Help Me Convince My Wife


DIS Veteran
Oct 4, 2001
Just a quick question.
I have been doing WDW since they first opened. My folks took us every year for many years until we all started college. When I graduated and got a job, I went many years in a row with friends and/or family. But, since I was married 13 years ago, I have only gone with my wife and the kids four times. Every time we go, my wife has a blast. She'll keep saying while we're there that we have to come back really soon and this will last for a few weeks after we get home. But then it will fade. If I bring up doing another trip, I get the "but we went there on our vacation the last time"
How do you folks who go every year (and sometimes twice a year) convince your spouse? As I said, I know she loves it when we're there, it's just trying to get her to commit to go there again that's tough.
Sorry I can't help you on this - my family would never dream of going anywhere else :)

Hopefully someone else will give you some insight.

Good Luck!!
I have found that the better you are at love making, the more you get your way...

My husband has a "been there, done that" attitude about Disney---so we go without him. My mom has come with the kids and I on our last two trips, and I took the kids by myself on the trip before that. He doesn't have a problem with us going; he's just not interested himself. I'm hoping if I don't pressure him he'll decide on his own to come with us one of these times. :-)
I bargain!;)
For example, our upcoming Dec. trip was supposed to be our last for awhile, but I convinced DH that it would be more economical to buy annual passes and return within the year. This was in exchange for agreeing that he could buy a tool that he really wanted. I know he will love it, he did the last time, and sure I want to travel to other places but my first choice will always be WDW!
Good luck!
When trying to decide what to do for our vacation next year, we listed lots of places. The reason we chose disney is that it gives everyone something to do.

We can keep the kids happy with the parks and the pool at the resort (pool would be fine anywhere). Dinners can be quiet or a character dinner. Our biggest decision maker is that there is something to do at night after dinner. Where else can you go and keep the kids happy at night without being stuck in your room and also be kid appropriate. Everything is also in close proximity so we could spend a night at the boardwalk, seeing a dinner show, going to downtown disney, etc.

Even though we have taken vacations elsewhere and really enjoyed them we like the fact that everything is family friendly and we can all enjoy it together.

Our other choice was Hawaii but since we went to Italy this summer we have to wait another year so that we could save more for it.
I'm another one who leaves hubby at home. He's never been interested in going so I take my mother or other friends/family. This trip I'm taking Mom and 2 aunts with myself and DD (13) and DS (12). Hubby has agreed to go on an adults only trip for our wedding anniversary in the next year or so, so I'm sure he'll get bitten by the bug when he sees it for himself. If you were my husband, I'd be thanking my lucky stars......
I bought into the DVC this summer. Now when anyone asks me why I keep going to the same place over and over again I can tell them I have my room paid for and don't want to just waist it.

I agree with the others anyone that doesn't want to go can stay home. That just leaves more money for the rest of us to spend.
I don't know but if you ever figure out how to convince her, let me know because I have the same problem with my DH!

I have the same problem with my DH. He agrees to go every year and he has an OK time while he's there. But he'd be just as happy to go someplace else. Sometimes I get frustrated that he doesn't share my enthusiasm. I did convince him to join DVC though. I keep him happy by letting him go to the Tunica casinos a few times a year.
My DH doesn't particularly care for WDW but then he travels for a living and would just as soon stay home when he's on vacation. I'm just the opposite because I would travel a lot more than I already do if I could. I love going to WDW and to practically everywhere else too. :p

DH usually doesn't go and I take DS or go with a friend or something. I've also been known to strike out on my own but never to WDW so far. DH does go occasionally but just not every year.

Could you pull out some pictures of a prior trip and talk about all of the things you did? Maybe it would interest her again? If she does act interested, then you could ask her when she would like to return!
Disney is our *one* vacation every year. My dh gets 5 days off each year and we spend that week at Disney. We *could* go somewhere else, but WDW has yet to loose its magic. Also everytime we go we find something new to do or see or we experience something like we never have before. (Last trip I cried on Peter Pan's Flight watching my 3 yo's son's eyes light up as he recognized the characters and don't even ask what happened on the Pooh's Honey Pots!) Also from reading these boards and from reading my All Ear's e-zine, I find out something that I missed that I have to go back to see.

Do you have subscription to Disney Magazine? That gets us all excited. We pour through it looking at all the stuff we want to do. Our dream vacation (you know that one you do when you win Power Ball) is to do a week at Disneyland, at least 10 days at WDW, a week at Tokyo Disney and Disney Sea, and a week at EuroDisney then come home and go on a 2 week Disney cruise! LOL!! Yep, we would do a Disney package.

What if you convinced your wife to commit to 2 years of WDW vacations that are 11 months apart. Buy AP's for the family and plan taking 2 vacations "for the price of one" (well, kind of sort of) Prove to her how much fun it is and that there is so much to do that one doesn't *need* to go anywhere else. And I'll let you know when we get bored of going to the Happiest Place on Earth!

I agree with the DVC route. We bought into DVC four years ago and have been to the parks 8 times with #9 coming up this week. With DVC you can take vacations in places other than WDW if you like. We are taking a Disney cruise this week and last summer we went to Vero Beach for a couple of days before hitting WDW.
Hi Ksdave. Here's what you do....while your spouse is asleep, secretly sprinkle pixie dust over her. That should do the job.

We went to WDW eight times last year and we would never go anywhere else. Each trip is a different adventure. Last time, we stayed at the new Animal Kingdom Lodge and we thought we were on safari in Africa. We stayed up all night watching the cool animals right outside our balcony. It was awesome!! Each resort offers a new adventure. Tell your wife about the NEW Walt's 100th birthday celebration. Brand new parades and shows.

Good luck!

King Triton:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
WHen i had this problem I said okay and started planning a trip to CHicago from Dallas--
after seeing the cost was as much if not more than disney-- he said we would be better
off going to disney (more fun, more to do)

try that plan another trip and compare costs and things to do...
maybe it will help?
Originally posted by Pluto4President
I bought into the DVC :)

That's what we did as well, now we go back every year and stay at a gorgeous resort that we never would have been able to before. Even hubby who isn't as Disney as the Kids and me looks forward to our annual trip. I've even convinced him to take me there for our anniversary next year, just the two of us :-)
Thought of one more thing ~ do Disney around the world :-). You can have a lovely Parisian vacation and stop over at Disneyland Paris. Go to California and visit Disneyland, the original. Try Tokyo and visit Disney there, then you have Florida as well. With that way you can combine Disney with other things to see and do.
Thanks to all for your ideas.
I have been considering the DVC route, but I'm not sure if it's economically feasible right now with the money I am having to put away for the kids college (DD wants to go to Harvard, DS to M.I.T.).
For a while it was getting easier to get there because the company I work for had a new division in Orlando I was having to visit (as often as possible! :D ). But, unfortunately, the company closed the plant a couple of weeks ago :mad: .
My wife refuses to drive there (I tend to agree...its 1428 miles from my driveway to WDW). So, we can only fly. And from here, its always at least $1000 for the four of us; usually quite a bit more.
But I'll keep plugging away at her and see if I can convince her to invest in the DVC.
Thanks again!
Have you looked into airfares recently? I've seen southwest advertising $99 and under flights. Also, some of the train fares have been lower. Peter Greenberg says it's a great time to travel especially until late March. AND Disney isn't that crowded, except at holidays :-)

I still say try Disney Paris. Flights to Europe are super cheap right now :-)


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