Have you had the H1N1 vaccine??


DIS Veteran
Jan 31, 2008
Just wondering who has taken it, any side effects, and how long the waits were...I hear they're a few hours here in Durham region.
DH had it the other day. He waited about l hour. No side effects.
Yes, got it yesterday. We got there an hour before it opened and were in the first ten people in line so we only had to wait til it opened (thta's the Disney 'get there before the parks open' mentality in me ;) )I guess the lines got longer and longer as the day progressed. People are panicking I think :( Dd has asthma she she qualified for the shot and they let me and ds get it, too, but they were turning people away if they didn't meet the criteria. Some public health units aren't turning anyone away, just asking only for priority patients, others are turning the general public away.

As far as side effects, the only thing is a sore arm. About 3 hours after the shot, all of us got sore arms and they're much more sore this morning. The nurse who gave us the injections warned us of that.
My kids and I got it 11 days ago. Other than a sore arm the first day, no side effects here.
Kids (4 and 17mths) and wife got it two days ago and everything is fine (as expected).. no sore arms or legs. I'll get it once the crowds dwindle. Line ups are horrendous!
My wife, son and I had our H1N1 flu shot Monday morning. We all experienced a sore arm that's it. We leave for Disney World tomorrow and I felt it was in our best interest to have the shot.
MikeyNS and I must have been in the same line up!

Did ours (5 of us) on Tuesday. No issues here ... other than the 6 hour wait and a few sore arms. The needle is tiny and doesn't hurt at all ....
We got them last night. It was a 3 hour wait!!! Some people have been waiting 6 hours, it was really poorly planned!
It does take 10-14 days to fully protect you, so I will not be fully covered for our trip, but some is better than none!

Just sore arms here too, small price to pay really!!!
In our area our health unit held clinics by appointment only, currently for high risk people only. I had mine yesterday. I was in and out in 1/2 hour. My sons and husband go tonight. I didn't feel the needle, but my arm is sore today. Not as sore as my arm was last week from the Tetnus shot.

How long before we are considered protected?
Kids (4 and 17mths) and wife got it two days ago and everything is fine (as expected).. no sore arms or legs. I'll get it once the crowds dwindle. Line ups are horrendous!

You might get it by then. I've already had it... it's taking ages to recover from the cough and fatigue. :sick:Put it this way, the vaccine wasn't available when I caught it and I'm still sick. Getting better now though. :dance3:
The supply in our area has been real limited. But we are to late my dd was tested positive this morning with it. It hit our local schools hard the past 2 weeks. They shut them down for several days the week before. During that week it my dd was out with pick eye in both eyes. So i thought maybe she would possibly miss getting it. Guess not!
I work in a hospital and just got mine. Less than 30 minutes start to finish.

My doctor's office is also providing them (limited supply though) so the rest of my family went there. No wait at all (still took longer than I did due to the drive to the office and back).

Had to be hospital staff to get it at the hospital, but no restrictions on getting it from our family doctor.
We are not eligible to get them until Nov. 9th, but will be going the day that we can! QC got them late for some reason and I have heard the lines for the very high priority has been bad and they ran out of that allotment already, but then again they said they would not turn people away so I am assuming some are just going when they should wait.
Got it today. They are giving out numbers in Ottawa and people are lining up in the morning to get a number for the afternoon. Healthcare workers get to go in without any wait, so I took my DD with me to get hers as well. Just said this afternoon that they expect Ottawa to run out of vaccine soon.
The only side effect is that I wanted bacon for supper.
NikP..... that is the best way to do it. I can't believe that they wouldn't have everyone make an appt. Today was the only day for over a week here that there is a clinic and it was lined up out the door and around the block. Also the line up was filled with 50 year olds....I mean seriously I have a son with an immune compromised disease and if I want him to have it we have to get in one of these 4 hour lineups filled with people who do not even qualify for the first dose. Uggg.
What are do you live in?
Got both the H1N1 and the seasonal flu vaccines today. Slightly sore arms tonight, but no worse than any other vaccine. I work in a hospital so I was in line for staff only. Still they had to limit it to "patient contact only" job descriptions when it became obvious that people were spending too much time in line and not enough time working! The rest of the staff will be able to line up by tomorrow afternoon.

DH's employer has booked an onsite clinic for their staff for next month. They are paying for the seasonal flu shots for the staff who don't qualify for it to be covered and it will be given out with the H1N1 shot. It probably costs quite a bit for the clinic to go to his office, but not as much as the employer will pay out in sick benefits if the whole plant gets one or another flu!:teacher:
I had both vaccines on Monday, however I work in the U.S. so no waits etc. No problems, regular vaccine gave me a sore arm. H1N1 was sore going in but no problems after. All well here. Just a tip...after you get either vaccine, give the site a good massage every hour for the rest of the day. It helps the vaccine absorb = less sore arm the next day!:woohoo:
We received ours Wednesday....waited 4 1/2 hours. Everyone except me had the "normal" side effects..little bit of a sore arm. Not me :sad2: ..within 15 minutes I started feeling achy in my neck, then I developed a headache, then fever..by that evening my arm was really sore. I took Tylenol for the the headache and fever. The next morning I could barely move my arm...it swelled like a baseball around the injection site..and is hard, red, hot and VERY sore. I can hardly lift it half way..let alone touch it. This morning my lymph nodes under the same armpit are very sore and swollen. Good news is I did go to my doctor yesterday and he said all these side affects can happen with any vaccine and should subside within 72 hours of receiving the vaccine. The headaches and fever were gone by yesterday afternoon..now it's just the arm..hopefully tomorrow will be better :goodvibes
My 4yr old just had some vomiting and diarrhea this morning.. pretty sure it's from the flu shot as flu-like symptoms are a possibility. He's had flu shots before. Poor little guy. Feels better now that his system is clear!


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