder of the more than 22,500 educators who responded to the survey are still waiting their turn to get their first dose. About 90% of all educators want to receive the vaccine, the survey said.
That's a great number overall though!
Florida just announced that we will shortly begin to offer vaccinations to schoolteachers over 50 years of age. That may happen as early as next week because more vaccine is expected next week. After the schoolteachers, the next "special" group will be police officers and firefighters. We're also expanding local vaccinations in the Miami area to Navarro and CVS y mas pharmacies.

Prior to that -- this week -- we expanded vaccinations to people over 55 with certain underlying medical conditions. So we're getting there.
Just (well, actually, my husband) read an article about enlarged lymp nodes following vaccinations. I already knew that it's recommended that women due for mammograms delay them until 6 weeks post 2d dose due to the vaccine causing enlarged lymph nodes.
I had swelling and itching from COVID arm for over a week. It was approximately 3"x 5". I had no enlarged lymph nodes although I rescheduled the mammogram appointment I'd for three months.
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How is everyone's area doing on the teacher's front as several posters have recently mentioned teachers? Seems more and more schools are choosing to go back to in-person or add the older kids into in-person but I know the other side of the concern with teachers and getting vaccination opportunities for them.

I live in SE MIchigan. The county where I live has been vaccinating school staff since the end of January. The School Districts have all been working with our local Health Department to set up clinics. Everyone who wanted one has already had their first shot and they just started the second shots last week. I have an appointment for my second dose on March 5. The students in our district have been back on a Hybrid plan since mid January for elementary and first of February for secondary level. We all go back full face-to-face five days a week effective March 1. Some of the districts around us have already been going full time, face-to-face.
Just (well, actually, my husband) read an article about enlarged lymp nodes following vaccinations. I already knew that it's recommended that women due for mammograms delay them until 6 weeks post 2d dose due to the vaccine causing enlarged lymph nodes.

THe downside is many people have already delayed mammograms because of Covid so we are asking people not to cancel if they are already scheduled but to not schedule their future appointment until 6 wks after.
Just (well, actually, my husband) read an article about enlarged lymp nodes following vaccinations. I already knew that it's recommended that women due for mammograms delay them until 6 weeks post 2d dose due to the vaccine causing enlarged lymph nodes.
I didn't know this. I have an appointment tomorrow and I had my 2nd shot on the 12th. I looked for an article and it said to let them know about your vaccine when you go so I guess I'll just do that.
THe downside is many people have already delayed mammograms because of Covid so we are asking people not to cancel if they are already scheduled but to not schedule their future appointment until 6 wks after.
I am way overdue for a diagnostic exam. It took forever to get my last appointment I'm now rescheduled for the end of April. I will admit it makes me a little anxious.
NC gave teachers a bump in priority for 3 weeks, starting tomorrow. It has not been well organized in my district. It appears to be everyone scrambling and sharing links with news of limited supplies right now.

I'm scheduled for this Thursday, about an hour away. Kids came back to school last Monday after being remote following winter break. They had been in school since October. Our school has done a really good job with protocols but I will be happy to lessen the risk. Plus I'll be closer to being able to visiting my now vaccinated parents.
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