I spent weeks lurking in here for my trip 9/17 - 9/20 and wanted to give my take on what I experienced because I found this thread so helpful in all my planning/managing my expectations.

I met my friend at MCO on 9/16. Her flight came in about 9:45pm and we stayed offsite that night. We stayed at the Wyndham Garden Lake Buena Vista (Disney Springs area). Because we only checked in at 11pm or so, there was no exploring of the hotel or anything. But it was a clean/comfortable room where we were able to get some sleep.

9/17 - We hit a grocery store (buying water and some snacks for the room) before arriving at Coronado Springs. We'd done online check-in prior to arriving, but we'd got in line for check-in anyway since we'd already planned to spend at least a little time to see if our room would be ready shortly after our arrival. We also wanted to check on the process for the rental car (side note: it's all tied to your band, they don't need anything else like license plate or anything like that). A cast member said she could check on the status of the room for us and reported back that it wasn't ready yet and that it could be a few hours (since it was only after 10 and check out wasn't until 11 and then the room would need to be cleaned). But she offered to see if there were any rooms ready, and we agreed. She came back saying there was a room on the 4th or 6th floor of GDT. Apparently we were supposed to get the 14th floor, but she said she could give us one of those rooms if we didn't want to wait. Ultimately, we're the kind of people that like to be settled in the room if we can before we head to the parks so we agreed to a room on the 6th floor. It wasn't our first time staying at Coronado but it was the first time for GDT. It was beautiful for sure and the view was fine. Sure we weren't as high up, but we still had a water view. Plus we don't spend much time in the room anyway.

Once we were settled, we were off to Epcot. We tried to scan our bands at the gate and had issues. They ended up sending us to Guest Services, so we had to wait in line for that for about a half hour. Not the start we wanted to our park day, but the cast member who assisted us was helpful and it seemed a super easy fix. After that, we got through no problems and went about our day.

A lot of comments I'd seen in this thread were that wait times were reasonable but the walkways often felt crowded, and I'd say that probably held true for the majority of the trip but especially Epcot. We did Soarin twice (our favorite). The first time the wait had been listed as 30 minutes and was more like 10, the second time was 15 minutes and it was truer to the actual wait. We did pretty much everything we wanted to at Epcot except for TT (not for lack of trying though). It kept going down because of weather. Once we actually made it into the line and just finished building our car when they made the announcement. We waited in line for about a half hour before bailing at about 3pm since we had a 3:40 at Via Napoli and didn't want to have to rush over to WS.

We stuck around for Epcot Forever which was nice. We watched it at the front of the WS near Future World and it wasn't terribly crowded.

9/18 - AK. We decided not to rope drop, so we got there about 9:30/10. We jumped on the Safari and then did FOP. It had been listed as a 50 minute wait and that was pretty much what it'd been. As off as the wait times at times, FOP always felt spot on. We caught the Festival of the Lion King show as well as the bird show. Both were enjoyable. Obviously Lion King suffered a bit of cuts due to COVID, but it was still enjoyable. The bird show - those guys were hilarious. So fun. We ate at Yak and Yeti (the QS place) for lunch and just lucked into Restaurantosaurus for dinner. We literally walked in like 5 minutes before they closed - not that we'd known that at the time. We did FOP again to end our night and the ride actually went down while we were on it. The ride started and we'd got 30 seconds into it before the screen froze and then the whole thing just shut down. They left us in the restraints and we ended up just sitting there for about 15 minutes before they managed to get it working again.

We hit Disney Springs after for a couple hours, and it was busy but didn't feel unmanageable. Not like the Emporium did on Monday (more on that later). As such, I got a good bit of shopping done which took the pressure off buying at the last minute which was so nice.

9/19 - HS. We got up at 6:55 and basically just kept refreshing in the app to try for a boarding group for RotR. Between the two of us, I got through and we got BG74. It estimated we'd get called about 1pm and we didn't get called until 2pm because the ride did go down a couple times in the morning. But we got to the park just before 9:30 and MFSR was 30 minutes and MMRR was already 45 minutes so we went to Galaxy's Edge and did MFSR first. We ended up as pilots, which was so fun. My friend though felt kinda nauseous afterwards and we had to sit for a few minutes to let her stomach settle. I had no problems though, and it was seriously so fun. After that we did MMRR which was still 45 minutes, and ugh being outside in that heat for that queue was not great. It felt super hot and humid. I loved the ride though. So cute and so fun. We did a combined mobile order meal for lunch where I got chicken tenders from Backlot and she got food from ABC Commissary (and I met her over there and we ate outside the restaurant as the Commissary gives you legit bowels/plates that the staff collects). Then we did Sci-Fi for dinner. All the wait times were super low after we were done (about 7pm) but we were way too full to even think about getting on a ride so we just did Muppets and then just hung out back there for a bit until we did some last minute shopping in GE before catching the Animation show.

