Help Oct Vs Nov


Earning My Ears
Sep 10, 2001
Thinking about traveling Oct 23-29th or Nov 13th thru 19th....any comments or suggestions on which would be better and why??? Would be staying onsite..........

Have been twice before (Jersey week in 2000, & Thanksgiving week in 2002), would like to avoid both of those times. Looking at October because kids have two days off 28th & 29th.....looking at November for value season and in between Jersey week & Thanksgiving holiday.....HELP
I have to admit that I have never gone in October, I always chose November simply because the rates are lower. I just try to avoid Jersey Week and the Soap Weekend. The food and wine festival is always nice (tho I hear it's going to be expanded into October more this year).

We also have always had very good weather in November.
I think they are both great crowd and weather wise. I've actually been smack dab in the middle of those weeks you are looking at. I didn't find Jersey Week to be overly crowded. And you are looking beyond that timeframe anyhow. As far as onsite prices go, you'll get better deals in Nov.


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