Help me choose please?


Mar 27, 2002
Hi everyone, I'm going crazy trying to figure out a way and time to come back to WDW. Our last trip was this past June and I've got the fever ;) My problem is that I have a soon to be 10 yr old dd and I'm going to have to pull her out of school no matter what so when is the question. The two times we've been previously have been beautiful swimming weather and my dd loves to swim and go to the water parks. Of course, we've never been in the fall which I'm sure has alot to offer as well. I'm thinking of going during the teacher's convention week in October or the day after Thanksgiving in November. I realize that I'll either see Halloween decorations or Christmas so if you can please help me decide which month would be better for us I'd really appeciate it.

Looking forward to hearing some opinions :)

Can't wait to come back!!!
Alright here is my opinion.... I love chrtistmas and that is the olny time I go, so that should tell you something :p ! The weekend after thansgiving is usually pretty crowded but starting that monday after until around the 17th it is pretty quiet. Of course that depends on sooo many other factors but I promise we won't see summer crowds.

Now I have a question. What is Teacher's convention week? I am a teacher in Louisiana and I have never heard of that. Please fill me in

Hi DisLUV, I live in NJ and every early November (not October) they have a 2 day teacher's convention. This year it was the week of the election so the kids had a half day on the 5th and off the 7th & 8th so I could always hit those days and add them to the weekend and that's 4 days that I don't have to pull her out of school.

I've never been for Christmas and I think it would be really nice but of course that early in the game, they don't have the decorations out nor do they have any of the activities scheduled so that would be a bummer.
We have been going down the day after Thanksgiving (for a 9 day trip) the past few years, and will continue to do so. It is now our favorite time to go. You have all the festivities (MVMCP, Candlelight Processional) and decorations and, other than the weekend after Thanksgiving, the crowds are low. It works well for us as I get the day after Turkey Day as a holiday, so I can extend the trip without taking an extra vacation day.

We have also been in October and it was very nice. Crowds weren't bad. There wasn't much in the way of Halloween decorations, but we did do MNSSHP which was fun.

I think either time would be good for you, unless you are really into Christmas, in which case the decorations would make Nov/Dec the better choice.

You should consider the weather if swimming is important. On out trip this past post Thanksgiving we only had three days that were good for the pool (mid to upper 70's). Other than that it was the low to mid 60's and not good pool weather. The weather the past two years during that time hasn't been warm enough that I'd invest the money to go to a water park. Of course, you never know when you are going to get that 80 degree day in December. The late October trip we took two years ago was a little better for swimming, as the days got a little warmer. Of course, the nights got cool, and you never know when you are going to get that 60 degee day in October. The weather during October or Nov/Dec can be hit or miss, but you might have consistently better swimming weather in October.

Soooooo............I guess I'd say that if swimming is more important you might (just might) do better in October. If atmosphere and Christmas decorations/shows are more important (Candlelight Processional is the single best show in WDW - any time of year - IMHO) then after Thanksgiving it is.

Good luck deciding.
Unless you go to the MNSSHP at the MK, which by the way ended on Nov 1st this past year, then you won't see any Halloween decorations.

I would go right after Thanksgiving, or in the 1st 2 weeks of December... the Christmas decoration are beautiful, and it is like being in different parks and resorts, the transformation is so great. DD may still be able to swim (we did the 2nd week of Dec in 2000), but if not, there are so many other activities in which to participate. Don't miss the MVMCP, the Candlelight Processional, the Osbourne Lights, DTD, and all of the resorts. I believe there is was even a character meal with Goofy at AK that was Christmas themed this past December.

Whatever you decide, have a great time!


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