9/20 - MK. After basically doing rope drop to close the day prior, we weren't ready for another all day in the park. So we only ended up getting into MK around 11/11:30. Seven Dwarfs stayed around 60 minutes pretty much all day and in the end, we ended up not riding it but we were okay with that because we'd been before. We hit Splash, Small World, BTMR, Pirates, HM, Buzz, COP all before our 5:40 res at Be Our Guest. This was our first time doing dinner since they'd made the change to prix fixe. We enjoyed the meal. Our waitress was a bit slow at first about greeting us and then getting us our waters/bread but things seemed to move better after that. We didn't get out of there until about 90 minutes later or so. The Beast walks around and waves/bows at people/tables. The food was very good, and we were both so full. My birthday was the 12th so I wore a birthday button each day of our trip, and when they brought the desserts out, they also gave me a plate of the grey stuff that was shaped like Mickey ears as well as a card of the castle with the Beasts' signature on the back. So that was pretty cool.

After we left the restaurant and walked out into the hub, we were surprised at the number of people that were already assembled for HEA. It was only going on 7:30 and the show was at 8:15. We did find a spot in the grass in front of Casey's (thanks to this board for the tip!). Though, like someone else had mentioned, there had a spot roped off that was reserved and then they were filming something. No idea what, but we sat there and kinda watched them while we waited which was kinda fun. HEA was great and while the particular spot we were in wasn't like packed in with people, it was truly at that moment I realized what a huge crowd we were in for fireworks. It didn't give me anxiety per se (my friend and I never really masked outside the whole trip) but it was surreal given 18 months of purposely avoiding people. It just felt weird being around that many people again, but it didn't damper my enjoyment of it.

Afterwards, we sat for about a half hour or so before we decided to hit the Emporium on our way out. And in there is where I felt real anxiety about the crowds, lol. It was wall to wall people. You couldn't turn around without running into someone. And I didn't realize it at the time, but that was the day they'd dropped the 50th merch so I think it being the first day of that added to the craziness. It was absolutely insanity in there and I was relieved to be outside when we were done lol.

All in all, it was a great trip! I've gone in September before and this definitely felt hotter than normal. It felt more like the August trip we'd done back in 2018. This was my first trip taking my own refillable water bottle into the parks and I have to say, I didn't hate it at all (and I have a huge bottle). It was a 32oz bottle from Simple Modern, and I'd ended up finding a cute paracord strap that let me sling it over my shoulder. It wasn't as much of a pain carrying it around as I thought it might be, and the staff at each TS restaurant was quick to offer to fill it before we headed back out into the park which was so nice. I drink a lot of water and I know I saved a fortune that way rather than buying bottled water all day long.

Crowds weren't quite as light as they'd been weeks ago, but like I said, we'd hit everything we wanted. My feet had some seriously terrible blisters this time around, which made the 20,000 or so steps we did each day hard but it was still such a blast! I loved being able to see some of the shows before they're retired, but at the same token, I'm kind of bummed I'll be missing the new shows that will be debuting once the 50th starts. Though, it's just a reason for me to go back I guess. ;)
Oh and I agree that the cast members were in perfect form. I had some great interactions with them. Wish the same could be said for some other guests...

There were two times in particular that kind of irked me. 1) Our second ride on MMRR we were seated with two men who had gotten on first. I think at first they'd thought they would have it to themselves and spread their legs out, but even once we got on with them, they still kept their legs spread. My leg was pressed against the side of the safety bar and my friend was pressed into my other side. I could have seriously done without the man-spreading. It felt super inconsiderate. 2) For Philharmagic, the cast member was telling everyone to move to the end of the row before sitting. The family we followed in sat down right in the middle forcing us to squeeze past them because they refused to budge even in spite of the announcement, and there were like 6-8 of them.

