HELP!!! Beginner here.


WDW is my Shangrala...and I'm is bett
Jan 9, 2000
OK...I've got an area farly long and about 5 ft wide (I might break it up into smaller segments to deal with it properly)...

There are a few azaleas and some other green bushy thing (see I'm so smart) and the far ends have day problem is that the underneath part is weeds and grass...what is the easiest way to turn the ground from weeds and grass into dirt/mulch....I've tried just mulching on top in years past just gives me grass the next year....

Please can somebody give a beginner some ideas...I'd like it to start to look decent as my neighbor seems to be a flower/garden person....and I have no talent there....
Do you want to plant anything in place of the weeds/grass? If you just want to get rid of the weeds/grass and have it stay that way you should completely weed the area and then lay down a fresh lair of mulch. You can then put down a product called Preen. It will not allow seeds to germinate. I can't remember how long it lasts but it definitely works.
Hi Zurgsmom!!:wave:

If I understand you correctly, you already have a large garden bed that has basically been neglected. Things that are pretty are already growing there but also weeds and wayward grass.

hmmm.... You will need to do some "dirty" work, get down on your hands and knees and rip out all those weeds and grasses. It's not always easy and it is hard work but it is rewarding. Yeah right! I love pulling weeds! :rolleyes:

Another way that may work for ya, still a little labor-intense but a bit easier, is to put several layers of wet newspaper over the weedy/grassy areas and then pile the mulch on top of that. The wet newspaper smothers the bad plants and biodegrades helping to make a nice soil for next year. In the meantime, a thick layer of much on top of the papers keeps things looking nice and neat. Just make sure not to put the papers too close to the base of the nice plants.

Mary had a good suggestion too with the Preen. I started using that last year but I try not to use too much - chemicals!

I'm sure others will chime in to help too. Be sure to post your progress often -we love to hear other people's garden stories.

Oh, and be sure, if just for yourself and not us, take before pictures to compare with the beautiful after pictures you will surely have some time down the road!
Another way that may work for ya, still a little labor-intense but a bit easier, is to put several layers of wet newspaper over the weedy/grassy areas and then pile the mulch on top of that. The wet newspaper smothers the bad plants and biodegrades helping to make a nice soil for next year. In the meantime, a thick layer of much on top of the papers keeps things looking nice and neat. Just make sure not to put the papers too close to the base of the nice plants.

thanks for the tip! Great idea and I will put that one to use!

OK...I started today....the area is actually 75 ft by 12ft....I ordered 12yds of mulch...figured it should be enough and if I have extra I got other places to put it...

I took beginning pictures....I'll post them later tonight...

It was 90 degrees...yeah that's a good hate gardening and you decide to mulch in 90 degree heat...great thinking there...;)
I just wanted to give you encouragement, that's a huge area, and lots of mulch for you to put down! Looking forward to seeing the pictures!

Hi Zurgswife! :flower3:

I'll second what Bobbi said, that's a HUGE area!! Wow, I hope you have some helpers? Sometimes DHs are good with the tough grunt work. ;)

Don't worry..."green bushy things" are our favourites! ;) :)

Looking forward to your pics! :) are some before pics....


There are about 4 azeleas in this picture but you can barely see them...:):)

Well I spent another hour or so mulching this afternoon...95 degrees today...felt like 100....This heat thing sucks...

Well DH decided an area I hadn't figured on mulching should be we did part of that area today....It's looking good though...can't wait to post the finished pics...

Thanks for the advice..
I like your plants and that area, it looks really nice, green, and natural looking. I can also see the azaleas, we have a bunch of them here.
You mentioned that your neighbor was a flower/garden person, do you think that you could get his or her help in figuring out what to do since they will be able to tell you what you could do just by looking at it?
Good luck to your and your husband in your project-seems like alot to do, but I'm sure you will be happy with the results.
Actually, I love your "before" pictures too. It is nice and natural looking. However, I am quite certain that your "after" pictures will blow us away.
Originally posted by zurgswife
..........Well I spent another hour or so mulching this afternoon...95 degrees today...felt like 100....This heat thing sucks.....
Wanna bet that as soon as you finish, the weather breaks?!!::yes::
Wow! You've got a huge project. It's a Murphy's Law thing that the weather got good and hot once you decided to get started.
I agree with the others, love the natural look, but the mulch is going to look great! HUGE Job, but you will feel very accomplished when it's all done. thanks for the before pictures..looking forward to the after ones,.
Once you clear away the weeds and grass and may want to consider planting hostas around those bushes. They keep the soil crumbly and help prevent weeds.

Just a thought...
Thanks for the encouragement.

Got up at 6am today and mulched for 3 hours...getting close to finishiing....I agree the natural look is good but a walking path runs the entire length of our property so to everyone walking by I'm sure it just looks like an overgrown mess as I dont' really garden.

The hostas sounds interesting...I'll have to look into it...My son wants to add flowers don't know if I'm there yet but once I finish I'll take a look and reevaluate the area...
OK has of last evening at dinner I'm about 75% through....whew...just a little more to go....Dh has helped some...when he has been home...

But last night out of th blue he says...Your doing a really good job out there and it looks great...:sunny: :sunny:
Wow, you're making great progress!! :)

Good to hear that your DH is helping out, AND appreciates your efforts! ::yes:: :D
Yup I agree that it's nice to see that your DH is taking recognition of your hard work and appreciates it. I have to tell my husband what I did or ask him if he saw .... in growing in the garden.
Can't wait to see your after photos. This sudden heat we have been having has really been hard working. Take it in small increments and drink plenty of water.



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