Help - Was Scammed!

Actually the authorities have all closed their cases. Since it is across state lines we've been informed that there's nothing we can really do and the FBI isn't interested in our case until he's stolen 1.5 million.

I find this difficult to believe. If only one person files a criminal complaint against him in the state in which he resides, he's going to be investigated and potentially charged. Since 9/11, the FBI has little interest in financial crimes unless they are connected to the mob or reach an outrageous level.

A civil complaint at the federal courthouse by multiple parties from multiple states will likely end with a judgment in your favor. Once you have that judgment, you can then "discover" his assets, attach those assets by action of the local sheriff, and have those assets auctioned. It's not as gratifying as seeing him in prison orange, but you can recover some portion of your losses.
A civil complaint at the federal courthouse by multiple parties from multiple states will likely end with a judgment in your favor. Once you have that judgment, you can then "discover" his assets, attach those assets by action of the local sheriff, and have those assets auctioned. It's not as gratifying as seeing him in prison orange, but you can recover some portion of your losses.

Or, at the very least make his life difficult for a while.
I find this difficult to believe. If only one person files a criminal complaint against him in the state in which he resides, he's going to be investigated and potentially charged. Since 9/11, the FBI has little interest in financial crimes unless they are connected to the mob or reach an outrageous level.

A civil complaint at the federal courthouse by multiple parties from multiple states will likely end with a judgment in your favor. Once you have that judgment, you can then "discover" his assets, attach those assets by action of the local sheriff, and have those assets auctioned. It's not as gratifying as seeing him in prison orange, but you can recover some portion of your losses.

One person from his state has been trying to file against him but the police are making it hard. She went in person, they told her to fill out a form online, online there is no form etc.

Unfortunately he already has two default judgements against him and they are going after his assets. Since both are over a million dollars we've all been told it's pretty much pointless for us to even pursue.
Yup! I'm telling you, if this happened to me I would be like a dog on a bone and make his life miserable. Eventually I would move on, but it wouldn't be until I got my money's worth of satisfaction.

Which is why I'm glad that at least it got picked up in the news. I'm trying to get the others to go to theirs. If there's enough news interest then maybe something else will move too due to the public attention.

He did tell one of the renters that DVC has frozen his account due to everything. It could be a lie for all we know though but maybe Disney is actually listening.
Just read your blog that recounts the details. WOW!!! Congratulations to you for taking the time to research and then write out all you know. I will share this will everyone I can as you never know who knows some one that could step in to bring this man to justice.
I was scammed, along with about 20 other families, by a man on Facebook renting DVC Vacation Points.
I was glad to see today's DVC Fan YouTube video mentioned your story. I've followed this thread since you posted it so seeing the story gain traction somewhat feels like you've made a difference. I hope some resolution comes your way.
I was glad to see today's DVC Fan YouTube video mentioned your story. I've followed this thread since you posted it so seeing the story gain traction somewhat feels like you've made a difference. I hope some resolution comes your way.
I stopped a few from giving him money for their stays so that helps. I literally went through all the FB groups he was in and messaged every single person who liked or commented on any of his posts and anyone that posted an ISO during the times he was hitting people. Thankfully a few were still in talks with him and saw my message or blog and stopped communications.

He was also seen at Disneyland on Sunday and one guest did confront him and he skedaddled. While I don't condone doing that I am not sad to hear that he may not have had a carefree trip to Disney like he has in the past. So many people can no longer go due to not having the funds to make up what he took, it's awful he's still going.

Thanks for letting me know - I had no idea that You Tube picked it up.
He was also seen at Disneyland on Sunday and one guest did confront him and he skedaddled. While I don't condone doing that I am not sad to hear that he may not have had a carefree trip to Disney like he has in the past. So many people can no longer go due to not having the funds to make up what he took, it's awful he's still going.
While I also don't "condone" it, in my industry (construction), you can be very sure that someone would "confront" him if he ripped off tradesmen and suppliers (or the ultimate sin: stole a man's tools). If the authorities didn't or couldn't do anything about it, it would resolve in other ways.

Again, not suggesting frontier justice is a moral or legal alternative to our legal system, but sometimes a little Exodus 21:23–27 is the only way these things stop.
Thanks for letting me know - I had no idea that You Tube picked it up.
This site's (Disboards) owner also puts out YouTube content so occasionally topics from threads get mentioned on the show(s). They have several YT channels related to Disney - The Dis, The Dis Unplugged, DVC Fan, Moving to Orlando, DCL Fan and a few others.
This site's (Disboards) owner also puts out YouTube content so occasionally topics from threads get mentioned on the show(s). They have several YT channels related to Disney - The Dis, The Dis Unplugged, DVC Fan, Moving to Orlando, DCL Fan and a few others.
Hopefully their feature helps others avoid the pitfalls I found myself in!
Just adding another segment into this mess: I've been contacted by a few DVC owners that he was trying to get them to buy points from him to transfer for "dirt cheap" because he claimed he needed help getting rid of his points. I hope his name is mud now but be on the lookout for that new potential side hustle.
We have rented out thousands of our points and always use a broker. We like having that extra layer of protection - someone you can call if things go south. OP, consider using a broker next time. Sorry This happened to you.
when renting points out I had always used a broker but due to a cancelled Aulani trip, I found myself with 248 points that were to expire the end of September. The broker then told me that since they would expire in 6 months that they could only offer me 11 a point. I rented them out to two great families at $16 and $20 per point so the broker did not work for me but I made two families very happy
All of this just confirms to me that my previous feelings, that I am too anxiety-prone to risk renting from an individual that I don't know, are valid. :D

I have definitely come to a point in life where it's worth extra $$$ to me to just not have the stress.

I am super sorry you had to go through all this, OP. That's a fabulous blog! Well done.
I've had a lot of questions over the months so I thought I'd update - we ended up with just under 30 victims in total and he finally was arrested yesterday for all of his scams! He pled not guilty but it was a relief to finally see SOME justice! I never did get a refund and Disney only has one reservation for me so it was definitely a scam.
I seem to remember this happening before. I think the guy was named Dave or Dan. It happened a few years ago.
I've had a lot of questions over the months so I thought I'd update - we ended up with just under 30 victims in total and he finally was arrested yesterday for all of his scams! He pled not guilty but it was a relief to finally see SOME justice! I never did get a refund and Disney only has one reservation for me so it was definitely a scam.
That's great! Didn't he have like a pending case, something about scamming friends and/or family of more than $1mil?
Wow, that’s great news. I’m sorry that this happened to you and others. I was following DVC Facebook groups at the time to rent points, and was too scared to try after that.

I’m glad that he got arrested! Hope the charges stick and he makes restitution to the families he scammed.


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