I know you have people like that everywhere and they were isolated incidents so it didn't ruin my trip, but I don't remember encountering anything like that on previous trips. I guess I just lucked out before? But yeah, it was a bit annoying when it did happen.
And I didn't realize it at the time, but that was the day they'd dropped the 50th merch so I think it being the first day of that added to the craziness. It was absolutely insanity in there and I was relieved to be outside when we were done lol.

They actually dropped some 50th merch weeks ago but I guess it sold out quickly. We asked CM's about it while we were there and were told that they'd sold it all. I figured they had more and were just waiting until closer to the 50th which makes sense. Sorry you got caught up in that mess and I hope you stay healthy! For me, it took about 5 days after when I believe I was exposed for me to develop symptoms.
A friend was in the MK yesterday (Sep 21st) and purchased 50th Anniversary ears for us. There are 3 different celebration ears and all were in stock.

I didn’t get the impression from them that the other anniversary items were sold out but if they were, it wasn’t mentioned.
A friend was in the MK yesterday (Sep 21st) and purchased 50th Anniversary ears for us. There are 3 different celebration ears and all were in stock.

I didn’t get the impression from them that the other anniversary items were sold out but if they were, it wasn’t mentioned.

They were sold out when we were there but our trip was the 8-16th and I can't remember the date I checked and asked.
They rolled out a small selection of anniversary stuff awhile back (mid-August?) and it sold out within days. I was able to snag a t-shirt and every trip since that I've worn it, I get stopped multiple times by people looking for it :(

There has been literally nothing anniversary related in weeks so this was the "big drop" of new merchandise (and maybe they restocked some of the previous drop?).

I will never understand why Disney doesn't anticipate things being in such huge demand and have the supply ready...
They rolled out a small selection of anniversary stuff awhile back (mid-August?) and it sold out within days. I was able to snag a t-shirt and every trip since that I've worn it, I get stopped multiple times by people looking for it :(

There has been literally nothing anniversary related in weeks so this was the "big drop" of new merchandise (and maybe they restocked some of the previous drop?).

I will never understand why Disney doesn't anticipate things being in such huge demand and have the supply ready...

Yeah, I only even knew about that first drop because I watch a few Disney vloggers who like to shop and covered it. Otherwise I wouldn't have even known to ask about it. The CM's told me they had a few items left close to when I asked, but the area they took me over to check in had nothing so they said they must have sold the last of it. Glad they've restocked and also added new items it sounds like. I don't think I'll be back during the actual 50th celebration at all so I'll just watch the coverage on vlogs.
Yeah, I only even knew about that first drop because I watch a few Disney vloggers who like to shop and covered it. Otherwise I wouldn't have even known to ask about it. The CM's told me they had a few items left close to when I asked, but the area they took me over to check in had nothing so they said they must have sold the last of it. Glad they've restocked and also added new items it sounds like. Not sure that I'll be back during the actual 50th celebration at all so I'll just watch the coverage on vlogs.

Yes! We go often so we rarely/never stop into the stores unless we need some air conditioning so I only knew by seeing it on Instagram that day! I was thrilled to be able to snag something and I sure hope they keep up supply a bit better moving forward. There are a few things that dropped this week that I'd love to grab.
Oh and I agree that the cast members were in perfect form. I had some great interactions with them. Wish the same could be said for some other guests...

There were two times in particular that kind of irked me. 1) Our second ride on MMRR we were seated with two men who had gotten on first. I think at first they'd thought they would have it to themselves and spread their legs out, but even once we got on with them, they still kept their legs spread. My leg was pressed against the side of the safety bar and my friend was pressed into my other side. I could have seriously done without the man-spreading. It felt super inconsiderate. 2) For Philharmagic, the cast member was telling everyone to move to the end of the row before sitting. The family we followed in sat down right in the middle forcing us to squeeze past them because they refused to budge even in spite of the announcement, and there were like 6-8 of them.

I know you have people like that everywhere and they were isolated incidents so it didn't ruin my trip, but I don't remember encountering anything like that on previous trips. I guess I just lucked out before? But yeah, it was a bit annoying when it did happen.

I refer to it as entitlement and I think it is a plague in this country especially.
Totally agree! DD21 wanted Loki ears, couldn't find them anywhere in August. Then there was Frozen that they didn't expect to be a hit...so merch sold out quickly. You'd think they'd learn...

They never seem to learn, it's kind of amazing. Like with the opening of Space 220 for walk-ups only the first week. No virtual queue was setup until after the crazy hours long lines formed that first day.
Not excusing Disney not being prepared but also blame the resellers who clear the shelves Day 1.

Unannounced merch drops later makes it more fair for guests in the park.

I wish Disney would put purchase caps on items they know are going to be popular. There’s no surprise that 50th Anniversary merch would be in high demand so those items should have been capped at a reasonable number from the beginning. Lol, our Costco did it with TP and Lysol wipes, I’m sure Disney could too.
Not excusing Disney not being prepared but also blame the resellers who clear the shelves Day 1.

Unannounced merch drops later makes it more fair for guests in the park.

I wish Disney would put purchase caps on items they know are going to be popular. There’s no surprise that 50th Anniversary merch would be in high demand so those items should have been capped at a reasonable number from the beginning. Lol, our Costco did it with TP and Lysol wipes, I’m sure Disney could too.

It sounds like maybe you haven't been in awhile? They've put limits of 2 of each item per guest in place and it seems to be helping. This was in place during the first 50th merch drop based on vlogs I watched and we noticed the signs about it in all the shops while we were there. I agree that it was super frustrating to see the ebay sellers clear everything out before everyone else got a chance to buy anything. I guess this is one area that Disney finally did learn to deal with better.

ETA: https://blogmickey.com/2021/08/disn...sing-limits-for-50th-anniversary-merchandise/ (This article is from the first merch drop on Aug 12th. The limits apply to everything in the shops now other than food items and ponchos from what I've seen and read).
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They rolled out a small selection of anniversary stuff awhile back (mid-August?) and it sold out within days. I was able to snag a t-shirt and every trip since that I've worn it, I get stopped multiple times by people looking for it :(

There has been literally nothing anniversary related in weeks so this was the "big drop" of new merchandise (and maybe they restocked some of the previous drop?).

I will never understand why Disney doesn't anticipate things being in such huge demand and have the supply ready...

Not sure if they restocked any of the previous collection or not, but I'd been searching high and low all trip for that spirit jersey from the last drop and couldn't find it anywhere. In the end, I just grabbed a pin to commemorate it lol
I will never understand why Disney doesn't anticipate things being in such huge demand and have the supply ready...

This just made me remember an observation I made throughout our trip. We noticed a lot of the gift shops, especially in AK, were looking very sparse with a lot of bare floor space visible where merch displays would normally be. Mentioned it to a CM at checkout in the Pandora gift shop and she confirmed that they are all dealing with supply issues due to the pandemic.
It sounds like maybe you haven't been in awhile? They've put limits of 2 of each item per guest in place and it seems to be helping. This was in place during the first 50th merch drop based on vlogs I watched and we noticed the signs about it in all the shops while we were there. I agree that it was super frustrating to see the ebay sellers clear everything out before everyone else got a chance to buy anything. I guess this is one area that Disney finally did learn to deal with better.

ETA: https://blogmickey.com/2021/08/disn...sing-limits-for-50th-anniversary-merchandise/ (This article is from the first merch drop on Aug 12th. The limits apply to everything in the shops now other than food items and ponchos from what I've seen and read).
Thanks. I was only going from a video and article I read of 2 women with arm loads and a stroller full of 50th Anniversary merch, much of it the same article. I guess this was an anomaly. Glad to hear caps are in place. Thanks for letting me know! That’s great to hear!
Thanks. I was only going from a video and article I read of 2 women with arm loads and a stroller full of 50th Anniversary merch, much of it the same article. I guess this was an anomaly. Glad to hear caps are in place. Thanks for letting me know! That’s great to hear!

Of note on this: it's 2 per SKU which means that some people will buy 2 of every single size, folks shop together and then separate at the checkout, and like all things at Disney, the Cast Member has to enforce the limit.... BUT it's at least better than the "Limit 10 per guest".

Also there ARE supply chain issues. Just read an article this week about how many container ships are backed up in Long Beach and LA ports which doesn't help:

Of note on this: it's 2 per SKU which means that some people will buy 2 of every single size, folks shop together and then separate at the checkout, and like all things at Disney, the Cast Member has to enforce the limit.... BUT it's at least better than the "Limit 10 per guest".

Some people will always find a way to stretch the rules and ruin things for others. Sigh.


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